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1 Million AD's For This!?



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    mlegermleger Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    i agree there should be a dressing room features, shows you what it would look like and even shows you total gearscore with the items before equipping them.
    Thorin Oakenshield - 60 DC | Floki Longarm - 60 TR | Tiny Tank - 60 GWF
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    sasheriasasheria Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    melodywhr wrote: »
    sure... i could see where you right click an item and have the option to try it on... maybe "preview" would be the proper nomenclature. and it would open a larger window so you could zoom in and out, turn your character in circles, blah blah blah. obviously style and the item's look is a factor thought into neverwinter and this would be a great addition.

    but that being said... it's not here... we have no promise of it coming... and right now, all we have is the preview server to use as we please. it is truly a great option to have in our arsenal.

    I agree. I don't think the devs have announce anything similar in the future patches. It is interesting that some players refuse to use it (due to 6GB size or whatever) and just complain. If it was 10 years ago I can see the issue, but now-a-days 1TB drive is less than 100$
    To grow old is inevitable, to grow up is optional.
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    esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited October 2013
    having extra space occupied is fine, 6 gigs is not big unless you play from a microwave.
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    whoamarkwhoamark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    They definitely need to spend one week fixing all the random bits and bobs on CW armor that causes most hair to clip, as well as other clipping issues with capes - and yes, definitely that hat.
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    butstonfreembutstonfreem Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yes, besides the whole "duh there's a preview shard", there's still the op point that he paid 1,315,000 AD's for a Hat that clips into the back of the character's head after making him bald and erasing his ears.
    There are tons of clipping errors and overall sloppy modeling work. Good luck putting a helmet on a dwarf without half of his head sticking out somewhere.
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    grom5674grom5674 Member Posts: 100 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    I think most of ya all are missing a major point that the OP is making.... Over a Mil AD for the hat, and it looks like crud. The guy wearing it in the market place looks cool in his.... Why would anyone expect it to look bad on their char?? Everyone seems to want to ya/nay the preview area and call names, but the main point to me is... it looks bad, it clips and it just flat out is not worth 10 AD as it is. Granted it may seem a small thing to many, but I know, I've been saving up for that hat ever since I found out it was there for sale. Now, reading this thread, there is no way I'd consider buying it. Just flat out no way.

    For the record, I agree with the OP and others that there needs to be a fitting room, or at the least a "try it on before buying" option for high cost items at least.
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    esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited October 2013
    Get 500,000 AD on live shard.

    Mimic your character 3 times. or maybe 5 times.

    5x500,000= 2.5 m AD.

    Now go try all you want.
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    mctankypantsmctankypants Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So what everyone is saying is that you need to go to your local store and try on the item, see how smashing you look.
    THEN go buy it off an internet retailer.
    Makes perfect sense in a game that should have that feature anyways. I can think of a handful of games that offer that feature for item shop as well as new armor before you buy or "bind" it.
    It's bothersome to have to google armor to see how it should look on me instead of just being able to preview it and decide if I want to sell it on the AH or actually use the cosmetics of it.
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    skarlspeedskarlspeed Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Hey not everyone knows about the test server or how to get there. I know I don't. At the very least they should attach a warning when buying something like that that would clue the client into "please copy your client on the test server and do your purchase there to make sure you are happy, and then you will know how the look will look on you character" kind of disclaimer. I will not suggest why they would not give a warning to try the purchase on the test server first.
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    melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    here is the thread on how to use the preview server:


    you're welcome. :)
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    leedskalninleedskalnin Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The fact that you have to make extra effort to make sure something is working the way it should by common sense alone, simply tells you that the game is still incomplete and premature. They should put the game back to beta phase since it feels like beta with all the exploits and missing features/crappy dev work. Eg: Change appearance token for 200 zen not working properly until they fixed it a few weeks ago, GPF Enchancement worth 2.3M not working and stacks only once - did not even mention officially that it isn't working. You got cryptricked, it seems!
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    The fact that you have to make extra effort to make sure something is working the way it should by common sense alone, simply tells you that the game is still incomplete and premature. They should put the game back to beta phase since it feels like beta with all the exploits and missing features/crappy dev work. Eg: Change appearance token for 200 zen not working properly until they fixed it a few weeks ago, GPF Enchancement worth 2.3M not working and stacks only once - did not even mention officially that it isn't working. You got cryptricked, it seems!

    You are paying 1.3M for a transmute, has nothing to do with "working the way it should" You should always go to preview to see how it looks before you buy it, so you can judge if it's worth 1.3M.

    On a side note has anyone seen GWF dragonslayer helm? I am of course going to check it on PTR before purchasing but if anyone has a screenshot that would be nice =)
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Preview shard or not. Lets face it, it looks terrible.


    There is no reason why an item that sells for something close to $40 should look that unfinished. Especially something that is pretty much by design to be a high end vanity item. Id love to get one, on live not preview, but not until it gets fixed.
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    runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    Preview shard or not. Lets face it, it looks terrible.

    Can't argue with that. It looks terrible. And to me it looks glitched. I wonder if anyone that actually has it filed a bug report.

    It took them 2 months, but they finally responded to the graphic glitch on the savage skull (orb) from the first CTA. But if no one has told them about this expensive AD shop hat being bugged, they'll never get to it.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
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    edheadedhead Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Did you ever think to use the Preview server to preview gear before you make the huge purchase live? I have 150 ardent coins and I bought and equipped every weapon too see which was coolest, no way I'd spend 150 days worth of coins without seeing what I'm getting first, common sense I'd think =P

    You should not have to do this, just to see a preview. Most games have this option.
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    faiteaccompliifaiteaccomplii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2
    edited October 2013
    I hope this post will serve as a bug report and they will take it a bit more seriously. For 40.00 yes it should look 'perfect'.
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    abell39abell39 Member Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Better to repost in the bug report forum where the devs themselves are more likely to see it. Could even repost it in the preview shard bug report forum for extra visibility since it's confirmed to exist there and in live.
    Kerensa Loreweaver, level 60 DC | Rilla Turtledove, level 60 CW | Calvin Meriwether, level 60 TR
    Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I do not treat the forums as a way to communicate directly with developers (with the exception of Panderus who follows the preview bug reports quite closely).

    The bug report forum is my venue for communicating with other players who may be affected. I think they are hit-and-miss as far as actually getting back to the company, though they can provide excellent documentation if you do manage to catch a dev's individual attention.

    I use the in-game help menu to report everything that I'd like to ensure will get placed before the eyes that most need to see it. To me, it's not a bug report unless it actually has a ticket number.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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    nearlydiamondnearlydiamond Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Did you ever think to use the Preview server to preview gear before you make the huge purchase live? I have 150 ardent coins and I bought and equipped every weapon too see which was coolest, no way I'd spend 150 days worth of coins without seeing what I'm getting first, common sense I'd think =P

    This should never be a necessity when spending currency amounts of this magnitude. I agree with the OP.
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    rortierortie Member Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    This should never be a necessity when spending currency amounts of this magnitude. I agree with the OP.

    Agreed, otherwise the mind boggles.
    "Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr
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    runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This is not (or perhaps was not, idk if the other hat was fixed) the only hat with this issue. Fabled Iliyanbruen Helmet also removed hair and ears. Seeing this bug in more than one place makes me wonder if its a mechanic bug in the way some hats are flagged. Perhaps its flagged as a full helm that completely covers the head or something.

    An older thread about the other hat here:
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    runebane wrote: »
    This is not (or perhaps was not, idk if the other hat was fixed) the only hat with this issue. Fabled Iliyanbruen Helmet also removed hair and ears. Seeing this bug in more than one place makes me wonder if its a mechanic bug in the way some hats are flagged. Perhaps its flagged as a full helm that completely covers the head or something.

    An older thread about the other hat here:

    Yea, its not just this one hat. It is with most of them. My rogues murderous jesters mask does the exact same. I think you are partially right in that there is little coding to distinguish hats from full helms. So we get the hairless earless look. The problem is, there are no alt styles to use with the hat.

    They would really need to alter every hair style with a version that has a bald skull, for the hat to sit on without clipping. And then the hat would need to be smart enough to switch your hair to that alt version and its correct color as a replacement when you put the hat on. A tricky problem, but one that should of at the very least been worked out prior to selling these things.

    Even in CO most hats limited you to only a few select, styles that didn't clip to much. A solution would more then likely involve having the hat simply replace your hair with one short default style integrated with the hat. But even that would be an improvement over what we have.
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well it looks like there is a fix for this on the preview shard.


    Not even sure if it is intended at this point. There has been zero mention of it at all.
    Depending on your chosen hair style it clip with the hat awfully. But clipping aside id rather have the choice to clip or not then to be forced bald.
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