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Foundry Quests Publishing Cheat?

lordxoruslordxorus Member Posts: 38
edited October 2013 in The Foundry
Is this some kind of new Cheat?

While trying to get one of my Foundry Quests published, I noticed another quest came up when I did my search. (For Review Tab). Nothing wrong with that.

Well today, one day later, it didn't show up anymore under review, which I didn't think much of, until....

I clicked the 'New' tab, and I thought wow, this must be a mistake. Then I clicked the 'Best' tab and it showed up there too. ( I relogged etc. just to be sure! )

Soooo.... this Foundry Quest got published in 1 day, with only 5-6 plays and got published under the 'Best' Category !!!!!!

My new Foundry Quest was supposed to have been moved out of 'For Review' yesterday and didn't. Yet this Quest got Released!!!!! Is there some kind of Cheat that no one is aware of????

(There's players that have tried to get there quests under 'Best' since Release & can't!)

P.S. - Posted here for obvious reasons, visibility & to see how common this is.
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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It had only 5-6 plays and it was under the "best" tab? Never seen that happen before, I have no idea. :P
    But I believe it would be some kind of bug more than a "cheat"
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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Lots of friends, alt accounts (not alt characters, but ALT ACCOUNTS), bots, you name it. If you want to call these "cheats" then so be it.

    I see it this way: I build foundry stuff for fun, I do it for the Foundry in ME, not Me in the Foundry (for popularity reasons). But that's just me. I've seen people actually BUYING plays (they buy a bunch of stuff from the auction house and offer "prizes" just for playing their quests) - my only thought on that practice: how much lower than "sewer rat" are you really willing to go? LOL

    It's not that important.

    How about you pass along the title of your quest, the short code and your in-game @Handle and I'll be happy to give it a go!

    Part of the PROBLEM is that Sominator and Devs are using criteria, such as popularity and play-count to choose the Spotlight Foundry Quests - which is BASS-ACKWARD. No one wants to play a Spotlight quest they've already played before it was spotlighted.

    In STO the whole PURPOSE of the Spotlight Foundry Mission ("quests" are called "missions" in STO) was to specifically help the quality versions with low play-count to be "SPOTLIGHTED" because the quality of that quest/mission deserved it. It is supposed be about EXPOSURE.

    Oh, well. It's better to just not care so much about that stuff.
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    mrgiggles651mrgiggles651 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Foundry authors worked out how adjusted average score is calculated (pretty much, they cant be wrong by very much). Based on the methodology it should be impossible to be on the Best list with that few plays, or even anywhere really close to that few.

    That said, this isnt the first quest that has made it to the best list with a number of plays too low for the calcuated formula.

    Also, what Angrysprite said about alts and such.
    I wasted five million AD promoting the Foundry.
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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I would love for the "new" tab to be fixed, for now there's either the best tab, the featured (wich has many of the ones in "best" too) and then the new tab that again shows only the "best" ones, and then the "for review" that don't count as a daily I'd love to have something with enough plays to be counted for the daily but not the top ones, because I'm tired of scrolling down the "best" tab till I find one that I haven't played yet.
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    zbkoldezbkolde Member Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Quests with less than 5 reviews (not plays, reviews) can only be found by searching on the "For Review" tab. They cannot be found searching from any other tab.

    Quests with 5 or more reviews (not plays, reviews) can be found by searching from the "New" tab, the "Best" tab, and the "Subscription" tab if you're subscribed to that author. Just because you can find a quest by searching for it from the "Best" tab, does not mean that it "made the list," it's just in the database and can be found via searching. The only quests that have "made the list" on the "Best" tab are the ones that you can see by scrolling down through it, not searching.
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    boomba66boomba66 Member Posts: 221 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    zbkolde wrote: »
    Quests with less than 5 reviews (not plays, reviews) can only be found by searching on the "For Review" tab. They cannot be found searching from any other tab.

    Quests with 5 or more reviews (not plays, reviews) can be found by searching from the "New" tab, the "Best" tab, and the "Subscription" tab if you're subscribed to that author. Just because you can find a quest by searching for it from the "Best" tab, does not mean that it "made the list," it's just in the database and can be found via searching. The only quests that have "made the list" on the "Best" tab are the ones that you can see by scrolling down through it, not searching.

    It may have been part of a campaign. I know when I add a new part to my campaign it doesn't take me off the best list. The quest will show only if the campaign is clicked on however, not the individual quest.
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    psykzerosispsykzerosis Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This is super off topic but I am new and cannot create forum threads... Does anyone know how to make transitions from outside? I don't see a 'door' icon that I do in 'indoor' environments so I'm stuck.
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    lordxoruslordxorus Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2013
    thanks for all great replies, yet...

    (Note: and as usual, this post was moved from general discussion, because talking about Foundry Quests doesn't concern the General (NW Population's) Discussion and might draw attention to those darn ol' Foundry Quests)

    Again, this quest showed up when I used the search terms to find my quest under 'To Review' tab yesterday. Today while trying to find my quest (that should have been moved *From* the 'To Review' and been published), I'd found, instead, that the other player's quest had been published, while mine had not. (wasn't even during a Foundry Update(See Calendar for times))

    So this quest was no longer under 'To Review' tab, but in one day, with only 6 plays (Publishing requires 20 Individual plays) he had been removed from 'To Review' and was now under the 'New' & 'Best' Tabs, where my quest that should have been and was not. (ie: Published) - (I can never find my 'To Be Reviewed' quest by searching under any other tab until it is published)(I am no expert, but I've never found one under any other tab until it's been published)

    This quest was also not a part of a campaign, the author had another 'normal' quest, but no others.

    The problems were:
    1) This quest in question had passed review without having the required number of plays and was now available to the general public.
    2) This same quest also, got released during a time that wasn't a usual Foundry Update time, according to the calendar.

    (hope that makes the post subject a bit clearer)

    off topic answer/tip:
    transitions to outside??? sounds like you need a transition from an outside map to another 'inside' map. and (not positive) but I think there is a door icon that can be found on maps, but I do know you can search for doors in 'detail section on the right' I believe, but if you create another map a task should come up, click on that task and it will give you an option to create a door. sorry, but I don't even think about it much anymore when creating a quest. But if I were you, I'd look at the sticky post at the top of the forums and look for the guides etc., also you can google search for an answer.
    Wanted: Hero *Lil Chubs*

    Foundry Search: Wanted: Hero Lil Chubs
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    zbkoldezbkolde Member Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    lordxorus wrote: »
    So this quest was no longer under 'To Review' tab, but in one day, with only 6 plays (Publishing requires 20 Individual plays) he had been removed from 'To Review' and was now under the 'New' & 'Best' Tabs, where my quest that should have been and was not. (ie: Published) - (I can never find my 'To Be Reviewed' quest by searching under any other tab until it is published)(I am no expert, but I've never found one under any other tab until it's been published)

    I'm sorry, i don't follow this. A quest is published as soon as you click "Publish" from the editor. Like i already said, it needs 5 reviews to be moved off of the "For Review" tab. Once it's moved off of the "For Review" tab, it can be found by searching from the "New", "Best", and "Subscription" tabs. There is no such thing as it "needs 20 plays to be published," don't know where you're getting that. There is currently a bug that causes older versions of published quests to show up, as discussed in this thread.

    The other quest you're referring to must have had it's 5 reviews, and thus was moved off the "For Review" tab... that's how it's supposed to work. Again, like i already said, being able to find it by searching from the "Best" tab in no way means it "made the Best list."
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    grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    everything shows up under best or new as soon as it is out of for review, which takes 5 reviews.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
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    lordxoruslordxorus Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2013
    if this is true, then it's been changed, and I stand corrected.

    when my foundry quest got eligible for the daily reward, and moved out of the 'For Review' tab, it took 20 individual playthroughs, so if that's changed, then I am mistaken. Either way, I was unaware that 5 reviews would get a quest out of review.

    guess the part that threw up a flag on this quest in question, was that it only showed 6 plays & 3 stars, yet today I checked and not sure if they were there before, but seen some reviews from players. so maybe bugged or how some get their farms into the general publics' view.

    guess Foundry has dropped from being an important part of NW so much, that the criteria to getting a 'Farm' out has been changed or I was unaware of this work around. thanks for the replies all.
    Wanted: Hero *Lil Chubs*

    Foundry Search: Wanted: Hero Lil Chubs
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2013
    . . . . It has always been: 5 unique players to get out of For Review. 15 more unique plays to kick in the adjusted average play time. Plays displayed are not unique plays but total plays, as unique plays are not displayed on their own. This is probably where confusion rests. While an author's own plays are recorded, they do not count towards either criteria.
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    dzogendzogen Member Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I have an unpublished quest sitting at like a 4.7 average I believe, which would put it at the #1 best spot.

    Believe it or not, it only takes approximately 80 reviews to get there. But they all have to be 5 stars.
    Dzogen, Moonstar Agent
    Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
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    grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    yup they need to make changes to the tabs, the new one needs to be re-worked atleast.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
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