So, yesterday I transferred 2000 Zen to Neverwinter and purchased and Ioun Stone of Allure. This morning I see this:
Of course, it's not retroactive, not even 24 hours, because that would actually make me feel good about a past purchase ...
Of course they're under no obligation and before somebody comes along quoting the TOS again, I get the point; it's totally their prerogative to make poor decisions and run their game into the ground. But consider this: wouldn't it be to their advantage to make people feel good about spending Zen whenever they want instead of always keep them wondering if there's going to be a better deal around the corner they'll miss out on? I could be sitting here feeling even better about transferring 2000 Zen yesterday, but instead I wish I had waited until today. Why not make me feel good about yesterday AND excited about buying more Zen today? It's completely to their advantage to do so. They could have very easily said "and if you've transferred Zen during the past couple of weeks, 50% of that Zen applies to this promotion!" I'd still need to buy more Zen and I'd feel a lot better about past purchasing than I do right now. That's called customer satisfaction, a.k.a. good business.
Also how is this PW fault? You blame them like they waited for you to buy zen just to screw you
Play: PILLAGER* of the DEAD! By: Hempy NW-DNV3R9B4J
Well, everyone's entitled to their opinion. I guess some people are fine with getting screwed regularly, I'm just not one of them. I'd have given people 50% credit if they'd ever purchased Zen, but then again I'm not used to the way PWE does business. Maybe after I get broken in some more I'll feel better about how awesome they are at making people feel bad for supporting the game with their money. I think they'd get more money in the long run if they adopted an approach that made people feel good about their investments rather than remorseful, but I'll admit I could be wrong about that.
Is the Sun Mask purely cosmetic?
Fey Wolf Mount rarity and Speed?
Quickling Companion rarity and abilities?
Tip: Promotions and events seem to be pretty much always announced on Thursdays, to coincide with the regular maintenance schedule. Time buying decisions accordingly.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
See the news post. (yes - fashion item, green, green, abilities to be added to post)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
That's just it though, you didn't get screwed. You paid for 2000 zen - period. You knew that was exactly what you would be getting, which was exactly 2000 zen with nothing else extra, and you were okay with that at the time. Just because they're running a special now doesn't mean you didn't get what you paid for yesterday.
Thanks Becky you Lunatic.
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