Pet disappearing bug. Not dead, just vanishing.
Basically this happens sometimes with Shard of the Endless Avalanche while my pet is in melee range. The combat log shows the spell attributed to my pet instead of me. And the pet then disappears.
I thought at first it was just the skeletal dog, but later testing shows it to happen to every pet I tried except augment pets. Here are screenshots taken right after the pet disappeared. Hard to read the text (sorry), but you should be able to zoom in with CTRL + Mousewheel.
Near the bottom you can see that spike scored a critical hit with Shardplosion. Spike is my skeletal dog. And the shardplosion was from my shard of the arcane avalanche.
In the middle, twice Alena did critical damage with shard slam. Alena was my cleric companion. And the slam is from Shard of the arcane avalanche.
From the middle to the bottom. Again you see my companion (wretch my wererat) deal critical damage with my spell.
I'm guessing that the companion is somehow getting tied to the object that the spell shard of the arcane avalanche creates. And disappearing when the shard does.
The difference seems to be melee/ranged instead of zone. Seems to only happen when the pet is in melee.
Its hard to see (sorry), but notice near the bottom.
"Critical Hit! Your Spike deals 4395 (4840) Arcane to Ugly with Shard Slam."
"Critical Hit! Your Spike deals 9167 (10094) Arcane to Ugly with Shardplosion."
Spike is the dogs name. And Shard slam/plosion are from my shard of the arcane avalanche. Also seen spike referenced when eye of the storm procced, but didn't get a pic of it. Every time the dog disappeared, I could look back through the log and find where it had been referenced in the spells.
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Thanks for that by the way.
Picked up an ioun stone for one of my CWs today. Never saw it disappear. Buff seemed to stay up. And didn't notice the pet's name referenced by my spells in the combat log. Soon as I switched over to another CW that had a regular companion, the pet started disappearing again.
Would be nice if they could get to it. Was hoping it'd be included in yesterday's patch since they were already tinkering with Shard of the Endless Avalanche. But no... pets still disappear when using it.
I know it only affects CWs that use Shard of the Endless Avalanche and a non-augment pet. But having your pet go *poof* when you land a good hit. Then realizing you can't re-summon it back until you finish everything else off can be very aggravating.
The bug is that sometimes Shard of the Endless Avalanche causes non-augment pets to disappear.