Hi Ash, thanks for the input. I have used your Review Trade thread myself. I didn't know about the other one, so apologies for that.
You just gave me an idea actually.. Because I ask that all posts in my thread are daily eligible, it might be a good idea to link to your 'review trades' thread to help people out? If that's ok with you?
I don't like the idea of 'forcing' people to play. This is why I have made everything about my idea completely voluntary. I realize as I have said many times here that this idea is not perfect but is 'something else' that people can do (completely voluntarily) to promote their quests.
I am just trying something new.
@Karitr - I did ask that no one reply in that thread, I hope you find my reply here. I'm not sure I understood what you meant by signatures... You can turn them on and off whenever you wish. I feel it just clutters the thread to have them on every post.
And as for restricting campaign authors, yes absolutely. The thread is about playing for credit, well deserved credit at that. If a player wants to continue with a campaign then that should also be a voluntary thing for each player to do. I am restricting myself here as you know, and I feel that the fairest way to proceed is to allow one post per thread... If someone has made 10 single quests, then yes they should be able to promote each one. A campaign 'should' have enough promotion with the first part of it.
You asked people to discuss the idea here - I was discussing the implementation. Plus, I would and am more than happy to edit any post I make in the other thread. EDIT: And have done so
Thanks for clearing up the signature issue. I can't see how that can be done per individual thread, but see you have been able to. Assuming there are as many dunces as me and not everyone knows how to turn sigs off for a specific thread, you may want to give a little guide in your 'Play Trades' thread? (This is where everyone can point and laugh at my ineptitude ).
Anyway, for clarity's sake I will post your rule 6:
6. You may only post the FIRST part of a campaign. Leave it up to the players if they want to play more. (I added this just today, as I figured it would keep the play field more even).
And why I felt it was unfair:
Adding quests to campaigns has pros and cons. However, you can never have more than 10 quests as an author which already creates the level playing field that you desire. By stipulating that only the first quest from a campaign can be added to this thread, you are not levelling the playing field at all, you are restricting those who make campaign quests. For example an author of a campaign with 10 chapters would only be able to add the first, while an author who makes 10 standalones would be able to add all 10 of their quests.
To add to that further, it isn't really forward thinking. Likely an author's skills will be more refined once they have a quest or two under their belt. In addition, the toolset we have today will hopefully be developed to allow you more 'things' to play with in the future. In which case an author would justifiably feel their initial chapter is not reflective of their work as a whole. And yet that is all you are 'letting' them promote
Sorry Art. Rule 6 seems bonkers and not in a Campaign author's best interest.
I didnt realise it was bonkers... I don't need any 'bonkers' in my thread!
I will remove it at once, and re post my own 2nd quest then honestly it was spur of the moment thing that I decided while staring at BOTH of my own quests there thinking to myself... Wow, seems a bit unfair to have TWO of my own right on top of the list...
But hey ho.. If you guys feel strongly enough, it's gone
I'm sure you are getting progressively better the more you create, so it makes sense you shouldn't restrict yourself, or anyone else, to only promoting your earliest work
Hey I'm all for adapting.. I made it up as I went along, and have no issue being told it was wrong.
I just hope people start using it. No biters so far... Hey ho :P
May want to start by putting your own up. Also, it will take time for people to filter through. All my quest's are Daily at the moment so there is nothing I can add. I am working on a couple but was waiting for the 22nd Aug patch to finish up really. I'm interested how it will be presented. I like list's, If you took everyone's post's and put them into a list in a first come first serve order and then removed them once they hit Daily I will offer to review 1 a day. I know that's not much but I feel it's fair. I try and play two or three a day at least one must be what I choose to do.
Also if you were to put them into a list it would remove the need for people to remove sigs and what not. People simply are not going to do that. It's to much effort. Sorry if that sounds lazy but it is true.
You will see a list, once people see the list I think some will jump on board. Also it will mean that people will not need to read through the comments to find the quests. Maybe that's what you had planned anyway in which case ignore me.
Hi Ash, thanks for the input. I have used your Review Trade thread myself. I didn't know about the other one, so apologies for that.
You just gave me an idea actually.. Because I ask that all posts in my thread are daily eligible, it might be a good idea to link to your 'review trades' thread to help people out? If that's ok with you?
I don't like the idea of 'forcing' people to play. This is why I have made everything about my idea completely voluntary. I realize as I have said many times here that this idea is not perfect but is 'something else' that people can do (completely voluntarily) to promote their quests.
I am just trying something new.
I'm simply concerned, in my thread I also wanted people to not be forced to review others, but I also wanted them to feel fair. While some people reviewed quite a lot of quests, some people didn't bother to review anything at all, so I added requirement of reviewing at least one quest to appear on the list. You know how many quests have not made to my list because of that requirement? 70% of all.
That's why I'm concerned. I'm simply afraid that people will put their quests on your list and forget about it.
And I'm sure they will Ash, I think thats human nature unfortunately and 70% doesn't really surprise me to be honest, people are rubbish :P
However as I keep saying.. There ARE others out there who will support this, and WILL play all the quests. I am one of them, so it's my hope that it's another 'good' way to promote your foundries.
I say, if you only get 1 play from it.. It's 1 more than you would have had for 3 seconds posting work!
Anton.. Yes thats exactly what I'm aiming at, a list that doesn't have 'clutter' just quest after quest after quest...
For me, it's a fantastic thread because I get to play foundries all the time and I don't have to go searching for them
Anton.. Yes thats exactly what I'm aiming at, a list that doesn't have 'clutter' just quest after quest after quest...
For me, it's a fantastic thread because I get to play foundries all the time and I don't have to go searching for them
Oh, and mine are on there.. First 2.
Sorry, I mean a list on one reply, the 2nd in this case as you have your rules on the first. If it takes then people will add comments and reply's and it will start to look like any review swap thread. If you copied the details and put them all in one place it would be easy to look at. you could even include a link to the reply.
example: (I've used my own just for demonstration.)
A Dwarven Rebellion: @antonkyle - NW-DD4MQBRFI - link
Into the Underworld: @antonkyle - NW-DN5PAOTIT
A Magical Mystery Tour: @antonkyle - NW-DJX8BLRA7
And so on: @name nw-
No... That's a very long way from what I'm trying to do with this thread Anton. I can't possibly type it all out again, you will have to scroll up and read the info here, and in the other post again, sorry.
Hang on.. you voted 'no' on this thread? Maybe you need to have another look at what it's actually all about? I would greatly appreciate you changing your vote if you think it worthy to do so.
You have certainly misunderstood if you think it's about getting quests to daily. Far from it.
I'm just going to throw in my vote here as a "Yes".
Why? Because it's a positive change that will most probably make people a little bit happier on the whole.
Rescue in Rainwall, ID: NW-DRQK3HKVV Chef's Challenge, ID: NW-DGTKIBVF3 The Dreamfall Campaign, ID: NWS-DEB7Z9IJC(3 Quests) Ogre: For the win!, ID: NW-DR5O3PD63 Cults and Culture, ID: NW-DCLSFYSQ2
Thank you Groshie! Thats 'exactly' what I was after... Just that 'little' extra, something to improve the situation, no matter how small an effect it may have.
Glad to see the other thread going down SO well...
I'm glad I put so much effort into it, posting, re-posting, re-tweaking, posting, re-posting, posting seems all so worth it.
I guess that's an end to it then... At least I tried LOL.
. . . . . Give it time. Look through the stickies we have now and notice the time-stamps on their first replies by non-OP posters and then notice how long until a Moderator posted a reply about them getting stickied. Things take time, you've only posted your new thread earlier today. I'd say it's far from worthy of throwing the towel in on it yet. Maybe after a month of no replies, but surely not several hours.
ootyfastMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited August 2013
New to the foundry and stumbling my way around the forums looking how things work with
the community and asked a question or 2 in the main part of the forums (think it was the main part)
only to find this morn'n no replies to my call for help on a problem and post is now buried 3 pages deep :eek:
Art, I saw this post and started reading it, I thought what a good idea, at least someone is trying to do
something about a problem that when I built my 1st foundry quest ( yes 2 weeks and I've built 2 now!! :cool:)
I didn't realise was a problem with us new authors, eg I built it, but it ain't listed no were for people to find and play.
Suddenly the massive excitement and adrenalin rush of actually making a game quest that others could play,
became a depressing realisation that I was 1 of a gazzillion quests that was not listed or seen by fellow players
until I did some sort of 'marketing' effort on it that would give it a rating that might get it in the bottom of another
huge list that no one would ever see anyway
Sorta made me stop and think whether I wanted to make any more if they were just junk that no one would play
because of the set-up Cryptic has.
If I can get my Mojo Back enuff to try and market my quests I may make some more. I have the links to your
play thread stuff and when I get em played enuff to make the grade for your forum bit I will throw em up in there.
I was very sad to see the naysayers and trolls putting you down for this Art, good on ya for making an effort!!
You just gave me an idea actually.. Because I ask that all posts in my thread are daily eligible, it might be a good idea to link to your 'review trades' thread to help people out? If that's ok with you?
I don't like the idea of 'forcing' people to play. This is why I have made everything about my idea completely voluntary. I realize as I have said many times here that this idea is not perfect but is 'something else' that people can do (completely voluntarily) to promote their quests.
I am just trying something new.
@Karitr - I did ask that no one reply in that thread, I hope you find my reply here. I'm not sure I understood what you meant by signatures... You can turn them on and off whenever you wish. I feel it just clutters the thread to have them on every post.
And as for restricting campaign authors, yes absolutely. The thread is about playing for credit, well deserved credit at that. If a player wants to continue with a campaign then that should also be a voluntary thing for each player to do. I am restricting myself here as you know, and I feel that the fairest way to proceed is to allow one post per thread... If someone has made 10 single quests, then yes they should be able to promote each one. A campaign 'should' have enough promotion with the first part of it.
Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
Part 4: Lvl 113
Does YOUR FOUNDRY need more plays? Try this thread: Click here
Thanks for clearing up the signature issue. I can't see how that can be done per individual thread, but see you have been able to. Assuming there are as many dunces as me and not everyone knows how to turn sigs off for a specific thread, you may want to give a little guide in your 'Play Trades' thread? (This is where everyone can point and laugh at my ineptitude
Anyway, for clarity's sake I will post your rule 6:
And why I felt it was unfair:
To add to that further, it isn't really forward thinking. Likely an author's skills will be more refined once they have a quest or two under their belt. In addition, the toolset we have today will hopefully be developed to allow you more 'things' to play with in the future. In which case an author would justifiably feel their initial chapter is not reflective of their work as a whole. And yet that is all you are 'letting' them promote
Sorry Art. Rule 6 seems bonkers and not in a Campaign author's best interest.
I'd agree, and as my next quest will be the 2nd part of my campaign You can count me out from posting in the thread. Which means I will never use it.
I will remove it at once, and re post my own 2nd quest then honestly it was spur of the moment thing that I decided while staring at BOTH of my own quests there thinking to myself... Wow, seems a bit unfair to have TWO of my own right on top of the list...
But hey ho.. If you guys feel strongly enough, it's gone
Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
Part 4: Lvl 113
Does YOUR FOUNDRY need more plays? Try this thread: Click here
I'm sure you are getting progressively better the more you create, so it makes sense you shouldn't restrict yourself, or anyone else, to only promoting your earliest work
I just hope people start using it. No biters so far... Hey ho :P
Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
Part 4: Lvl 113
Does YOUR FOUNDRY need more plays? Try this thread: Click here
May want to start by putting your own up. Also, it will take time for people to filter through. All my quest's are Daily at the moment so there is nothing I can add. I am working on a couple but was waiting for the 22nd Aug patch to finish up really. I'm interested how it will be presented. I like list's, If you took everyone's post's and put them into a list in a first come first serve order and then removed them once they hit Daily I will offer to review 1 a day. I know that's not much but I feel it's fair. I try and play two or three a day at least one must be what I choose to do.
Also if you were to put them into a list it would remove the need for people to remove sigs and what not. People simply are not going to do that. It's to much effort. Sorry if that sounds lazy but it is true.
If you look at the thread offering plays, http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?430931-Nine-levels-of-Foundry-plays
You will see a list, once people see the list I think some will jump on board. Also it will mean that people will not need to read through the comments to find the quests. Maybe that's what you had planned anyway in which case ignore me.
Anyway, I hope that helps a little.
That's why I'm concerned. I'm simply afraid that people will put their quests on your list and forget about it.
Siegebreaker - NW-DGDPWV2U5 - story about the ambush, escape and great rescue of the city.
I'm a streamer and I know it!
However as I keep saying.. There ARE others out there who will support this, and WILL play all the quests. I am one of them, so it's my hope that it's another 'good' way to promote your foundries.
I say, if you only get 1 play from it.. It's 1 more than you would have had for 3 seconds posting work!
Anton.. Yes thats exactly what I'm aiming at, a list that doesn't have 'clutter' just quest after quest after quest...
For me, it's a fantastic thread because I get to play foundries all the time and I don't have to go searching for them
Oh, and mine are on there.. First 2.
Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
Part 4: Lvl 113
Does YOUR FOUNDRY need more plays? Try this thread: Click here
This means you 'should' add them... If you want to.
Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
Part 4: Lvl 113
Does YOUR FOUNDRY need more plays? Try this thread: Click here
Sorry, I mean a list on one reply, the 2nd in this case as you have your rules on the first. If it takes then people will add comments and reply's and it will start to look like any review swap thread. If you copied the details and put them all in one place it would be easy to look at. you could even include a link to the reply.
example: (I've used my own just for demonstration.)
A Dwarven Rebellion: @antonkyle - NW-DD4MQBRFI - link
Into the Underworld: @antonkyle - NW-DN5PAOTIT
A Magical Mystery Tour: @antonkyle - NW-DJX8BLRA7
And so on: @name nw-
Maybe I misunderstood, I thought the idea was to get them to daily and then remove them.
Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
Part 4: Lvl 113
Does YOUR FOUNDRY need more plays? Try this thread: Click here
You have certainly misunderstood if you think it's about getting quests to daily. Far from it.
Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
Part 4: Lvl 113
Does YOUR FOUNDRY need more plays? Try this thread: Click here
Why? Because it's a positive change that will most probably make people a little bit happier on the whole.
Chef's Challenge, ID: NW-DGTKIBVF3
The Dreamfall Campaign, ID: NWS-DEB7Z9IJC (3 Quests)
Ogre: For the win!, ID: NW-DR5O3PD63
Cults and Culture, ID: NW-DCLSFYSQ2
Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
Part 4: Lvl 113
Does YOUR FOUNDRY need more plays? Try this thread: Click here
I'm glad I put so much effort into it, posting, re-posting, re-tweaking, posting, re-posting, posting seems all so worth it.
I guess that's an end to it then... At least I tried LOL.
Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
Part 4: Lvl 113
Does YOUR FOUNDRY need more plays? Try this thread: Click here
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
New to the foundry and stumbling my way around the forums looking how things work with
the community and asked a question or 2 in the main part of the forums (think it was the main part)
only to find this morn'n no replies to my call for help on a problem and post is now buried 3 pages deep :eek:
Art, I saw this post and started reading it, I thought what a good idea, at least someone is trying to do
something about a problem that when I built my 1st foundry quest ( yes 2 weeks and I've built 2 now!! :cool:)
I didn't realise was a problem with us new authors, eg I built it, but it ain't listed no were for people to find and play.
Suddenly the massive excitement and adrenalin rush of actually making a game quest that others could play,
became a depressing realisation that I was 1 of a gazzillion quests that was not listed or seen by fellow players
until I did some sort of 'marketing' effort on it that would give it a rating that might get it in the bottom of another
huge list that no one would ever see anyway
Sorta made me stop and think whether I wanted to make any more if they were just junk that no one would play
because of the set-up Cryptic has.
If I can get my Mojo Back enuff to try and market my quests I may make some more. I have the links to your
play thread stuff and when I get em played enuff to make the grade for your forum bit I will throw em up in there.
I was very sad to see the naysayers and trolls putting you down for this Art, good on ya for making an effort!!
Ootyfast Tearaway
I fail to see any trolling or putting down on this thread to be honest. A little confusion maybe but that is all.
Anyway, if the list is visible and people put there quest's up then I'll play the ones I like the sound of as I'm sure will many people.
Be the first to slap your quests in the play trades thread...
Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
Part 4: Lvl 113
Does YOUR FOUNDRY need more plays? Try this thread: Click here
Now just to get people to use it! Hmmmm... Ideas?
Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
Part 4: Lvl 113
Does YOUR FOUNDRY need more plays? Try this thread: Click here