Firstly I apologise if any official clarification on this has been made; I have not seen it yet, despite looking, just browsed 10+ pages of threads and dont recall the FAQ to be very specific, they dont answer on Twitter/FB, but...
Will the Drow race be available to non-Founders 60ish days after the open beta launch, or after the official launch planned to arrive soon?
They were (rightly so, sure) promised exclusive access for atleast 60 days, wich imo started the first day of their early access of the open beta...?
Does anyone, maybe a forum admin, have any real information on this?
I know alot of people actually waiting to play classes cause they plan to play them as Drow and since no word has really reached us about a coming Race Change or the like, it would really help to know how long we have to wait.
Firstly I apologise if any official clarification on this has been made; I have not seen it yet, despite looking, just browsed 10+ pages of threads and dont recall the FAQ to be very specific, they dont answer on Twitter/FB, but...
Will the Drow race be available to non-Founders 60ish days after the open beta launch, or after the official launch planned to arrive soon?
They were (rightly so, sure) promised exclusive access for atleast 60 days, wich imo started the first day of their early access of the open beta...?
Does anyone, maybe a forum admin, have any real information on this?
I know alot of people actually waiting to play classes cause they plan to play them as Drow and since no word has really reached us about a coming Race Change or the like, it would really help to know how long we have to wait.
When Drow is released it will be available to everyone. Nobody knows exactly when that will be.
When Drow is released it will be available to everyone. Nobody knows exactly when that will be.
Not to be rude, but thats hardly "/thread"-worthy.
The Menzoberanzan Renegades ARE drows, released to Founders on the first day of the early access to Open Beta. The Drow race are supposed to be released 60 days after a launch, but they haven't said wich launch (there are 2, open beta and full), and since they worded it to sound as 60 days exclusiveness to play drow (renegades) to Founders, the question as to WHEN the real Drow race will be implemented is quite justified, I believe, and I find it very hard to believe - or frustrating - that no Dev or Admin could clarify exactly what they meant. But slash the thread away if you want - still didn't contribute anything and alot of people want to know, for many reasons.
It will more likly cost you either 20 -30 bucks to unlock the race. I can see them totally putting money on that race.
I doubt it will cost anything. Adding a new race is a good way to get people to start new characters, which is a good way to sell character slots, appearance items, exp boosters, as well as make players play the same content they have been playing for the last 2 months for another 2 months while they level their new character.
I doubt it will cost anything. Adding a new race is a good way to get people to start new characters, which is a good way to sell character slots, appearance items, exp boosters, as well as make players play the same content they have been playing for the last 2 months for another 2 months while they level their new character.
The plural of Drow is Drow, not Drows.
2 months to level a single character? That seems to be an outrageously long time. It takes me 2-3 weeks, depending on the class, and I am not even a hardcore gamer. I would say I am a hybrid of the two.
Thanks for being a grammar HAMSTER and enlightening (not really) a tired guy slipping on drow in plural and who's been playing D&D for 20 years - it's truly appreciated.
You're welcome. (Not really)
(And also, they've said that the Drow race will be free to everyone, countless times.)
The whole 60 day thing was just an estimate. The reasonable assumption is we will see the Drow with the module 1 content update. I expect that same update will also include the ranger class. However, no one is yet talking about when module 1 will be released.
Best guess, expect to see further details 2 week after launch. Expect the patch to arrive late July early August. These are however, just reasonable guesses.
Thanks for being a grammar HAMSTER and enlightening (not really) a tired guy slipping on drow in plural and who's been playing D&D for 20 years - it's truly appreciated.
You're welcome. (Not really)
(And also, they've said that the Drow race will be free to everyone, countless times.)
Well, I don't see how your experience with D&D is correlated to anything else in that statement. If anything, it would make one think that with such a vast experience of the D&D world you wouldn't make small mistakes like that. Obviously, you're just showboating.
Well, I don't see how your experience with D&D is correlated to anything else in that statement. If anything, it would make one think that with such a vast experience of the D&D world you wouldn't make small mistakes like that. Obviously, you're just showboating.
Or the point I was making was that it was quite silly to go grammar HAMSTER (and quite unrelated to the original post) on me, that actually knows quite abit about it (yes, Im a geek) but was simply too tired to notice the slip - but Im sure I should be crucified for making "small mistakes despite such vast experience of the D&D world".... Just a thought.
But Im glad it's so very obvious to you how I am or what I know, or don't know. Im penning it down on a post it as we speak so I'll never forget your opinion.
And also, thanks for contributing to the original question this thread is about - you truly shed some light and wasn't at all useless and just attempted to make a jab.
Haha... You complain about people being grammar HAMSTER when you turn around and do the same thing? Not even gonna bother with you. Oh! And, you're very welcome.
Haha... You complain about people being grammar HAMSTER when you turn around and do the same thing? Not even gonna bother with you. Oh! And, you're very welcome.
Again you derail the post. Cute.
ANd how exactly was I a grammar HAMSTER? I didn't correct your grammar, lest I'm suffering from dementia or something. But whatever makes you happy in life. Keep up the fight!
Actually, on the Twitter feed a few days ago they said at least 60 days from the 20th. Since this is counter to something that was said earlier on which was 60 days from early access, I asked what prompted the change and got no response:(.
Or the point I was making was that it was quite silly to go grammar HAMSTER (and quite unrelated to the original post) on me, that actually knows quite abit about it (yes, Im a geek) but was simply too tired to notice the slip - but Im sure I should be crucified for making "small mistakes despite such vast experience of the D&D world".... Just a thought.
But Im glad it's so very obvious to you how I am or what I know, or don't know. Im penning it down on a post it as we speak so I'll never forget your opinion.
And also, thanks for contributing to the original question this thread is about - you truly shed some light and wasn't at all useless and just attempted to make a jab.
To be fair to the poster who originally corrected you, how could she have been expected to know about your previous experience with D&D? Using "drows" for the plural is actually a fairly common mistake (even among D&D players). *shrugs* Hopefully someone who would have made that mistake took notice.
As for the topic at hand, we were told 60 days after launch. The pessimist in me says that would be in 60 days from the 20th of June. I am mostly wondering if they're going to be the Menzoberranzan Renegades we HotN players got, or something different.
Actually, on the Twitter feed a few days ago they said at least 60 days from the 20th. Since this is counter to something that was said earlier on which was 60 days from early access, I asked what prompted the change and got no response:(.
Yeah, they tend to answer abit vaguely or in a very general way, or plain teasing, when asked to specify they go mysteriously silent
This is why I started this thread, really want to know, especially since they don't have Race Changes planned
Not at all actually, Im usually the one chuckling over forum drama or rage... and I happen to think Ambi is funny :P Why, are you touchy much, coming to his defense - unless Im misreading you? :P
They specifically said that the Menzo Renegades were reserved for founders and that the coming class was going to be "Vanilla Drow".
Yup, and the "Vanilla Drow" would be released after 60 days of the Renegades, to grant exclusive access to Founders. Still doesn't really specify if they meant start of beta or full launch tho
To be fair to the poster who originally corrected you, how could she have been expected to know about your previous experience with D&D? Using "drows" for the plural is actually a fairly common mistake (even among D&D players). *shrugs* Hopefully someone who would have made that mistake took notice.
As for the topic at hand, we were told 60 days after launch. The pessimist in me says that would be in 60 days from the 20th of June. I am mostly wondering if they're going to be the Menzoberranzan Renegades we HotN players got, or something different.
I'll gladly be fair, and of course can't demand of him/her to magically know me; what I meant was I think it was a very pointless thing to post, that had nothing to do with the threads purpose - kind of like grammar HAMSTER - and I added that it was even more silly to me since I'm not one in need of correcting when it comes to DnD, usually, atleast not in this case. I just find the need some people seem to have, to correct people be it in language or nitpicky details, very amusing. So I found that person very amusing. Unfair? Perhaps. I still think it was silly, sorry. :P
And yes, the pessimist in me kind of has the upper hand at the moment as well... But they really did word it in a way that made us all think that it would be 60 days from open beta launch.
Not to be rude, but thats hardly "/thread"-worthy.
The Menzoberanzan Renegades ARE drows, released to Founders on the first day of the early access to Open Beta. The Drow race are supposed to be released 60 days after a launch, but they haven't said wich launch (there are 2, open beta and full), and since they worded it to sound as 60 days exclusiveness to play drow (renegades) to Founders, the question as to WHEN the real Drow race will be implemented is quite justified, I believe, and I find it very hard to believe - or frustrating - that no Dev or Admin could clarify exactly what they meant. But slash the thread away if you want - still didn't contribute anything and alot of people want to know, for many reasons.
Seems thread worth to me, especially since you are such a rude prick while you are asking a question to the community. Here you are after a 15 sec google search.
Clarification about Drow in Hero of the North Packs
Hey folks!
Quick clarification regarding Drow in the Hero of the North Packs.
Taken straight from the newly clarified and shinily posted Extended FAQ:
"The Menzo-Renegade look, tattoo, racial background, racial ability, and special companion will remain permanently exclusive to Hero of the North Pack purchases. The vanilla, non-Menzoberranzan Renegade Drow race will be unavailable for at least first 60 days after release. We are currently planning to do a future update that will allow all players will be able to create a regular Drow character."
This means that Hero of the North Pack purchasers will have exclusive access to the Menzoberranzan Renegade Drow, but everyone will be able to create regular drow after 60 days post-launch.
Hope this is clear, and we apologize for any prior confusion.
Cryptic has done several *bait and switches* thus far and drow is just another one. They said heroes of the north would get them exclusively for 60 after launch also saying those founders got 5 days early access, inferring that drow would be released to the general public 60 days after the launch of open beta. Now they are backtracking on that and saying it's 60 days after *live launch*
Seems to me the company likes to lie a bit here and there......just sayin....
Waits for fanboys and girls to flame. Flame on folks, flame on.
Seems thread worth to me, especially since you are such a rude prick while you are asking a question to the community. Here you are after a 15 sec google search.
Clarification about Drow in Hero of the North Packs
Hey folks!
Quick clarification regarding Drow in the Hero of the North Packs.
Taken straight from the newly clarified and shinily posted Extended FAQ:
"The Menzo-Renegade look, tattoo, racial background, racial ability, and special companion will remain permanently exclusive to Hero of the North Pack purchases. The vanilla, non-Menzoberranzan Renegade Drow race will be unavailable for at least first 60 days after release. We are currently planning to do a future update that will allow all players will be able to create a regular Drow character."
This means that Hero of the North Pack purchasers will have exclusive access to the Menzoberranzan Renegade Drow, but everyone will be able to create regular drow after 60 days post-launch.
Hope this is clear, and we apologize for any prior confusion.
I'm a "rude prick", oh dear, bringing out the big guns, are we? Well, Im sure you think youve put me in my place now and feel all fuzzy inside. Whatever makes you feel better. (And Im very rarely rude unless someone's rude or just annoying first. You succeeded there, you should be proud! Way to go )
And Ive googled aswell, and read the FAQ and so on, but if you've read more quotes from the Devs you'd know that the reason for the wait with the "vanilla drow" was, according to them, to mainly ensure that the Founders had exclusive play with drow (renegades, still drow) - this is why I asked if anyone knew if the "launch" or "release" they were talking about was - and Im repeating myself again here - the launch of the open beta, or the actual full launch of the game, since theyve seemingly been talking about both, or atleast been very vague. Still with me?
So while I applaud your 15 sec google search and impressive maturity and vocabulary by rising above my appearent rudeness by calling me a "rude prick" and using "/thread" like a 14 year old wow forum kid, I thank you for repeating open info already mentioned in this thread.
Lastly I humbly apologise for appearing rude to someone who's contribution was self proclaimed thread worthy "/thread" - and name calling - not to mention already mentioned information. Hope you have a nice day now.
Cryptic has done several *bait and switches* thus far and drow is just another one. They said heroes of the north would get them exclusively for 60 after launch also saying those founders got 5 days early access, inferring that drow would be released to the general public 60 days after the launch of open beta. Now they are backtracking on that and saying it's 60 days after *live launch*
Seems to me the company likes to lie a bit here and there......just sayin....
Waits for fanboys and girls to flame. Flame on folks, flame on.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly, and the source of my confusion... I mean you kind of get used to PW and Cryptic being... well... yeah... but official statements I'm still naive enough to go by - until they changed them without officially saying they "changed their minds" so to speak. So I made the thread in hopes of an admin response or maybe someone knowing a link to a statement or something.
But I agree completely with you, lets still hope tho, yeah?
And yes, fanboys and girls will flame on with neverending nerd rage and entitlement, but it's kinda fun to watch them mentally and verbally flail about in little circles
haha i can see it coming, after those 60 days they say its another 60days cuz they want to wait for content updates or **** like that.
yes cryptic take your time, i mean its not like drow is one of the most liked and most famous races in d&d, and people hate to wait. buty oh, you can pay 200bucks or 200euro (cuz they dont give a **** about converting the currencys) to play the menzo Drow right?
haha oh man i can already see the flame threads of non-founder people that want to play a drow-alt.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited June 2013
We'll have more information on that soon.
I do not believe they are ready to release the plans for the Vanilla Drow race just yet but regardless of whether it's at least 60 days after Launch of Open Beta or Official Launch the exact time frame is subject to change.
My own personal and completely unconfirmed hunch is that they plan to release Vanilla Drow side by side with some sort of content pack/quest line, likely Module 1.
EDIT - Since the Drow were initially made temporarily exclusive the wording has always been "At least 60 days after launch." The confusion comes from whether they consider the "soft launch" the launch.
I have no conclusive confirmation but June 20 is the official "launch."
Seems thread worth to me, especially since you are such a rude prick while you are asking a question to the community. Here you are after a 15 sec google search.
Clarification about Drow in Hero of the North Packs
Hey folks!
Quick clarification regarding Drow in the Hero of the North Packs.
Taken straight from the newly clarified and shinily posted Extended FAQ:
"The Menzo-Renegade look, tattoo, racial background, racial ability, and special companion will remain permanently exclusive to Hero of the North Pack purchases. The vanilla, non-Menzoberranzan Renegade Drow race will be unavailable for at least first 60 days after release. We are currently planning to do a future update that will allow all players will be able to create a regular Drow character."
This means that Hero of the North Pack purchasers will have exclusive access to the Menzoberranzan Renegade Drow, but everyone will be able to create regular drow after 60 days post-launch.
Hope this is clear, and we apologize for any prior confusion.
And what is the difference between a MR Drow and a regular?
Also, are they making an effort to be evil? Or are drow just another adventurer like all the other player characters?
When Drow is released it will be available to everyone. Nobody knows exactly when that will be.
Not to be rude, but thats hardly "/thread"-worthy.
The Menzoberanzan Renegades ARE drows, released to Founders on the first day of the early access to Open Beta. The Drow race are supposed to be released 60 days after a launch, but they haven't said wich launch (there are 2, open beta and full), and since they worded it to sound as 60 days exclusiveness to play drow (renegades) to Founders, the question as to WHEN the real Drow race will be implemented is quite justified, I believe, and I find it very hard to believe - or frustrating - that no Dev or Admin could clarify exactly what they meant. But slash the thread away if you want - still didn't contribute anything and alot of people want to know, for many reasons.
No, they have specifically said that no races or classes will cost extra money or AD. The drow renegades was a Founders-thing.
I doubt it will cost anything. Adding a new race is a good way to get people to start new characters, which is a good way to sell character slots, appearance items, exp boosters, as well as make players play the same content they have been playing for the last 2 months for another 2 months while they level their new character.
The plural of Drow is Drow, not Drows.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
2 months to level a single character? That seems to be an outrageously long time. It takes me 2-3 weeks, depending on the class, and I am not even a hardcore gamer. I would say I am a hybrid of the two.
Join Us|Officer of The Noore|Nyan Cat
Thanks for being a grammar HAMSTER and enlightening (not really) a tired guy slipping on drow in plural and who's been playing D&D for 20 years - it's truly appreciated.
You're welcome. (Not really)
(And also, they've said that the Drow race will be free to everyone, countless times.)
Best guess, expect to see further details 2 week after launch. Expect the patch to arrive late July early August. These are however, just reasonable guesses.
Well, I don't see how your experience with D&D is correlated to anything else in that statement. If anything, it would make one think that with such a vast experience of the D&D world you wouldn't make small mistakes like that. Obviously, you're just showboating.
Join Us|Officer of The Noore|Nyan Cat
Or the point I was making was that it was quite silly to go grammar HAMSTER (and quite unrelated to the original post) on me, that actually knows quite abit about it (yes, Im a geek) but was simply too tired to notice the slip - but Im sure I should be crucified for making "small mistakes despite such vast experience of the D&D world".... Just a thought.
But Im glad it's so very obvious to you how I am or what I know, or don't know. Im penning it down on a post it as we speak so I'll never forget your opinion.
And also, thanks for contributing to the original question this thread is about - you truly shed some light and wasn't at all useless and just attempted to make a jab.
Join Us|Officer of The Noore|Nyan Cat
Again you derail the post. Cute.
ANd how exactly was I a grammar HAMSTER? I didn't correct your grammar, lest I'm suffering from dementia or something. But whatever makes you happy in life. Keep up the fight!
To be fair to the poster who originally corrected you, how could she have been expected to know about your previous experience with D&D? Using "drows" for the plural is actually a fairly common mistake (even among D&D players). *shrugs* Hopefully someone who would have made that mistake took notice.
As for the topic at hand, we were told 60 days after launch. The pessimist in me says that would be in 60 days from the 20th of June. I am mostly wondering if they're going to be the Menzoberranzan Renegades we HotN players got, or something different.
Touchy much?
Yeah, they tend to answer abit vaguely or in a very general way, or plain teasing, when asked to specify they go mysteriously silent
This is why I started this thread, really want to know, especially since they don't have Race Changes planned
Not at all actually, Im usually the one chuckling over forum drama or rage... and I happen to think Ambi is funny :P Why, are you touchy much, coming to his defense - unless Im misreading you? :P
Yup, and the "Vanilla Drow" would be released after 60 days of the Renegades, to grant exclusive access to Founders. Still doesn't really specify if they meant start of beta or full launch tho
I'll gladly be fair, and of course can't demand of him/her to magically know me; what I meant was I think it was a very pointless thing to post, that had nothing to do with the threads purpose - kind of like grammar HAMSTER - and I added that it was even more silly to me since I'm not one in need of correcting when it comes to DnD, usually, atleast not in this case. I just find the need some people seem to have, to correct people be it in language or nitpicky details, very amusing. So I found that person very amusing. Unfair? Perhaps. I still think it was silly, sorry. :P
And yes, the pessimist in me kind of has the upper hand at the moment as well... But they really did word it in a way that made us all think that it would be 60 days from open beta launch.
I always thought the plural of Drow was 'Oh HAMSTER, we're doomed!'
Seems thread worth to me, especially since you are such a rude prick while you are asking a question to the community. Here you are after a 15 sec google search.
Clarification about Drow in Hero of the North Packs
Hey folks!
Quick clarification regarding Drow in the Hero of the North Packs.
Taken straight from the newly clarified and shinily posted Extended FAQ:
"The Menzo-Renegade look, tattoo, racial background, racial ability, and special companion will remain permanently exclusive to Hero of the North Pack purchases. The vanilla, non-Menzoberranzan Renegade Drow race will be unavailable for at least first 60 days after release. We are currently planning to do a future update that will allow all players will be able to create a regular Drow character."
This means that Hero of the North Pack purchasers will have exclusive access to the Menzoberranzan Renegade Drow, but everyone will be able to create regular drow after 60 days post-launch.
Hope this is clear, and we apologize for any prior confusion.
LOL. Very true.
Seems to me the company likes to lie a bit here and there......just sayin....
Waits for fanboys and girls to flame. Flame on folks, flame on.
I'm a "rude prick", oh dear, bringing out the big guns, are we? Well, Im sure you think youve put me in my place now and feel all fuzzy inside. Whatever makes you feel better. (And Im very rarely rude unless someone's rude or just annoying first. You succeeded there, you should be proud! Way to go
And Ive googled aswell, and read the FAQ and so on, but if you've read more quotes from the Devs you'd know that the reason for the wait with the "vanilla drow" was, according to them, to mainly ensure that the Founders had exclusive play with drow (renegades, still drow) - this is why I asked if anyone knew if the "launch" or "release" they were talking about was - and Im repeating myself again here - the launch of the open beta, or the actual full launch of the game, since theyve seemingly been talking about both, or atleast been very vague. Still with me?
So while I applaud your 15 sec google search and impressive maturity and vocabulary by rising above my appearent rudeness by calling me a "rude prick" and using "/thread" like a 14 year old wow forum kid, I thank you for repeating open info already mentioned in this thread.
Lastly I humbly apologise for appearing rude to someone who's contribution was self proclaimed thread worthy "/thread" - and name calling - not to mention already mentioned information. Hope you have a nice day now.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly, and the source of my confusion... I mean you kind of get used to PW and Cryptic being... well... yeah... but official statements I'm still naive enough to go by - until they changed them without officially saying they "changed their minds" so to speak. So I made the thread in hopes of an admin response or maybe someone knowing a link to a statement or something.
But I agree completely with you, lets still hope tho, yeah?
And yes, fanboys and girls will flame on with neverending nerd rage and entitlement, but it's kinda fun to watch them mentally and verbally flail about in little circles
EDIT; Loving the signature pic
yes cryptic take your time, i mean its not like drow is one of the most liked and most famous races in d&d, and people hate to wait. buty oh, you can pay 200bucks or 200euro (cuz they dont give a **** about converting the currencys) to play the menzo Drow right?
haha oh man i can already see the flame threads of non-founder people that want to play a drow-alt.
I do not believe they are ready to release the plans for the Vanilla Drow race just yet but regardless of whether it's at least 60 days after Launch of Open Beta or Official Launch the exact time frame is subject to change.
My own personal and completely unconfirmed hunch is that they plan to release Vanilla Drow side by side with some sort of content pack/quest line, likely Module 1.
EDIT - Since the Drow were initially made temporarily exclusive the wording has always been "At least 60 days after launch." The confusion comes from whether they consider the "soft launch" the launch.
I have no conclusive confirmation but June 20 is the official "launch."
And what is the difference between a MR Drow and a regular?
Also, are they making an effort to be evil? Or are drow just another adventurer like all the other player characters?