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BOP GG items = no reason at all to play it after set



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    sominatorsominator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
    Proud member of Team Fencebane, official guild of the unofficial Neverwinter Adventure Hour!
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I was originally against BoP completely, especially post patch when everything skyrocketed in price, but lets actually compare things now to before.

    Before all gear was cheap, the only thing you could hope to get from a dungeon (non CN) was your T2 to sell or vorpal shards, 95% of other loot was garbage <3k AD. Now that prices have gone way up you are more rewarded for the time you spend in dungeons, my DC got a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> icon that would have gone for maybe 5k pre patch, I sold it for 70k lol! Even CN drops we're steadily declining in price pre patch (<150k for GF offhand) and now they are back up again, making runs more profitable.

    I do agree with the subject of this thread, GG gear being BoP effectively kills that content for 95% of players. The GG gear should be BoE, the amount of time it takes to get the coins needed just to salvage that gear is way less efficient than just doing PvP and salvaging honor items.

    Long story short, I can see how BoP positively affects the game as it more rewards you for your time spent in dungeons most of the time. Also it's easier to actually gear your character if that's what you're running the dungeon for.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    chocobofarmerchocobofarmer Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Before all gear was cheap, the only thing you could hope to get from a dungeon (non CN) was your T2 to sell or vorpal shards, 95% of other loot was garbage <3k AD. Now that prices have gone way up you are more rewarded for the time you spend in dungeons, my DC got a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> icon that would have gone for maybe 5k pre patch, I sold it for 70k lol! Even CN drops we're steadily declining in price pre patch (<150k for GF offhand) and now they are back up again, making runs more profitable.

    Even with the influx of players into CN because t2 was obsoleted for many players looking to make AD, there is less ancient items than before patch. The amount of t2 equipment is down 80-90%. Population is down, people playtime is down, likely zen coin sales have been seriously harmed, and cryptic is still clueless.

    You say skyrocketing price is a good thing, but think back at that when you are trying to get a set item for a new character and the 10% chance at set item dropping from dungeon delves chest isn't treating you well.

    Cryptic is clueless /end thread.
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    I was originally against BoP completely, especially post patch when everything skyrocketed in price, but lets actually compare things now to before.

    Before all gear was cheap, the only thing you could hope to get from a dungeon (non CN) was your T2 to sell or vorpal shards, 95% of other loot was garbage <3k AD. Now that prices have gone way up you are more rewarded for the time you spend in dungeons, my DC got a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> icon that would have gone for maybe 5k pre patch, I sold it for 70k lol! Even CN drops we're steadily declining in price pre patch (<150k for GF offhand) and now they are back up again, making runs more profitable.

    I do agree with the subject of this thread, GG gear being BoP effectively kills that content for 95% of players. The GG gear should be BoE, the amount of time it takes to get the coins needed just to salvage that gear is way less efficient than just doing PvP and salvaging honor items.

    Long story short, I can see how BoP positively affects the game as it more rewards you for your time spent in dungeons most of the time. Also it's easier to actually gear your character if that's what you're running the dungeon for.

    If your class dosen't get any particularly good drop from a dungeon boss, there's absolutely no point in running it, and if you think dungeons are more profitable now than before, you're mistaken.
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    chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Disagree actually - dungeons are more profitable now.

    Before - run with guild, everyone gets loot. Yes there is more loot but unless it's the best in slot item it's worth what? 20k? 30k AD - honestly not that much considering it dropping from chest is 10% anyway, or you get some crappy belt/ring/neck.

    Now, when those drops do happen - which is often enough, our guild splits the profit. Big boss drop? everyone gets 2-3 keys. Awesome. Also the prices of items along the way have gone up almost double - also awesome. Plus if i want a second T2 set for one of my characters i can farm that easily from DD chest - also awesome. Honestly BoP isn't bothering me at all.

    The problem i'm having is that every instance except Castle Never and Epic Dread Vault are just too easy. Get a group together, smash it in 40 minutes, not hard anymore.

    The worst part is that the new dungeon, Malabog Castle has 1 bug/exploit, 0 throws for the CW, no big monsters for the TR to really deal with, not strategy at all, honestly, It's just half an hour of mindless trash killing and it bores me to tears. I suppose if i was a GWF and could run in there and swing a big sword - but that's another thread.

    What happens if you are new though? The T1 dungeons are so easy that if you have five competent people you can sleepwalk through them, get some stuff, gear up step by step, then start running T2. The thing with BoP is that you now have to run instances to get gear, not just buy through AH. This might be a good thing.
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    If your class dosen't get any particularly good drop from a dungeon boss, there's absolutely no point in running it, and if you think dungeons are more profitable now than before, you're mistaken.

    I've only ran 2 dungeons since patch. Karru dropped my DC's T2 first run, and I got pyrotecnic band which I sold for 90k, I also got a vorpal shard. FH was my 2nd run and I got a DC icon that was worth 70k and a soulforged shard. The average amount of money made from a T2 pre patch for me was 2-3k from garbage mini boss loot and maybe a shard.

    @chocobo But the drop rate was always 10% so if we're talking about % chance of getting the T2 you want from a chest (vs. buying it from the AH) then you have 3x as high a chance as you get to choose what you get when you get it.

    Prices were falling daily pre patch, a lot of T2 was dirt cheap, even alot of ancient weapons were becoming dirt cheap. That meant if you wanted the big bucks you had to spend more and more time in dungeons.

    Now you can run 1-2 dungeons and easily have over 100k. If you get a T2 thats like 500k, it makes your time more valuable, and I'm happy with that, as I value my time.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    chocobofarmerchocobofarmer Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    I've only ran 2 dungeons since patch. Karru dropped my DC's T2 first run, and I got pyrotecnic band which I sold for 90k, I also got a vorpal shard. FH was my 2nd run and I got a DC icon that was worth 70k and a soulforged shard. The average amount of money made from a T2 pre patch for me was 2-3k from garbage mini boss loot and maybe a shard.

    Things were cheaper to sell in the past but also cheaper to buy. Overall it meant people could get what they wanted without waiting 10-50 days of refining astral diamonds for each item.
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    @chocobo But the drop rate was always 10% so if we're talking about % chance of getting the T2 you want from a chest (vs. buying it from the AH) then you have 3x as high a chance as you get to choose what you get when you get it.

    The droprate was always 10%, but there's much less people running T2, and impossible for them to sell set items they get from dungeon delves chest. The ability to choose your set item if you get a t2 set item right now is still inferior to the ability to take the t2 set item you don't want from chest, post it in auction house, collect AD, and buy the t2 set item you did want, at a reasonable price. Right now everything is priced so ridiculously high only paying players can afford, or people who save up 10-50 days worth of rough AD's.
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Prices were falling daily pre patch, a lot of T2 was dirt cheap, even alot of ancient weapons were becoming dirt cheap. That meant if you wanted the big bucks you had to spend more and more time in dungeons.

    If you wanted an item in the past, it was a lot cheaper to buy it then than right now. Low price is good for everyone, because even though when you sell an item you don't get much money, but when you need an item, you don't pay very much money either. All things considered it would be easier for you to save up money by selling DD chest items than hoping for the very small chance of a t2 set item dropping and being won through loot rolls from the t2 dungeon boss.
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Now you can run 1-2 dungeons and easily have over 100k. If you get a T2 thats like 500k, it makes your time more valuable, and I'm happy with that, as I value my time.

    But the frequency of t1 and t2 BoE items have become drastically less. They are more expensive now partly because they have become so much rarer, and partly because there's a lot less people doing dungeons from the changes. I'm not happy with any of the changes and I'm just saddened to see a company destroy a game like this.
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    sakiz105sakiz105 Member Posts: 37
    edited September 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    I've only ran 2 dungeons since patch. Karru dropped my DC's T2 first run, and I got pyrotecnic band which I sold for 90k, I also got a vorpal shard. FH was my 2nd run and I got a DC icon that was worth 70k and a soulforged shard. The average amount of money made from a T2 pre patch for me was 2-3k from garbage mini boss loot and maybe a shard.

    @chocobo But the drop rate was always 10% so if we're talking about % chance of getting the T2 you want from a chest (vs. buying it from the AH) then you have 3x as high a chance as you get to choose what you get when you get it.

    Prices were falling daily pre patch, a lot of T2 was dirt cheap, even alot of ancient weapons were becoming dirt cheap. That meant if you wanted the big bucks you had to spend more and more time in dungeons.

    Now you can run 1-2 dungeons and easily have over 100k. If you get a T2 thats like 500k, it makes your time more valuable, and I'm happy with that, as I value my time.

    Are you mentally challenged? Just read again what you said.You got DC item,then a GENERIC item then ANOTHER ONE DC ITEM then ANOTHER ONE GENERIC.Let me guess.Need,need,need and need?He said that some classes benefit more and he is right,You just prooved it.As a GF getting 1/3 drops or even 1/3 shards in a full run is so rare that when i got 2/3 from FH i got reported for cheating (true story,some butthurt cw pressed pass on hrimnir's ring and said i did that to him).CN is impossible for me,because if i q i get kicked,noone is looking for a gf for cn,and if they do,they kick me afterwards because "you so nab you can't tank ranged spiders who instakill you".And NO i don't want to delete my character that i spend so much time on it.
    My complain isn't the bop in dd chest,it's the drop frequency and the class frequency of the drops.
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    ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    I've only ran 2 dungeons since patch. Karru dropped my DC's T2 first run, and I got pyrotecnic band which I sold for 90k, I also got a vorpal shard. FH was my 2nd run and I got a DC icon that was worth 70k and a soulforged shard. The average amount of money made from a T2 pre patch for me was 2-3k from garbage mini boss loot and maybe a shard.

    Wow you don't realize how lucky you were. I've run about 10 dungeons since patch. I've gotten two unbound items from bosses, total sale value 9000 ad, yay. In the DD chest i've gotten 3 t2 pieces and 2 t1 pieces total salvage value 24,000 RAD which will be refined in about a week, because i already have 350k RAD.
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    chocobofarmerchocobofarmer Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ott0, but don't you understand? It's easier to make money!!1111!!!111!1
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    danielztdanielzt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Bound to Account will do
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    ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    ott0, but don't you understand? It's easier to make money!!1111!!!111!1

    no you don't understand. I made a lot more AD pre patch. Also was able to run more dungeons because more people were running them. now I wait in queue and hope DD event doesn't pass. Not that DD event matters, basically just for the guaranteed shard. It is easier to make RAD, but pre patch i had 250k RAD now i have 380K RAD. RAD is useless, but I don't have to log in for as long since there is no point. I've run GG once right after patch, Don't have a reason to go back. I don't need the daily, it was never that fun. so it's even easier to get RAD, I was making ON AVERAGE 70k AD a day with just my main toon before patch. Now I'm lucky to get 30K AD.
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    chocobofarmerchocobofarmer Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ott0, I go to the gauntlgrym horse race because I like to see all the horsies. Why don't you be like me and just enjoy the game for what it is, a much more desolate place than it was before the great neverwinter depression of august 22nd.
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    keltz0rkeltz0r Member Posts: 85
    edited September 2013
    Im against BoP, now the only dungeon to farm is CN and it gets repetitive really fast :/. Only reason CN items have actually gone up in price post-patch is because draco is so bugged most groups can't finish it anymore. Last time i did a dungeon was like 5 days ago, been doing only pvp since
    No longer playing NW
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    ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    ott0, I go to the gauntlgrym horse race because I like to see all the horsies. Why don't you be like me and just enjoy the game for what it is, a much more desolate place than it was before the great neverwinter depression of august 22nd.

    I'm sorry, you're right. I need to learn to just take it for what it is. Not long for what it was before they removed that thing... what was it, oh yeah... fun.
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    raladamraladam Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    A very easy fix, make GG gear not BOP... Are you all <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> or something?
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    ott0madduxott0maddux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Then you wouldn't have to buy Zen. And there people would play GG. Where would they put those "2 million" (wink) players
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    raladamraladam Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    2 million might have created accounts lol but play now? Over half my friend list has already stopped playing.
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Too much to respond to 1 person heh.

    Yes I got 2 DC only drops, there are plenty of class specific weapons/offhands that drop in different T2's that go for 60-150k right now. Obviously since I was in a pug I needed on everything as I need it to sell just as much as everyone else in group, I think anyone that is farming T2 for money would do that. That said I still need my T2 on my DC which is why I'm doing dungeons in the first place, for someone that needs the gear it's obtained more quickly with being able to choose what you get.

    I am not talking about a month or 2 ago when you could still sell T2 and CN weapons for 500k+ I'm talking about very recently before patch, all T2's and CN were overfarmed and pretty much all gear was going for dirt cheap, just like otto said he made only 70k a day. I make ~100k a day just from rough AD, granted I have 5 60's. I get that 100k from doing what I want, PvP, instead of being forced to farm dungeons for AD.

    Not to mention when I do want to do a dungeon I have gotten at least 1 item from it that I either need or can sell for good money. GG gear I would change back to BoE. But the market was too flooded before from BoE DD chests, let the people that want to buy their gear make me lots of money, and the people that are willing to farm it can get it easier.

    Also the final boss drop is random so no matter what class you are if your class T2 drops you get it, and can now sell it for 500k+ instead of 80k.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    bloodwerkbloodwerk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    What they need to do is raise refinement cap from 24k to 100k with how bad prices are on things you cannot get anything with the 24k cap. Seriously, i'd be way more interested in hitting up more dungeons daily if the cap was higher. That's my only peeve with everything being BoP they took out a large way for PvE players to make money without relying a lot on RNG and hoping we win a roll on some big drop on things that already have a low drop rate.

    I'm not against BoP gear i actually like it but the salvage feature was ruined by the ridiculously low cap per day it makes it not worth doing what's the point of having all this unrefined money we farmed for when it takes us months to actually use it?
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    chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Discussion here is amusing ^^

    24k/day is not enough to amount to much of anything if you have one character - I consider that like interest payments and largely ignore it.

    Unbound drops are rare, which is why they are SPLIT in guild so everyone gets something. That way everyone gets a share of the big item and we are all happy.

    Also, non-big drops are selling better now too - those are actually quite easy to get.

    Honestly guys, the solution is to join a guild and play as a team. Soloing and pugging was nerfed by this. If you can't get into a guild try being nicer, listening, and playing as a team.

    Also, don't have a crazy build... examples I see all the time:

    GWF - destoryer, avatar set, offense rings = run into the fight and die in 5 seconds
    GF - DPS tank, paper sheild - tries to kite adds, can't hold aggro, dies in 20 seconds
    DC - 2k recovery and 7k power - not enough heals, party dies often
    CW - 6k power, 5k crit, 2k recovery, no sing/sheild/throw - too many adds, party wipes
    TR - honestly, if you can't dodge, don't play.

    Please please please please please play as a team instead of trying to max individual DPS :( Someone who values teamwork and listens with a 9k gear score is better than a selfish player with 12k and an augment :( (i.e. this is why i never pug and only do guild runs, thank you).

    With teamwork, none of the T2 instances are actually hard. You just have to work together. Need gear? easy to farm. Need diamonds? also easy to farm since the prices are obscene. Let's all work together :)
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    Unbound drops are rare, which is why they are SPLIT in guild so everyone gets something. That way everyone gets a share of the big item and we are all happy.

    Yep my guild generally does share runs when we do dungeons, quite profitable for everyone. I happened to be pugging when I was needing on items =)

    I think with guild share runs you can make far more consistent AD than you could pre patch. I know it's just terrible RNG but I have ran CN upwards of 60 times and have only won 2 ancient items. 1 was my orb which I immediately equipped and the other was DC offhand which I sold for a measly 300k
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    ciopenhauerciopenhauer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I made over a million AD by doing the T1 GG dungeon since patch. Good reason enough.
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    chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    aawww I had to buy two icons at 380k each :(

    Yeah you gotta share now. I also try to share when I am with friends or friends of guildies. Same with your PvP discussion. Selfish play no longer wins.
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    chocobofarmerchocobofarmer Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Yep my guild generally does share runs when we do dungeons, quite profitable for everyone. I happened to be pugging when I was needing on items =)

    I think with guild share runs you can make far more consistent AD than you could pre patch. I know it's just terrible RNG but I have ran CN upwards of 60 times and have only won 2 ancient items. 1 was my orb which I immediately equipped and the other was DC offhand which I sold for a measly 300k

    Let's say of those 60 CN's, 30 of them resulted in ancient weapon/offhand being dropped. The odds of only getting 2 ancient weapons out of 30 successful cn's or less is less than 5%.
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    astariadodfastariadodf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Actually, the point of making Glory gear BOP is to combat botting and making money through sales. Don't argue its a fact. Cryptic is trying to combat this, as every MMO has too. Really My GWF got the sword way back and never GG"d again. My Rogue did all the time, and wears the gear, but doesn't so much anymore.

    If they are going to reverse the decision, then they also need to fix the exploit issues with GG. Sad, they announced they had stopped the pre over the wall thing, but it wasn't. Also getting the grym coins is not hard either. 3 rounds of a 'runner' in the dungeon section, 6 * 3 = 18. A win for your side in PvP another 7. Thats 25 a GG round once a day (bots would do 3 a day)? 3 days you have the best piece at 75 coins..... get the picture?
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    rki2rki2 Member Posts: 57
    edited September 2013
    Bound Glory is fine
    but unbound other seals like drake/unicorn/GrymCoins/Dark Fey Seals because they're pretty much useless after you get what you need, you cant even use them for your alts...
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    chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    When I am running and the queue is not broken, we could do 5-6 runs.

    But with BoP? coin farming is just pointless. However, I am doing better things with my time - sharandar dailies, CN, MC, teaching guildies, etc... so I don't mind so much.

    As for if they fixed the exploit, i would have stopped playing too. Trash mobs in GG are annoying, make annoying sounds, take forever to kill, and the GG items weren't worth much, so why bother then?

    I would like to have a reason to run T2 GG with my DC or CW sometime, just for achievement. Or maybe ghost slayer title. No reason to go there otherwise.
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Let's say of those 60 CN's, 30 of them resulted in ancient weapon/offhand being dropped. The odds of only getting 2 ancient weapons out of 30 successful cn's or less is less than 5%.

    Lol ancient always drops in CN, I just have 0 luck at the roll, 60 chances with 20% success rate and I get 2 drops. I realize that this is a bad example as it happens to very few people but it really turned me off to CN heh, I think that's one of the reasons I do PvP almost exclusively =P
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    chocobofarmerchocobofarmer Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    cribstaxxx, I've done loot split pools with many friends and guildmates at CN. Just agree at beginning that the winner will sell item in AH and split money evenly to those people in the split pool. The whole team doesn't have to be in the split pool, can be anywhere from 2-5 people in it.
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