Why would one company encourage its player base to not play their game ? Because actually, that's what is happening with Dungeon Delve. There is no point in running Dungeons while Dungeon Delve is off, because the final boss drops table is terrible. Many people simply log on, run dungeons while Dungeon Delve, and then log off or AFK while it's off for 5 hours because the chest from Dungeon Delve is a loot for your class while the boss drops
HAMSTER most of the time and if it drops T2, it will probably won't be your class. Why this game doesn't want people to play it ? Why encouraging them to AFK or log off when Dungeon Delve is gone for 5 hours ? I don't get it, it's a very bad idea for a profit-oriented company... Moreover, this game is international, and the Dungeon Delve timer is pathetic... I mean, Dungeon Delve during night, work, or early morning, is pathetic... Some people come back home from work at 9:00 PM, and can't even get a dungeon delve before 0:00 AM, but they'll have to get to bed before that time, work you know...
So far, I have run around 50 epic Karrundax (I am cleric). All during Dungeon Delve. I looted 15 T2 Gaunts. 14 out of 15 were from the DD Chest. Among those gaunts, only ONE was Miracle Healer, and all others were either Beacon of Faith or Grand Templar. Karrundax himself only dropped ONE T2 cleric Gaunt, which was Beacon of Faith. That in mind, farming a T2 set with no Dungeon Delve is sadomasochism and a waste of gold. Some people might get very lucky, but I doubt anyone will contradict me.
Now let's wonder, why dungeons in this game is a race to whoever will glitch it the most to the point of reaching the final boss within a few minutes with the least time and effort possible ? Because Dungeon Delve lasts 1 hour, and then you have to wait 5 hours while you don't have anything to do if you like PVE dungeons. Moreover, the boss drops table is so terrible that you will be probably sick of all dungeons before you finally drop all your set on your own without buying it from Auction House. Especially if you are farming the best T2 of your class.
What is the solution ? Get rid of Dungeon Delve chest as a bonus and make the chest open in every dungeon. One could think of another dungeon bonus different from that chest, some bonus gold from enemies for exemple... bananskrue suggested this:
How about this one:
Every dungeon drops a chest. The loot is BoP. During DD, the loot is BoE.
I don't think that I am the only one being sick of not being able to run dungeons whenever I want to, because that Dungeon Delve is essential to have a chance of looting any T2, since the final boss drops are more a joke than a reward, and even DD chest rewards with many
HAMSTER stuffs and few T2 stuffs, not even talking about best T2 sets... And the Drake sets are useless cause no set bonus...
Here are the changes I would like to see:
-Dungeon Delve event should be removed or changed into something less essential (maybe only seals in chest)
-Drops should be Bound on Pickup
-Final Bosses should drop 1 piece of set, 100% (6,6% chances to loot the set you need, 5 classes, 3 sets per class)
-Drake/Unicorn Seals traders should sell the real Sets, not useless drake/unicorn versions with no set bonus
I can't wait for such changes... They are really needed.
But then again Dungeons also have the problems of swarms of adds ffrom the first fight to well after the boss is dead you are still fighting adds. maybe that once in the 5 hour thing is a poor trick so people dont get sick of the repetative dungeon design.
Then why are they going to make drops bound on pickup ?
I think you are mistaking.
- DRAGON - ( Mehrea DC 13.1k ) - ( Volsung TR 11.7k )
They would have to make the T1&T2 drops have enough stats however to meet requirements for the next tier of dungeon. IE a Half-Full set of T1 would still meet T2 GS requirements. Agree or disagree this is just my 2 coppers worth tho.
I don't think that's a good idea, but that is simply my own opinion.
- DRAGON - ( Mehrea DC 13.1k ) - ( Volsung TR 11.7k )
That seems to be a symptom in the game. Nothing feels rewarding unless you do it at specific times and in specific circumstances. Removing these circumstances isn't going to fix the problem though.
That's why I suggested to make the chest open in every dungeon, and make DD gives a different bonus like more gold or whatever else.
- DRAGON - ( Mehrea DC 13.1k ) - ( Volsung TR 11.7k )
as it is i have to ignore that the bonus things are there. i cannot revolve my schedule around a game.
Only for the Min/Maxer types. For those casual/themed/RP/non-elitist/non-member of UBER guildWwhatchamacallit characters they could still run them and get rewarded and still be a viable-productive-efficient character. Then again I'm against the elitism that has now happened with groups and their GS score requirements. I mean why boot someone that has the recommended/required (by the Devs no less) GS but wasn't high enough for your speed run. I mean as it stands all content should/is completable with a GS around 9.5GS (albeit with a challenge for CN) why must the Min/Maxers demand a 10+GS score to run the lower lvl T2 dungeons.
Something like a Daily Epic dungeon quest x/4 would be better instead of that useless normal Dread Vault we have currently.
- DRAGON - ( Mehrea DC 13.1k ) - ( Volsung TR 11.7k )
Only few people like to do dungeon for 50/60 minutes and not be sure that they'll have a reward at the end.
Moreover now that they announced the coming BoE new policy, they'll be less people doing them because they cannot sell the item at the auction house.
So if we cannot find the item at the AH, we'll need to complete all dungeon.. which is exactly the way I want to earn my items.
the ONLY PROBLEM is that it's a mess and nearly impossible to complete any T2 with a PUG : people are leaving, some bosses are completely unbalanced and definitely not for full T1 geared people.
They better change that or find a a solution really fast.
In my opinion the problem is more likely the fact that the percentage chance of the loot you desire is absurd and beyond logic.
You need:
-To reach and kill the boss
-Boss to drop T2 instead of T1 craps
-Boss to drop T2 of your class
-Boss to drop the T2 set you desire
-To win the stuff with dices.
Let's say you have (hypothetic) 33% chances that the boss drop T2 gear.
You then have 33*0.25 % that it drops your class gear resulting in 8%.
Then you have around 2.3% chances to get the set you desire (8/3), considering they all have the same drop rate which I seriously doubt as I have never seen any "best T2 set" dropped from boss itself.
Not a pro in math though, but I think this should be more or less right unless some expert can make some better calculation...
That's part of the reason why people don't run dungeon while DD is off, you have much more chances to loot T2 from chest, because if chest contains a T2, it's a T2 of your class.
- DRAGON - ( Mehrea DC 13.1k ) - ( Volsung TR 11.7k )
Please Devs, this is good feedback, will solve a lot of issues, wont create new problems, will ease the amount of stress on servers when the delves event is on, will ease the elitism on the PUGing a little...
i wish we had an answer in this topic.
It being BoP would not stop the market from being flooded with epics. They would simply be untradeable. In other words, less people would buy off the auction house because most likely they already got their gear from a chest.
Every dungeon drops a chest. The loot is BoP. During DD, the loot is BoE.
- DRAGON - ( Mehrea DC 13.1k ) - ( Volsung TR 11.7k )
* GF isn't running conqueror, this is going to take too long
* DC gearscore is too low, we can't do the boss
* TR is stealth-built, he's going to hold us back
* We don't have enough CWs, we won't be able to do the boss adds
* We have a GWF
When nobody runs anything short of optimum, people don't play. On the pug scene, groups get dropped repeatedly until the magic quintet shows up. Everyone else is left spending the remaining hour dropping in and out of groups until the time runs out. And then, at that point it's not worth doing dungeons anymore because rewards are terrible, every high GS cleric is already off on a DD run, and you're just left with hundreds of 3/5 DPS groups shuffling around between themselves.
lol, if you don't have the gear already don't expect to be included in groups
In order for you to do t2 is to have t1, but if you dont have enough time. Then what good is doing t1, if it does not give you enough time to do delves.
With slightly better drop rate then the "random" chests in maps.
This way it doesnt feel like runnign it for no reward.