I've been playing since Open Beta. I've played many other MMOs. This a'nt my first rodeo.
I've subscribed some of them and paid as I've played others. There is something
Sorely missing from the game
Discounts! and Perks! I have spent more on this game than any game I have ever played! All of the other MMOs I've played give you some kinda
perk for spending real money on the game. I don't have a
Account Bank, things bind to character that should not, XP scroll from the Adventures pack. I've spent way to much on maxing out 1 characters bank slots 96 spots is the total, FYI. And I've spent a lot more than that.

Look up my account Cryptic if you think I'm lying. Most other game you can spend as little as 5 or 10 dollars and get perks. But here I am with none!!! Sometimes I've feel that I've done it all wrong. I'm having a case of buyers remorse.
You should get bonus Zen for buying over a certain amount, so there's that.
As for discounts and perks - I'm not sure I follow what you're looking for. Can you give an example of a reasonable discount one should receive for spending a certain amount? Keep in mind that you can convert ADs to Zen, so they can't base the reward/discount/perk on Zen spent, alone.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Spend more carefully, with a little help from other players I started my own guild just for the storage. I have 144 slots which cost me 900k ADs (about 2500 zen ). But much of that was paid for by money I made in game, mostly through crafting and leadership. Be patient. You can make a nice bank in this game without spending near as much as you seem to. Getting in a hurry coasts you LOTS of $$. The best investment in the zen market is 2 extra character slots for 500 zen. Run them through the tutorial and black lake, get them to lvl 11 for professions and invocation. in 3 months for just a few minutes a day you will get a very nice income. they will even level by themselves if you use some leadership. If you just want to support the game with money there are lots of pretty pets and toys to buy.
The two biggest things I really won't buy at all are the bank slots and the keys, because they are badly over priced.
Should really be more aware on what your spending money on. Your tossing money at them and now your starting to regret it. lol.
Coulda gotten a much better investment with that zen.
Agreed, I've talked to so many others that just mail their stuff to a alt account.
Others games perks for spending real money.
XP buffs, we don't need that one.
More bank space for free.
Extra raids/delvs per week or day. MC should not have cost me a single AD
Extra time in special cosmetic gear runs, that drop those items. That you can add to your "look" for Free, not the Transmutation that cost AD
FREE Character slots
Extra resource farming or buffs
Permanent "zen" discounts others games its not Zen but you get the idea.
Cash shop sales, or discounts for loyalty to the game
Account Bank!
Different games do it differently, Some would require subs for such perks. others require a Starter Pack purchase. That is nothing like the ones offered so far,
Coalescent ward ($10) = should be more like $10 for 10 and $2 for one.
Dusk unicorn ($40) = always said that much for a mount is ridiculous
Profession asset pack ($16) = should be more like $7.50
Greater bag of holding ($10) = more like $5 or 4 for $15
I've been adamant since open beta that the price points are too high, now bear in mind that they dropped some of them when the game went live which was a good start but some of the ones above never got changed. My opnions for changing the price of these items comes from the idea is that they should be accessible to your average player and bear in mind that this game is free to play and requires paying gamers to keep contributing dollarydoos so that the majority can continue to play for free. I do not wish to see this game die too young so please marketing guru's at perfectworld revise your price points.
But why would you do that? For $5, you can get two character slots, quest them to lv7 to get the first extra bag, and have plenty of cheap mule space. Why go out of your way to egregiously waste money?
Even though I think the bags could stand a bit of a discount, those prices are kinda nuts, compared to the bag prices I've seen in just about every other f2p MMO over the past 5 years. $6-8 for that much storage space is pretty common. 4 bags for 15 is crazy cheap.
(I do wish there was a shared bank, though. I tend to buy that in any game I play long enough.)
re: perk systems for spending money. The only ones I'd been aware of before were the "Buy money once and go from Free status to Premium", where you have a couple more character slots/more auction postings/better chat limits/etc. A one-time thing. Very handy. But they usually only exist in games that also have/had a subscription. ("Play for free: get X abilities; Pay the sub: get full abilities! Spend some in the cash shop, get something in between!")
Then I ran across the money-crazy, "let's rip off the whales as hard as we can" folks at Aeria. One of their games that I check in on once in awhile still (don't play, just look at the forums to see how bad it's gotten) currently has a "Tier" bonus for September. As you spend money in the cash shop and hit various milestones, you get bonus items. The chart maxes out at $1000. For a single month. They also have similar weekly bonuses (couple hundred $). It's abusive as heck, and clearly is just there to take money from people with no sense and no self-control. This kind of stuff makes me think that giving bonuses for spending is something to avoid. And the idea of people asking for it (asking to be ripped off/encouraged to waste their money & spend unwisely & beyond their means), seems crazy.
Yes I very much so agree. for a long time that the prices for things in this game is just out of control. I would never buy any actual ZEN to spend on this game with prices like that.
Not that I am cheap, but out of principle and wise spending. $40 for a mount is just inconceivable. Some games charge $20 for a mount and I think that was crazy. 1 Coalescent ward, for that much?
They are pricing everything way too absurdly, even the prices set for things for AD is just absurd.
I wouldnt pay for the things they have priced even if they were cut in half. Hell, I even think the change appearance and change name tokens cost too much, and prices are reversed.
I really question what the deal is with thier pricing. Though Im sure those many unwise spenders that just pour money into things will just do it anyway. And thats what it looks like this marketing is targeted for.
And really there should be no bonuses for spending. Your already paying for bonuses already. That just gives leeway to abuse the hell out of people's pockets. And destablize the game greatly. For essentailly. That is already the point in paying, for the bonus.
Expecting a bonus from a bonus is just kinda..well I dont wish to say to really offend anybody.
This game is the only MMO I've ever had buyer's remorse in, and I've played a lot of MMO's since I first discovered them in 1999. The buy + subscription model, the buy to play model, and free to play, I've spent a lot of money in MMOs and I usually consider it money well spent.
This game has the worst dollar value of any game I've ever spent money on. The prices on certain items are too high, too many items are single character specific, and I'm really unhappy with how they handled companions being unable to level up past 15 until you spend $15-$35 for a cash shop one. Or worse, the best healer companion being in the lottery boxes so that people would have to spend potentially limitless cash to try for one. It's one of the most blatant examples of coercive monetization I've ever seen in a non phone game.
Why not just save up the 300k AD and upgrade your companion?
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
Please see companion feedback thread for people's opinions on that particular pricing schedule.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Way to many enchantments and runes for starters. I thought incorrectly that they would rocket up in price. So I've held most I've gotten. Yes I fuse them, that also part of the problem
Heck lots of peeps create more than one account why even bother with 5 bucks.
I figure as with most MMOs that a "pay to mail" system would be in place by now.
I think in the long run that will cost more, level 20 to 25 500k AD and level 25 to 30 750k AD. yeah that cost more.
And lets not forget mounts, that over 2 mill.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
i've been dabbling in this game for a week or so now and It's fun. I prefer games like darkfall and Fps shooters, but D&D and nwn2 have a special place in my heart )harp music)
I was considering purchasing a character slot and maybe a mount...saw the prices, was offended and am now considering not playing at all...just on principle. Company needs better economists working for them...I would have purchased something if anything was what i consider reasonable for a online game...I can't believe how many mounts fly past me at those prices...
I've only spent $20 for 2300 Zen (bought during bonus sale so got extra 300)
1500 Zen on account-wide Golden Brindle Mount Rank 2 mount &
500 Zen for 2 extra character slots. The Alts are great for generating AD via Leadership and daily login for invoications/celestial coins or if I want a change from my main.
So far $20 for over 3 months entertainment has been pretty good.
Can now afford to exchange AD to Zen for extra slots or whatever
Looking for a guild for PvE Dungeons to suit AEST evenings
How you new if you created an account in Nov 2012?:eek:
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger
There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
Probably already had a perfectworld account prior.
I'm actually very satisfied with the $ I have spent I have 7 characters (one will be rerolled when archers come out) all my characters have a minimum selection of two t3 mounts and 2 outfits thanks to the packs. 3 pets I start with (1 from each pack and the tiefling cleric I got from a promo),
i've not purchased any mounts from zen store as I just use spider or unicorn ad I don't want to fill up more space. and ive only bought bank space on one character since shes my main and my level 60. and that I got when it was on sale.
Id love the account bank idea , as well as a mount and fashion tab as those would probably encourage me to buy more mounts and fashion objects. account banks and account objects encourage single account users. which is good for PWE since they will be more invested in preserving their account less likely or exploit or not pay.
I could see them having something like "veteran rewards" for big spenders but this could cause people who argue this game is greedy to point at this and say see this is what I mean! especially if they added something useful like bank space. so they'd either have to make the rewards things people already have in the big packs like vip room access, or promo outfit parts, or extra welcome/potion packs that they could claim. but over all I honestly think this would cause more problems than it would solve.
Wrong I've had a PWE account for three years, but I didn't join this game till late beta, and it shows me a 'June 2013'
Good eye, Goddess
you caught me!!
in regards to the question, by "new" i didnt mean new to this world, i meant new to the game...i played ddo for a while too...but like i mentioned, this is my first time with this game in particular