So there I was, standing in the middle of the enclave when soandso calls out for a caster for a MadDragon run. Being that I had nothing pressing at the time, and I normally enjoy helping people out. I send soandso a /tell saying that I'd be willing to go. I promptly get a reply /tell asking me for my GS. I reply that it's more than high enough to get in and I've run it quite a few times before. Soandso then tells me that he never invites people who won't tell him their GS. I tell him that's up to him, but it's his loss. He then tells me that it's actually MY loss because everyone in the group has over 12k GS. :eek:
SEriously? SERiously? For one thing, you're trying to run a T1 with peeps that are all over 12k GS. For another, what serious player uses GS as a determining factor on how much experience someone has? Then you're trying to impress ME with that fact? :eek: I hate to sound conceited, but I've been solo castering dungeons since I had a 9.6k GS.
Even if you were just running that dungeon for laughs and giggles with friends (as was pointed out to me by a friend), if you were really THAT experienced, you'd just take anyone that could get in. Not pick and choose using a silly system that means nothing because I've seen peeps with 12k+ GS that didn't know their backends from their heads.
By the way, what's up with all these groups that insist on only doing T1 and T2 dungeons with 2+ casters? I can sort of understand in a round-about way I guess. If you end up with a bad caster, you have a backup just in case. What do you do though when you end up with 2+ bad casters? I've seen quite a few bad/lazy casters out there before so 2+ bad casters in a group isn't something that would never happen.
"If you're going to ride my HAMSTER... At least pull my hair" Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time. "Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
mikabella2Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
This is very true. I ran into the problem of being denied into pugs quite a lot as ive been gearing up my CW. I was at 9.8k GS for quite a while, and i was out-preforming many of the 11k+ cws i ended up pugging with. Ive been holding my own since i first started in crappy purples so i could get into t1s and t2s. I actually never even did t1s, went straight into ToS and Karru with 9k gs. Granted they arent hard dungeons, but still. I had many people say "Only taking 12k gs" even though i told them i had quite a bit of experience from running it on two other toons. im not saying im the best cw out there cause im certainly not, but its kinda saddening that i get so many denys simply because im not an "uber geared" cw. The point in running these dungeons is to get that uber gear isnt it? -.-'
Gearscore means nothing past like 10k imo, sometimes even below that. I guess some people are just stuck in the elite mindset of "Must be 12-14k exp only" *shrug*
perhaps they should make a couple of Achievements for each dungeon that each gave a score
Then people could look after people with enoght points from that achievement points instead
personally i don't care of the gs. if the player know how to play his class, youwill notice it after the first 2 pull. As a Dc i notice all the gear buyer don't even the skill in the game ( a PuG asked me what was the blue circle on the ground -.- ). Just ignore people that ask high GS, prob they are:
1- big exploiter;
2- low experienced ( since now i think's a lot of people is buy AD. I sold an HV helm for 2 mil AD -.- )
If you wont to do a legal party, join the NW_Legit_Community or Dragon_Legit_Comunity and ignore the looser that ask exp in bug, jump or glitch.
signed this w/o reading first post.
read the first post, still signing that.
Well, at least GS means a litte bit of experience... they hat a few thoughts about their equip OR they've read a guide atleast - or I just hope so.
I feel also a bit sick about reading "blahaha 12k+ bababa exp only nanana with stone".
Cause these are the fellas who cut, bug and exploit everything they can - thats my experience about experience only partys so far.
u need 12k+ team to can finish any of dungeons if u ask me they need to put t1 dungeons 9k and for t2 12k as min gs to can enter or nerf dungeons
I'm a GWF, and have been successfully running T2 dungeons since I had a 9.8k GS and T1 gear. It's not nearly as much about the gearscore itself, as it is about the player.
Great gear just helps bad players overcome the skill deficit a little. I can see why a group leader picking up a random would worry over this attribute. But it's not even half as effective an attribute as you'd think.
Also, movement attributes (important for mobile GWF's like me) and tene's don't show up on GS at all.
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
gek1956Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
Give the guy a break. Sounds like a shavetail to me. Give him a few dozen runs, then if he still wants all that safety margin put him on your ignore list.
Gear score is a determination of how much effort and time you have put on your character.
Majority of high GS players are good, and minority of low GS players are good. That's why people ask for GS, because i wont make a test dungeon run to see how good you are. I will just ask for your GS and assume you are part of that majority of players who are High GS and Highly experienced.
Although, it isn't an accurate measurement. Because someone can just stack HP ( which gives alot of GS combined with toughness feat and the 700 HP boon) or just mix 2 set pieces. So it is always wise to check the gear and the stat distribution of party members before you go into a hard dungeon. I kick badly distributed stats/gear players, and i don't feel sorry for them. I wont spend 20 mins more because you are too lazy to improve your gear and DPS.
Works for me, and i never failed a run with that method.
Bottom line:
A high GS good player > A low GS good player. Let's face it, if you have 1k armor pen and i have 2.4k then i will make your DPS look like a joke, no matter how good you are.
If you are an experienced player, with good skills, why would you keep yourself at 10k GS and not improve yourself? why not become a good high GS player? I don't see any difficulty in doing that.
taurnilelensarMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
perhaps they should make a couple of Achievements for each dungeon that each gave a score
Then people could look after people with enoght points from that achievement points instead
Good Idea!!!
If anyone on TV tells you they can make life fair they are liars!! :rolleyes:
taurnilelensarMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
So there I was, standing in the middle of the enclave when soandso calls out for a caster for a MadDragon run. Being that I had nothing pressing at the time, and I normally enjoy helping people out. I send soandso a /tell saying that I'd be willing to go. I promptly get a reply /tell asking me for my GS. I reply that it's more than high enough to get in and I've run it quite a few times before. Soandso then tells me that he never invites people who won't tell him their GS. I tell him that's up to him, but it's his loss. He then tells me that it's actually MY loss because everyone in the group has over 12k GS. :eek:
SEriously? SERiously? For one thing, you're trying to run a T1 with peeps that are all over 12k GS. For another, what serious player uses GS as a determining factor on how much experience someone has? Then you're trying to impress ME with that fact? :eek: I hate to sound conceited, but I've been solo castering dungeons since I had a 9.6k GS.
Even if you were just running that dungeon for laughs and giggles with friends (as was pointed out to me by a friend), if you were really THAT experienced, you'd just take anyone that could get in. Not pick and choose using a silly system that means nothing because I've seen peeps with 12k+ GS that didn't know their backends from their heads.
By the way, what's up with all these groups that insist on only doing T1 and T2 dungeons with 2+ casters? I can sort of understand in a round-about way I guess. If you end up with a bad caster, you have a backup just in case. What do you do though when you end up with 2+ bad casters? I've seen quite a few bad/lazy casters out there before so 2+ bad casters in a group isn't something that would never happen.
Its a mentality that came around when WOW (yes that game) had a addon created that did the same thing. The people that knew better than to rely on GS consistantly finished the raids and earned the rewards as they knew what the heck they were doing. The ones that relied solely on GS as the reason for taking people always failed to complete the raids and never took the time to learn or get better.
In all essence the GS is a tool for the developers to gate content while giving the player base an idea (key note I said IDEA) of what they might be running into.
No it does not Remember T2 items did not bind there are a lot of peeps that bought the gear score they did not earn it !
So you quote part of my post , and put it out of context and then say something that i already said in my post. Next time just read before quoting someone..
Yeah I got declined for a spell plague group with only 10k gs as a cw. I thought the point in doing those dungeons was to actually gear up in the first place. It's not as if it was a hard dungeon. Although it may be harder if the last boss adds actually attacked you :P.
High gear score does make you better and more effective, but it doesn't make you a better player. I'd rather have a skilful lower gs player than a less skilful high gs player. There's a lot of higher gs players out there that I've outperformed. Some of the time I've wondered how.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
All things being equal, yes. Given more realistic circumstances, a poor player w/ a high GS is inferior to a good player with a lower GS.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Gearscore just shows how likely you are to get killed in a given pack of enemies (higher GS overall implies higher defenses and damage-dealing/healing, so less likelihood of dying due to taking too much damage per hit without being able to deal enough in return). Saying it shows anything more than raw numbers is reading more into it than what's there.
Gear score is like a college diploma. It tells you someone did something to make the qualification. But it doesn't reveal or assure their actual competence or skill level.
First time I did Lair of the Pirate King epic I was just barely over the minimum GS for it with 15ish points or so.
I straight up told the party that it was my first run of that dungeon and that I would do my best to be of use, at the start no one said anything but after the first 2 encounters the other TR in the group started to complain about my GS and how I should leave and all that (he was somewhere around 13.5k GS if I remember correctly) even though I was only 10~15k behind him in the damage chart.
I ignored him and kept going, first boss encounter goes well , the Ogre went perfect and dropped a dagger that I could use so obviously I rolled need on it and got it. The other TR complained about that aswell and kept going on and on about how they were going to lose because I was bad and bla bla bla.
A few minutes later we finally get to the last campfire, again he started to list reasons why they would fail because of me and refused to get into the purple circle untill finally our GF said some harsh words that I won't repeat here but it seemed to be enough to get him to finally enter the circle so that we could get started.
Fight start and as planned before the fight me and the other TR focused on the boss on the right side of the ship while the GF CW and DC were on the left side keeping the spawns off us. 2 minutes in the fight the other TR gets killed by the boss, I ran over and revived him and we went back to attacking the boss.
It all went well for another 5 maybe 6% of the boss's healthbar but then much to my suprise I saw the other TR roll straight into a red circle, he got stunned or grounded not sure which but he was unable to move by the looks of it, the boss made 2 huge swings and that was the end of our ''Good'' TR.
He respawned at the campfire and almost instantly started saying ''please wipe now you won't make it'' ''Go die please'' and some more insulting things over the duration of the fight. Me who had no experience with this boss on epic difficulty just kept attacking it, dodging the big hits with ITC and Bloodbath if ITC was on cooldown.
About 5-10 minutes later I finally managed to kill the boss, only having lost the aggro on it 2 times.
Now from my experience I've seen that most players just rush to the loot instantly so you can imagine how suprised I was by everyone telling me to ''please kick the other TR fast''. I did and the GF picked up the purple which was a GF weapon, I was expecting him to roll need and then just leaving the party as I've seen everyone else do in every epic dungeon that I've ran so far.
The DC and CW thanked us for the party and left without rolling and the GF rolled need and got the item. I was getting ready to leave aswell when the GF traded with me, he gave me the GF purple and thanked me for doing so well for my first run and me keeping calm and focusing on the fight during the constant insults of the other TR.
I recieved a few very insulting PMs from the TR afterwards but I didn't let it bother me because I was just too amazed by how nice the GF was.
TL;DR: The players that feel as if they're ''elite'' enough to talk down on you are often the ones that end up failing the most.
Gear score is a determination of how much effort and time you have put on your character.
Majority of high GS players are good, and minority of low GS players are good. That's why people ask for GS, because i wont make a test dungeon run to see how good you are. I will just ask for your GS and assume you are part of that majority of players who are High GS and Highly experienced.
Although, it isn't an accurate measurement. Because someone can just stack HP ( which gives alot of GS combined with toughness feat and the 700 HP boon) or just mix 2 set pieces. So it is always wise to check the gear and the stat distribution of party members before you go into a hard dungeon. I kick badly distributed stats/gear players, and i don't feel sorry for them. I wont spend 20 mins more because you are too lazy to improve your gear and DPS.
Works for me, and i never failed a run with that method.
Bottom line:
A high GS good player > A low GS good player. Let's face it, if you have 1k armor pen and i have 2.4k then i will make your DPS look like a joke, no matter how good you are.
If you are an experienced player, with good skills, why would you keep yourself at 10k GS and not improve yourself? why not become a good high GS player? I don't see any difficulty in doing that.
Actually it is the other way around, because really good gamers do not necessarily need the best items to perform as good as a not so pro kewl-kid with a 15k gs... It is mostly the bobbies, who feel the need to get maxed out, due to their lack of skill. GS is their way to compensate it.
khimera906Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 898Arc User
edited October 2013
From my experience GS means mostly nothing. You can not judge players by their GS. I have been in parties where I had to give instructions to players with good GS and I have been in parties with players with mediocre GS where, even though we lost our Cleric before the first boss, we still finished the dungeon. On the other hand, I have seen the end boss in Cavern of Karrundax killed by only a Cleric and a Guardian Fighter - both very skilled players and both with with high GS (the rest of us, noobs have died really fast ). What I am trying to say is that good GS is good only in the hands of skilled players. If you are a bad player, not even the best gear is going to help.
I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
you cant tell if they're good/bad players unless you see them play
higher GS is a lot better than low GS
lets compare our low GS character before and upgraded high GS character
you can complete any dungeons with 10k GS, but with 12k+ GS you can finish all easily and faster than 10k GS
faiteaccompliiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2
High GS doesn't represent experience.
I have seen many very experienced and talented low GS players and untalented high GS loudmouth fools in CN and FH.
I found unnecessary and hilarious when someone is skipping someone to a CN where he don't has 12k just 11.9k...
In my guild where I know my guildies or friends abilities I don't care about the GS of the CW, TR or DC guildie if he knows what to do.
In Lfg where you have to find someone fast you have no other solution just ask his GS...
As it's been stated earlier, people ask for GS since they want people who they think are reasonably good and somewhat experienced, if the person in question has a high gearscore, that means they have good gear, which is supposed to me they are experienced and somewhat half-decent. Now, in reality, this only mean the person has better gear. There are also multiple much more influential things when it comes to performance, your Augmented pet (gives up to around 3.5k stats), your build (duh), Armor/Weapon enchantments (Perfect Vorpal is just silly powerful).
But, none of the other things are displayed in such an easy to access way as Gear Score, nor can one ask for a players skill from 1 to 10..
And, we can't forget how much easier a dungeon becomes with a 14k+ 3 CW, 1 DC, 1 TR, all perfect Vorpal team (Half the effort, half the time, double the safety.)
focusmanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
I totally agree that GS isn't everything.
BUT why do I play with only high GS, in sake of the time it just goes much faster. Ofcourse people will say that its not true, well this is my experience. As stated above, some high GS with perfect makes the run goes twice as fast.
Actually it is the other way around, because really good gamers do not necessarily need the best items to perform as good as a not so pro kewl-kid with a 15k gs... It is mostly the bobbies, who feel the need to get maxed out, due to their lack of skill. GS is their way to compensate it.
That's actually bull. For two following reasons:
If you go BiS and best stat distribution, you will have around 12.5~12.7k ( if you are a TR/CW/DC) and around 14k if you are a GWF. You can achieve 15k+ on CWs/TRs/DCs only if you are HP stacker or mixing 2/2 pieces of two different sets which isn't efficient.
If you are a good player you will always look to improve yourself and your gear. You wont lock yourself with lesser weapon enchantments and rank 5/6s if you are a "skilled" player, especially that the rank 7s / normal enchantments are really cheap ( if you are a consistent dungeoneer).
For example, if i'm a TR with rank 5 enchantments, i would never out DPS a TR with rank 7s unless that TR is very bad.
So versus a good TR with rank 7s my DPS would look like a joke, no matter how skilled i'm, because he actually have the skill + the gear. So yes, gear plays a big role here.
Which makes me come back to my question that you completely ignored :
If you are an experienced player, with good skills, why would you keep yourself at 10k GS and not improve yourself? why not become a good high GS player? I don't see any difficulty in doing that.
Now give me one reason, why would i keep myself at 10k GS, if i can easily go to 12k due to my good experience in dungeons ?
IF you are trying to join a party who is asking for Exp only for 4/4 CN, and you would tell me " i'm exp but low GS" trust me, they wont bother adding you. Because you have no proof that you are good, they wouldn't run a test run and see how good you are they would rather invite a high GS since the majority of high GS players are good and probably more experienced.
It is just like college diploma graduate vs high school graduate, the high school graduate maybe smarter than the college graduate. But in the eyes of the people, the college graduate will always have an edge on you in terms of selection.
Gearscore means nothing past like 10k imo, sometimes even below that. I guess some people are just stuck in the elite mindset of "Must be 12-14k exp only" *shrug*
Then people could look after people with enoght points from that achievement points instead
1- big exploiter;
2- low experienced ( since now i think's a lot of people is buy AD. I sold an HV helm for 2 mil AD -.- )
If you wont to do a legal party, join the NW_Legit_Community or Dragon_Legit_Comunity and ignore the looser that ask exp in bug, jump or glitch.
Seriously, even by the game's definition, it's nothing more and nothing less than the aggregate total of your attack and defense.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at
read the first post, still signing that.
Well, at least GS means a litte bit of experience... they hat a few thoughts about their equip OR they've read a guide atleast - or I just hope so.
I feel also a bit sick about reading "blahaha 12k+ bababa exp only nanana with stone".
Cause these are the fellas who cut, bug and exploit everything they can - thats my experience about experience only partys so far.
I'm a GWF, and have been successfully running T2 dungeons since I had a 9.8k GS and T1 gear. It's not nearly as much about the gearscore itself, as it is about the player.
Great gear just helps bad players overcome the skill deficit a little. I can see why a group leader picking up a random would worry over this attribute. But it's not even half as effective an attribute as you'd think.
Also, movement attributes (important for mobile GWF's like me) and tene's don't show up on GS at all.
"D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.
Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
Majority of high GS players are good, and minority of low GS players are good. That's why people ask for GS, because i wont make a test dungeon run to see how good you are. I will just ask for your GS and assume you are part of that majority of players who are High GS and Highly experienced.
Although, it isn't an accurate measurement. Because someone can just stack HP ( which gives alot of GS combined with toughness feat and the 700 HP boon) or just mix 2 set pieces. So it is always wise to check the gear and the stat distribution of party members before you go into a hard dungeon. I kick badly distributed stats/gear players, and i don't feel sorry for them. I wont spend 20 mins more because you are too lazy to improve your gear and DPS.
Works for me, and i never failed a run with that method.
Bottom line:
A high GS good player > A low GS good player. Let's face it, if you have 1k armor pen and i have 2.4k then i will make your DPS look like a joke, no matter how good you are.
If you are an experienced player, with good skills, why would you keep yourself at 10k GS and not improve yourself? why not become a good high GS player? I don't see any difficulty in doing that.
Good Idea!!!
No it does not Remember T2 items did not bind there are a lot of peeps that bought the gear score they did not earn it !
Its a mentality that came around when WOW (yes that game) had a addon created that did the same thing. The people that knew better than to rely on GS consistantly finished the raids and earned the rewards as they knew what the heck they were doing. The ones that relied solely on GS as the reason for taking people always failed to complete the raids and never took the time to learn or get better.
In all essence the GS is a tool for the developers to gate content while giving the player base an idea (key note I said IDEA) of what they might be running into.
it is that simple
So you quote part of my post , and put it out of context and then say something that i already said in my post. Next time just read before quoting someone..
High gear score does make you better and more effective, but it doesn't make you a better player. I'd rather have a skilful lower gs player than a less skilful high gs player. There's a lot of higher gs players out there that I've outperformed. Some of the time I've wondered how.
All things being equal, yes. Given more realistic circumstances, a poor player w/ a high GS is inferior to a good player with a lower GS.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
I straight up told the party that it was my first run of that dungeon and that I would do my best to be of use, at the start no one said anything but after the first 2 encounters the other TR in the group started to complain about my GS and how I should leave and all that (he was somewhere around 13.5k GS if I remember correctly) even though I was only 10~15k behind him in the damage chart.
I ignored him and kept going, first boss encounter goes well , the Ogre went perfect and dropped a dagger that I could use so obviously I rolled need on it and got it. The other TR complained about that aswell and kept going on and on about how they were going to lose because I was bad and bla bla bla.
A few minutes later we finally get to the last campfire, again he started to list reasons why they would fail because of me and refused to get into the purple circle untill finally our GF said some harsh words that I won't repeat here but it seemed to be enough to get him to finally enter the circle so that we could get started.
Fight start and as planned before the fight me and the other TR focused on the boss on the right side of the ship while the GF CW and DC were on the left side keeping the spawns off us. 2 minutes in the fight the other TR gets killed by the boss, I ran over and revived him and we went back to attacking the boss.
It all went well for another 5 maybe 6% of the boss's healthbar but then much to my suprise I saw the other TR roll straight into a red circle, he got stunned or grounded not sure which but he was unable to move by the looks of it, the boss made 2 huge swings and that was the end of our ''Good'' TR.
He respawned at the campfire and almost instantly started saying ''please wipe now you won't make it'' ''Go die please'' and some more insulting things over the duration of the fight. Me who had no experience with this boss on epic difficulty just kept attacking it, dodging the big hits with ITC and Bloodbath if ITC was on cooldown.
About 5-10 minutes later I finally managed to kill the boss, only having lost the aggro on it 2 times.
Now from my experience I've seen that most players just rush to the loot instantly so you can imagine how suprised I was by everyone telling me to ''please kick the other TR fast''. I did and the GF picked up the purple which was a GF weapon, I was expecting him to roll need and then just leaving the party as I've seen everyone else do in every epic dungeon that I've ran so far.
The DC and CW thanked us for the party and left without rolling and the GF rolled need and got the item. I was getting ready to leave aswell when the GF traded with me, he gave me the GF purple and thanked me for doing so well for my first run and me keeping calm and focusing on the fight during the constant insults of the other TR.
I recieved a few very insulting PMs from the TR afterwards but I didn't let it bother me because I was just too amazed by how nice the GF was.
TL;DR: The players that feel as if they're ''elite'' enough to talk down on you are often the ones that end up failing the most.
Someone grab me my Remington shotgun, a troll has been spotted!!
Actually it is the other way around, because really good gamers do not necessarily need the best items to perform as good as a not so pro kewl-kid with a 15k gs... It is mostly the bobbies, who feel the need to get maxed out, due to their lack of skill. GS is their way to compensate it.
higher GS is a lot better than low GS
lets compare our low GS character before and upgraded high GS character
you can complete any dungeons with 10k GS, but with 12k+ GS you can finish all easily and faster than 10k GS
I have seen many very experienced and talented low GS players and untalented high GS loudmouth fools in CN and FH.
I found unnecessary and hilarious when someone is skipping someone to a CN where he don't has 12k just 11.9k...
In my guild where I know my guildies or friends abilities I don't care about the GS of the CW, TR or DC guildie if he knows what to do.
In Lfg where you have to find someone fast you have no other solution just ask his GS...
A 12k+ CW is common to see. I rarely see 13k+ cw.
Seeing 14-15-16k GF or Gwf is very common.
But, none of the other things are displayed in such an easy to access way as Gear Score, nor can one ask for a players skill from 1 to 10..
And, we can't forget how much easier a dungeon becomes with a 14k+ 3 CW, 1 DC, 1 TR, all perfect Vorpal team
BUT why do I play with only high GS, in sake of the time it just goes much faster. Ofcourse people will say that its not true, well this is my experience. As stated above, some high GS with perfect makes the run goes twice as fast.
Black Lotus
That's actually bull. For two following reasons:
If you go BiS and best stat distribution, you will have around 12.5~12.7k ( if you are a TR/CW/DC) and around 14k if you are a GWF. You can achieve 15k+ on CWs/TRs/DCs only if you are HP stacker or mixing 2/2 pieces of two different sets which isn't efficient.
If you are a good player you will always look to improve yourself and your gear. You wont lock yourself with lesser weapon enchantments and rank 5/6s if you are a "skilled" player, especially that the rank 7s / normal enchantments are really cheap ( if you are a consistent dungeoneer).
For example, if i'm a TR with rank 5 enchantments, i would never out DPS a TR with rank 7s unless that TR is very bad.
So versus a good TR with rank 7s my DPS would look like a joke, no matter how skilled i'm, because he actually have the skill + the gear. So yes, gear plays a big role here.
Which makes me come back to my question that you completely ignored :
Now give me one reason, why would i keep myself at 10k GS, if i can easily go to 12k due to my good experience in dungeons ?
IF you are trying to join a party who is asking for Exp only for 4/4 CN, and you would tell me " i'm exp but low GS" trust me, they wont bother adding you. Because you have no proof that you are good, they wouldn't run a test run and see how good you are they would rather invite a high GS since the majority of high GS players are good and probably more experienced.
It is just like college diploma graduate vs high school graduate, the high school graduate maybe smarter than the college graduate. But in the eyes of the people, the college graduate will always have an edge on you in terms of selection.