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What I learned my first month playing neverwinter.

myforumnameistoomyforumnameistoo Member Posts: 4 Arc User
edited January 2014 in The Moonstone Mask (PC)
I have learned many things in my short time here due to a fanatic amount of research and via experience playing different aspects of the game. I would like to relay some of this information in a concise manner to new players as I found other starter guides lacking in depth.

Perspective is important and in all video games I have played I seek to reach the high end of gear and skill with efficiency and speed. This is not important to everyone but I should make it known that my priorities and yours may be different and thus my perspective may not be as helpful for your own goals. This game has many facets beyond end game pve and while that is my pursuit I acknowledge that other's purpose may not match my own. If you are new to the game and wish to learn more about end game pve, and the road there read on.
Wealth and Currency
Character Development

Wealth and Currencies

In this game almost every in game item is Bind on Equip giving more value to wealth in the game than you see in MMO's like WoW. There are a ton of currencies found in the game, and while most are tied to a specific faction/region others are more global.

Diamonds- Diamonds are the exchange medium used on the auction house and by many NPC vendors. Diamonds must be refined from rough astral diamonds before they can be used and there is a cap of 24000 that can be refined each day. All diamonds in the game (except for a long ago patched auction house exploit) come from refining rough astral diamonds. You can only get more than 24,000 per day via trading on the auction house or zen exchange.

Zen- Currency is acquired either through paying cryptic real money or trading with other players via the astral diamond exchange. Very few things actually REQUIRE zen as most in game items are found on the auction house. The exceptions being character slots, active companion slots and account wide mounts. Granted the items found in the auction house originate from the zen shop, almost everything is commonly found in the auction house for diamonds.

Seals- There are seals for each tier of gear starting at level 16. At end game unicorn and drake are the only seals you will care about, and even then the gear rewarded for the seals is started gear and is quickly replaced in dungeons. Mostly this gear is used as salvage ( a mechanic that allows you to turn epics into rough astral diamonds)

Bounty- Each zone has a bounty item that drops randomly from mobs in that zone, they can be exhanged in that zone for different items but generally speaking considering the speed of leveling are worthless. In the two daily zones that open at 60 the bounty can be exchanged for a currency of that module or some vendor trash. Basically these are helpful to get you to the end of the campaigns faster but not worth farming for most people.

Gold- Gold silver and copper are acquired via drops from any mob in the game (mobs only drop copper) and from vendoring items. Gold is used for very few in game consumable items, namely kits and potions. Some people will trade for gold as these items are used frequently, but in general at 60 you should make enough money from vendoring blues (greens are not worth the identify scroll) to keep as many potions and kits as you could ever need. The only other things purchased with gold are leveling equipment and your first mount. Gold is also used when buying certain items from the campaign. However my previous statement still applies in that I have found more than enough blue items to vendor to keep more than enough gold to complete the campaigns and purchase kits/potions.

Astral Diamonds are the most liquid of all currencies and are used across the game for many things, that being said zen is also a viable storage method for wealth. There is risk in holding either as the value fluctuates between diamonds and zen, but both are currencies that really describe wealth.

Enchants are found throughout the game and are items that you socket into your equipment to give you additional stats. Enchants are not bound even upon use and can be traded. Enchants increase your gear score and are essentially the mark of your characters power as the enchants themselves become increasing expensive as you level them. The process of leveling enchants is called refinement, and each enchant grows more powerful until it reaches it maximum level (general enchants have 10 ranks while most weapon and armor enchants have 1-4 ranks). There are multiple types of enchants, which I will not go into great detail over each enchant but rather the uses of the different types.

General enchants- There are 4 types of general enchants that can be socketed into armor. These grant a different bonus depending on the socket (there are 3 types of socket for general enchants, utility offense and defence). These enchants have 10 ranks. As you get to level 60 most of your enchants should be level 5 and need to be epic (level 7) as soon as possible.

Weapon enchants- There are several weapon enchants available, and which one you should use depends on class and spec. These enchants fit into your weapons purple socket (only certain weapons have this socket, but all epic weapons have a weapon enchant slot).

Armor enchants- same as weapon enchants except fit into a special socket on certain chest armor.

Runestones- Runestones go into slots on your companions. Runestones have ranks like general enchants but apply different bonus's to your companion. Generally you only need to have runestone for your summon pets, but some playstyles change out companions.

Every enchant can be removed from gear for a cost in gold (2.5 gold for max rank enchants) but only need to be removed if you are going to replace the enchant or replace the armor and wish to move the enchant to the new piece. Enchants can be refined (leveled up) while still inside of the armor.

Enchants are the most expensive, time and wealth investment wise, component of this game. While there is a ton of detail I have left out about enchanting refinement and related information, there are complete guides on the subject which go into more detail and provide more accurate information than is the scope of this guide.
Character Development

Your character's choice of powers feats boons and paragon paths determine the types of encounters you will use and to a degree the playstyle of your character. I advise that you find a current (something published after module 2 was released) otherwise you risk getting outdated and flat out wrong advice about what feats and powers are effective end game. While I may be qualified to give advice to new control wizards I am not going to pretend I know a thing about clerics or guardian fighters. Some Paragon paths are just plain out bad compared to alternatives or at the very least less effective due to bugs or other realities of game mechanics. As an example wizards should (at the time of writing) choose spellstorm as its passive class abilities is mega awesome OP, where as the Master of Flame mechanic (smoulder) is bugged and does less damage than intended putting it even further behind spellstorm.

Your feats can be replaced at max level for 52k diamonds, while your paragon path and power choices require a token available in the zen shop. While you can essentially trade diamonds for zen in order to respec it is advisable to simply take the time to see which powers you will be using at max rank (wizards power selection is quite simple, with very few alternatives) however choosing the wrong paragon path or feat selection should not make your character unplayable, there is little reason behind playing inferior playstyles simply because you were uninformed.

Boons are granted for completing the campaigns. While I could write an entire guide on how to complete the campaigns I will leave that for some other community contributor. Boons are essentially bonus stats that are very similar to feat choices. When you open the campaign window you can see the boons and what the requirements are to unlock them. It takes about a month to unlock all of the boons, simply because of how the daily system works. boons also contribute to your gear score, so they in essence are not optional for end game content.

I have picked a handful of topics I have not found in other places to discuss breifly, simply because it is valuable information.

Professions- Professions are either an avenue for wealth or minor increases in power. Essentially the crafting proffesions can improve or create equipment (some of which is viable end game). Leaderships diamond income is rather limited but as it costs no real wealth to do is a viable option once you have upgraded or created the end game equipment from your class specific set. While you can rush professions the benefit gained from doing so is relatively small for the cost. Unless you have all best in slot enchants your wealth is better invested in enchants rather than professions. This does not mean ignore them, it simply means don't spend diamonds power leveling such a relatively small stat boost. All professions can make you money, but it is a rather long way to the top and should be done in stride. For those familiar with world of warcraft, they do not compare. spend time gathering and leveling your professions during down time or when you are about to log off.

Prayer- Although I believe this is adequately detailed in game, there are two types of currencies granted ONCE per day via prayer. Prayer beyond once per day simply yields a small about of diamonds and a buff (also can grant experience while leveling). I have 4 characters that I pray on every day for one simple reason. 7 celestial coins buys a coffer of wondrous augmentation. These coffers *can* contain a coalescent ward (essential required to make weapon and armor enchants) and these coalescent wards are quite expensive at around 150k astral diamonds. Generally speaking this is the only reason I even bother with praying at all.

Lockboxes- Epic lockboxes start dropping at level 10 and if opened give you a chance at phat lewt. Seriously this is a money sink and a gamble with worse odds than the lotto. Sure people get epics all the time, but if you really really want a rust monster just save your money and buy one on the auction house. You do get trade bars (a currency I did not mention) as a consolation prize, but in general these boxes are not worth the cost to open. Some people will argue endlessly about the money making potential of these boxes. They are also using the same mentality of someone who believes playing the lotto is a retirement plan. In my opinion the people playing the lotto have a better position.

Acronyms- There are enough acronyms in this game to make the federal government jealous. cw gf gwf dc tr hr describe the classes ( you should be able to figure that out on your own). However a few of the instances make little sense but if you want to know what people are talking about simply open your queue menu (in game shortcut key "k") and look through the dungeons/skirmishes. The only two that cannot be found there as soon as you hit 60 are Valindras tower VT and malabog's castle MC. These two are end game content unlocked via the campaign and offer some of the best gear and items in the game.

Events- Events are found next to your minimap and on the bottom of your home screen (L) and give bonus's or unlock content that is not always available. Dungeon Delves or DD are very popular times for grouping because of a bonus chest with guaranteed epic loot for yourself. While leveling keep an eye out for foundry events as they give a significant experience bonus. Gauntlgrym or GG is only available during the event and as you get a daily for GG to earn some extra diamonds you should keep an eye out for it as well.

While there are a ton of tips for new players, the best thing you can have when new to the game is knowledge of what you want to do. I hope that I have provided some useful information for new players.
Post edited by myforumnameistoo on


  • glaknarglaknar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 45
    edited January 2014
    Nice write up.
  • myforumnameistoomyforumnameistoo Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Id like some feedback if anyone thinks this collection could be improved or expanded upon let me know. what I would really like to accomplish with this thread is a resource that helps new players quickly learn the basics that will help them reach end game.

    I dont need to re create threads on wealth generation or character build guides, but for example the build guides that exist are all over the place. maybe the forum could have a section specifically for guides, and sub forums for class guides versus general guides. I would be happy to create some links, but those are all over the place. honestly the whole forum feels like a hodge podge collection and the wiki is horribly incomplete. I don't really wish to complain because I am not putting in the effort to make the wiki better, but the information is rather difficult to find (ofc some jerk is going to post GOOGLE IT) but lots of the resources are out of date. I cant even find a decent feat calculator as an example.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I cant even find a decent feat calculator as an example.

    Nothing wrong with nwcalc.com, other than maybe a couple of outdated tooltips, but the author is actively maintaining it.
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