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Am I the only one that just plays?

seneca671seneca671 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Sometimes I notice that the forum threads are full of nerfs to this power or that power, or that this or that class is overpowered and here's why! Did you know that with the latest patch GWF are dead? TRs now rule? CW are now thrown out of every party? And so forth.

These things just roll off me like water off a duck's back. I'm a level 60 GWF who mostly does PVE. I guess it's true that sometimes my skills might go up or down slightly, but I never notice, I just do what I do. When I group and see where I fall in doing damage, it's usually somewhere in the middle, and that's all right with me. All this buzz, I just tune out - it has no impact on me.

Is it all PVPers or min-max dungeon grinders that get worked up about it? I'm honestly curious, as it seems like such a big part of some people's concerns, but has nothing to do with mine.
Post edited by seneca671 on


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    badpanda69badpanda69 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Im happy with my GWF could probably do with a bit of a damage boost but apart from that not really having any issues.
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    ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    No. 99.9% of the people playing Neverwinter likely don't even visit the forum.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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    nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ironzerg79 wrote: »
    No. 99.9% of the people playing Neverwinter likely don't even visit the forum.

    So much win with this post.
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    tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    seneca671 wrote: »
    Sometimes I notice that the forum threads are full of nerfs to this power or that power, or that this or that class is overpowered and here's why! Did you know that with the latest patch GWF are dead? TRs now rule? CW are now thrown out of every party? And so forth.

    These things just roll off me like water off a duck's back. I'm a level 60 GWF who mostly does PVE. I guess it's true that sometimes my skills might go up or down slightly, but I never notice, I just do what I do. When I group and see where I fall in doing damage, it's usually somewhere in the middle, and that's all right with me. All this buzz, I just tune out - it has no impact on me.

    Is it all PVPers or min-max dungeon grinders that get worked up about it? I'm honestly curious, as it seems like such a big part of some people's concerns, but has nothing to do with mine.

    So it is ok with you that the Instigator Captstone is useless for a GWF when soloing?
    It is ok that when you use punishing Charge and it procs Deep Gash that the bleed damage is 0?
    It is ok with you that when unstoppable bugs you have to die to clear?
    It is ok that they removed AP generation per target on skills that have had that function since alpha?

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    seneca671seneca671 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    So it is ok with you that the Instigator Captstone is useless for a GWF when soloing?
    It is ok that when you use punishing Charge and it procs Deep Gash that the bleed damage is 0?
    It is ok with you that when unstoppable bugs you have to die to clear?
    It is ok that they removed AP generation per target on skills that have had that function since alpha?


    This is a good example of what I mean - though tarmalen, I'm not invalidating your opinion, which holds for your play style. As for Instigator Capstone, is that a Feat tree thing? I'm Destroyer specced. I also don't use punishing charge, though it surely sounds like a problem that the bleed damage is 0 - that should be corrected. As to removing AP generation per target, well... I'd prefer it be per target but...

    Here's the thing: I played through the PVE game, and did a few instances and skirmishes. Now I'm working through the Feywild content (I'm not interested in PVP). There's no solo boss I didn't manage to kill, though I had a problem with one or two of them (95% I didn't). Like I said, my damage in groups tends to be after the TR and after some more aggressively strategic other players, but it's okay - if everyone in the group were like me, we'd still finish group content.

    My playstyle is about enjoying the content: if I can finish it, without a lot of grief, I enjoy it. If I'm not as tough as the TR (or even the GWF) next to me, that's fine. I like to play with the same encounter powers so I get good at using them, rather than swapping them out, and have plenty of AD because there's not a lot for me to spend it on. I don't worry about content that's a grind because there's nothing that requires grinding that I need or want (Feywild excluded).

    I see the things you've pointed out as issues, but they're part of ongoing fiddling with the classes that is part of every game. Your post makes me think that, yeah, it's a play style thing: some players (and a lot of forum posters) are hotly competitive, and highly aware of themselves in relation to other players - in PVP, of course, this is highly relevant!

    One interesting comment is that I think on the forums you get a distorted picture of the player base. I suspect that there are a lot more players who play like I do than you might think (though I wouldn't hazard a guess as to percentages). Note again that I'm not saying my style of play is better - it's all good, and my play style doesn't invalidate yours any more than yours invalidates mine, it's just different. If anything, I'm glad someone out there is noticing things like bleeds that cause zero damage, as I'm not.

    I'm well aware, BTW, that my kind of play is sometimes perplexing to PVPers and min-maxers. Yours is too me, as well! :)
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    natedoggenatedogge Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ironzerg79 wrote: »
    No. 99.9% of the people playing Neverwinter likely don't even visit the forum.

    Which is why you just get the same people complaining about everything.

    Like this guy
    tarmalen wrote: »
    So it is ok with you that the Instigator Captstone is useless for a GWF when soloing?
    It is ok that when you use punishing Charge and it procs Deep Gash that the bleed damage is 0?
    It is ok with you that when unstoppable bugs you have to die to clear?
    It is ok that they removed AP generation per target on skills that have had that function since alpha?


    I got into this game with a few mates and I love it. I main DC, and, yeah, there're a few things that I don't like, but I don't spend my time complaining about it.

    If we glitch, we reload or /killme, if we don't like our skills we swap them out or change class.

    The only gripe I really have is that dungeons aren't all that hard.
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I would say I just play, but wait until it hits you below the belt and then you will understand. Take my TR, my first character, the one I spent the most money and time on, etc. Nerf after nerf. As with you, I mostly PVE and much of that is solo or duo, occasional 5 man effort. Fine. They change stuff, I adapt, fine. Up to a point. They finally nerfed everything that I liked about the class enough that it is no longer my favorite. I do not even play her now, just log in, craft, and log over to something else. Why? Thrown daggers: I run out of ammo on trash pve mobs now, which is not acceptable. Lashing blade... I have to stand there doing nothing between groups of mobs waiting on a cooldown now because they made the cooldown take ages and ages. Lurkers.... is no longer sufficient to get an edge on the solo instance bosses, and now we have to face those multiple times daily in the new grind content. Little by little they have turned my rogue into a boring fighter that just goes toe-to-toe with everything, except she can't take that kind of damage, so its really a roll in, hit, roll out fight which gets boring and tedious in a hurry. When you take lashing blade, a signature, class defining skill that has been a primary "never remove" skill since the game launched completely off the bar because it is always on cooldown, there is a problem. When your tricksy rogue is nothing more than a boring fighter that forgot to put armor on, there is a problem.

    Some day, they will nerf something on your class that clashes with YOUR playstyle and makes the game less fun. When it happens, you will understand. That is ASIDE from the bugs; bugs are bugs and not nerfs and will eventually be fixed (we hope... sigh).
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    seneca671seneca671 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    noroblad wrote: »
    Some day, they will nerf something on your class that clashes with YOUR playstyle and makes the game less fun. When it happens, you will understand. That is ASIDE from the bugs; bugs are bugs and not nerfs and will eventually be fixed (we hope... sigh).

    I can see how this is possible, though a lot more likely with a class like a TR, that (I have one in her fifties, though now she's mostly a Leadership mule) has more of a variety of flashy abilities to my mind than a GWF (and thus, playstyles that can be wrecked through repeated changes). I picked the GWF because I basically want to rush in and clobber stuff, and I loved the animation of enemies flying in the air (still do).

    There is nerfing that would upset me - when I'm doing Feywild, for instance, and I'm hustling to kill the little Redcap healers and drainers before they get me - if I didn't do enough damage to knock'em out first that'd bug me. For me, though - due to the class type - nerfs mostly result in slight damage adjustments up or down, that are unlikely to make a big difference in my play style. If they did, and I found myself saying "I can no longer accomplish PVE" I'd have a problem.

    It sounds like you've had a rough ride with your TR, though. I can certainly see how specific little things that made the class fun could be changed and make the class less fun. Personally, I'm more sympathetic to these sorts of complaints that are based on play style, rather than strength: your beef isn't about you being weaker, per se, it's about your experience of moment-to-moment play.

    ETA that when you say when something hits my play style I'll understand, I'd note that it's all about threshold: my threshold for complaint is much higher than most of the people on this forum, and I think more in line with the average player (again, I'm not sure). That doesn't mean it's not there, and that I wouldn't reach it - there's just a lot more leeway. By the time I'm complaining, most of the people here would have stroked out.
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    tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    natedogge wrote: »
    Which is why you just get the same people complaining about everything.

    Like this guy

    I got into this game with a few mates and I love it. I main DC, and, yeah, there're a few things that I don't like, but I don't spend my time complaining about it.

    If we glitch, we reload or /killme, if we don't like our skills we swap them out or change class.

    The only gripe I really have is that dungeons aren't all that hard.

    Glad you are enjoying your game.

    Just don't go around holding your nose high because some of us folks are pointing out issues with classes.

    I have a bicycle with one tire I would LOVE to sell you.
    I'm sure you would be tickled pink since it has a horn!
    Never mind the chain is broke, the handle bars are backwards and it has no seat.
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    xellizxelliz Member Posts: 955 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm going to post a poem/statement that has been around for a long time and hopefully some of you will understand why you should appreciate the people who ***** about these nerfs...
    First they came for the communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the socialists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one left to speak for me.
    Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
    - JailBreak (in development)
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    lewel555lewel555 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    seneca671 wrote: »
    GWF skills might go up or down slightly, but I never notice

    Even being merely a BIll Tavern gwf, I could not avoid noticing the difference. You have your rotations, encounter, atwill, encounter, Tab. This is your rotation, your build was pretty much centered about this rotation, you press the keys without thinking.

    Except Tab now does nothing. Bar is not full enough to get Unstoppable.
    You try Roar again and you take a close look. Nothing. Roar was slotted in your encounters just for that. In itself Roar does nothing. Pushing back the foes, errr, half an inch away? Roar was in your rotation only for AP regeneration. And now Roar does nothing.

    Finally near the end of the fight you're able to hit Tab. You become a hulk, there is the hulk animation. And nothing. You're not deflecting anything any more. The tiny little spiders near the firecamp in Bill Tavern kill you.

    Yes, even a casual gwf is definitely affected in his gameplay.
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    balgorinbalgorin Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    Glad you are enjoying your game.

    Just don't go around holding your nose high because some of us folks are pointing out issues with classes.

    I have a bicycle with one tire I would LOVE to sell you.
    I'm sure you would be tickled pink since it has a horn!
    Never mind the chain is broke, the handle bars are backwards and it has no seat.

    lol Some things just need pointed out :)
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sooo... my GWF is mostly flower farming these days. I dunno if there's anything special about the kobolds, but I'm able to pop Unstoppable every mob. Of course, I can't speak to AP gain because using daily powers would be total overkill.

    Basically shout at them (pretty sure I switched out Roar for Daring Shout a long time ago), Weapon Master's Strike the mob, Unstoppable when it's available (half full), continue WMS, Flourish if one is left standing.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    seneca671seneca671 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Flower farming... oh, yeah - the event! I've been sort of blowing it off because I don't have a lot of play time. I have a feeling when I finish Feywild (in another few weeks/month?) I'll be like well, dingus... you could have been spending time on the event!
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    natedoggenatedogge Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    Glad you are enjoying your game.

    Just don't go around holding your nose high because some of us folks are pointing out issues with classes.

    I have a bicycle with one tire I would LOVE to sell you.
    I'm sure you would be tickled pink since it has a horn!
    Never mind the chain is broke, the handle bars are backwards and it has no seat.

    Nah, fair enough. I do realise this game has quite a few issues. But none of them really affect me when I just play with my friends, we're relatively casual and find my attempts to pvp hilarious :P

    A few of my friends have pointed a whole tonne of things out to me that need improvement, of course.

    I just get very, very fanboyish about things I like

    I've done a bit of flower farming, not much. I'd like the pig, but, eh, it's not a huge deal

    Still gonna get the epic boar mount :3
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    twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    noroblad wrote: »
    I would say I just play, but wait until it hits you below the belt and then you will understand. Take my TR, my first character, the one I spent the most money and time on, etc. Nerf after nerf. As with you, I mostly PVE and much of that is solo or duo, occasional 5 man effort. Fine. They change stuff, I adapt, fine. Up to a point. They finally nerfed everything that I liked about the class enough that it is no longer my favorite. I do not even play her now, just log in, craft, and log over to something else. Why? Thrown daggers: I run out of ammo on trash pve mobs now, which is not acceptable. Lashing blade... I have to stand there doing nothing between groups of mobs waiting on a cooldown now because they made the cooldown take ages and ages. Lurkers.... is no longer sufficient to get an edge on the solo instance bosses, and now we have to face those multiple times daily in the new grind content. Little by little they have turned my rogue into a boring fighter that just goes toe-to-toe with everything, except she can't take that kind of damage, so its really a roll in, hit, roll out fight which gets boring and tedious in a hurry. When you take lashing blade, a signature, class defining skill that has been a primary "never remove" skill since the game launched completely off the bar because it is always on cooldown, there is a problem. When your tricksy rogue is nothing more than a boring fighter that forgot to put armor on, there is a problem.

    Some day, they will nerf something on your class that clashes with YOUR playstyle and makes the game less fun. When it happens, you will understand. That is ASIDE from the bugs; bugs are bugs and not nerfs and will eventually be fixed (we hope... sigh).
    My main is a TR. Just hit level 56 and about to do the final quest in Rothe Valley. I don't recognise any of the problems you describe.

    My standard encounter loadout is Lashing Blade, Dazing Strike, Bait and Switch. Dailies are LB and Bloodbath. These work just fine with my playstyle, which is very 'rouguey' - constantly on the move, dipping in and out of stealth, distracting enemies with B&S, etc.

    I use CoS for pulls and to maintain DPS during disconnects. It works just fine, although not as uber as before. I can generally burn a trash minion before it can reach me.

    Maybe you just need to tweak a few things and you'll have fun again?
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I've never made a whole lot of use of Lashing Blade in PvE after getting a larger array of encounter powers, except for slotting it back in for skirmishes, where my job is to do as much damage as possible to one thing, and I don't need to be self-sufficient. It's trash overkill, and I find it lacks versatility. Even then, I didn't slot it for Call to Arms and was contributing just fine by keeping my stealth up to spam extra-potent Flurry.

    Bait and Switch is still doing a fine job of refilling action points to get Lurker's up a lot.

    BTW, this:
    Lurkers.... is no longer sufficient to get an edge on the solo instance bosses, and now we have to face those multiple times daily in the new grind content.
    is not correct. You are in no way required to face those bosses every day unless you want to. You can hold keys until you feel like using them, and you gain no needed campaign advancement stuff from the instanced dungeons (crescents, but those are easy to get).
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    xelliz wrote: »
    I'm going to post a poem/statement that has been around for a long time and hopefully some of you will understand why you should appreciate the people who ***** about these nerfs...

    ...and trying to apply that quote, to the Incredibly Serious And Terrible position of - whining about video games? - is a travesty.
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    tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    kiralyn wrote: »
    ...and trying to apply that quote, to the Incredibly Serious And Terrible position of - whining about video games? - is a travesty.

    Yet in this instance it is apropos.
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    xabersedgexabersedge Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    So many of us 'just play'. it just so happens that all the whiny, self-important, im-gonna-quit-cuz-it-aint-my-way kind of people speak up on the forums mostly. there is a small percentage of players that actually choose to use the forum and those those few usually push out the ones who would otherwise have a positive and adult conversation. this is the nature of forums i am afraid so let the freak flag fly and try to dodge the shrapnel from flaming children ;p
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    fathomfulfathomful Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I just play.

    Love the game. I only get to run like a dungeon a day, but still find fun in running any dungeon with my friends and guild. We run crazy comps or odd dungeons where nobody really needs anything. Doesnt matter.

    I like the dungeons, i like the lore, i like the gameplay. I dig it. Are there things i would change, you betcha. Am i going to quit because this isnt the perfect nirvana of gaming that i imagined in my head.. no.

    As long as i have fun ill keep throwing some time at it. Every game has flaws. Just a matter of finding a game where the flaws dont bother you too much.
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    seneca671seneca671 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    xabersedge wrote: »
    So many of us 'just play'. it just so happens that all the whiny, self-important, im-gonna-quit-cuz-it-aint-my-way kind of people speak up on the forums mostly. there is a small percentage of players that actually choose to use the forum and those those few usually push out the ones who would otherwise have a positive and adult conversation. this is the nature of forums i am afraid so let the freak flag fly and try to dodge the shrapnel from flaming children ;p

    Honestly, this is part of the reason I still post now and then - I feel the urge to tip the scales the other way a little bit.

    As far as the person who didn't notice the TR changes/nerfs, this is my experience, too (as a general maxim), which is sort of what I was posting about. My goal isn't to invalidate anyone's experience, but to highlight the sometime specificity of it: if you have a very specific way of play that is meant to provide you a small edge, and that edge is changed through balancing, it might impact you a lot, but I believe that the majority of the players barely notice because they don't play that way, and in fact the game shouldn't be based on very specific builds - builds, IMHO, are meant to evolve, and a lot of players (like myself) just play the way the enjoy the most.

    I do wish the forums were more positive - or let me say, reflective.

    I just ran the Master of the Hunt Skirmish, and I came in second in terms of damage, right behind the TR (who did out-damage the heck out of me). How much difference could a tweak this way or that really be making, and to who? I can't shake the (possibly mistaken) impression that what's happening is that someone notices a small change, in conjunction with a defeat in PVP or whatever, and they sound off here about the end of the world - an end that I haven't noticed at all. That's what I've been thinking on.

    Hm. Maybe I'm commenting on the general direction that MMOs take, i.e. are they about razor's edge builds that give one player a slight edge in maximizing encounters, or are they ongoing evolutions? I've been mogging, well, 4evah, and it's always been the later in practice, so why get twisted up about it? If you want to maximize that way, it means revisiting your build.
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    khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    seneca671 wrote: »
    Sometimes I notice that the forum threads are full of nerfs to this power or that power, or that this or that class is overpowered and here's why! Did you know that with the latest patch GWF are dead? TRs now rule? CW are now thrown out of every party? And so forth.

    These things just roll off me like water off a duck's back. I'm a level 60 GWF who mostly does PVE. I guess it's true that sometimes my skills might go up or down slightly, but I never notice, I just do what I do. When I group and see where I fall in doing damage, it's usually somewhere in the middle, and that's all right with me. All this buzz, I just tune out - it has no impact on me.

    Is it all PVPers or min-max dungeon grinders that get worked up about it? I'm honestly curious, as it seems like such a big part of some people's concerns, but has nothing to do with mine.

    Nope, you are not. There are a lot of us that "just play", but, because we enjoy the game, we don't come to the forums crying that the game is broken or that the game is doomed, we "just play".
    My main is a TR, max level, can solo all the solo quests and just enjoying the adventure. I got 3 more chars (CW, GWF and DC) and I enjoy playing all of them. Can't wait to see what's gonna come next.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
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    mute209mute209 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I also just play. The only "nerf" I even noticed was when my TR had fewer throwing daggers. It wasn't a big deal to me. I just adapted and moved on. I suppose we all have our own reasons for playing and different aspects of the game give us enjoyment. I'm just glad I'm not one of the people stressing about how much damage I can do and such. I'm still having fun.
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    gek1956gek1956 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Well Seneca, when you get your GWF to MC maybe you will understand. My GWF is STILL my go to solo farm and/or new content character. I am not destroyer specced, as I have used her in epics handily for off tanking and cleric protection. But now, in ANY epic when I take LOADS of damage.. ie I need to proc US several times a minute, it BUGS. This is above and beyond its reduced buffs and duration. The typical epic team today is DC,GF, and 3x CW. When you get on a team for Malabog's you will in all likelihood be the weak link that makes them fail at the last boss. I felt terrible when my first MC team couldn't hack it, and was honest enough to realize that my toon was useless there. My TR is badly broken too but I think maybe I can fix him should I choose to respect and replace his Skulker stealth gear with something else, (400k AD lost in the click of a dev's mouse) But TRs as a class suck for solo play now cuz you cant kill the bosses without multiple heal potions or taking 5 minutes per encounter to dodge and stealth.

    Nerfs that break player classes for most content are bad for the game. You need to widen your perspective a bit. I strongly suspect that most of these changes came about to silence PVP player's pet peeves. GWFs soloing a node was a powerful strategy to draw the other team resources, and TR quick kills ( which is what the class was originally specced for) make poorer CW and DC player cry like 2 year olds.
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    bpskibbenheimsbpskibbenheims Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    gek1956 wrote: »
    TRs as a class suck for solo play now cuz you cant kill the bosses without multiple heal potions or taking 5 minutes per encounter to dodge and stealth.

    I can't comment on your comments on GWF, Mine is only in his 40s, but I have to respectfully disagree that TR is that bad for solo. Maybe it's my gear maybe it's the way I am playing, but on average with a pile of mobs I don't pot but once every other pile, and I seem to kill very fast. I can consistently win the troll farmin event at the festival for example (which may not be a good indicator)

    I dunno I haven't felt the nerfs ave been as harsh as my fellow TRs seem to say.
    "Confusion is the T-Rex of tire faucets."
    -Sir Bartholomew P. Skibbenheims III, Esquire, Twice Removed

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    gek1956gek1956 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I can't comment on your comments on GWF, Mine is only in his 40s, but I have to respectfully disagree that TR is that bad for solo. Maybe it's my gear maybe it's the way I am playing, but on average with a pile of mobs I don't pot but once every other pile, and I seem to kill very fast. I can consistently win the troll farmin event at the festival for example (which may not be a good indicator)

    I dunno I haven't felt the nerfs ave been as harsh as my fellow TRs seem to say.

    LIke I said I need to respect... Running for pure stealth was never a high output option, more of a play choice. As an old timey PnP DM I realize that stealth causes problems for the person running the game. Its a balancing act for any GM. But gutting what was already weak renders the very name 'Trickster Rogue" irrelevant. Maybe they should change it to 'Street Fighter' or 'Mugger'
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    bpskibbenheimsbpskibbenheims Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    gek1956 wrote: »
    LIke I said I need to respect... Running for pure stealth was never a high output option, more of a play choice. As an old timey PnP DM I realize that stealth causes problems for the person running the game. Its a balancing act for any GM. But gutting what was already weak renders the very name 'Trickster Rogue" irrelevant. Maybe they should change it to 'Street Fighter' or 'Mugger'

    Makes sense, I run a pure executioner spec (other than speed swindle).
    "Confusion is the T-Rex of tire faucets."
    -Sir Bartholomew P. Skibbenheims III, Esquire, Twice Removed

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    kacman13kacman13 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    Yet in this instance it is apropos.

    It is NEVER appropriate to compare an evil totalitarian empire, that killed or imprisoned millions, to the way that an on-line game is ran.

    You have your choice to quit playing if the developers treat you so evilly, unlike the person that wrote that poem.

    You are an idiot for originally posting the poem as a defense of attacking changes in the game but made yourself look to be more of a moron by trying to defend your original posting.
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