I noticed that Blink Dog's active bonus is good for dps, but also noticed that
in the dialogue with leprechaun about the chest (which drops Blink Dog) mentions that the chest belongs to the evil boss (in this case, Celadaine). That means Blink Dog might be associated or owned by Celadaine.
Not that I think Blink Dog itself is evil. I just feel uneasy to use a companion which might be an evil boss's property/belonging.
I tried to come up with a reasonable interpretation that Blink Dog is not necessarily associated with Celadaine, but still couldn't think of one.
What's your role-playing view on this matter? Do you think that Blink Dog drops from Celadaine's chest means it was once belonged to Celadaine?
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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Up until the day you kill him, he still firmly believes he is protecting his realm. Its the very last thing he even says.
So without even trying to rescue, save, or redeem him. You break into his home and assassinate him. Doesnt seem real just.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
And it's sad that Celedaine didn't have a strong psyche to resist/tell fomorian witch's magic. If the quest let us know what had happened in detail and offers alternative options to rescue Celedaine, I surely would do so. But since Celedaine couldn't be rescued anymore and kept harming the innocent, we had no choice but to end his life.
I would have been cool if there was a mini-boss before Celadaine, which was a Fomorian Witch who attemted to use the same enchantment to trick you, and the redcaps appeared as the elves you were working with, for a short period of time...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Except yours, Ian. You stole him, stole him! Sure, you destroyed an evil being. But instead of turning over his assets to the Elven authorities, you kept it for yourself. And because of that heinous act, he's turned Chaotic Evil!
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Neverwinter Nights had a great Lawful/Chaotic/Good/Evil system set up throughout their games. In 4th Edition D&D, they simplified it, but it was still present. A shame NW did not implement it, but so it goes.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
And the Blink Dog doesn't seem to necessarily belong to any authorities, either, as far as I can see. Still, if there is an option for returning it to its owner (if it has one), I'm willing to do so.
I freed this guy... and he keeps following me around - even answers to the name I gave him, (cuz I didn't know what else to call him). He seems fairly useful, and even attacks my enemies. I might as well keep him around, then...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
I'm the rightful owner. You can give it to me.
On a totally unrelated note, anybody want to buy a Blink Dog?
It's an animal. It follows master's orders. It bears no responsibility for its predatory instincts.
So yeah
It's a good thing you found it though, cause I'm still doing Celadaine DAILY since I opened that gate, and I have yet to see it once. Luckily a guildie saw my plight and gifted me one
In order to be allowed into Lord Neverember's enclave, you must declare which deity you worship. As a sly and clever adherent to an evil deity, you misinform the registrar, and give him the name of some sappy deity that you could care less about, in order to gain entrance.
Those Neverwinter fools will never know the truth!!! Mua ha ha ha ha ha!!!
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
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Except it is not your average dog, and is intelligent.
. . . . . Indeed, Dardove. Blink Dogs have an intelligence score in PnP D&D and also have (pre-4th) an alignment. Even in 4th edition, they can have an alignment should the DM desire, as alignment still exists in 4th Edition. It's called "Personalities & Alignments."
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I find it strange that this should be considered an rp obstacle when, if you talk to someone else with a blink dog you find that they also claim to have defeated Celadaine and released his dog and offered it companionship or that you can get his dog more than once (I think)
This game only limits roleplaying if you need those roleplaying apects put on a plate for you.
My DC not only doesn't trust Lord Neverember but (privately) she holds him in contempt. He has darker plans and bides his time but she has to go on with his game to discover the 'truth'. Luckily every time she tells him so no-one else hears and the fact that he doesn't rise up against her just fuels her suspicions. He's a wrong-un.
One day she'll say "I told you so!"
... oh, for anyone else who doesn't know, welcome to the world of iamwizard. He has a very... interesting, view on how roleplay happens. I've seen a few of his threads that are amusing at his determination of how to deal with the world. For some reason, his take is that the roleplay has to fit the world, instead of shaping the world to fit the roleplay. In the end, to each their own.
Now where all these other people have gotten theirs from baffles her in mystery, but she has her subject to study now. As well as that strange Fawn.
Next on her list is this strange mimic that seems to be magically altered in appearance and in temperment. Now, how exactly did that happen? She'll soon find out.
(this probably doesn't help you unless you're an Oghmanyte.)