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Tomorrow and Tomorrow quest not progressing

greeniewolf0greeniewolf0 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 83
edited September 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
been well over a day, but the Tomorrow and Tomorrow quest still wont progress for my cleric so I can't get sparks and progress her. UGH!
Post edited by greeniewolf0 on


  • orophin1orophin1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have the same problem i can not do this quest. Because I can not find the next point after the speaking process. And i am Cleric also.
  • sutekhonesutekhone Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    same here - quest stopped and can't get sparks to progress to the next zone
  • imathilimathil Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Same problem, I was in the waiting period for the quest when the patch was issued, got a message that the quest was resetting and now it does not progress.
  • jiglesjigles Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    that quest only show once so we all know the needed path.. then its just go the same npc's day after day.. tomorrow and tomorrow quest disapear.. but the ones that give the nneded items remain.
    Collision - LVL 60 TR ○○○ ENYO - LVL 60 CW
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Is Tomorrow and Tomorrow needed to do anything? I don't remember if it had a turn-in or just resolved the next day when you either loaded up or zoned back in (I recall the latter?). I thought it was just a nudge to say, "ok, that's it, all done, come back tomorrow". It is a one-time quest.

    Can you not get the "Battle for Sharandar" quest now? That is the repeatable daily that grants sparks. Details, please.
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  • tinukedatinukeda Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Tomorrow and Tomorrow has a 1 time turn in (turn it in the day after you pick it up) for 30 Gold Crescents and then it's done (just got another character to 60 this week).
  • imathilimathil Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    No, if you don't get the Tomorrow and Tomorrow quest finished you don't get the Battle for Sharadar or Arcane Reservoir quests. You can do the daily quests in the Feywylde to get the vibrant saplings but with no way to earn the feysparks you are dead in the water. No way to open the other gates.
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