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For Devs:Summary of the biggest complain of the patch: Remove BOP please



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    wixxgs1chtwixxgs1cht Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ladysylvia wrote: »
    Lol. Then you have no idea how the game work...
    I make so many rough ads that i could buy any augment pet. Rank 7 slots can you make with good farming.

    And higher gear especially perfect armor/weapon enhancements aren't for casual gamer as easy way. Now it's easier to get the set which you want.
    The only grief I personally have with BoP is that I simply will "never" (being a casual gamer) be able to afford any augmented pet, greater/perfect whatever enchants or full rank 7+ slotted gear.

    Casual as per my definition means: I don't have 193876 alts all farming Leadership, nor do I have the time to play more than two hours a day, if at all. So, kind Ma'am, enlighten me how to get - say - 1m AD in under a month then. CN runs? With no group? Random queue? Also, know that I refrain from exploiting. Fk me, right? :D
    I however agree with your point about the enchants, if I got you right. But one can dream, right? ;-)
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    bluedarky wrote: »
    Nice try at being funny, you know the real reason why these calls of things "killing the game" don't bother me, because they never pan out. Let's look at the major issues killing WoW over the years.

    1. Back in Classic (pre-Burning Crusade), the fact that Alliance characters had access to Paladin and Horde had access to Shaman was going to kill the game.
    2. In Burning Crusade the fact that the new Alliance race had Shamans and the new Horde race had Paladins and didn't have warriors was going to kill the game.
    3. In Wrath of the Lich King Death Knights being restricted to characters of level 60+ was going to kill the game.
    4. In Cataclysm the massive changes to the world was going to kill the game.
    5. In Mists of Pandaria Pandas were going to kill the game (Whilst this may appear to be true there are three points to make in order to show that this isn't evidence of the playerbase being right, 1. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, 2. 1 out of 5 isn't exactly a good track record and this is only the top 5 issues with each Expansion, 3. There are a lot more factors into WoW's lose of playerbase than just Pandas).

    Lets take a look at that list, not only are the first two points contradictory, but each is just a group of people latching onto the thing they like least about the new Expansion and attempting to use hyperbole to force Blizzard to reverse the decisions they made.

    As I attempted to point out, in three months, not only will Neverwinter still have a healthy playerbase, but all the issues people are complaining about now (including the BoP change) will be forgotten and a load of new issues (mainly about how the new class and paragon paths are "unbalanced" and "broken") will be what's killing the game.
    skalt112 wrote: »
    So is this a consensus between all 5 of you?

    I spit my drink out when i read this, lmao!
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    ausdoerrtausdoerrt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    wixxgs1cht wrote: »
    Casual as per my definition means: I don't have 193876 alts all farming Leadership, nor do I have the time to play more than two hours a day, if at all. So, kind Ma'am, enlighten me how to get - say - 1m AD in under a month then. CN runs? With no group? Random queue? Also, know that I refrain from exploiting. Fk me, right? :D
    I however agree with your point about the enchants, if I got you right. But one can dream, right? ;-)

    If one is casual, it also means they don't want "all top gear RITE NAO". If they do, they aren't "casual", they're "spoiled". There's a cash shop for such people in the game.
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    ausdoerrtausdoerrt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    yerune wrote: »
    So if an epic piece or armor drops from a boss, it's not BoP?

    Correct. I've gotten a Miracle Healer chestpiece from the GG dungeon the other day, and it was fully tradable.

    Yes, you actually have to fight bosses for drops now. Bizarre, I know. :P
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    melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    all BoP did was change the rate at which epic gear hits the auction house. it also means that you actually have to run dungeon delves or pvp or gauntlegrym in order to get epic gear OR pay top dollar on the auction house. end-gamers can no longer do speed runs for high-demand gear and sell it on the auction house for massive profits. and the system works with the salvager, the single BoE drop in a dungeon and being able to select what head/chest/arms/feet piece you want.
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