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Pvp video: Trickster rogue



  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    rojor wrote: »
    12.9k gwf here and i still get 30k critted from similarly geared rogues, cap the damage problem solved.

    13k TR here and I still get wasted, one shot killed or stunned until dead, by sentinel GWFs. Do not do anything because the challenge is fun.
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    srdjana75 wrote: »
    I made this account just now to point out a few things...

    1. Complaint's Department almost always runs premade. So your recording is mostly premade vs pug's of players of MUCH MUCH lesser gear score.

    2. I did not see one viable opponent in any of those clips. Nor did I see a viable team, but I always see you on a premade team.

    3. Congratulations you can hit your Lashing Blade key.

    4. You are not recognized as one of the better rogues on the server, so this self serving post boasting of accomplishments fits right in with where it belongs.... You over powering Pug teams with your premade players Shrugs, Blessing, Pegasus, Desidus, etc...

    5. http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/#char(Curse@ayroux)/charactersheet

    6. Looking at your build with the Perfect Vorpal and PvP set. No wonder why your video shows you only using Lashings and not actually 1v1'ing. Most of your kills were your team jumping on players focusing them down and you coming in with a crit hit. Once again, you seem to have found your lashing blade key...

    7. I can name 20 rogues on Mindflayer off the top of my head that are better and would beat you to the point of you needing to file a PFA against them.

    8. you may ask why im coming at you like this ? You post a video boasting of some sort of skill and power ( soft targets, team focusing targets though out the video ).... Don't go to stand on the pedestal without preparing yourself for the cold hard truth.

    Hi Svet.

    I was wondering when you would make an appearence into this thread.

    In response to the points you make:

    Yes we in Complaints Department do regularily run premades. But all of our members also solo que, I would also point out that most of the time, it is a duo que / 3 man que as well. We try to set up Pm vs Pm on a regular basis. I think that this point is invalid. People play MMOs for the social aspect. Don't penalize members in my guild simply because we enjoy playing together. If we didn't we wouldn't be in the same guild. Much can be said for players of other guilds that group up to play in the game. Don't pull at straws.

    2. Curse did not post saying: OMG SUPER L33T ROGUE DPS AGAINST BEST PLAYERS. Your point is invalid.

    3. All I ever see you do is LB and Impact shot. And then run when you get low. You cannot exactly talk here Svet.

    4. See response to number 1 about guild mates enjoying playing with each other.

    5 - 8. I couldn't really care about. Everyone plays this game for different reasons and enjoys the game for different reasons.

    If you have a problem with the way Complaints Department PvPs we encourage you to put together a 5 man team and put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise:

    Thankyou for filing a Complaint.

    Now back on Topic:

    Curse: I can watch you LB targets all day long.


    As before when you were editting it. Loved every minute.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    Its pretty cowardly to make a fake account just to post on this thread because you dont want to own up to your words.

    I honestly dont really care if there are 1000 TRs on the server better than me, I dont need to believe im the best to have fun playing this game with my friends.

    I will again state this video is NOT to show skill, just fun lashing crits followed with impact shots, just a motivational video to be honest and since pvp gets stale fast, something to give me a "reason" to pvp... to get some nice footage to make a video.

    If you want to see a "skill" match I can record an hour long match on my GWF but then again... how much skill does that really take?

    In the end bro, just like my GWF pvp video im just hoping to encourage other people to play the game and show what good enchants on a player looks like... Most ppl will never get a perf vorp so they will never see that type of damage without using lurkers.

    So flame at me all you want, you may very well be better than me, I frankly dont care bro. I had fun making this video and you can trash it all you want, I would love to see your own pvp video...

    Although that would assume that you have the balls to post under your own name and put yourself up on the chopping block for criticism :)
  • rojorrojor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Kingculex while i accept that is your opinion and you believe it to be correct i can't help but notice your signature and how it relates to the current topic. Given that you have only been espousing what is essentially your views held in your signature throughout multiple posts in this topic it seems a little redundant to keep posting no ?
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    rojor wrote: »
    Kingculex while i accept that is your opinion and you believe it to be correct i can't help but notice your signature and how it relates to the current topic. Given that you have only been espousing what is essentially your views held in your signature throughout multiple posts in this topic it seems a little redundant to keep posting no ?

    ^ Seems I hit a nerve. You should not be complaining if you do not want someone to respond. Making redundant posts seems to be effective because so many people make posts that involves them complaining over pvp.

    I will make it very obvious for you. Suck it up and adapt instead of coming on the forums to complain. Complaining just makes you look bad. Wanting nerfs for your own gain also makes you look bad as well. PVP is about fighting, killing, and capping points. PVP is not about standing in a circle singing or knitting. This is an MMO which means there will always be someone who is equally or better geared than you and someone who is equally or better skilled than you. Act like an intelligent adult and accept that there might be someone who is better gear or better skilled than you instead of complaining.

    The idea of PVP is players killing each other while capping and defending points. Players killing you are simply doing what they are suppose to do. Change your build to a cookie cutter sentinel GWF or improve your skills if you are having difficulty instead of wanting damage nerfed. Nerfs hurt everyone and not just the geared players that hit you for 30k. I am shocked they are even able to hit you with that much damage because it is rare on a properly geared GWF. The TR in this video has a Perfect Vorpal with mainly rank 8-9 enchantments which is rare. The TRs able to crit you for 30k damage are rare or there is something wrong with your build. FYI: Trs are meant to do heavy damage with low defense.

    You have a choice to read my posts or ignore them. You not liking my redundant posts is your problem and not mine. :) <- Working on starting an Anti-Nerf Campaign which means more redundant posts.

    In closing: Suck it up, adapt, move on to another PVP match OR stop playing PVP if you can not handle it without running to the forums. Have a great day:) <----To bad the word limit prevents me from adding this to my signature. Maybe I can make a picture that includes this line.

    Note: I will continue to post whenever someone asks for some type of nerf to any class because nerfs hurt everyone and not just the players who are better geared or better skilled than the player wanting nerfs.

    Note 2: The devs should be concentrating on class breaking bugs like the GWF Unstoppable bug and the TR Stealth bug instead of worrying about nerfs. I will not be shocked if the devs release another *balancing* update that nerfs all the classes again instead of fixing these bugs that have been around for a long time.
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • rojorrojor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I'm sorry if i offended you and caused you to launch into another essay, I was just simply making the point that you have already made your point 10 times over ( 20 if you include your signature ), re-posting it over and over again is just spam ,sure you individualized it in reply to specific posters but it does nothing for a healthy intellectual debate over game balance, nerfing ,buffing e.c.t.. I would also like to concede that the second note in your post is something i actually agree with but, well i had to digest a lot of spam to get to it and would recommend in the future less repetition with more short and succinct posts so as your reader does not fall asleep. Now having made my point and contributed all of my opinions on this topic and thread i feel capable of conveying at this time, i will not be replying to any more of your essays on the topic, have a nice day;)
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    rojor wrote: »
    12.9k gwf here and i still get 30k critted from similarly geared rogues, cap the damage problem solved.

    rojor wrote: »
    I'm sorry if i offended you and caused you to launch into another essay, I was just simply making the point that you have already made your point 10 times over ( 20 if you include your signature ), re-posting it over and over again is just spam ,sure you individualized it in reply to specific posters but it does nothing for a healthy intellectual debate over game balance, nerfing ,buffing e.c.t.. I would also like to concede that the second note in your post is something i actually agree with but, well i had to digest a lot of spam to get to it and would recommend in the future less repetition with more short and succinct posts so as your reader does not fall asleep. Now having made my point and contributed all of my opinions on this topic and thread i feel capable of conveying at this time, i will not be replying to any more of your essays on the topic, have a nice day;)

    ^Offended? Naw. Amused yes. I could have simplified it mockingly and just said "Learn to play instead of crying over it". ROFL!

    I can post however I want and make them as long as I want. Get over it cry baby. ROFL!

    Note: This post is much shorter. Repeating points will hopefully get them into cry babies like this one. A one line cry that a player gets hit with a 30K crit from LB which are rare does not help 'a healthy intellectual debate". My original response was just a one line reply to this individual's cry and this individual still cried about it.

    Note 2: I will continue to post whenever someone asks for some type of nerf to any class because nerfs hurt everyone and not just the players who are better geared or better skilled than the player wanting nerfs.

    Note 3: Everyone has the choice to read my posts or ignore them. An individual not liking my redundant posts is their problem and not mine. <- Working on starting an Anti-Nerf Campaign which means more redundant posts.

    Note 4: this poster probably wont reply or post again. Guess I wore him or her down. If only it was so easy to wear all the nerf criers down who spam the forums wanting nerfs for their own gain.

    Now be a big boy or girl and get over it.

    In closing: Thanks for the laughs! ROFL! :)
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • snewfielokisnewfieloki Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Curse looking for a challenge come an play with us

    Snewfie Essence Of Aggression
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Curse looking for a challenge come an play with us

    Snewfie Essence Of Aggression

    Would love to play!

    As for Svet, its pretty clear that HE doesnt measure up and the only way to grasp at straws and hold on to a shred of his ego is to put other people down. Hey man, it just shows your true character.

    As for Blessing, out of all my friends she pugs the most of anyone and any GOOD pvper knows that even 1 good person is not going to change the battle much against a full premade. Even 3 guilded people versus a premade is a joke. So unless you have footage of what has happened. You cant really justify saying much.

    As to your QQing at her, I was with her when it happened and YOU were the one who kept pestering her, not the other way around. So dont act all high and mighty like you played a fair match and she was the one bringing it up. Regardless of win OR loss, Blessing doesnt QQ post matches to try and justify her skill, she doesnt need to. The people that DO need to justify it to themselves are the ones who complain after matches and harass opponents for 30min+ and also come onto forums, create fake accounts to put others down.

    Like Des said bro, make your best 5 and come at me. Until then you can blow all the smoke you want, but thats all its ever gonna be bro, hot air.

    Incase noone caught that. SVET IS A DUDE, who tried to come off like a chick so that if/when HE streams, more people will watch. If you dont believe me, ask around who he is and if he is a guy or girl and youd be surprised.

    Good day :)
  • goddessuniquegoddessunique Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Funny watching edited pvp video's. It's real easy to faceroll when you not stunned or cc'd every 5 secs. The whole video I didn't see him use takedown not even once. Nice video. lol And who said it takes skill to play a tr? Maybe if you only have one hand and 3 fingers does it take any "skill" to play easy mode. Nice try tho.;)
    Queen of Dragon Server
    Goddess Uniique, lvl 60 DC.
    PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
    Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
    *******, lvl 60 TR.
    Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
    Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger

    There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    kcramp wrote: »
    I suppose you are right, but its a tough call because a lot of people never get that geared -- I certainly don't play enough. Getting hit with the nerf bat will hurt everyone who is low gearscore much more than high.

    TO get this thread back on track, I wanted to bring this back up... I actually think that the changes to TR need to be:

    1) Lashing is no longer 100% crit in stealth, maybe when used in stealth instead of 100% crit it has a reduced CD or something. Like 20 seconds outside but only like 14 seconds if used in stealth?

    2) Impact shots need to be 3 charges TOTAL, no 3 in stealth and 3 out, 3 TOTAL. Drop the damage of this ability the further away a target it, and buff it slightly the close it is... Why the heck are TRs good at ranged attacks? Shouldnt we be all sneak and melee?

    3) Look at some of the OTHER TR abilities and add more utility or damage to those to make more encounters viable from the basic lashing/impact/ itc or shadow.... I would love to see other primary damagers apart from lashing and other utility encounters as well...
    modimor wrote: »
    Video is pretty much only showing of him hitting people who have maxed out offensive stats. This guy have never hit me for more then 12000 with LB, and Thats not even half my HP.

    Ill bet you 2 million AD my lashing will crit you for over 12k :) and without using Lurkers Assault too.
  • barthanbarthan Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Well I still think it needs to go by gear score in pvp and we need some new maps.
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    Impact shots need to be 3 charges TOTAL, no 3 in stealth and 3 out, 3 TOTAL.

    From a guy who plays a TR you sure dont know much about the class.

    Impact is 3 out of stealth. 1 in....4 total

    Epic fail
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    From a guy who plays a TR you sure dont know much about the class.

    Impact is 3 out of stealth. 1 in....4 total

    Epic fail

    Wow are you trolling? Because seriously.... Epic fail FAIL.... you have THREE impact shots while in stealth that are on CD and you have THREE outside of stealth.

    If not, explain this series of events....


    Just used 5 impacts there... but WTF?! you only have 4?! I must be hacking.....

    PPl need to fact check before they post ignorance....
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Funny watching edited pvp video's. It's real easy to faceroll when you not stunned or cc'd every 5 secs. The whole video I didn't see him use takedown not even once. Nice video. lol And who said it takes skill to play a tr? Maybe if you only have one hand and 3 fingers does it take any "skill" to play easy mode. Nice try tho.;)

    Is that a cat screeching outside? Naw, its just this hater. Probably got killed too many times by rogues and even calls them roaches. That is actually funny. ROFL!

    Better to love than hate. *Hugs*
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • pzg33pzg33 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    op class. boring as hell tbh
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    pzg33 wrote: »
    op class. boring as hell tbh

    Op class? SURE. Just another hater.

    Better to love than hate.
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • sarvarelsarvarel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    Wow are you trolling? Because seriously.... Epic fail FAIL.... you have THREE impact shots while in stealth that are on CD and you have THREE outside of stealth.

    If not, explain this series of events....


    Just used 5 impacts there... but WTF?! you only have 4?! I must be hacking.....

    PPl need to fact check before they post ignorance....

    1. I am really sure that you only can fire 4 Shots without a pause by now because the first shot gets you out of stealth. (You sure your scene is up2date with patches?) hint: look at the number down there while you shoot in stealth. It does not go down.
    http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Impact_Shot <-- old
    2. There a two CDs by now, one while in stealth one when out of it.

    so you either have to wait till stealth is up again to fire the 5th shot or you have to refill it with some skill.
  • nghikittynghikitty Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Great video :) your reaction seems a bit slow though or is the video just slowed?
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Yah your right. My epic fail I guess =) I never use Shadow in PvP which is why I can only get 4.

    With the right build you are correct, 6 impacts is possible.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    nghikitty wrote: »
    Great video :) your reaction seems a bit slow though or is the video just slowed?

    Yes it is slowed in many parts.
    sarvarel wrote: »
    1. I am really sure that you only can fire 4 Shots without a pause by now because the first shot gets you out of stealth. (You sure your scene is up2date with patches?) hint: look at the number down there while you shoot in stealth. It does not go down.
    http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Impact_Shot <-- old
    2. There a two CDs by now, one while in stealth one when out of it.

    so you either have to wait till stealth is up again to fire the 5th shot or you have to refill it with some skill.

    Seriously I feel like this is TR training Class #101...

    When you use Lurkers Assault it does NOT take you out of stealth when you use them, that is why you are able to get more. Also you can again use things like Shadow to get back into stealth, something I do ALL the time to use another one.

    The build is 100% up to date, I did not start recording any footage until AFTER the LA nerf to 25%.

    This is all way I suggested 3 impacts period. Its not a major nerf but its a minor one so even if you are stealthed you have to be careful about spending that impact. As it is now, its like a free one since youll probably have 3 out of stealth to use and then bam, back in stealth and you have more. Its a subtle change.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Here is another example. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30Nq7uJSe1k&feature=player_detailpage#t=218

    As I go up the stairs I have 1 impact shot. I cloak and bam 3 impact shots.

    And at the beginning of the video. There is this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30Nq7uJSe1k&feature=player_detailpage#t=63

    I used all three impacts, then shadow to get back in stealth and I have 2 charges instantly... Then use one of them.

    And then whats really OP is when I come OUT of stealth my OOS charge is almost off CD and I COULD use another one if I wanted.
  • pw3ckapw3cka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 125 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    The number of clueless people in this thread is too **** high! :D

    1st - TR is not op, only uber equiped/ skilled TRs are annoying and yes they can one shot you if you don't know how to dodge, but that's it - L2P or at least learn how to increase your FOV :D

    2nd - My comment on the video: the video is ultra boring, there is no single moment where you would show something skillful, sorry.
    I don't know on what server you are, but show video of one match VS a decent opponent.. It shows 1000x times more then those small cuts from pugging.
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    Here is another example. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30Nq7uJSe1k&feature=player_detailpage#t=218

    As I go up the stairs I have 1 impact shot. I cloak and bam 3 impact shots.

    And at the beginning of the video. There is this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30Nq7uJSe1k&feature=player_detailpage#t=63

    I used all three impacts, then shadow to get back in stealth and I have 2 charges instantly... Then use one of them.

    And then whats really OP is when I come OUT of stealth my OOS charge is almost off CD and I COULD use another one if I wanted.

    It is very interesting that the description says that it costs no charges and briefly stuns when cast while in stealth. It does not say it knocks you out of stealth when cast and it does not say impact shots are refilled completely when entering stealth. Reworking impact shots to were they do not refill when entering stealth and they do not knock you out of stealth may be viable. This means Impact Shots will be limited to 3 shots, regular recharge, and can be used in stealth.

    I honestly think the impact shots are fine because a TR has to sacrifice stealth to use them. This means a TR uses all three, enters stealth to recharge impact shots, and breaks stealth to use them. The nerf to Cloud of Steel is also a good reason why Impact Shots should not be reworked. It would be truly OP if a TR did not have to sacrifice stealth to quickly recharge them. Every class has its advantages and disadvantages. Every class has builds that can be considered OP as well.
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    pw3cka wrote: »
    The number of clueless people in this thread is too **** high! :D

    1st - TR is not op, only uber equiped/ skilled TRs are annoying and yes they can one shot you if you don't know how to dodge, but that's it - L2P or at least learn how to increase your FOV :D

    2nd - My comment on the video: the video is ultra boring, there is no single moment where you would show something skillful, sorry.
    I don't know on what server you are, but show video of one match VS a decent opponent.. It shows 1000x times more then those small cuts from pugging.

    I see where your coming from and:
    1) The video wasnt MEANT to show challenging 1v1s or "skill" its just meant as entertainment and also to show undergeareed/lvling TRs hey look what good gear can accomplish.

    2) One of the biggest reasons I only put short clips in is that I HAD a video of long duration challenging fights and ALL the feedback I got was that it was too long and too boring because lets face it, there isnt alot of action going on.

    3) Another issue is that if I record in high quality after about 1-2 min the file becomes SO large in size that it start severely cutting my FPS down to below 15 which makes it unplayable AND unrecordable. I can easily maintain about 60 FPS for ~2min straight of filming at max settings. I either have to record "half resolution" OR drop settings which I really dont like doing because then even good pvp footage becomes undesirable. So my choice was good quality clips, or bad quality long duration matches. I then took the feedback I told you in 1) and it was a no brainer.

    4) I personally like pvp kill clips. I PERSONALLY find long duration fights boring because well... there isnt alot of variety in this game. Once youve seen one TR video youve pretty much seen them all and ontop of that, its not like there is this insanely high skill cap in this game so even showing long duration hard fights isnt going to show what you want of "showing off uber skill".

    5) People keep saying stuff like "show 1v1s" or whatever. I keep pointing out that my ROLE as a TR in a group of 5 is to do what, execute and quickly kill people. I do this with high lashings (that btw DO actually take skill to set up and I explained this earlier) and use impact shots out of stealth to kill even further. If I play my ROLE correctly, I will NEVER be in a 1v1 situation. There is no point to be.

    If you want to see a "backcap TR" that is not me. I have a Regen Sent GWF to play that role and when I have a group if we DONT have that roll, I fill it with my GWF. If we DO have a backcapper, I fill the DPS spot with my TR who 1 shots most CWs on the server. Since THAT is my role, ANY footage you see of me is going to be me 1 shotting a CW followed with attacking opponents WITH A GROUP of teammates.

    Dont believe I 1 shot almost any CW? I have 27.5% arp. I know MAX DR CWs get slightly under 30% DR so basically nothing. On a Dummy I lashing crit for 23k consistently so unless you have more than 23k HP, you wont live. I also have impacts and COS if you somehow DO survive and have a sliver left.

    From there my ROLE is to DPS another already burnt target down to death and move on. I play "clean up". So your never going to see what your looking for out of TR videos. UNLESS you find a backcap TR who thats his role, then you might find that "skillful" 1v1 but I will say this again. 90% of the time when I end up backcapping even in pugs, I see a TR/CW/ or most DCs, I can easily 1-2 shot them so that wont be skillful either.

    What It SEEMS you are looking for is me 1v1 a Sent GWF at backcap and struggling to win... well I have said this before so I will say it again. I have not lost once to a TR on my GWF so I dont except to be able to do that on my TR. So I dont do it and especially wouldnt try to record it because even if I DID come out ontop, you would just result back to a "he wasnt that geared/skilled" comment.

    If it makes you feel better you can know that TRs cant beat good GWFs 1v1. I dont think they can be beaten 1v1 to be honest the BESt you can do is negate them by having an "unkillable" match.

    So what is it you are looking for here?
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Curse looking for a challenge come an play with us

    Snewfie Essence Of Aggression

    Shrugs and I PUG que to get this match. It was a fun match though you guys should have rolled us with your pre combo.

    Lets do a real pre vs pre next time.

  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    Shrugs and I PUG que to get this match. It was a fun match though you guys should have rolled us with your pre combo.

    Lets do a real pre vs pre next time.


    Haha! It was a fun match. We had one pug, and quite a squishy team. Y'all did great at point capture. Thanks for the good match!
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Haha! It was a fun match. We had one pug, and quite a squishy team. Y'all did great at point capture. Thanks for the good match!

    That it was! We want to get a full pre vs pre though.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    That it was! We want to get a full pre vs pre though.

    Definitely. I'm not sure we have anything like an "A" team. I just know I'm not on it (slightly under-geared compared to other CWs in our guild). But we have plenty of good players. I'd like to see one of each class, if that's cool. Best way to keep some semblance of balance.

    Edit: Perhaps contact Zac or Meldanin? They love doing PMvPM and could get something set up.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Definitely. I'm not sure we have anything like an "A" team. I just know I'm not on it (slightly under-geared compared to other CWs in our guild). But we have plenty of good players. I'd like to see one of each class, if that's cool. Best way to keep some semblance of balance.

    Edit: Perhaps contact Zac or Meldanin? They love doing PMvPM and could get something set up.

    For sure man.

    If you guys are keen to set up, they can get into tough with any of us: Blessing, Gerftylog, Shrugs or myself (Desidus)
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
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