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End-Game Loot System Changes Ready for Testing Soon!



  • dsolzdsolz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vuulz wrote: »
    Worst idea ever, as if running T2s didn't suck enough with the recent "balance" changes. All gear (more or less) becoming BoP would be the nail in the coffin, I would strongly urge you to reconsider this.

    Many people have plenty of AD but if you can't buy tier gear for alts what exactly are we supposed to spend this "salvaged" AD on?

    The ONLY time something should become BoP is if you roll need on it, period. Anything else and running dungeons will become utterly pointless.

    Yes. The only time it should bind is if you roll need.
    Anyway if PWE wants to make money they are better off sticking to current loot system. At least people still can pay zen for AD to get gears which they don't have the time to farm.

    Instead of spending effort on fixing loot system which isn't broken, PWE should spend time fixing the exploits.
  • desero2desero2 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
  • trith1128trith1128 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm fine with BoP on hard end game bosses. I never thought it was fair that someone can log into the game, buy ZEN... and be fully decked out in end game purples.

    What NEEDS to be done in order to make this work. Allow players to PURCHASE end game tier sets with their seals of the drake or unicorn. You can STILL have boss mobs " by chance " drop tier also. But this way, people doing a dungeon and not getting loot, wont be doing it for nothing. They'd still be acquiring seals to work towards the item they need to complete a set.

    Epic end game sets used to be an acknowledgement of a good solid player. These days, with WoW and every other MMO catering to cry babies.. purples seem to get handed out like candy.. which take the uniqueness away.. Lets not go down that path.
    Dr.Real Good : Sun Elf-Annointed Champion :
    Trith : Fury Soulbinder :
  • hotarumatahotarumata Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vuulz wrote: »
    The ONLY time something should become BoP is if you roll need on it, period. Anything else and running dungeons will become utterly pointless.

    I think this would -really- help the loot issues a lot of people are experiencing. 'If you need it, then why would you need to AH it, anyway?'
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    trith1128 wrote: »
    I'm fine with BoP on hard end game bosses. I never thought it was fair that someone can log into the game, buy ZEN... and be fully decked out in end game purples.

    Fair ?

    It may not seem fair to a certain elitist minority, suffering from serious envy, but quite frankly - who cares ? If someone wants to spend $$$ on Zen, convert it to AD and buy gear, what's the problem with that? Does it harm you in any way? I would say, "no, quite the contrary". If it was not for some people willing to spend $$$ for Zen, the game would simply not exist - not as a "F2P" game. So, everyone, before you belittle those who like to pay, remember that without them, there wouldn't be a "free" game for the rest of you - those people are paying for the game you enjoy. If you don't like that business model, then why did you start playing anyhow? You knew what you were getting into.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    hotarumata wrote: »
    I think this would -really- help the loot issues a lot of people are experiencing. 'If you need it, then why would you need to AH it, anyway?'

    Yes, well "Need->BoP, Greed->BoE" is not a perfect solution - it solves a few problems, introduces a few new ones, but it would at least not alienate a large chunk of the player base the same ways as the BoP approach with a pointless salvage vendor would do.

    Also, it is presumably easier to implement than some other approaches.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • berinimaberinima Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    trith1128 wrote: »
    I'm fine with BoP on hard end game bosses. I never thought it was fair that someone can log into the game, buy ZEN... and be fully decked out in end game purples.

    You do know that the end game purples are only the start, right? You do know that you need literally TONS of AD to get your enchantments for them, right? You do know that most of the coalescent wards for them come from the Zen shop, right? You do know that you need waaaaay more of them that you usually get by invoking (at least if you don't have 100+ char slots), right? You do know that people actually have to buy them with real money then to keep up, right? You do know that even if you spent hundreds of days getting the enchantments you want and a new tier comes out you either need millions of AD to rip them out of your old gear or start over again, right?
  • annadruvezannadruvez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Okay, I haven't read all of this. Sixty-Four pages! Yikes! But, here's my two cents:

    The highest gear should never have been BOE. What exists also shouldn't be changed. There IS, however, a solution. It just requires some coding.

    What do I mean? Simple - Instead of taking away the possibility of trading the gear we have, make a new type of gear that we don't have.

    Here's an example:

    Weapon Name
    Description: This Legendary weapon was wielded by the Great So-and-so of Wherever He Was From.
    Damage: x-x
    Slots: Enchantment, Weapon Enhancement
    Stats: +x to three to six
    Required: Level 60, ANY CLASS
    Type: Main Hand

    But, you say, how do you make it for any class, considering that CW's wield their weapons differently from GF or TR? Simple, there are two ways. One, multiple appearances for the weapon based on a check of class when it's picked up. It's not tradable, so it's not going to need to change after that. Just set the flag when the character gets it.

    To keep people running the dungeons, make multiple variations of the stats like we already do. i.e. Name one Lifebringer (or similar) and have the highest stat be appropriate to that, etc.

    This way, if the Legendary Drops, the person who rolled for it is always going to get a good item. You'd have to make four meshes and skins for each, but that shouldn't be a terrible waste of processing time, since it is solidified on pickup. On the back end, just have the system:

    • Show a generic box or bag icon (or similar) during roll for item. Mouseover should show stats and type (Main Hand, Off Hand, etc.) only.
    • When roll is resolved (or bag opened), have the system identify class and pull the appropriate weapon. i.e. Lifebringer_DC, Lifebringer_CW, etc. The system wouldn't have to keep running class checks (so no obvious increase of process time). In fact, this check might reduce process time. Since, if you have it you can use it - there would be no need to check again if it's unequipped and then re-equipped.

    Basically, you would be adding four weapons to the game for each Legendary and spawning them out based on the check.

    (The second way to make it ALL CLASS, for reference, is much less elegant - just code different stick points for the weapon. i.e. a CW will hold it differently than a TR, etc. And, in the case of CW, a mechanic for it floating would need to be altered, etc. So, much more intensive. I prefer the other way.)

    If the person doesn't like the weapon - or likes their current Legendary better - then allow them to trade it in for AD at the broker that was originally planned. As it's a Legendary Weapon/Item, I'd say 20-50k AD based on stats, etc. Again, a check mechanic that seems to already be built into the game for Recommended purposes.

    This way, you still get to sell the stuff you can sell now, you DON'T have to re-code every single Lvl60 purple weapon/armor, and you still get to have 'unique' looking items to play with.
    Pool of the Dead - NW-DLTS5X6TO - Duration: ~20 minutes - Daily Qualified

    Fountain of Dread - NW-DACS7JITE - Duration: ~15minutes - BRAND NEW!
  • hyonotichyonotic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Man, this has bin tested before...theres nothing to rediscover or test, players do not like this type drops, BoP items are not wanted and cause alot of problems to the players. Please let it stay as BoE.
  • allaerraallaerra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 838 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    vuulz wrote: »
    Worst idea ever, as if running T2s didn't suck enough with the recent "balance" changes. All gear (more or less) becoming BoP would be the nail in the coffin, I would strongly urge you to reconsider this.

    Many people have plenty of AD but if you can't buy tier gear for alts what exactly are we supposed to spend this "salvaged" AD on?

    The ONLY time something should become BoP is if you roll need on it, period. Anything else and running dungeons will become utterly pointless.


    BoP across the board is a horrendous idea. Needed items? Fine. Everything else, leave it as it is. BoE!

    For those of you complaining that people can buy Zen and get decked out. So what??? Those people are paying for this F2P game so others can continue enjoying F2P. The more people who buy Zen the longer the game will last and, presumably, the more money that will be available for developing new content.
  • adinosoulwoodadinosoulwood Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 82
    edited June 2013
    My first reaction is that this is horrible and I will quit if you do it. After thinking and reading the counter point I guess there is a purpose to it. Here is my reservations still:

    1. Top end Seal items suck.
    2. Top end profession items (other that shirt and pants) are horrific.
    3. The gap between t1 and t2 are huge.
    4. What are we going to do with AD then? I am a GWF and I am trying to ... actually I am saving my zen so I can buy ranger gear when that toon comes up.
    5. How are we suppose to afford coalescent wards? People thought the June 14th-17th event and the event currently running would lower enchantment costs... well they did for lower end ones but it raised higher end ones because the c.ward prices have risen sharply.

    I am not sure what the economic metrics says. I would think most people are willing to spend about 10-15 dollars a month. That is what a company should try to squeeze out of us right? Your mounts, and zen items are so overpriced that most people are only going to buy one item a month. If forced to buy 20 to 30 dollars a month just to compete, they will grow financially wary if not weary and stop buying alltogether. At which point they will start being left behind and find it untenable to play the game any further.

    In short I don't get how this helps Cryptic.
  • adinosoulwoodadinosoulwood Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 82
    edited June 2013
    This thread is becoming a battle between the casual working player vs. the more intense less financially viable player. Tried to be gentle there.

    This game is play to win. The way it has evolved it is play to win. Saw a guy with 3 rank 9's and perfect plague fire sword in pvp the other day. He is a gwf and near unbeatable 1v1 which is ridiculous. His sword was also like three times normal size which was pretty cool. I saw that and I said, yeah play to win.

    But then I read some posts from the hardcore nut jobs who probably don't have money and probably don't spend money on the game. They have farmed CN boss runs (which by the way still works!!! Gawd seriously cryptic?) and they are rolling in it. Once you get your set all you are doing at that point is farming CN for money. It is quite profitable. I saw a perfect vorpal on AH the other day for a buyout of 25 million. I thought, that is stupid. No one has 25 million! Then I looked closely at the "current bid" which I thought was a starting bid and it was 15 million!!!!!!! Ridiculous.

    So the system is broken both ways. The rich person can buy all the top end gear no problem. The hardcore person has exploited and farmed all the top end loot. In an ironic way it works for both sets of groups. The largest group, the casual 10 to 15 dollar a month player is basically left behind, BUT THAT IS HOW IT WILL ALWAYS BE.

    I think the system is fine as is and to change things now will unbalance things in ways cryptic has no idea about.
  • berinimaberinima Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    1. Top end Seal items suck.
    2. Top end profession items (other that shirt and pants) are horrific.
    3. The gap between t1 and t2 are huge.
    4. What are we going to do with AD then? I am a GWF and I am trying to ... actually I am saving my zen so I can buy ranger gear when that toon comes up.
    5. How are we suppose to afford coalescent wards? People thought the June 14th-17th event and the event currently running would lower enchantment costs... well they did for lower end ones but it raised higher end ones because the c.ward prices have risen sharply.

    That's the point: I could live with getting the second best gear just by doing dungeons eventually. If there is not a huge gap between the two. So the BoP items would be for the super lucky or hardcore farmers (more of a prestige item) but the seal items need to be comparable. I mean right now I couldn't even afford all the jewelry from the NPC and I did A LOT of runs. And they are garbage compared to the pieces that drop or at least could drop, especially the armor pieces. I mean I farm like 10 runs for one piece and then it gets replaced by the first one that drops? Please...

    Also we need at least an option of earning AD more than the 24k limit. Crafting could be one but since much of the costs are also connected to the Zen prices (most Dragon Eggs come from lockboxes or booster packs) and well, the armor you can craft is not even worth rushing the task... It's simply not.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think the system is fine as is and to change things now will unbalance things in ways cryptic has no idea about.

    Agreed, but there is room for improvement. "Need -> BoP, Greed -> BoE" is an Idea I was opposed to at first, but I am actually starting to like it now for various reasons. crafting professions could be improved a lot - allow people to craft something comparable to the "Seal" sets would be a good start. Adding some repeatable quests or in some other way give people some solo content at lvl 60 would be really nice - not everyone is into PvP or epic 5-man dungeon runs (not to mention 20-man Gauntlegrym runs)

    This game could be made really, really great with some improvements, but instead they come up with this horrendous BoP idea which threatens to alienate a good chunk of the player base - and even more if (or when) they introduce unbinding tokens later.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • berinimaberinima Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    adinosii wrote: »
    This came could be made really, really great with some improvements, but instead they come up with this horrendous BoP idea which threatens to alienate a good chunk of the player base - and even more if (or when) they introduce unbinding tokens later.

    However, I personally could live with unbinding tokens. If they would be really affordable so you could still sell an item with good profit. I would tend to an amount of around 100 Zen. Some jewelry sold for 200k before the BoP announcement so right now on Mindflayer you would have to subtract around 32k. On the other hand, this of course doesn't solve the "problem" that gear can be obtained with AD. So if they would introduce an unbinding token they would kind of disagree with themselves. It would be a huge seller though.
  • chudovishyechudovishye Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    AD trader, great idea, like that one. Though, I love the AH honestly, I think it's good for a little variety so I can see items to a vendor for AD instead of gold if I don't need any gold at the moment.
  • armenuaarmenua Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    So... you mean I can't sell the items I make with my profession on the AH?
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm very sorry that you will actually have to work for your gear instead of buy it on the AH. Seriously? Laaaaaazy players, I'll be glad when ****s BoP. It will weed out all the bads who bought all there gear and suck completely at there class.

    +10 to BoP
  • sominatorsominator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for all of this great feedback everyone! We'll have an update regarding these proposed changes soon. Cheers!

    Edit: here is! http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?357862-Update-to-Proposed-End-Game-Loot-Changes
    Proud member of Team Fencebane, official guild of the unofficial Neverwinter Adventure Hour!
  • jamesakinzzjamesakinzz Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Please! No BoP except for NEEDING items! It is completely unnecessary.

    As an actual player of the game, who does not spend money to buy the best items from the AH like most people say "is the only reason you wouldn't want BoP" I say to hell with this system. It will make this game <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Some people actually do the dungeons for fun and to make AD by selling their loot, well goodbye to that method if it's BoP! How else should I make AD?

    Only reason BoP should exist is for NEEDING on items, this is a huge necessity and not sure why it was not added long ago. I have done many CN runs where people will need on Necklaces/Rings that are not for their class and say "it is for my other character" - BS. That is why Needing needs to change the item to BoP.

    I will probably quit if this change is introduced, of course I may be unaware of some of the changes and additions that will be in the live game, but if the game is still how it is now - there will be no good method of gaining Astral Diamonds. Because the only way possible at the moment is by selling T2 loot.

    Please listen to the players I have spent too much time on this game and would not want it to go to waste, it is a great game at the moment don't ruin that.

    Also, as someone else said. There really isn't a point in doing dungeons other than during Dungeon Delves, it is quite irritating. There should be no reason to have to go through a dungeon for 1 hour and have the boss only drop 1 item. I feel like I should just LOG OFF until the next dungeon delve EVERY time. Please do something to fix that. At least make them drop 2 items and maybe sometimes 3. I mean come on, there are 5 people in a group, how is only 1 item supposed to drop after a 1 hour dungeon and 5 players are supposed to split it? Once again, BS.

    Yes, you can do most dungeons within 30 minutes with a good guild group it's great, however if you have yet to find a guild that is good enough for such a stunt or is not full of idiots, GOOD LUCK because most PUG groups are just too **** stupid to complete most of the bosses in the T2 dungeons anyway. And if they do, boy if THEY DO. It can take up to 2 hours doing that 30 minute dungeons, they've proved it to me 20 times. Most of the time you won't even kill the last flipping boss! AND you will always get 1 item as a drop! Tell me how that is worth it! Unless you expect everyone on here to have a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> group 24/7 when you want to do the dungeons. Nope you just can't. Most 'good' groups out there have their spots already filled, or if not (and you are a filler) most of these people are just *** holes. The game seems to be designed to be for those with these 'good' groups that can run the dungeons fast and easily, however it is not so simple. Pretty much - I am just tired of the dungeons taking a ridiculous amounts of time and only getting 1 item drop from the boss, even though you can only successfully kill the boss if you happen to find some players that aren't COMPLETELY braindead and stupid.

    I know this sort of seems like a rant and that's because it is! I am fed up with the 1 item dropping at the end. And if you really do decide to ruin the game by adding BoP there better be 5 items dropping from each boss, one for each player in the group.

  • saedeithsaedeith Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    How is BoP for need going to change anything? If someone can roll need on an item, they will leaving the greed rollers in the dust anyways. If you are rolling gear for profit, why would you not roll need if you can and get the sure AD's instead of rolling greed and rolling the dice that you even get the gear?
  • yushirokaneyushirokane Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is the worst thing you could ever implement, grinding 70 times a instance to get the gear is soooo old fashiones, casual players will flee too. This was like the best feature Nw had with the action ombat, but you implement it just because this way ppl will have to buy more zen, just sad... not a stepin the right direction
    Please check the polls on forums and you will see 4 of each 5 payers does NOT want this change
    Also the ones with the gear have no reason to play, and why do PVP, yoou ca get the set in 1 day, and you have no income from pvp anymore...so so bad in many ways
  • tinypyrotinypyro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 371 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    saedeith wrote: »
    How is BoP for need going to change anything? If someone can roll need on an item, they will leaving the greed rollers in the dust anyways. If you are rolling gear for profit, why would you not roll need if you can and get the sure AD's instead of rolling greed and rolling the dice that you even get the gear?

    Because the Item would be bound and you wouldn't get AD for it, Only a few coins at a vendor. So you would have to roll greed like everyone else if you intended to sell it for AD.
  • saedeithsaedeith Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tinypyro wrote: »
    Because the Item would be bound and you wouldn't get AD for it, Only a few coins at a vendor. So you would have to roll greed like everyone else if you intended to sell it for AD.

    You can salvage it for AD.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I am bracing myself for vast amounts of suck that will, most likely, come from this.

    As a long time Cryptic customer. Im not all that happy about this entire discussion. My expectations are at an all time low. And from a CO vet, that says a lot.
  • bandalf1bandalf1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Horrible Idea.Everyone I play with and have grouped with have nothing good to say about it.The very few supporters on this thread should give a general idea how the public opinion is swaying.I feel we are all talking and nobody is listening anyway.There has to be a better way.This is not the fix.
  • pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    AD trader, great idea, like that one. Though, I love the AH honestly, I think it's good for a little variety so I can see items to a vendor for AD instead of gold if I don't need any gold at the moment.

    Just keep in mind that the amount of AD you'll get from vendor is much, much less than you would have gotten from AH. This will pretty much make the majority of the cash shop too expensive for anyone to afford through the AD/Zen conversion.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
  • jamesakinzzjamesakinzz Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    saedeith wrote: »
    How is BoP for need going to change anything? If someone can roll need on an item, they will leaving the greed rollers in the dust anyways. If you are rolling gear for profit, why would you not roll need if you can and get the sure AD's instead of rolling greed and rolling the dice that you even get the gear?
    Do you have any idea what you're trying to say?

    Because, people roll NEED on items to take them and sell them in the Auction House when they are items not for their class. So if items were made BoP when you roll need, and the Cleric needs on a GWF item, the Cleric can no longer take this item and sell it for say, 1 million in the AH, and can only sell it for 1.6g. So if needs were bound, this guy would not just be the average ninja looter trying to make some AD, but an *** hole who took a drop from someone who actually needed it. Therefore adding BoP to need would make it pointless to need on items to sell them in AH.. because it would no longer be possible. It is a VERY needed addition, and if you don't think so, I challenge you to do some CN runs where everyone can need on every drop up to the final boss because they only drop rings/necks. You will run into many groups full of greedy 'needing' players that need on every item just to make money.
  • pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Please! No BoP except for NEEDING items! It is completely unnecessary.

    It's not for needing items. It's for all epic gear, whether you got it by need or greed.

    If it was only "BoP for needed items" there would literally be no controversy.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
  • walk2kwalk2k Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Great idea, should have been this way from the beginning. Along with the "no NEED if can't use".

    Completely standard features in every successful MMO RPG ever. About time!
This discussion has been closed.