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TR's make pvp not fun

seraphid11seraphid11 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
edited July 2013 in The Thieves' Den
The only class that can just **** with at-wills( also while beiing invisible, like i have time to "look for rat throwing knifes at me" while its 5v5 match and in the process i just die from others.1-2 skill Ko, while well geared can use 2-3 utility encounters and kill easily with at-wills.i would rather fight a gwfs at least i can see what i fight with and have time to react instead of die instantly.

In last "balance" patch rogues got buffed.

Trickster Rogue
Encounter and Daily powers now benefit more from the Power stat.(just lol at this, WHY?"i was able to almost 1hit lashing blade that cleric and wiz,****, now its 100% death")
nerfed shockimg execution which was obvious that it needed nerf
nerfed stacking bleed from atwill to prevent ultra fast boss **** in dgs by doing it with 2-3 trs(actually its great cause it made a little more room for other dps classes in party)
Some mentally <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ppl cry that trs got nerfed... /facepalm

To sum this up, rogues are simply too strong for what they are able to do.
Post edited by seraphid11 on


  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    in any other game rogues would be a bad class, they lack armor, their weapons aren't that good, they aren't perma-stealth... are you really going to take a lightly clad dagger using individual over a heavily armored swordsman

    In real life in rogue vs knight battles its the knights that win unless archers are brought into play. Sure there is the battle of Sterling Bridge that didn't play out as such, but that victory had all to do with terrain.
  • seraphid11seraphid11 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    l0th4ri0 wrote: »

    ur answer is here(from same post) :
    gctrl wrote: »
    And this is where you're wrong, you do not need a very high gear score or powerful enchants to make CoS hit hard. All you need is relatively decent gear and some armor pen. This is why it becomes beyond godly when you actually start introducing BIS stuff, its already way too powerful without it. Getting someone to 10%hp in a few seconds is not softening them up, its just killing them. Yes you can run away but that is basically the same as losing. Your group loses someone, or you have to retreat from a contested point, etc... and the rogue can just switch to another target and finish off his charges while you're retreating.

    What it comes down to is this: You're a melee class doing better ranged damage than a CW but you cant be targeted for a significant amount of time. <- OP
  • xellizxelliz Member Posts: 955 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If you were complaining about permastealth I could at least understand. However, being that you are complaining that a single target DPS char is doing to much single target DPS...I disagree.

    Personally I do have TR myself, but he is only L 22 and I have been leveling exclusively in PVP. So yes I understand that TR can burst some serious dmg, but there are many times that I have to run away or die fast.
    Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
    - JailBreak (in development)
  • huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    GWFs make pvp not fun
    CWs make pvp not fun
    GFs make pvp not fun
  • seraphid11seraphid11 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    huckaseven wrote: »
    GWFs make pvp not fun
    CWs make pvp not fun
    GFs make pvp not fun

    actually this isnt true, for more tolling u forgot to put cleric there
    u have time and can react properly vs this other classes, not when a rogue with stealth throw knifes for almost ur full hp. let me guess, u play rogue right?roflstopming ppl by this easiest class to pplay is fun for u right?

    give some briliant ideas to avoid stealth rogues with knifes like pressing shift whole pvp when u have stamina please
  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hey seraphid, I see you've made up your mind already. That's cool. I am sure that if you kept reading through that thread I linked you can find all kinds of posts from people who will echo the sentiment that TRs are OP for one reason or another. Just make sure that you ignore the other 75% of the thread as you scroll through the pages and you'll keep your current mindset intact. :)
  • huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    seraphid11 wrote: »
    actually this isnt true, for more tolling u forgot to put cleric there

    nah, DC dont make pvp not fun, at least they have some shiney colors
  • seraphid11seraphid11 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    l0th4ri0 wrote: »
    Hey seraphid, I see you've made up your mind already. That's cool. I am sure that if you kept reading through that thread I linked you can find all kinds of posts from people who will echo the sentiment that TRs are OP for one reason or another. Just make sure that you ignore the other 75% of the thread as you scroll through the pages and you'll keep your current mindset intact. :)

    u dont understand, im not cleric,wizard who QQ about rogues, i play every class except rogue ( its just lame, not challenging.too easy ) power of TR along with good gear rises way too high compared to other classes
  • huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    and if you would play it yould realize that youre wrong

    but whatever, raging is easier then learning, i get that
  • seraphid11seraphid11 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    huckaseven wrote: »
    and if you would play it yould realize that youre wrong

    but whatever, raging is easier then learning, i get that

    i have Tr and triend him in pvp at lv 60, and stopped.yeah sure when at 1st i was killing ppl like no problem it felt great, but after few pvps it became stupid and boring, im not raging, im pointing facts and looking for balance
  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    seraphid11 wrote: »
    u dont understand, im not cleric,wizard who QQ about rogues, i play every class except rogue ( its just lame, not challenging.too easy ) power of TR along with good gear rises way too high compared to other classes

    Well, I am sorry if I read your first post here and used reading comprehension to conclude that this was another nerf thread. My apologies. By all means, carry on with the complaints and arguing... it does you a whole lot of good, after all.

    If by some chance you wish to break out the rut you are experiencing with regards to rogues, then I encourage you to revisit that thread I linked with an open mind -- not one that is bent on cherry-picking the complaints out of it -- and you will discover to your benefit a veritable treasure trove of insight from all the classes concerning this issue, as well as pointers, strategies, and all-around learning goodness. You will be treated fairly and with respect if you decide to ask any further questions there.

    The choice is yours... nobody is going to force you to learn anything or get any better at playing this game.
  • seraphid11seraphid11 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    l0th4ri0 wrote: »
    Well, I am sorry if I read your first post here and used reading comprehension to conclude that this was another nerf thread. My apologies. By all means, carry on with the complaints and arguing... it does you a whole lot of good, after all.

    If by some chance you wish to break out the rut you are experiencing with regards to rogues, then I encourage you to revisit that thread I linked with an open mind -- not one that is bent on cherry-picking the complaints out of it -- and you will discover to your benefit a veritable treasure trove of insight from all the classes concerning this issue, as well as pointers, strategies, and all-around learning goodness. You will be treated fairly and with respect if you decide to ask any further questions there.

    The choice is yours... nobody is going to force you to learn anything or get any better at playing this game.

    i understand that u will defend TR's forver, u farmed (bought?ofc no offense, ur money ur will) ur TR so its ok,but "learning" in this game dont exist, u just have to read every skill in the game of every class and try it, its not so hard to understand which class has which advantage. Thing is, TR has huge advantage above other classes.

    Where? in 2x higher dmg at wills than other classes. try kill someone just with at wills (like rogue), on cleric,wizard,gf,gwf, its not possible unless enemy is afk.

    There is reason why most played class is TR
  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Learning doesn't exist?


    Okay, I'm done here. Like I said before, if you change your mind, you know where to look for more info. That's the best that anyone can do for you at this point. Take care, my friend.
  • irk2013irk2013 Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    seraphid11 wrote: »
    u dont understand, im not cleric,wizard who QQ about rogues, i play every class except rogue ( its just lame, not challenging.too easy ) power of TR along with good gear rises way too high compared to other classes

    Typical response from someone who sucks at a particular class and wants them nerfed. Its just lame not challenging, to easy???????

    I could say the SAME thing about GWF's and GF's in pvp but I don't because every class has a role and every class seems to fit in their role. Just because YOU don't want to fit inside that roll in no way means another class is OP or UP.

    You want OP in pvp just look no further than a GWF or GF in a 1v1 or even 2v1 scenario.
  • huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    seraphid11 wrote: »
    ,but "learning" in this game dont exist,

    just cause you havent tried it doesnt mean it doesnt exist

    go ahead, give it a try and youll be surprised

    AND ofc youre lying too
    seraphid11 wrote: »
    i have Tr
    seraphid11 wrote: »
    i play every class except rogue
  • vvergvverg Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Funny to see the same persons post in these TR topics. Just ignore a few people, they say the same thing everytime.
  • huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    vverg wrote: »
    Funny to see the same persons post in these TR topics. Just ignore a few people, they say the same thing everytime.

    ignoring seraphid11 isnt the solution though
  • irk2013irk2013 Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    huckaseven wrote: »
    ignoring seraphid11 isnt the solution though

    You are correct ignoring something doesn't make the problem go away. Yet at the same time UNLESS this problem decides to take some advice and actually listen to opinions nothing will change. We all know his biggest problem with Rogues is he has never LEVELED one. You can't understand your enemy 100% until you walk in their shoes and he has admitted to never playing one for reasons that are well stupid.

    If he thinks a TR is easier and faster than a GWF and or CW he has issues that are well beyond what we can fix.
  • seraphid11seraphid11 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    huckaseven wrote: »
    just cause you havent tried it doesnt mean it doesnt exist

    go ahead, give it a try and youll be surprised

    AND ofc youre lying too

    Please read again what i said, do u have problem with to understand it? i have rogue at lv 60 but i dont play it cause pvp as rogue is way too easy and not challenging at all.

    Again, just for you with bigger letters:

    I HAVE ROGUE, BUT I DONT PLAY IT. and furthermore, just in case:


    if still u cannot understand this, PM me ill try to explain more

    if u disagree its ok, u like ur TR, from my point of view TR is at stronger side than other classes
    vverg wrote: »
    Funny to see the same persons post in these TR topics. Just ignore a few people, they say the same thing everytime.
    do u think i care if u ignore me ? u r funny, and its my 1st post about tr on this forum

    Forum is to share what people think, i made my mind about TR, sure TR players are majority and ppl who play and grind them will disagree
  • razzaviolentarazzaviolenta Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Funny how in all these threads bunch of TR jump in trying to prove their worth. Talking about learning and having skills. But what skills you posses? Game hides you. I would understand all the pride you have in being sneaky TR if you did the sneaking ... but the game hides you, your worth is 0
  • stalesmokestalesmoke Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 126 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    I just love my perma stealth 1 shot at wills, non stop killing people that are 15kgs while I have 5k and never becoming visable, and never being in any danger or being 2 shot by a tank class or by a caster or by people that actually play clerics well. I just click stealth and one throwing dagger and people drop, it actually goes through my target to the next and I kill a whole team with one throwing dagger, its exhausting I swear I cant stop touching myself
  • masu84masu84 Member Posts: 134 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    huckaseven wrote: »
    GWFs make pvp not fun
    CWs make pvp not fun
    GFs make pvp not fun

    Your stupid posts make no fun ...
    No leaver penality in PvP!

    And here is the reason:
    ghostravyn wrote: »
    If you want people to stay for the match end even when you're sitting on a 600-10 score and you've decided to be ***-hats and spawn-camp, you need to give them a reason. Punishing them is not the answer. That's just pouring salt-acid into an already bleeding wound.
  • zokirzokir Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    As a PvPing TR...
    I really don't see any problems with the class that exceed ones other classes present also.
    Do you think I enjoy being rushed and knocked down by GFs all the time and then piled?
    Or picked up by a mage right when I use my stealth?
    Or nearly killing a GWF only for them to use unstoppable and kill me?
    Every class has it's ways.
    Although I do agree that perma-stealth and knife spam are cheap, nooby ways to play,
    not all TRs use those tactics in PvP.
    However, in a game like this you're going to have people doing whatever they can to win,
    so if that's how they accomplish it, there's not going to be much luck in getting them to stop.
    Hyenas@zokir - Essence of Aggression
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    zokir wrote: »
    As a PvPing TR...
    I really don't see any problems with the class that exceed ones other classes present also.
    Do you think I enjoy being rushed and knocked down by GFs all the time and then piled?
    Or picked up by a mage right when I use my stealth?
    Or nearly killing a GWF only for them to use unstoppable and kill me?
    Every class has it's ways.
    Although I do agree that perma-stealth and knife spam are cheap, nooby ways to play,
    not all TRs use those tactics in PvP.
    However, in a game like this you're going to have people doing whatever they can to win,
    so if that's how they accomplish it, there's not going to be much luck in getting them to stop.

    until rogues stop out killing every other class by 2 or 3 to 1 and stop having kill to death ratios that are sky high and able to do all of this while stealthed we just don't care how rogues feel in PvP
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited July 2013
    until rogues stop out killing every other class by 2 or 3 to 1 and stop having kill to death ratios that are sky high and able to do all of this while stealthed we just don't care how rogues feel in PvP

    a GF can 2/3 Shot you with his Daily + 2 knocks.

    a GWF can stun lock you to death ( destroyer or Sentinel builds)

    a CW can control you then ice knife your butt.

    About stealth, it gets consumed if i use an encounter (except for defensive encounters like "Bait and Switch" and shadow strike(deals very low damage) )

    Your post doesn't make any sense.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think what makes pvp not fun is the same thing that makes pve not fun at times- lack of people playing their classes properly as part of an integrated group. Supposing each side has a tr, it is all balanced out. I have run TR's out of stealth by simply being in guard on my GF while tanking the opposing gwf or gf, then followed with a lunge, an aoe control and one of several other encounter powers for the win. It is a matter of putting your back to a wall (or preferably a corner) and your shield up ad just waiting for an opportunity.
  • stalesmokestalesmoke Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 126 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    TR's do well in PvP Solo.

    people in pvp usually fail at "teamplay" so tr can do well.

    I cant stand people that fight in groups, because as soon as I am exposed, I am gang <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and it hurts my buttox
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2013
    Hi, I'm a GWF and I thank you for your misdirection. Plz continue. (Ps, you want game balance, buff CWs a bit, DCs more, and take some power away from GWFs tab and the game is fine.).

    Having people take all the abilities of ALL the builds of TRs, combining them and pretending that that is possible while having none of the inherent weaknesses of said builds is disinformation spread that will eventually lead to the class being handicapped. It happens in every mmo at one time or another simply because of the hate associated with being attacked from stealth. In other words. Man up and deal with it or stop playing mmos with stealthers.
  • nukeyoonukeyoo Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    l0th4ri0 wrote: »
    Hey seraphid, I see you've made up your mind already. That's cool. I am sure that if you kept reading through that thread I linked you can find all kinds of posts from people who will echo the sentiment that TRs are OP for one reason or another. Just make sure that you ignore the other 75% of the thread as you scroll through the pages and you'll keep your current mindset intact. :)

    75% of the thread are rogues that are either one or a combination of
    A.) Undergeared
    B.) Incompetent players
    C.) Ignorant players
    D.) Trolls that fear the nerf bat

    You make claims that other people have "made up their mind already." As if to say, you haven't done the exact same thing, all the while ignoring video evidence (in the other 25% of the thread) and comments from more renown pvpers that use the perma stealth build and say that it is "el oh el" overpowered. You then say that since there's people that agree with you (All of which fall into the categories above) you are right and anybody else is wrong. But hey at least you do it in a respective manner. Props for respectful hypocrisy. ;)
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