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New Enchant System



  • xwanguuxwanguu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    dardove wrote: »
    Less. Under the new system only 2 lessers are needed to make a normal, 2 normals to make a greater, and 2 greaters to make a perfect. You can use any enchantment/runestone/shards you get the refining points needed.


    Does that mean the overall cost of perfect enchantments will be cheaper?
  • ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    dardove wrote: »
    Less. Under the new system only 2 lessers are needed to make a normal, 2 normals to make a greater, and 2 greaters to make a perfect. You can use any enchantment/runestone/shards you get the refining points needed.

    And if they are the same type as the enchantment you are upgrading, that amount needed to upgrade a rank is less due to the same type bonus.

    I don't understand what system you are using. The only system I can find takes 12 R5 darks plus 2 marks of potency plus 25k ad to make a R6 dark.
  • dardovedardove Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    xwanguu wrote: »
    Does that mean the overall cost of perfect enchantments will be cheaper?

    I haven't done the number crunching, but I believe that is the intent.
    ott0maddux wrote: »
    I don't understand what system you are using. The only system I can find takes 12 R5 darks plus 2 marks of potency plus 25k ad to make a R6 dark.

    To upgrade an one dark 5 enchantment to dark 6, it takes 3 dark 5s (or 12 dark 4s) plus 1 mark of potency and 5k AD.

    To upgrade from 6 to 7, then it takes 12 dark 5s (or 3 dark 6s or 48 dark 4s) plus 2 marks of potency and 25k AD.

    So I'm curious what system you are using as well, because I'm using the new one on the preview server right now.
  • ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    dardove wrote: »
    I haven't done the number crunching, but I believe that is the intent.

    To upgrade an one dark 5 enchantment to dark 6, it takes 3 dark 5s (or 12 dark 4s) plus 1 mark of potency and 5k AD.

    To upgrade from 6 to 7, then it takes 12 dark 5s (or 3 dark 6s or 48 dark 4s) plus 2 marks of potency and 25k AD.

    So I'm curious what system you are using as well, because I'm using the new one on the preview server right now.

    ok my bad, I was using rank 4's to refine. However don't forget that in addition to the three used to refine the original gets used up as well. So you aren't using any less enchants in the process just adding an AD cost as well as that mark of potency. Re: in old system if you take 4 r4 dark enchants and fuse you are left with one r5 dark enchant. in new system you take one r4 dark enchant use three additional r4 dark enchants to refine then pay AD and mark of potency cost and are left with one r5 dark enchant. Hence it takes the same amount of enchants to fuse or combine, there is just extra cost.
  • ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    So I managed to farm from 20 skill nodes, the following:
    one periodot worth 500 refine points
    two lesser marks of potency
    one lesser mark of power for artifact refining

    so it seems to me the drop rate for these things are slightly less that other enchants, making it another pain in the ***.
  • ipwnu1ipwnu1 Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2013
    It's serious business, I think he is right to post here. Depending on their decisions here, they will loose A LOT of players.

    This. They are walking on thin ice atm. If the situation gets worse than right now a loooot of non-paying players will quit, and if that happens the high-paying players wont have much to do in game either
  • j0shi82j0shi82 Member Posts: 622 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ott0maddux wrote: »
    So I managed to farm from 20 skill nodes, the following:
    one periodot worth 500 refine points
    two lesser marks of potency
    one lesser mark of power for artifact refining

    so it seems to me the drop rate for these things are slightly less that other enchants, making it another pain in the ***.

    It's at least good news that you can farm for Catalysts. Can't see how I ever would need green ones though. I plan to grind and fuse enchants for the foreseeable future and so every refining process probably will start with an R7.

    Would love to get Catalysts from Leadership. Makes sense.
  • dalang3ddalang3d Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    mustikkas wrote: »
    Will there be less or more coals needed with the coming changes, to reach the greater enchant? How is the value of coals expected to change? Is it worth crafting the greater soulforge enchant now or wait until patch to craft it cheaper?

    on new system of refinemnet, I don't know exactly to make greater [ i don't have enough resorce, LoL] , but if you want make normal it will need :
    4 shard + 1 coal + 25k AD = 1 lesser
    2 lesser + 1 coal + 50k AD + 1 Greater Mark Of Potency = 1 Normal

    greater Mark of potency at unknown price now, so still unknown it will be cheaper or not...
  • j0shi82j0shi82 Member Posts: 622 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    terramak wrote: »
    Item Refinement
    • The Wondrous Bazaar (and certain vendors located around the world) no longer sell Enchantments and Runestones of any rank. Instead, these vendors now carry Upgrade Catalysts and Refining Stones.
    • Catalyst items now list where they can be found in their tooltip.
    • The Bonus multiplier for consuming "matching" Artifacts has been changed to 5x, down from 10x.
    • The Refinement Point values for ranking up an artifact after Rank 30 have been adjusted.

    My post on page 2 has been updated for NW.10.20131018a.12

    Good news is: Still no Coalwards needed for regular enchants and runestones, but you absolutely have to grind the Catalysts or it gets expensive.
  • ukspawnukspawn Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Am I right in saying that as for upgrading the armour and weapon shards with the new system, its exactly the same except you have to pay AD for each upgrade on top?

    I'll just add I personally despise this new system, it really is a terrible idea. You've taken something that worked absolutely fine and made it so much more complicated. Sure, you have options but quite frankly the majority of the player base won't care for this. No one wants to unnecessarily over-complicate the refinement process, why on earth would you do that? It's tedious enough as it is when you want to mass refine something but with this? Even worse, the face that every "refined" item that's ready to evolve takes a single space each in your bag is ridiculous, and then needing an extra catalyst for every one of these upgrades?

    Unless I'm severely overlooking something, I can not believe that any one in their right mind would prefer this system over the old, unless you play this game purely to trade in the refinement market and are constantly looking for that niche or that little something new that no one has caught onto in order to make a profit on the AH.

    What annoys me more is that we'll get virtually zero feedback on our feedback from the developers on this until it's all go.
  • haelrahaelra Member Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ukspawn wrote: »

    I'll just add I personally despise this new system, it really is a terrible idea. You've taken something that worked absolutely fine and made it so much more complicated. Sure, you have options but quite frankly the majority of the player base won't care for this. No one wants to unnecessarily over-complicate the refinement process, why on earth would you do that? It's tedious enough as it is when you want to mass refine something but with this?

    My guess would be they feel it can be made into a fun "mini-game" activity in its own right. I believe they are mistaken. It would be like trying to make my commute to work "fun" by adding more complex roads and substituting my daily fee for parking with additional roadway tolls. If people were not participating in the rune upgrading process, it was because it was too expensive, not because it wasn't "fun" enough. Look Devs, make the roads here too hard to drive on to get to work, and people will just find a new city to live in.
  • ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Can u make this thing a bit more complicated?!! I;m missing my math exams rly!! Lets make it in such a way that u have to solve a math problem everytime u want to make an enchant, there are some unsolved ones so i say put those for a rank 10 and in this way u;ll help the mankind as well ! TY! As a reminder i think there was a quote like: Smart people like things simple while educated fools tend to complicate them, u should think about that!
  • farfig1337farfig1337 Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    New system is awesome. The fact you can use any shard or runestone to refine an enchant is great. Even if they give reduced refinement for not matching up. This will stabilize the value of all enchants in the game. Vorpal will come down since to enchant a vorpal enchant you can throw cheap shards that no one wants into it. This makes it easier to farm your own enchants.

    In addition you need less Coalescent wards to make an enchant. You dont need 4 Lesser enchants to make a normal. All you need is 2 with a similar amount of shards to make up the 2 you dont need.

    This system does make you burn AD to the game. The game is basically creating a new way to take AD out of the hands of players. Not a bad thing, since you have to do that someone way so the game just does not generate tons and tons of ad and this dives up the price of all items on Auction house.

    Dont make this system so complicated. It is basically instead of using more wards you are instead throwing AD to the game instead of on buying wards.
  • dragoncrest0dragoncrest0 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 120 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    farfig1337 wrote: »
    New system is awesome. The fact you can use any shard or runestone to refine an enchant is great. Even if they give reduced refinement for not matching up. This will stabilize the value of all enchants in the game. Vorpal will come down since to enchant a vorpal enchant you can throw cheap shards that no one wants into it. This makes it easier to farm your own enchants.

    In addition you need less Coalescent wards to make an enchant. You dont need 4 Lesser enchants to make a normal. All you need is 2 with a similar amount of shards to make up the 2 you dont need.

    This system does make you burn AD to the game. The game is basically creating a new way to take AD out of the hands of players. Not a bad thing, since you have to do that someone way so the game just does not generate tons and tons of ad and this dives up the price of all items on Auction house.

    Dont make this system so complicated. It is basically instead of using more wards you are instead throwing AD to the game instead of on buying wards.

    Thats good for people that buy wards. I dont buy wards, never had to buy wards, so thats forcing me to pay for something I didnt want to pay for in the first place.
  • korgulltekorgullte Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 95
    edited November 2013
    So if this goes live like it is I would want to refine all my green and blue enchants before it drops to save a bit of AD.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ok so let me get this straight... for all the people that are saying the new refine system is game breaking...

    in the new system, i can upgrade slotted enchants/runestones where i couldn't do this before.
    in the current system, i would have to unslot existing enchants for AD or just slot over the existing enchant, destroying it in the process OR choose to not slot at all until i have the enchant level at what i need it to be.

    in the new system, it will take less r4 enchants/runestones to upgrade to r10.

    in the new system, it will take less shards to make a perfect weapon/armor enchant.

    in the new system, it will take less coal wards to make r10/perfect enchants.

    in the new system, it will cost far less in gold to remove slotted enchants.

    and the main reasons why people have such a problem with the new system is the catalysts and the AD cost per successful upgrade?

    realistically speaking, i think the new refinement system is a better system even if they decide to keep the % chance to succeed (although i wish it would die with the old system) and keep the current AD price points. hopefully, the drop chance for catalysts will be as great as most of everything else found in the wondrous bazaar. honestly, the old system is tremendously simplified and archaic. 4x4x4x4=256 shards and 85 coal wards for a perfect enchant. that's either 85 weeks of incredible luck in the coffer of augmentation or you're gonna have to spend some AD to buy coal wards. i've been playing this game since may and i have yet to fuse a perfect enchant with the existing system. i just barely got a greater and that wasn't without some blood, sweat and tears.

    another great advantage with the new system is i can keep an inventory of different armor/weapon enchants since it's going to cost next to nothing to swap them out. maybe today is an elven battle day but tomorrow i feel like being a resurrectioned soulforged fool. it will also give more people the freedom of trying out some of those lesser used enchants rather than just researching them and taking someone else's word for it.

    however... exactly what gets rolled out when module 2 goes live remains to be seen. i think there are some great advantages to the refinement system. if they opt to hold this back from module 2, i feel that we'll probably see it again in a future module with some adjustments. either way, i don't think it's game breaking.
  • khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    melodywhr wrote: »
    ok so let me get this straight... for all the people that are saying the new refine system is game breaking...

    in the new system, i can upgrade slotted enchants/runestones where i couldn't do this before.
    in the current system, i would have to unslot existing enchants for AD or just slot over the existing enchant, destroying it in the process OR choose to not slot at all until i have the enchant level at what i need it to be.

    in the new system, it will take less r4 enchants/runestones to upgrade to r10.

    in the new system, it will take less shards to make a perfect weapon/armor enchant.

    in the new system, it will take less coal wards to make r10/perfect enchants.

    in the new system, it will cost far less in gold to remove slotted enchants.

    and the main reasons why people have such a problem with the new system is the catalysts and the AD cost per successful upgrade?

    realistically speaking, i think the new refinement system is a better system even if they decide to keep the % chance to succeed (although i wish it would die with the old system) and keep the current AD price points. hopefully, the drop chance for catalysts will be as great as most of everything else found in the wondrous bazaar. honestly, the old system is tremendously simplified and archaic. 4x4x4x4=256 shards and 85 coal wards for a perfect enchant. that's either 85 weeks of incredible luck in the coffer of augmentation or you're gonna have to spend some AD to buy coal wards. i've been playing this game since may and i have yet to fuse a perfect enchant with the existing system. i just barely got a greater and that wasn't without some blood, sweat and tears.

    another great advantage with the new system is i can keep an inventory of different armor/weapon enchants since it's going to cost next to nothing to swap them out. maybe today is an elven battle day but tomorrow i feel like being a resurrectioned soulforged fool. it will also give more people the freedom of trying out some of those lesser used enchants rather than just researching them and taking someone else's word for it.

    however... exactly what gets rolled out when module 2 goes live remains to be seen. i think there are some great advantages to the refinement system. if they opt to hold this back from module 2, i feel that we'll probably see it again in a future module with some adjustments. either way, i don't think it's game breaking.
    I agree with most of what you're saying. At first look it seemed like a terrible system, then I looked over it again ad it seemed great, but mandatory AD fees, plus the requirement of a Catalyst and we still get an X% chance of failure... that's just unfair. I love how the system works and I don't get why some people say it's complicated. Not having to go through a whole bunch of fusions with increasing chances of failure, just to get the second, third and fourth Rank 7, then try your luck for a Rank 8 it's a great improvement. If anything, it makes the upgrading process simpler and more linear. You get a new Rank 4 Enchant, you just dump it in the one you are currently upgrading. You don't even need to keep it in your inventory or remove the sloted Enchant. There are many benefits to this system. I just don't know if the price of those benefits is worth it.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
  • ukspawnukspawn Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'll admit I haven't had a chance too look into it in great detail but, even from all the positives you listed above the missing one and the one that you then went on to hint at as being the only issue is what's ultimately worrying me. I know people have done the math but it's been done using averages and eliminating other AD costs.

    It is, the AD cost. Is it really going to be cheaper? The cost of the catalysts right now is expensive and those will stack. The current drop rate of the catalysts doesn't seem proportionate to reducing costs long term. Everyone is stating that the price of X will drop, honestly, taking one example, all I see is the cost of shards going up. Right now, there are many "useless" shards that cost nothing more than 5k each. Now these useless shards server a purpose, a purpose everyone keeps highlighting, how long is it going to be before people start mass buying all the cheap shards now? It's already begun.

    This will ultimately mean those prices go up, so those savings being made from using "cheaper" shards will not last long. Certainly not in a fickle economy where as soon as X has any minor purpose everyone just inflates it's price. Furthermore with gold sellers constantly active and people obviously using them, people will pay the silly prices for them, especially on a low cost item. If it jumped from 5-10k, that would realistically be stupid, but what's an extra 5k to someone buying 10m ad every week? Nothing. That's assuming they're purchased for use and not to further inflate prices. It happens constantly in this game, the AD exchange is a prime example.

    There's alot of unknown factors so I'm guessing we'll have to wait and see, nothings set in stone.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    looking at all these charts and graphs that people are making is definitely informative, but log in and play with it yourself. it can't possibly take longer to upgrade your enchants with the new system even if you're using in-game earned AD.
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Is there a way to get fast enchants on this preview shard? Cause if i have to farm like in the live server, just to test things, it's not Worth it.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pando83 wrote: »
    Is there a way to get fast enchants on this preview shard? Cause if i have to farm like in the live server, just to test things, it's not Worth it.

    i was wondering the same thing... if they temporarily put the enchants back into the wondrous bazaar for free, that would be helpful. it would also be helpful if they could put free wards in the zen shop. and give us all a hefty early testing holiday gift of AD on the test shard... that would also be helpful. i can't transfer AD between characters on the test shard as i can on the live shard.
  • khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ukspawn wrote: »
    I'll admit I haven't had a chance too look into it in great detail but, even from all the positives you listed above the missing one and the one that you then went on to hint at as being the only issue is what's ultimately worrying me. I know people have done the math but it's been done using averages and eliminating other AD costs.

    It is, the AD cost. Is it really going to be cheaper? The cost of the catalysts right now is expensive and those will stack. The current drop rate of the catalysts doesn't seem proportionate to reducing costs long term. Everyone is stating that the price of X will drop, honestly, taking one example, all I see is the cost of shards going up. Right now, there are many "useless" shards that cost nothing more than 5k each. Now these useless shards server a purpose, a purpose everyone keeps highlighting, how long is it going to be before people start mass buying all the cheap shards now? It's already begun.

    This will ultimately mean those prices go up, so those savings being made from using "cheaper" shards will not last long. Certainly not in a fickle economy where as soon as X has any minor purpose everyone just inflates it's price. Furthermore with gold sellers constantly active and people obviously using them, people will pay the silly prices for them, especially on a low cost item. If it jumped from 5-10k, that would realistically be stupid, but what's an extra 5k to someone buying 10m ad every week? Nothing. That's assuming they're purchased for use and not to further inflate prices. It happens constantly in this game, the AD exchange is a prime example.

    There's alot of unknown factors so I'm guessing we'll have to wait and see, nothings set in stone.

    It will be cheaper to get high Rank Enchantment, and because most things involved in this new system have a set price, the price of Enchantment will be somewhat capt in the AH as well. The bad part is that lower Rank Enchantment, that used to cost us nothing and were pretty easy to get, will have a mandatory cost as well. It would not really be that big of a problem for some because we won't have to fuse 4 Rank 5s, just to make a Rank 6. It would be just an upgrade, and the fess are fairly small for the lower Ranks, but the they're still there, and some players don't really make that much AD to begin with. And then there's the Catalyst ting, which could be an added cost. I think some people are pissed at the wrong thing. This system is a good idea it just needs some tweaking, especially for low Ranks.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
  • baddobb1baddobb1 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    I just have to say thank you.

    To all the wannabe Richard bransons who bought up all the bulks of rank 4/5 enchants.

    What you have done, has allowed me to buy rank 9 enchants much much cheaper (as people think they going to be worth way less) sure, farm the hundreds of enchants you need yourself rofl

    When in fact you have driven the price up, as no way near as many, so my rank 9's have increased in value by quite a lot.

    Please keep up the good work :)

    It won't be cheaper to make enchants if you push the prices of lower end enchants up by 10x the amount you can buy them for now lol, not for some time once it goes live.

    Hands up if you understand basic economics lol

    /golf clap
  • ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Can someone be so kind to explain the Catalysts?! Where can u get those or how and what is the cost for a lesser/normal/greater? Ty!
  • dardovedardove Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ortzhy wrote: »
    Can someone be so kind to explain the Catalysts?! Where can u get those or how and what is the cost for a lesser/normal/greater? Ty!

    As drops, white and green quality catalysts come from skill nodes and as drops. Blue come from skill nodes in epic dungeons and from bosses. Purples come from epic dungeon bosses.

    All versions of the mark of potency can also be found in the the AD store. 25ad for white, 500 for green, 25k for blue, and 100k for purple.
  • j0shi82j0shi82 Member Posts: 622 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    For those interested: I've updated my analysis on the new system and it can be found here.
  • haelrahaelra Member Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    dardove wrote: »
    As drops, white and green quality catalysts come from skill nodes and as drops. Blue come from skill nodes in epic dungeons and from bosses. Purples come from epic dungeon bosses.

    All versions of the mark of potency can also be found in the the AD store. 25ad for white, 500 for green, 25k for blue, and 100k for purple.
    Oh, so these higher quality catalysts are gated behind dungeons? There should be other ways to get them; a fair number of people don't like and don't play dungeons. For example, let them drop on occasion from the final solo instances in the sharandar or dread ring campaigns; or as a purchased item with campaign tokens (not the campaign dungeon seals) from a campaign store npc. Even better, let them be rare or very rare, but possible, drops from normal PvE play, and as an item from PvE. Encourage all the play styles you can.
  • dardovedardove Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    haelra wrote: »
    Oh, so these higher quality catalysts are gated behind dungeons? There should be other ways to get them; a fair number of people don't like and don't play dungeons. For example, let them drop on occasion from the final solo instances in the sharandar or dread ring campaigns; or as a purchased item with campaign tokens (not the campaign dungeon seals) from a campaign store npc. Even better, let them be rare or very rare, but possible, drops from normal PvE play, and as an item from PvE. Encourage all the play styles you can.

    Well, the purple ones actually do drop from the lairs in the dread ring campaign on specific days. However the greater mark of potency isn't among those that drop in this manner and the marks of potency are the ones that are needed for enchantments. The rest are used on artifacts.
  • ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    dardove wrote: »
    As drops, white and green quality catalysts come from skill nodes and as drops. Blue come from skill nodes in epic dungeons and from bosses. Purples come from epic dungeon bosses.

    All versions of the mark of potency can also be found in the the AD store. 25ad for white, 500 for green, 25k for blue, and 100k for purple.

    Sry i;m a bit confused.. Arent those the marks? So Catalyst i;ve seen beeing different then marks and having an echant cost associated with them.. pls more light
  • dardovedardove Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ortzhy wrote: »
    Sry i;m a bit confused.. Arent those the marks? So Catalyst i;ve seen beeing different then marks and having an echant cost associated with them.. pls more light

    There are 4 different types of marks. There is the mark of potency which is used for enchantments and runestones. Then there is Mark of Power, Mark of Stability, and Mark of Union which are used to refine artifacts. And yes, marks are used as catalysts and drop from the locations I said.
This discussion has been closed.