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You have to be kidding me...



  • baronvonboombaronvonboom Member Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Moan Moan Moan...cry cry cry

    If i was the devs i would hold back any content i had, its not as if anyone is ever appreciative of there work anyway..

    GauntlGrym is broken! Where are my extra classes..Wheres my blue skelly dog, your event was ****!

    Rogues are OP, Event is unfair it favours CW, Clerics are nerfed i quit..

    The list is endless..

    If i was them i would take one look at this forum an just not bother coming to work the next day because of all the miserable buggers playing the game..
  • redneckroninredneckronin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If i was them i would take one look at this forum an just not bother coming to work the next day because of all the miserable buggers playing the game..

    Well, at least if they did that they couldn't break anything else.

    All The Best
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  • erethizon1erethizon1 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    MMO Developers.

    Please, please, please, please, please listen to this guy.

    RPGs are simply not designed for PvP.

    No MMORPG out there, not even the market leader, is improved in any way by attempting to incorporate PvP alongside PvE.

    The ONLY game that has come close to doing so without totally ruining PvE is LotRO, and that is because it doesn't have genuine PvP, and so avoids the need to have strict class-balance to stop the PvP whiners QQing all day long.

    Dump PvP, you'll lose maybe 15% of the player base, then work like mad on having different builds for each class, put some variety in to the game without the need to worry about PvP-balance, and then watch the people who will stick with the game for the long-haul come flooding back.

    Which section of the player-base do you think is most likely to be here for the long-haul? PvPers who can only handle this type of came in 5 minute segments, or PvE-ers who will engage with the game-world for the "journey", not the "destination"?

    Its a no brainer.

    All The Best

    Advocating for the removal of PvP is unlikely to work. Even Final Fantasy XI (which said they would never have PvP) eventually broke down and added a PvP sport. Like it or not, highly competitive people play MMO's and every company wants to take money from these people. The best thing to do is to tack on some pointless PvP (like the game had when it started) and then completely ignore and neglect it from that point onward. Don't ruin PvE by trying to balance classes for PvP. If you want balanced PvP you play counterstrike. MMO's exist for the PvE. MMO's that tried centering themselves around PvP fail. This is not surprising since MMO's are cooperative games by their very nature and PvP tends to attract the most competitive, uncooperative members of the gaming community.

    The new content went wrong by mixing PvP and PvE with terrible results. No one wants to be punished for losing a PvP match by having to run a dungeon for tier 1 gear while the winner gets a tier 2 dungeon. Winning the PvP match should have its own reward and both the winning and losing team should be able to go to the tier 2 dungeon.
  • erethizon1erethizon1 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Moan Moan Moan...cry cry cry

    If i was the devs i would hold back any content i had, its not as if anyone is ever appreciative of there work anyway..

    GauntlGrym is broken! Where are my extra classes..Wheres my blue skelly dog, your event was ****!

    Rogues are OP, Event is unfair it favours CW, Clerics are nerfed i quit..

    The list is endless..

    If i was them i would take one look at this forum an just not bother coming to work the next day because of all the miserable buggers playing the game..

    This is not a charity. They don't work to be appreciated. They work to make money. Sure if you run a restaurant and everyone complains about the food you could just not go to work and close down, but you could also make better food so your customers stop complaining (and thus come more often and spend more money). You don't deserve to have your food complimented unless it is actually good.
  • izoldaizolda Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    darksx wrote: »
    This is what happens when you guys have to have stinking PVP in a game. It causes all kinds of issues with balancing. I totally despise PVP. It has no place in a regular game. And seriously what is so fun about blasting and killing each other in a game? I just don’t get it at all! In all seriousness, there should be PVP servers and that’s where you let those player play and worry about balance in that realm. Not in a PVE server.

    MMO never meant to be for PVP, it's there cause there too many whiners asking for it "we want PVP"

    But in the end it's a waste of time balancing something that forever unbalance. You nerf one class, something else will be overpowered, you nerf that overpowered class something else will be overpowered. It's an endless cycle of wasting time balancing.
  • baronvonboombaronvonboom Member Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    erethizon1 wrote: »
    This is not a charity. They don't work to be appreciated. They work to make money. Sure if you run a restaurant and everyone complains about the food you could just not go to work and close down, but you could also make better food so your customers stop complaining (and thus come more often and spend more money). You don't deserve to have your food complimented unless it is actually good.

    Ahh yes but in a town full of critics your bound to be doomed..

    Opinions are not fact my friend, i think this food is very tasty and for the price its really good value..
    If you want tried and tested head on over to McDonalds im sure they will serve you a flavour of the month that you'll enjoy..
  • aorin84aorin84 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In all my experience with beta testing both closed and open QA testing the game is part of beta testing. You agreed to give input when you found a problem even if you never turned in an issue you helped QA the game by sever load tests. I have never heard anything as asinine as we paid them to QA the game.... No you paid for vanity items during beta testing, you paid for a title, you paid for a mount etc.
    Has cryptic been slow resolving issues, yes have they been vague on releases yes. Should they release something they may have found an issue with in the new racial skin or class no. People already rake them through the fire over poor quality and rushed releases and now for once they hold off and what happens more complaints.

    They sure as hell did not develop the game to not turn a profit. By telling people there were no character wipes,they were saying several things "you may now play our game and spend money on items; your time and efforts will not be wiped, anything you do henceforth is permanent" and thus, we opened our wallets. Yes, it is a free 2 play game. yet, at every turn we are met with things that encourage spending. Anyone that wants to make any decent headway on professions basically has to acquire Zen. Aw shucks, your rental mount expired AGAIN. Why don't you just purchase an account-wide permanent one and be done with the whole mess?

    Open Beta Testing was a soft launch; this was all just a really long Head Start program.
    I paid for a game I thought was going to be quality. I showed support for the developer of a popular title, and by contributing to their earnings I could help to fund BETTER GAME. I'd like to think that since i have a Hero of the North Founder forum title, some moderators or PW people might care a little bit about what I have to say, since I spent $200 on their product.

    I have learned a valuable lesson from all this; Spare the wallet until the quality of the purchase has been validated.
    I regret that $200. It has gotten me, as you said, some vanity items and a title.
    Do I fault myself for feeling I have been ripped off? No. No that blame goes to the developer that has yet to meet the expectations of its player base.

    Edit: In before the last point is argued -
    The community has been asking for three things from day one.
    1) More classes
    2) More paragon paths
    3) Drow as a playable race

    Two months later, none of these are implemented.
    Fury of the Feywild, scheduled for Summer 2013, the first MAJOR content update. Guess what?
    It contains NONE of the three MOST REQUESTED things.
  • nuromalnuromal Member Posts: 47
    edited June 2013
    aorin84 wrote: »
    What people want is diversity. Not every Guardian Fighter wants to be an Iron Guardian. Not every Great Weapon Fighter wants to be a Swordmaster.

    Not every person that wants to play a ranged class wants to be a caster.

    Every single MMO available has some sort of non-caster ranged class. They should have had one ready for OBT. They hinted that it was almost ready. Here we are two months later: nothing. They don't even have it on the Feywild content update preview, and that's most likely coming in August.

    Furthermore, they can set a time from for moon and sun elves, but not Drow?

    They clearly do not care what we want. It's very obvious their mentality is we will take what they give us and they could care less, they've already got our Founder money.
    I can hear Captain Hindsight telling me I shouldn't have bought the Hero pack.

    Edit: you know they have Drow ready. Menzoberranzen Renegades are, for all intents and purposes, Drow with different names for the same racials. They're ready, Cryptic is just holding it back for some unknown reason.

    drow does have a release date 60 days after launch....
  • daschladaschla Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 240 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Look at it this way. You've been playing for what.. 40 days or so and are already claiming there is nothing for you? I mean.. how do you think that would be different if you had drow? I think you would be crying the same thing in another 40. In any case, drow are slated for release 60 days after release. I think you keep the pacifier in your mouth that long. =)
    Sister Vanity knows if you've been naughty or nice...and heals accordingly.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    aorin84 wrote: »

    blah, blah, blah ....

    I'd like to think that since i have a Hero of the North Founder forum title, some moderators or PW people might care a little bit about what I have to say, since I spent $200 on their product.

    blah, blah, blah ...

    Ha, ha - good one. I guess you have learned that certain developers (not all mind you) care very little about the opinions or interests of customers once they have your money. Chalk it up to experience...
  • danzlyradanzlyra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 43
    edited June 2013
    aorin84 wrote: »
    They sure as hell did not develop the game to not turn a profit. By telling people there were no character wipes,they were saying several things "you may now play our game and spend money on items; your time and efforts will not be wiped, anything you do henceforth is permanent" and thus, we opened our wallets. Yes, it is a free 2 play game. yet, at every turn we are met with things that encourage spending. Anyone that wants to make any decent headway on professions basically has to acquire Zen. Aw shucks, your rental mount expired AGAIN. Why don't you just purchase an account-wide permanent one and be done with the whole mess?

    Open Beta Testing was a soft launch; this was all just a really long Head Start program.
    I paid for a game I thought was going to be quality. I showed support for the developer of a popular title, and by contributing to their earnings I could help to fund BETTER GAME. I'd like to think that since i have a Hero of the North Founder forum title, some moderators or PW people might care a little bit about what I have to say, since I spent $200 on their product.

    I have learned a valuable lesson from all this; Spare the wallet until the quality of the purchase has been validated.
    I regret that $200. It has gotten me, as you said, some vanity items and a title.
    Do I fault myself for feeling I have been ripped off? No. No that blame goes to the developer that has yet to meet the expectations of its player base.

    Edit: In before the last point is argued -
    The community has been asking for three things from day one.
    1) More classes
    2) More paragon paths
    3) Drow as a playable race

    Two months later, none of these are implemented.
    Fury of the Feywild, scheduled for Summer 2013, the first MAJOR content update. Guess what?
    It contains NONE of the three MOST REQUESTED things.

    I'm with this guy. I've played 4 of the 5 classes, just dinking around, checking things out, really enjoying the foundry and such, but still, just not interested in playing the classes they are providing. I almost always play an archer of some kind. I'm not a Drizzt, Legolas, Katniss wannabe. I just like playing rangers and have since EQ1 launched. I play rangers in DnD tabletop and Dragon Age tabletop.

    I wonder if they have to hold ranger back because they might be making it a pet-class and are having problems with the pet AI like they have issues with our companion AI?

    Anyway, so here we are at launch, it's anti-climatic. I'll be back, after Ranger comes in. Until then I'm just not interested in maxing other classes until I'm sick to death of Protector's Enclave and can't stomach it again to go yet one more time through with the class I wanted to play from launch. If I stay, I'll get bored and then when my chosen class finally arrives I just won't have the heart to start back at the beginning.

    Call it whining, I'm not. It's just an anti-climactic shrug. I'm happy for those that are content with the game and enjoying it. Just my two cents about it.
  • r0y0r0y0 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for all the head's up, guys. I won't be burned on another "lifetime" sub to a Cryptic / PW game again. I admit, I did it for Champions Online and STO, both I don't play at all. Three accounts on CO and one on STO. What a dupe I was. Glad to see that their practice of past deeds have not changed.

    Still, I'll try the F2P portions of NWN and see, but I'll not be investing in any Zen.
  • dragonlover982dragonlover982 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    theacate wrote: »
    +1 to you!

    I do have to agree with the pvp thing in this game though. No where in any of my original D&D that I grew up with we had to go toe to toe with our friends in any campaign. If we wanted to duke it out with each other then it was an actual fist fight. Even then, it wasn't even a fist fight as more of a tossing papers at the person as it was usually over some twit forgetting the munchies or drinks and then complaining they had no gas to go get some..

    If Cryptic wanted to keep the original feel of the D&D gaming realm then they should have not brought PvP into this game, but sadly they did. However, there's no need to bash each other for the way someone plays a game. People play a game for entertainment. Let them enjoy it how they want. It is after all their money and time they are spending, not yours. If you don't like it... I'm sure there's some other game out there that you may enjoy more. Go have fun.

    Some of the best tabletop experiences I have had were in a free for all battle session, or the halloween events our DM ran every year it was co-op with the enemy, you would start the session knowing by the end all but one or everyone was dead.

    But even in regular sessions it is still PvP its the group Vs the DM.
    I really wish more MMO players had an IQ higher than a chihuahua
    Originally Posted by iuseforum
    Game is broken. Unpatch the game
  • therancidcattherancidcat Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Can i just point out, Cryptic is the developer, they made/make the game, PWE is they publisher, who are responsible for the release of content, timelines, Zen prices and support, so please get off Cryptics back, they might of wanted everything released at once, but once they signed to a publisher they do not have any say on content release schedules.
  • drakeos99drakeos99 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Failed PWE company and yet their support page sucks ballz due to redirect
    Drakeos Lightblade - Human - Oathbound Paladin (Protection) (MAIN)
    Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
    Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
    Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Member Posts: 6,694 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    aorin84 wrote: »

    Edit: In before the last point is argued -
    The community has been asking for three things from day one.
    1) More classes
    2) More paragon paths
    3) Drow as a playable race

    Two months later, none of these are implemented.
    Fury of the Feywild, scheduled for Summer 2013, the first MAJOR content update. Guess what?
    It contains NONE of the three MOST REQUESTED things.

    We get more elves!!!! How awesome is that! There never can be enough elves!
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • vandruvandru Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Ok this game is F2P which means significant limitations. It is NOT Neverwinter Nights, it is NOT Baldurs Gate and it is NOT Elder Scrolls. Those games cost money and are brilliant (still). This game would not be out of place on Facebook or Android at $9.99 for the full package.
    No thought has gone into this and no thought needs to go into it by the players. Just pick a pretty picture of a character that looks good (doesn't matter which because they are all basically the same) and follow the twinkly stars. This is even worse than DDO. It appears to be aimed at the modern day player who constantly needs to be shown how to do things, always has to win and does not understand the concept of having to strive to achieve. Remember trying to play NWN with a Wizard who specialises in summoning or a Dex fighter? You needed to plan your character and think about your actions. THAT is what an RPG (in the context of PC gaming) is all about. The million dollar question is, can this game be made to work before ES Online is finished? or even better, some developer out there switches on and creates a REAL NWN 3!
  • dragonlover982dragonlover982 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Can i just point out, Cryptic is the developer, they made/make the game, PWE is they publisher, who are responsible for the release of content, timelines, Zen prices and support, so please get off Cryptics back, they might of wanted everything released at once, but once they signed to a publisher they do not have any say on content release schedules.

    Partially agree with you on PW's role here, Cryptic still has a say in releases, it is their dev team, their Cust support, etc. PWI just footed the cash to produce the game in return for having control of a portion of the cash shop proceeds.

    After seeing Perfect World's beta testing and release and its issues this release was far worse.
    If it was PWI who controlled all of these things the level should have been at or below that of PW, yet it wasn't.

    Even with all things in consideration I have refrained from complaining about Cryptic or PWI. It is after all F2P.
    I really wish more MMO players had an IQ higher than a chihuahua
    Originally Posted by iuseforum
    Game is broken. Unpatch the game
  • bloodraiderx42bloodraiderx42 Member Posts: 74
    edited June 2013
    so what i dont like 1.no prize for people getting 60 in the beta. nothing, no item, title, fashion item.
    2. GG is not great from what i hear
    3. no new 5mans, no new pvp just 2 maps glory worthless
    4. not enough new, and you spend time to have new zen stuff

    i was really enjoying the game, but me and my friends are gonna take a break, and me for sure not gonna spend anymore money on this game.

    what coulda kept this open alive? new class, new 5mans, new loots, new training books for companions....i mean w t f
  • bloodraiderx42bloodraiderx42 Member Posts: 74
    edited June 2013
    Partially agree with you on PW's role here, Cryptic still has a say in releases, it is their dev team, their Cust support, etc. PWI just footed the cash to produce the game in return for having control of a portion of the cash shop proceeds.

    After seeing Perfect World's beta testing and release and its issues this release was far worse.
    If it was PWI who controlled all of these things the level should have been at or below that of PW, yet it wasn't.

    Even with all things in consideration I have refrained from complaining about Cryptic or PWI. It is after all F2P.

    and thats what my friends say, F2P. what ever. how much money have they made...useless QAA's money hungry zen company
  • hurk97hurk97 Member Posts: 154 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    callmedeux wrote: »
    Classes? REally.

    How about content

    Both would be nice.
  • roflnautroflnaut Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    All I spent on this game was $20 US and all I got were a couple of blue items from the lockboxes that drop like crazy. All I purchased were keys and got nothing worth spitting on. The stealth on the rogue last for a few seconds (lame) and longer to recharge (lame). The mage is OP by the general census and IMO, as well. To get any headway in the game you must spend to win and leveling is the fastest I've seen. (got to 60 in a week) The diversity is NOT there and I'm not talking about "Where's my drow?" or "Where's my ranger?", but the paragon paths. I keep up with my acct only to see if anything good will come of the game (so far not). Truth is this is ONLY a game and I will not be pressured by any means to spend to win. There are better games out there where you don't have to spend real hard-earned money to make headway, where it takes time to develop your toon the way you see fit, and your not coaxed at every corner to spend to win. I want to play a good game of d&d like anybody, but I don't want to 'read advertisements' and be led by hook from one quest to the next without anywhere to explore. I just hope in time this will change. I will pray everyday for that 1 year angel, but that's as far I will go for this game. The rest is lame.
  • ashensnowashensnow Member Posts: 2,215 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mizbiz1 wrote: »
    These people are working their butts off to get you FREE content

    No, actually they are, "working their butts off," for a paycheck. The company is using, "FREE content," as part of a business plan to entice people into paying for items and services in the cash shop so that it can pay these butt working off people that paycheck. I can assure you that if no one was buying anything the game would either close down, or lose teh FtP aspect. The goal is not to provide free content, that is merely a means to an end...profit.

    mizbiz1 wrote: »
    NOBODY is asking you to stay.

    Well, perhaps, "NOBODY," except the company running the game. They kind of need people to be here in order to entice them into buying things in the cash shop.

    Partially agree with you on PW's role here, Cryptic still has a say in releases, it is their dev team, their Cust support, etc. PWI just footed the cash to produce the game in return for having control of a portion of the cash shop proceeds.

    After seeing Perfect World's beta testing and release and its issues this release was far worse.
    If it was PWI who controlled all of these things the level should have been at or below that of PW, yet it wasn't.

    Even with all things in consideration I have refrained from complaining about Cryptic or PWI. It is after all F2P.

    PWE's involvement was greater than you describe. The game was not even going to be an MMO until they insisted that Cryptic delay release and convert what had been developed into a full MMO.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • xtropianxtropian Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I really wish they would let us know more about what is coming up and when to expect it. I mean, everyone is waiting for the Archer Ranger, Scourge Wizard and Drow and it's "Surprise! Alchemy, Sun Elves and Moon Elves!".
  • aorin84aorin84 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    daschla wrote: »
    Look at it this way. You've been playing for what.. 40 days or so and are already claiming there is nothing for you? I mean.. how do you think that would be different if you had drow? I think you would be crying the same thing in another 40. In any case, drow are slated for release 60 days after release. I think you keep the pacifier in your mouth that long. =)

    I have Menzoberranzan Renegade as a race. If I wanted to play a Drow, I could. I'm arguing on behalf of the player community as a whole. It is one of the most requested features; it is something they have stated would be released in the future, but were very unclear as to when. One person said Hero Founders would have access to a Drow race 60 days before the general public, another said 60 days after release, but did not specify OFFICIAL release, so most assumed OBT release. The point is not when it is actually released, the point is they have been very unclear about a timeline, and have made no efforts to provide the community with what it wants.

    If you had a business and your customers were requesting certain products, would you continue to research and produce other products they had not even mentioned or would you pursue making the products they had been requesting?

    It's simple business principles and it is baffling that so much of their resources is going towards stuff we didn't even know was in the pipeline, rather than directing those resources to stuff we actually WANT.
  • aorin84aorin84 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mconosrep wrote: »
    Ha, ha - good one. I guess you have learned that certain developers (not all mind you) care very little about the opinions or interests of customers once they have your money. Chalk it up to experience...

    I know right? Shame on me for thinking the customer was always right. =D
  • booseratibooserati Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    there is a new class slot blocked out and its tentatively named "coming soon" i think its i nthe works, just be patient and have fun. didnt the game just launch. . . today?
  • ultimombraultimombra Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    They planned to put all their aces on the table end august or september when everybody comes back from holidays in order to fight against the other incoming games of the competitors scheduled for autumn...

    ...at the moment they have no competitors so why must they use their aces NOW!

    I feel like you guys OP and agree but don't mind summer goes by fast, as always.
    The Unseen Knight
  • mrbluebirdmrbluebird Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    By August, it won't matter. I'll have moved on to Final Fantasy XIV, Everquest Next, Wildstar, or whatever is beta'ing or testing by then.
  • lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    mrbluebird wrote: »
    Cryptic, I love you guys. I really do. You seem to be passionate about the games you put out.

    That is why I will say this as kindly and simply as I possibly can:

    Your game is going to die without new classes.

    Literally every single one of my friends that I have gotten involved in this game has left because the lack of class diversity makes them feel like literal carbon cutouts of every other player.

    I held my breath and waited for the update info on module 1, and you STILL haven't mentioned a new class.

    Are you trying to get us to leave your game? Because it feels that way. Seriously. It really does.

    Guess I'll go and do something else until you decide to change priorities a bit. I understand different folks want different things, and I'm not an entitled guy. I'll just go play something else and stop spending money here.


    I seriously can NOT understand why anyone would want more classes in Neverwinter... When you add a new class that fits the same group role you end up with two "different" classes balanced exactly the same that are handicapped/crippled by taking away features that should exist in BOTH just to create artificial differences...

    If you have four tanks, healers, etc whatever they ALL end up balanced to be EXACTLY THE SAME but have abilities/powers/skills REMOVED just to add artificial differences...


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