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Voltomey's Survival Combat PvP Build

voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
edited September 2014 in The Wilds
Hello All Voltomey here Bringing you a PvP Combat Ranger Melee Build. This is a PvP Build that relies on you out maneuvering your Opponent with shifts and bursting them down with Fox Shift+Hindering strike and a Flurry of At wills. The Build can take on More than 2 people at a time. The build thrives on causing major panic bye doing a vast amount of Unmitigated AoE dmg In Short Period of time i will explain this in the later parts.


Build Type:
Melee Combat/Hybrid
Endgame PvP DPS Build

Play Style:
Infiltrator Style Play

Shock tactics Style Combat

PvP Role:
To Provide Rapid Amounts of AoE and Single target dmg to pressure a Enemy Team
Grasping Roots Provided By skills help kill kiting clerics

Can Provide back up ranged DP thanks to split shot

Excels in 1v1/Out maneuver your opponent circling it like a shark and make sure you use forest ghost when possible to confuse the target even more. Be sure to shift to avoid high dmg skills like frontline and Bulls strike and in 5v5 Situations just make sure you get in do your dmg forest ghost and do another spike of dmg potentially killing at least 2 people and critically damaging others

The Only skills you need to worry about and Max Are:

ME/MR: What do i say your main get in and get out skills melee version is a nice hard hitter you can also kill a fleeing target with this.

Fox Cunning/Shift: This is TR insurance since its been nerfed its less effective against CW but can still Avoid a TR lashing with this.

Boars Hide/Charge: This is more mitigation for you and you party its melee version is also a hard KD thats good for killing the ever to loveable cleric kiter.

Constricting Arrow/Steel Breeze: Sometimes i swap out Hindering for this its ranged power is a nice stun its melee power is nice stamina management.

Hindering Shot/Strike: PvP CC support from ranged you can spike quite nicely from ranged with this as well as well and A quick stance change to kill a running target. Its melee version is a hard hitting spike skill that applies strong roots so you can beat on a target Or use it to escape.

At wills
Rapid Fire/Strike: Your main Atwill dps comes from this use it

Split Shot/Strike: its a nice AoE and Split show works just as well In PvP as it dose PvE

Aimed Shot/Strike: Hits hard and its ranged version can still do massive dmg even for a combat ranger the bleeding ticks from aimed strike can crit for massive dmg. This skill can be used during the fox shift animation to prevent it from being interrupted.

Class Features:
Blade Storm:More dps on top of master of Combat feat
Storm Step Action: Until this bugged storstep get fix Bring this for that exact reason

Aspect of the Lone Wolf: This feat is working i just dose not show up in the character sheet. Any way **** trying to kill you from ranged will now have to get past you 50% dmg resistance 60 if you carry boars. and your high deflection and regen countering DoT. In shot this makes surviving 1 v1 encounter on points from TR ect easyer.

Aspect of the Pack: Very good if your group carries lantern Artifacts and if your fighting at mid with multiple teammates.

Forest Ghost:Atm this and storm step refreshes you skills dont get pigeon toed into this combo though any way forest ghost is good for sneaking past people and can be used as a speed boost and get the hell out of dodge If things go south for you.

Forest Meditation: On demand Heal Combines Nicely with fey thistle it can also be used to bait a TR's Shocking witch it negates the dmg right out from also can save you from ice knife so tips and Tricks below.


I gave my self a new feat lay out this uses 2 in swift foot work and 3 in AC it works great cause i spend allot of the time changing stances depending on the situation.

This character Sheet atm is out of date and i have almost completed my new gear set my new gear set consist of Fable Shurandar Set and its 2 piece bonus of 450 crit and forest lord gear and its 2 piece bonus of 450 recovery.There is not a set bonus impresses me enough to use for a melee build you could possibly use grand wardens if you're mindful of when it procs. Any way use the pegasus seal vender regen rings as Regen is fantastic for this build and it is our main defensive stats along with deflection i will explain in a later post.I calculated all the stats from the mixed gear artifacts boons enchantments and the CN bow set Below.

The artifacts i use bring a lot of utilities to the table and can be interchanged depending on what you see out on the battlefield.

Waters of Elah'zad
Bind on Equip
Recharge Time: 180s / 160s / 140s / 120s.
- Heals you for 4,370 / 5,810 / 7,250 / 8,690 over 6 seconds and removes any harmful damaging effects such as poison.
Equip: +300 Recovery
Equip: +300 Defense
Equip: +400 Regeneration

This is standard for ranger gets rid of stuff like plague fire and Poison ticks its also a nice hard counter to CoI Ray Of Enfeeblement and anything That has a hard DoT effect.The more regen you have te better right not a bad artifact for people wanting to maximise this stat.

Lantern of Revelation
Bind on Equip
Recharge Time: 180s / 160s / 140s / 120s.
- Deals 874 / 1,162 / 1,450 / 1,738 damage to nearby enemies, and increases the damage they take by 10% / 12% / 14% / 16% for 6 seconds.
- In addition, for the next 6 seconds, you can see hidden targets an additional 10 feet away.
Equip: +300 Critical Strike.
Equip: +300 Armor Penetration.
Equip: +400 Combat Advantage Bonus.

Slot this baby in if you see any perma stealth TR running around this is a nice counter to them helps a lot its also damaged them and puts a nice debuff on them so you can potentially burst then down harder.This also has combat advantage boost so if you rolling with a premade it only serves to boot your over all dmg more with aspect of the pack.

Blood Crystal Raven Skull
Bind on pickup
Recharge Time: 180s / 160s / 140s / 120s.
- Grants 10% of your maximum Hit Points plus 30% / 50% / 70% / 90% of your missing Hit Points as special Temporary Hit Points, but these Temporary Hit Points will drain away.
Equip: +300 Regeneration.
Equip: +300 Recovery.
Equip: +400 Stamina/Guard Gain.

My main slot If someone manages to kill you and you have soulforge pop this and they will **** themselves while you burst them down from the grave. This artifact also gives more stamina gain which is nice considering how mobile you must be.

Forest Lord x2
FiE x2
CN Bow set

Combined Stats

Deflection 1185

Crit 1460

Armor Pen 790

Power 2170

Recovery 1429

Regen 814

Defence 774

Rings Belts Shirts and Pants
Ring of the noble beast x2
Ancient Necromancer Belt of the Undeath
Ancient Guts necklace
Gemmed Shirts and pants

Total Stats from Gear Boons Artifacts and Rank 8 Enchantments rank 7 enchants are also just as viable i just had a il more AD to spend soo... yeah

Deflection 2593 5 Rank 8 Silverys

Power 3069 1 rank 8 Radiant

Crit 2854 3 rank 8 Azure

Recovery 2029

Armor Pen 1908

Regen 1764

Defence 1452

Character Sheets
The picture below is my test server toon with out any artifacts on i am missing just 3 piece of t2.5 pvp gear.Both pics show my PvP values and regular values with out any artifacts atm the new pvp gear cant be enchanted i belive thats a bug so hold on.


Recommended stats

Regen:Having Regen is a must IMHO for any ranger it works well with deflection and life steal

Recovery: If you get this from gear and artifacts good its boost the AP gained from the RT feat also shaves a few second of CD's dont stack it though get as much as you can from gear alone.

Defense you can stack this cause i belive rangers are the only class that can get up to a 100% dmg resistance or neer it with negation enchantment boars hide and lone wolf.

Deflection: At minimum if you're a melee ranger you should have at least 30% its an important stat for us and procs fey thistle.

Life Steal: This is also a choice stat for you to stack get about 1.5k wurth and you're golden.

HP: For people who want more HP more HP makes regen heal more. I believe a melee ranger can become super tanky if geared right.

Consumables: To Maximize This Build even more i use two important consumables

Caprese. This gives you 3% deflection and over 1k extra hit points

Waters of life:Gives 1 in every ability score

Recommended weapon Enchants:
Life drinker:Currently my enchantment i dont have alot of lifesteal so this is a nice alternative

Plague Fire:Lowers def you can also provide party support with this thanks to split shot

Terror: I dont really like this but it is what it is alternative to P Fire

Vorpal: This should be your goal you high crits take good advantage of this and it turns you at wills into face melters.

Recommended Armor enchantments
Negation: Stack's with Lone wolf Boars Hide what's not to love about a 80% dmg resistance

Soulforge: Insurance Combines nicely with blood skull artifact.

Barksheild: This is Ok you have to wait a little bit to build up charges

Blood Theft: Not a bad enchantment. but there are better picks

Elven Battle: If you hate getting CCed get this and go wild.

Shurandar Boons:
Dark Fey Hunter: You gain 250 Power
Fey Precision: You gain 250 Critical Strike.
Feywilds Fortitude: Your Max HP increased by 700.

Elven Tranquility: When being struck by a foe you have a chance to heal yourself for 400 HP. (Internal Cooldown of 60s)

Fey Thistle: When you Deflect an attack you deal 400 damage to your attacker. (Proc on every deflected attack. Debuff on attacker and his Damage Resistance affect damage).

Dread Ring Boons:
Conjurer's Gambit: You gain 125 Critical Strike and 125 Movement.
Illusory Regeneration: You gain 250 Regeneration.
Forbidden Piercing: You gain 250 Armor Penetration.

Enraged Regrowth:When taking damage you have a chance to heal 1000 Hit Points over a few seconds. After this effect ends you have 250 more Defense for 10 seconds.

Rampaging Madness: When you deal damage you gain a stack of "Madness". When you reach 50 stacks of "Madness" you gain 600 Power, 300 Lifesteal, and 300 Regeneration. 10 seconds after gaining this bonus your stacks are reset. You may only gain one stack of "Madness" per second.

Tips and Tricks

Forest Ghost/Stormstep Action Combo: Now i have taught a few rangers in game about this combo its easy all you need is forest Ghost daily and Stormstep Action Class feature. Ok how this works is When you activate forest ghost you will lose 3 second of your encounter CD this is were its gets good Forest Ghost second Effect The effect that causes it to strike nearby targets counts as a individual activation for each target struck Triggering Stormstep Multiple Times. So for a single target you will get 3 more second on top of the 3 second lost by the Activation of the daily. You can refresh all of your encounters this way this is especially good for melee Builds as it lets you trigger Fox Shift twice in a row for massive dmg. You can also cast double thorn ward and split the sky thanks to this trick.Note this is a bug and so it mite get nerfed do not build your melee ranger around this trick.

Fox Shift Animation Combo: This is the Melee Version of fox Cunning its a fun skill and can strike a single target Twice for high spike dmg. But did you know that while you're in the attack animation of this skill which is also a Immunity frame you can also use at wills other encounters mid animation for even higher amounts of dmg. This works well in PvP because i bring aimed Strike and while going through the 2 shift animation of the skill i can cast that and hit a target with additional dmg or i could just rapid strike/Hindering strike during the animation or even boars charge for a KD.

Forest Meditation VS Shocking Execution/Ice Knife:For some Odd reason i mite just be seeing things But this Daily will cause these two daliys to fail as with any skill with a CC immunity will cause ice knife to fail and if ice knife can't KD a target it does no dmg as far as i know. But why this causes shocking to fail no idea but it seems just outright ignore the dmg and all. But i just mite be seeing thing if any one can confirm this plz correct me.

Master Of Combat: This Feat Triggers on Forest Ghost even in ranged stance and will also cause forest meditation to dmg you dno why it just dose. This feat also deals armor Ignoring dmg when proced on skills like Fox shift you can completely ignore a GF block thanks to this and bladestorm it also seems to let you do substantial dmg to TR in ITC also watch makes it even more amazing.

Fores Ghost: this also functions as a speed boost to get away or assault a target even more
Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
Post edited by voltomey on


  • shiralacshiralac Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    What were your starting stats at character creation, and which did you increase during leveling?
    There is no such thing as Pleather Armor.
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I was Wood elf with 18 dex 15 wis 15 str. My final stats unbuffed are 24 dec 21 wis 17 Str
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I am revising this Build atm so this is not a outdated version i belive i have optimised it for better performance
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    If thats the way may i ask would it be better using hafling because the deflect is so high?would it be better than a wood elf
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    ottoarc wrote: »
    If thats the way may i ask would it be better using hafling because the deflect is so high?would it be better than a wood elf

    Yes But you only need roughly a 30% deflection and that's very achievable with any race halfling will only only hit it faster allowing you to stack anouther defensive stat.
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    voltomey wrote: »
    Yes But you only need roughly a 30% deflection and that's very achievable with any race halfling will only only hit it faster allowing you to stack anouther defensive stat.

    So the better choice would still be wood elf?
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Voltomey can u teach me how to create a post..and help me pls my other account suddenly gt banned for no reason
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Thanks for the build. I would never leave home without the Heal buff tier 1 from Nature tree. Especially if you pack Regeneration and Life steal. Ideally I would go for the +25% Stamina regeneration from Archery, the +20% heal from Nature and then full Combat.

    Stamina is SO good in ranger, since he gets to use it regularly and if you actually get your full melle rotation and then switch stances, you'll be able to kite for more until your melee are back.

    I would also try Serpent Aspect, just because you are going to switch that much between the stances (although emphasizing on Melee).

    My idea was to build something defensive Regen/Deflect/Defense that relies on both worlds (archery/melee) to get the kill.

    Totally agree with the itemisation, although you could also check the rings with Def/Deflection/Life steal that make sense in this approach.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • imm0rtalboyimm0rtalboy Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Did you test this build in pvp and do you have ss for your current status
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Can someone help me create a thread.because i dont know how to and title pls help me write ban for no reason gm pls help...thx
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Did you test this build in pvp and do you have ss for your current status

    i tested it in low lvl pvp and high lvl youl die alot at low lvl but the dmg spike is there it a very twitchy fingered build imho
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Thanks for the build. I would never leave home without the Heal buff tier 1 from Nature tree. Especially if you pack Regeneration and Life steal. Ideally I would go for the +25% Stamina regeneration from Archery, the +20% heal from Nature and then full Combat.

    Stamina is SO good in ranger, since he gets to use it regularly and if you actually get your full melle rotation and then switch stances, you'll be able to kite for more until your melee are back.

    I would also try Serpent Aspect, just because you are going to switch that much between the stances (although emphasizing on Melee).

    My idea was to build something defensive Regen/Deflect/Defense that relies on both worlds (archery/melee) to get the kill.

    Totally agree with the itemisation, although you could also check the rings with Def/Deflection/Life steal that make sense in this approach.

    I dumped natures blessing because having over 20% more run speed is better for me natures blessing on a slow melee ranger is GG
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I revised the build yet again
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    voltomey wrote: »
    I revised the build yet again

    Hey man,

    I am running an almost exact copy of your feat layout for my build, the only difference being I threw 5 points into swift footwork, instead of predatory action. I have found the extra stamina regen to be more useful than anything else. If I can make one suggestion for anyone that is looking at a melee build. Take a look at the Blue Head and Feet pieces called: Lethal Stalker's. They are amazing Stat wise. Yes you lose out on the 10% movement speed bonus and the 1.5% Hp gain on Deflect, but 1.5% of 30426 Hp that I am pushing is 435ish Hp per deflect. Its nice, but what I gain in losing that set bonus through Stat allocation is so much nicer imo.

    My Stats: 3.5k Power, 2969 crit, 3068 Arp, 2303 Defense (With +200 Defense Potion), 2536 Deflect (With + 200 Deflect rating Potion) 1202 Regen.

    That Nets me:

    30426 Hp
    50% crit in Melee, 40% in ranged
    32.6% Damage Resist (This doesn't include the defense potion - I ran out whilst typing this) + 10% from Boar Hide, + 20% for Lonewolf for 1v1s (1v1s are typically fought without the use of Dailies, so you drop Stormstep here, or if you are 1v1ing a Sent / TR Swap Storm step out) - That Nets a total of: 62.6% Damage Resist (Drops to 52.6% when Boar Hide runs out, but interestingly enough, each hit of Fox's shift counts as a melee attack for the purposes of Ranged Cooldown Reduction, I pretty much always have Boars up.
    38.9% Deflect Chance (28.9% Whilst in ranged - Which is only to Mara escape away / Apply boars / Foxes Cunning)

    Overall I am pretty happy with that stat allocation over all. All of this is without the Campfire Buff.

    I must Stress I am using extreme high end Enchants - Mostly 8s and 9s, courtesy of my now naked Wizard.

    Also, as I side note: I really think that Ancient Priest's Ring of Burning Light is BiS ring for Ranger regardless of what spec you play. We get that much Free Crit/Arp, Stacking Defensive stats looks to be the way to go.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Hey man,

    I am running an almost exact copy of your feat layout for my build, the only difference being I threw 5 points into swift footwork, instead of predatory action. I have found the extra stamina regen to be more useful than anything else. If I can make one suggestion for anyone that is looking at a melee build. Take a look at the Blue Head and Feet pieces called: Lethal Stalker's. They are amazing Stat wise. Yes you lose out on the 10% movement speed bonus and the 1.5% Hp gain on Deflect, but 1.5% of 30426 Hp that I am pushing is 435ish Hp per deflect. Its nice, but what I gain in losing that set bonus through Stat allocation is so much nicer imo.

    My Stats: 3.5k Power, 2969 crit, 3068 Arp, 2303 Defense (With +200 Defense Potion), 2536 Deflect (With + 200 Deflect rating Potion) 1202 Regen.

    That Nets me:

    30426 Hp
    50% crit in Melee, 40% in ranged
    32.6% Damage Resist (This doesn't include the defense potion - I ran out whilst typing this) + 10% from Boar Hide, + 20% for Lonewolf for 1v1s (1v1s are typically fought without the use of Dailies, so you drop Stormstep here, or if you are 1v1ing a Sent / TR Swap Storm step out) - That Nets a total of: 62.6% Damage Resist (Drops to 52.6% when Boar Hide runs out, but interestingly enough, each hit of Fox's shift counts as a melee attack for the purposes of Ranged Cooldown Reduction, I pretty much always have Boars up.
    38.9% Deflect Chance (28.9% Whilst in ranged - Which is only to Mara escape away / Apply boars / Foxes Cunning)

    Overall I am pretty happy with that stat allocation over all. All of this is without the Campfire Buff.

    I must Stress I am using extreme high end Enchants - Mostly 8s and 9s, courtesy of my now naked Wizard.

    Also, as I side note: I really think that Ancient Priest's Ring of Burning Light is BiS ring for Ranger regardless of what spec you play. We get that much Free Crit/Arp, Stacking Defensive stats looks to be the way to go.

    I was testing predatory on test otherwise 5 in swift footwork any way I find a 30% Deflection chance is key with about 900 to 1.3k regen. BTW Lone wolf is broken and will not give you any dmg reduction if you to close to a opponent even if it were working. Stormstep and forest Ghost combo recharges all my skills for a second round of high burst and cause i don't care about honor in a 1v1. BTW Lifesteal on melee build is a necessity the amount of high AoE/single target dmg you do make its so you last longer also Negation Enchantment and 20% or more run speed only make your more of a killer.
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Any way i will be adding more to this Build cuas i am not yet done with it.
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • proqludumproqludum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 83
    edited December 2013
    Just to add something, Lone Wolf works, it does not show in the sheet but you can just test it with a mob, 20-25% decrease in damage taken is significant enough for you to see without extensive testing.
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    proqludum wrote: »
    Just to add something, Lone Wolf works, it does not show in the sheet but you can just test it with a mob, 20-25% decrease in damage taken is significant enough for you to see without extensive testing.

    Oh Ok then Still think its only good for a Archer ranger they realy need to let it show in the stats window sigh ty for the insight
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • linkingirl86linkingirl86 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I really liked your builds, can i add them to mmominds.com??

  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I really liked your builds, can i add them to mmominds.com??


    Sure just let me finish finalizing this and you can add it
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • synrevenantsynrevenant Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Would love to see this build in action. Any way we could get a video posted ? :)
  • riggenbachriggenbach Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Any particular reason for not using clear the ground (or at least maxing it out)?
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    voltomey wrote: »
    I was testing predatory on test otherwise 5 in swift footwork any way I find a 30% Deflection chance is key with about 900 to 1.3k regen. BTW Lone wolf is broken and will not give you any dmg reduction if you to close to a opponent even if it were working. Stormstep and forest Ghost combo recharges all my skills for a second round of high burst and cause i don't care about honor in a 1v1. BTW Lifesteal on melee build is a necessity the amount of high AoE/single target dmg you do make its so you last longer also Negation Enchantment and 20% or more run speed only make your more of a killer.

    Lone wolf is not broken, it is just a character sheet bug.

    Lifesteal does not give enough benefit for healing over the amount we can stack via gear. In order to push it to acceptable levels we need to sacrifice other offensive stats. Which Imo is not worth it. Soulforged is so much better than Negation, especially with the blood raven artifact.

    We also don't need the additional Movement speed, Marauders Rush, and Fox shift provide all we would need.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • arhanelarhanel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    this build is great, Thanks for sharing
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I run a defensive setup with

    Lone Wolf/Stormstep

    Forest Ghost (key to everything)/Disrupting shot

    Aimed/Split and Fox/Hindering with the 3rd encounter being either Marauder's Rush or Constricting Arrow (for the stun).

    The damage is amazing and the survivability rocks!
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I run a defensive setup with

    Lone Wolf/Stormstep

    Forest Ghost (key to everything)/Disrupting shot

    Aimed/Split and Fox/Hindering with the 3rd encounter being either Marauder's Rush or Constricting Arrow (for the stun).

    The damage is amazing and the survivability rocks!

    I changed my set up btw so the build has gotten even better i will list my new Build in a few still collecting the need gear though i actually found a way to slip in 2k wurth of recovery and make the build affordable and functional with just rank 7 enchants
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Unsure why you need Recovery. Forest Ghost/Stormstep is pretty much covering everything.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Unsure why you need Recovery. Forest Ghost/Stormstep is pretty much covering everything.

    So i am not pigeon toed into running that if it gets nerfed any way this is unslotted recovery so its no skin off my back just a bit of a bonus.Also it reduces the CD on Forest Ghost itself this lets make take Aspect of the pack or twinblade storm for more dmg and support.My totale stats including artifacts will be.

    Deflection 2660

    Crit 3049

    Power 3062

    Recovery 2015

    Armor pen 1612

    Life Steal 252

    Regen 950

    400 Stamina Regen

    400 combat advantage dmg
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I don't know if it gets nerfed or not, although I don't find a reason. It's the only valid way for Rangers to burst down something. Also, you can get the same result with a Disrupting shot following Forest Ghost. You just need better timing. Anyway...
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I don't know if it gets nerfed or not, although I don't find a reason. It's the only valid way for Rangers to burst down something. Also, you can get the same result with a Disrupting shot following Forest Ghost. You just need better timing. Anyway...

    Reason it mite get Nerf i pioneered this in a friends guild for both pvp and PvE and in my guild PvP i can neer blow up a a enemy party with this and 2 or more combat rangers doing its a little ridiculous also forest ghost itself procs master of combat in ranged or melee mode i have clear t2 dungeons with 2 melee ranger a archer spec ranger 1 DC and A CW
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
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