We all know transmute/disenchant is EXPENSIVE. People have voiced their opinion on lowering the cost, some have offered the cost being diverted into other currencies. Here is an unofficial poll/petition to support my idea, XP progress bars.
Level 60 quests offer XP. Right now that goes to your companion. Most of the community by the time they hit 60 have their whites max level. So where does the XP go? Why not divert that into weapon/armor XP bars? The XP grants weapon/armor leveling. When your armor and weapon levels up you then unlock:
- Disenchant-the ability to freely slot, remove enchants at no cost
- Transmute-change your weapon skin at no cost
There could be some other cool options, like item rename, and possibly unlocking higher tiers of said weapon/armor, i.e. better stats. To keep it simple, I think the top two the community would be interested in are listed above. So vote now, if you agree. Maybe we could present it to the devs (leave all sarcastic remarks out of this thread)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia