The problem isn't people legitimately not liking the design of your quest. If people really dislike your quest's design and think, for example, a quest that doesn't highlight the challenge and has poorly placed (or absent) campfires, etc., then it's totally fair of them to decide it deserves 3 stars (or whatever).
Getting upset at them is unfair and counterproductive.
Who you SHOULD be upset at is Cryptic for setting up this lousy system in the first place.
(This reminds me of 'my partner cheated on me with a friend. I'm ticked off at my friend... because I feel I can't do anything about/stuck with my partner...')
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I'm going to comment on the work it takes to get your quest played. I have a lot of people tell me that I have it easy because I was in alpha/beta and gathered a group of people who subscribed to me. How exactly do you think that came about? I busted my *** to get attention to my quest, listened to the feedback and made changes accordingly regarding difficulty, challenge, and even story and then I kept my threads bumped and listed the changes. I even made a video to showcase my quest.
I'm not saying that this is what it takes, but it definitely doesn't hurt.
I just wanted to also add that actively being helpful with other people and not being a drama queen on these forums also helps. Be the better person.
There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
I respect you, Redneckronin, but let me be frank with you. I absolutely am disgusted with this entitled attitude players and even some authors seem to have in regards to challenging quests.
But not, apparently, the entitled attitude that some Authors have regarding their 4 star minimum ratings to preserve their adjusted-average?
You are not entitled to a 4 Star rating, you are not entitled to a 3 Star rating, you are not even entitled to a 2 or 1 Star rating.
You are not entitled to a 4 Star+ adjusted-average.
Having established that you have no entitlement to these things the only logical conclusion to take from that is that you are also not entitled to reprimand players for giving you a rating you don't like - unless you can prove that said rating is a "troll rating".
If you don't want players to give you a rating you don't like then simply don't publish.
I worked very hard to get all my quests out of review hell
Scribe's Enclave wasn't around when you launched your quests, so my point still stands - all an Author need do now is ask at SE and the volunteers there will do their best to get the quest out of review-hell, and daily-eligible as soon as is possible.
Its not perfect by any means, but there are people there willing to review without the need for you to reciprocate with reviewing their content.
The problem isn't people legitimately not liking the design of your quest. If people really dislike your quest's design and think, for example, a quest that doesn't highlight the challenge and has poorly placed (or absent) campfires, etc., then it's totally fair of them to decide it deserves 3 stars (or whatever).
Getting upset at them is unfair and counterproductive.
Who you SHOULD be upset at is Cryptic for setting up this lousy system in the first place.
(This reminds me of 'my partner cheated on me with a friend. I'm ticked off at my friend... because I feel I can't do anything about/stuck with my partner...')
I understand what you're getting at. Trust me, I am far more angry at the rating system itself than I am at people who leave me bad or mediocre reviews oblivious of the consequences. Considering I consistently get way more good reviews than bad, my adjusted rating should be increasing, even if my average rating stays the same. Instead it will slowly climb up a little, then all at once be back where it started. It's incredibly frustrating to see that all the energy I spent, and all the support from fellow authors here, and my player audience too, really amounted to zilch in terms of progress.
Karitr, sorry for being angry with you. Don't get the wrong impression, I'm not going to stop being angry, but I'll go ahead and apologize just to be nice. Am I going to make the changes I should to my quest? No. It's made absolutely no progress at all for several weeks despite consistently getting mostly stellar reviews. I'm about ready to just unpublish like Zahinder, and throw in the towel.
Scribe's Enclave wasn't around when you launched your quests, so my point still stands - all an Author need do now is ask at SE and the volunteers there will do their best to get the quest out of review-hell, and daily-eligible as soon as is possible.
Its not perfect by any means, but there are people there willing to review without the need for you to reciprocate with reviewing their content.
All The Best
My point is that unless I CONSTANTLY promote my missions in a very proactive, visible way, I won't get plays. I had assumed that once I hit a decent number of plays and eligibility with a decent-running, reasonably reviewed mission, I could let off the throttle a little and the system would at least somewhat serve to help people find fun stuff to play.
Instead, the present system, unless you have a basic grinder map or get astoundingly lucky, requires a network of people making your stuff visible and promoted.
That sucks.
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
My point is that unless I CONSTANTLY promote my missions in a very proactive, visible way, I won't get plays. I had assumed that once I hit a decent number of plays and eligibility with a decent-running, reasonably reviewed mission, I could let off the throttle a little and the system would at least somewhat serve to help people find fun stuff to play.
Apart from my Sig I have done absolutely nothing to promote my first two quests. They have, between them, close to 800 plays, and I still get the odd tip for them here and there.
After part 2 gained daily-eligible I went and started work on part 3, and unless I got some feedback saying something was wrong, there was a major typo or someone had difficulty with completing the quest I pretty much have totally ignored it.
So the system would appear to be working after a fashion.
What do you consider a decent number of plays? Personally I was happy when mine topped 250 each. If they hit 500 I'll be over the moon.
Would I like the tens of thousands of plays some people get? Of course I would.
Do I consider that either I have failed or the system has failed if that doesn't happen? No.
I enjoy telling the story, and as long as that continues then exact numbers of plays, exact ratings, or how much I make in tips is all totally 100% irrelevant.
I have text stories that no one but me has seen, but I enjoyed writing them just as much as I did the one short story I wrote that got published.
Apart from my Sig I have done absolutely nothing to promote my first two quests.
You're one of the few people more active on these forums than myself. You've done a lot to promote your first two quests, as every post counts as advertising it. JS.
I barely got above 100 plays on my first mission, 48 on second, thirty-something on third.
I either suck despite decent reviews, the system has failed me, or I'm really unlucky.
When I read people talk about 'a few hundred plays, guess it could be worse' or folks commenting about how nice foundry is as a sorce of ad income and high end gear, it's f'in depressing.
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I'm not sure OP was getting trolled. Here's pretty much all the one star comments you could get and in fact not sure any of them are really trolling:
Reason 1 - Didn't have fun (we all get these and a perfectly legitimate reason)
1) Didn't like the quest
2) Terrible or broken gameplay elements
3) Don't like the genre (this could be in #2 also)
Reason 2 - Reviewer doesn't understand author tools/ doesn't read info (for me, this is the most popular reason...I'd add some warnings, but I'm too lazy)
- No loot
- Bad drops
- No gelatinous cubes
Reason 3 - Competitive/ hate (if you're a popular author and/or controversial poster you will get targeted)
- Hate the author
- Flaming
- Bot attacks
- Competitive downranking
Reason 4 - Weird non-sequiturs, Reviewer doesn't really care/ Misc (another not big deal - not everyone is focused on your content as you are)
- ie. "Great story" 1/5
- Unrelated jibberish
Reason 5 - Unknown (not much to say here, could be any of the above)
- No comment
From what you said I think your review actually fell into the first category.
Also people have different notions of one stars - some go so far as to never give them out. Others give them out like candy. It's all subjective.
I'm not sure OP was getting trolled. Here's pretty much all the one star comments you could get and in fact not sure any of them are really trolling:
Reason 1 - Didn't have fun:
1) Didn't like the quest
2) Terrible or broken gameplay elements
3) Don't like the genre (this could be in #2 also)
Reason 2 - Reviewer doesn't understand author tools/ doesn't read info (for me, this is the most popular reason...I'd add more warnings, but I'm too lazy)
- No loot
- Bad drops
- No gelatinous cubes
Reason 3 - Competitive/ hate:
- Hate the author
- Flaming
- Bot attacks
- Competitive downranking
From what you said I think your review actually fell into the first category.
Also people have different notions of one stars - some go so far as to never give them out. Others give them out like candy. It's all subjective.
Most of mine are 2, 3, and 4. Got a 3 star review lately that just said "Hilarious." I'm like ****, I can't even find a comedy on Netflix to make me laugh, if I did I would certainly give it five stars...
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Would I like the tens of thousands of plays some people get? Of course I would.
And yet I am positive that you're aware that unless you create a carbon copy of something that people are prepared to make their "Imma just gonna grind out my 4x Foundry for my daily, back in an hour", you're not going to attract that level of attention. And that's basically ok, because if that was what Foundry was all about, this whole idea of sharing stories would be out the window. (No disrespect meant to authors who have created quests matching easy-fast-grind description.)
The person gave me a 1 star review, complaining he used too many potions and pointed out there is no way back to the platform at the end if you fell off. He then went on to say I should add a portal in case people fall off...
... He fell 600 feet and survived somehow...
In response, I stuck 25 Hard Encounter Brimfire Golem Encounters at the bottom of the pit, and an NPC that says "You somehow survived a 600+ foot drop... Either go walk into those golems or do /killme.
Seriously, I really want the ability to place a "kill" zone on my map's pits...
You think that's a troll review? Give me a f'ing break. You have no idea what trolling is.
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
Yah, that's not trolling my friend. Check out my latest troll, 3 1star rate + review all done in the matter of 2 minutes...All players were from dragon AND same level.
I'm not sure OP was getting trolled. Here's pretty much all the one star comments you could get and in fact not sure any of them are really trolling:
Reason 1 - Didn't have fun (we all get these and a perfectly legitimate reason)
1) Didn't like the quest
2) Terrible or broken gameplay elements
3) Don't like the genre (this could be in #2 also)
Reason 2 - Reviewer doesn't understand author tools/ doesn't read info (for me, this is the most popular reason...I'd add some warnings, but I'm too lazy)
- No loot
- Bad drops
- No gelatinous cubes
Reason 3 - Competitive/ hate (if you're a popular author and/or controversial poster you will get targeted)
- Hate the author
- Flaming
- Bot attacks
- Competitive downranking
Reason 4 - Weird non-sequiturs, Reviewer doesn't really care/ Misc (another not big deal - not everyone is focused on your content as you are)
- ie. "Great story" 1/5
- Unrelated jibberish
Reason 5 - Unknown (not much to say here, could be any of the above)
- No comment
From what you said I think your review actually fell into the first category.
Also people have different notions of one stars - some go so far as to never give them out. Others give them out like candy. It's all subjective.
I have a comment you can add to your one star list... Today I logged in to find a One Star with the comment "That Effin' Phone" on my first quest... lol... Of course I also have a 5 star below it that says "Sucked Balls" so... /shrug
Alright, maybe not a troll but crazy/jerk/killjoy is the proper description... but think about it. If you fell 600+ feet, you should be dead, and if you are not dead, it should be obvious you do /killme without much of a peep. Looking back at the cave tileset, that has a lot of "death" holes.
Imagine having 20+ separate death holes in your cave map layout (each room has like 2), and this person complains about not having a portal to get out... Do you respond by placing 20 one way portals in each of those holes in the event he manages to survive?
I am probably going to devise a special invisible "slide" that slides you into a narrow hole filled with mobs. As of now, I have a ton of ghost golems scattered all below, but that may not be good enough at sending home a message.
*and now that I think about it, I would probably be given a 1 star for throwing someone into 50 mobs and making their computer endless circle of impossible to please people...
Alright, maybe not a troll but crazy/jerk/killjoy is the proper description... but think about it. If you fell 600+ feet, you should be dead, and if you are not dead, it should be obvious you do /killme without much of a peep. Looking back at the cave tileset, that has a lot of "death" holes.
Imagine having 20+ separate death holes in your cave map layout (each room has like 2), and this person complains about not having a portal to get out... Do you respond by placing 20 one way portals in each of those holes in the event he manages to survive?
I am probably going to devise a special invisible "slide" that slides you into a narrow hole filled with mobs. As of now, I have a ton of ghost golems scattered all below, but that may not be good enough at sending home a message.
*and now that I think about it, I would probably be given a 1 star for throwing someone into 50 mobs and making their computer endless circle of impossible to please people...
(Keep in mind this is a totally objective suggestion to fixing the problem and I am in no way taking the side of the reviewer or author! Thanks )
You could use invisible walls to ensure that people can't fall off the edge maybe? I can't say that I know how you have it all designed.
Don't "trolling" reviews say stuff like how you're a born loser, how your quest isn't even worth playing, then go into detail about how you should remedy the situation... such as jumping off a cliff?
*sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
(Keep in mind this is a totally objective suggestion to fixing the problem and I am in no way taking the side of the reviewer or author! Thanks )
You could use invisible walls to ensure that people can't fall off the edge maybe? I can't say that I know how you have it all designed.
It is a platform floating in an empty void with basically a fire vortex storm going on all around. If you want to give it a try and see it for yourself, it is called "Whispers From Below" with code NW-DTKLZ7B99. You can also search it via author Leinahtanwc and it gives daily foundry credit too - so no total loss. There is only one critical bug I am trying to resolve, which involves the final boss warping off to the distant platform (the way to resolve it if it occurs is to suicide unfortunately). The funny thing is, most of the reviews are 5's and 4's, with the 4's commenting on Legion's Odd glitch behavior. I managed to reduce the glitch rate but not eliminate it outright.
Attempting fixes trying to make legion not glitch, and then this guy comes in and goes 'I fell, I survived, and I want a portal back up"... grrrr.
If you fell 600+ feet, you should be dead, and if you are not dead, it should be obvious you do /killme without much of a peep.
Snipped to just focus on this part...
First... It is never obvious to me to use the "/killme" command. In any MMO I play, that command never enters my mind when I get stuck. Never. And to me it should never have to. In "The Secret World" MMO there is one quest that you need to be in ghost form to continue. But the quest text is very vague about that. In order for me to get past that I had to go online and find this out. Until that point I had never heard of the "/killme" command. In other MMOs there is an variation of the "/stuck" command.
Now with that being said... It is obviously a bug with the game to fall any reasonable distance and not die. So with that being said we, as authors, need to take that into account and plan around that. Why not place an NPC to talk to and have that NPC suggest the "/killme" command? Have him/her explain that there is a bug in the game etc... To me your way just servers to P*ss off the player and therefore possibly receive a low star rating.
Just my thoughts...
Sweet Water and Light Laughter Till Next We Meet.
Getting upset at them is unfair and counterproductive.
Who you SHOULD be upset at is Cryptic for setting up this lousy system in the first place.
(This reminds me of 'my partner cheated on me with a friend. I'm ticked off at my friend... because I feel I can't do anything about/stuck with my partner...')
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I'm not saying that this is what it takes, but it definitely doesn't hurt.
I just wanted to also add that actively being helpful with other people and not being a drama queen on these forums also helps. Be the better person.
But not, apparently, the entitled attitude that some Authors have regarding their 4 star minimum ratings to preserve their adjusted-average?
You are not entitled to a 4 Star rating, you are not entitled to a 3 Star rating, you are not even entitled to a 2 or 1 Star rating.
You are not entitled to a 4 Star+ adjusted-average.
Having established that you have no entitlement to these things the only logical conclusion to take from that is that you are also not entitled to reprimand players for giving you a rating you don't like - unless you can prove that said rating is a "troll rating".
If you don't want players to give you a rating you don't like then simply don't publish.
Scribe's Enclave wasn't around when you launched your quests, so my point still stands - all an Author need do now is ask at SE and the volunteers there will do their best to get the quest out of review-hell, and daily-eligible as soon as is possible.
Its not perfect by any means, but there are people there willing to review without the need for you to reciprocate with reviewing their content.
All The Best
Looking For Reviews For Your Foundry Quest?
Drop By Scribe's Enclave & Meet Up With Volunteer Reviewers.
I understand what you're getting at. Trust me, I am far more angry at the rating system itself than I am at people who leave me bad or mediocre reviews oblivious of the consequences. Considering I consistently get way more good reviews than bad, my adjusted rating should be increasing, even if my average rating stays the same. Instead it will slowly climb up a little, then all at once be back where it started. It's incredibly frustrating to see that all the energy I spent, and all the support from fellow authors here, and my player audience too, really amounted to zilch in terms of progress.
Karitr, sorry for being angry with you. Don't get the wrong impression, I'm not going to stop being angry, but I'll go ahead and apologize just to be nice. Am I going to make the changes I should to my quest? No. It's made absolutely no progress at all for several weeks despite consistently getting mostly stellar reviews. I'm about ready to just unpublish like Zahinder, and throw in the towel.
My point is that unless I CONSTANTLY promote my missions in a very proactive, visible way, I won't get plays. I had assumed that once I hit a decent number of plays and eligibility with a decent-running, reasonably reviewed mission, I could let off the throttle a little and the system would at least somewhat serve to help people find fun stuff to play.
Instead, the present system, unless you have a basic grinder map or get astoundingly lucky, requires a network of people making your stuff visible and promoted.
That sucks.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
Apart from my Sig I have done absolutely nothing to promote my first two quests. They have, between them, close to 800 plays, and I still get the odd tip for them here and there.
After part 2 gained daily-eligible I went and started work on part 3, and unless I got some feedback saying something was wrong, there was a major typo or someone had difficulty with completing the quest I pretty much have totally ignored it.
So the system would appear to be working after a fashion.
What do you consider a decent number of plays? Personally I was happy when mine topped 250 each. If they hit 500 I'll be over the moon.
Would I like the tens of thousands of plays some people get? Of course I would.
Do I consider that either I have failed or the system has failed if that doesn't happen? No.
I enjoy telling the story, and as long as that continues then exact numbers of plays, exact ratings, or how much I make in tips is all totally 100% irrelevant.
I have text stories that no one but me has seen, but I enjoyed writing them just as much as I did the one short story I wrote that got published.
All The Best
Looking For Reviews For Your Foundry Quest?
Drop By Scribe's Enclave & Meet Up With Volunteer Reviewers.
You're one of the few people more active on these forums than myself. You've done a lot to promote your first two quests, as every post counts as advertising it. JS.
I either suck despite decent reviews, the system has failed me, or I'm really unlucky.
When I read people talk about 'a few hundred plays, guess it could be worse' or folks commenting about how nice foundry is as a sorce of ad income and high end gear, it's f'in depressing.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
This is pretty much how I feel too.
Reason 1 - Didn't have fun (we all get these and a perfectly legitimate reason)
1) Didn't like the quest
2) Terrible or broken gameplay elements
3) Don't like the genre (this could be in #2 also)
Reason 2 - Reviewer doesn't understand author tools/ doesn't read info (for me, this is the most popular reason...I'd add some warnings, but I'm too lazy)
- No loot
- Bad drops
- No gelatinous cubes
Reason 3 - Competitive/ hate (if you're a popular author and/or controversial poster you will get targeted)
- Hate the author
- Flaming
- Bot attacks
- Competitive downranking
Reason 4 - Weird non-sequiturs, Reviewer doesn't really care/ Misc (another not big deal - not everyone is focused on your content as you are)
- ie. "Great story" 1/5
- Unrelated jibberish
Reason 5 - Unknown (not much to say here, could be any of the above)
- No comment
From what you said I think your review actually fell into the first category.
Also people have different notions of one stars - some go so far as to never give them out. Others give them out like candy. It's all subjective.
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
Most of mine are 2, 3, and 4. Got a 3 star review lately that just said "Hilarious." I'm like ****, I can't even find a comedy on Netflix to make me laugh, if I did I would certainly give it five stars...
And yet I am positive that you're aware that unless you create a carbon copy of something that people are prepared to make their "Imma just gonna grind out my 4x Foundry for my daily, back in an hour", you're not going to attract that level of attention. And that's basically ok, because if that was what Foundry was all about, this whole idea of sharing stories would be out the window. (No disrespect meant to authors who have created quests matching easy-fast-grind description.)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
You think that's a troll review? Give me a f'ing break. You have no idea what trolling is.
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
I have a comment you can add to your one star list... Today I logged in to find a One Star with the comment "That Effin' Phone" on my first quest... lol... Of course I also have a 5 star below it that says "Sucked Balls" so... /shrug
Dreamscapes Campaign
I. Darkly Dreaming / NW-DPSH505XY +Daily Foundry!!
II. Shattered Dreams / NW-DGARDHDR7
Imagine having 20+ separate death holes in your cave map layout (each room has like 2), and this person complains about not having a portal to get out... Do you respond by placing 20 one way portals in each of those holes in the event he manages to survive?
I am probably going to devise a special invisible "slide" that slides you into a narrow hole filled with mobs. As of now, I have a ton of ghost golems scattered all below, but that may not be good enough at sending home a message.
*and now that I think about it, I would probably be given a 1 star for throwing someone into 50 mobs and making their computer endless circle of impossible to please people...
(Keep in mind this is a totally objective suggestion to fixing the problem and I am in no way taking the side of the reviewer or author! Thanks
You could use invisible walls to ensure that people can't fall off the edge maybe? I can't say that I know how you have it all designed.
Threads: Part 1: Rising of the Dragons (NW-DNGIC6AJC) | Part 2: Abyssal Pursuit (NW-DESQ9HQAZ)
Don't "trolling" reviews say stuff like how you're a born loser, how your quest isn't even worth playing, then go into detail about how you should remedy the situation... such as jumping off a cliff?
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
It is a platform floating in an empty void with basically a fire vortex storm going on all around. If you want to give it a try and see it for yourself, it is called "Whispers From Below" with code NW-DTKLZ7B99. You can also search it via author Leinahtanwc and it gives daily foundry credit too - so no total loss. There is only one critical bug I am trying to resolve, which involves the final boss warping off to the distant platform (the way to resolve it if it occurs is to suicide unfortunately). The funny thing is, most of the reviews are 5's and 4's, with the 4's commenting on Legion's Odd glitch behavior. I managed to reduce the glitch rate but not eliminate it outright.
Attempting fixes trying to make legion not glitch, and then this guy comes in and goes 'I fell, I survived, and I want a portal back up"... grrrr.
Snipped to just focus on this part...
First... It is never obvious to me to use the "/killme" command. In any MMO I play, that command never enters my mind when I get stuck. Never. And to me it should never have to. In "The Secret World" MMO there is one quest that you need to be in ghost form to continue. But the quest text is very vague about that. In order for me to get past that I had to go online and find this out. Until that point I had never heard of the "/killme" command. In other MMOs there is an variation of the "/stuck" command.
Now with that being said... It is obviously a bug with the game to fall any reasonable distance and not die. So with that being said we, as authors, need to take that into account and plan around that. Why not place an NPC to talk to and have that NPC suggest the "/killme" command? Have him/her explain that there is a bug in the game etc... To me your way just servers to P*ss off the player and therefore possibly receive a low star rating.
Just my thoughts...