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Cryptic, please do not kill the holy trinity.

nwroguenwrogue Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in PvE Discussion
So many MMO's these days are trying to kill the classic 'holy trinity' (DPS, Tank, Healer). Games like Guild Wars 2 are removing healing classes, in favor of 'mitigation', self heals, dodges and potion mitigation. That's fine, to each game their own. But should the holy trinity be kept in a current generation MMO based on D&D? Yes, yes, YES. D&D is possibly where it all began for this 'trend', and I fear that Devoted Cleric is being pulled away from it's D&D roots. I can understand some modifications. No turn based or dice roll systems on an MMO, and the action combat is nice. The upcoming changes to clerics scares me along with the fact that we will have only 1 true support class out of 7 classes total(GF, GWF, CW, DC, TR, AR, SW makes seven if you're curious.) Please push DC back into direct nuke and heal territory, and open ways for proper 'mitigation' and passive supports/hybrids such as Bard/Druid (Regardless of 4th edition rule set preferences)

So, discuss. Am I alone for wanting to preserve the holy trinity in Neverwinter?
Milla Jovovich(Rogue)/Tilda Swinton(Cleric) - Guild Leader of CatAssTrophy on Beholder
Post edited by nwrogue on


  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Sounds like you are many years late.

    Cleric is a mitigation class first, healer second, utility third.

    GF is just a mess and has low synergy with support classes plus the entire environment in PvE. They should have released a physical ranger class or magic DoT class first instead.

    CW+DC is the support synergy of the game. You cannot do non-trivial content without them.

    These non-Holy Trinity combos are not only common to action combat games but many players consider them much more exciting than traditional MMORPG.

    From a theoretical perspective, having three whole roles almost entirely into one class like, threat+control+soak, is quite limiting to gameplay and freedom of MMO game design.
  • utzpretzelsutzpretzels Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 41
    edited June 2013
    nwrogue wrote: »

    So, discuss. Am I alone for wanting to preserve the holy trinity in Neverwinter?

    Yes. Other games already do that. I would want a game that gives more flexibility.
  • therealtedtherealted Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In my pen-and-paper D&D, clerics were front-line fighters who happened to have some heals, and thieves were all about scouting and burgling (instead of the dps). Not sure why people think the trinity started with D&D...

    The gorilla formerly known as Kolikos
  • sasheriasasheria Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    therealted wrote: »
    In my pen-and-paper D&D, clerics were front-line fighters who happened to have some heals, and thieves were all about scouting and burgling (instead of the dps). Not sure why people think the trinity started with D&D...

    Heh. The Trinity started in MMO to promote group play, but the two LEAST favorite class are healers and tanks.

    To grow old is inevitable, to grow up is optional.
    Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
  • therealtedtherealted Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ergw432 wrote: »
    Oh yeah, removing the holy trinity worked SO WELL for GW2.

    ^ sarcasm, in case you didn't notice.
    Sure, but who is the sarcasm aimed at?

    Personally, I enjoy role-based gameplay (with some hybridization), but there are so many ways to do it other than tank/heal/dps. And the whole "threat" mechanic as usually implemented is just dumb.

    The gorilla formerly known as Kolikos
  • liquidc86liquidc86 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i prefer holy trinity. rest sucks
    nothing to see here
  • therealtedtherealted Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ergw432 wrote: »
    Anyone who believes that what GW2 did is a good thing, based on the hype the game received (but obviously couldn't live up to).
    I haven't seen anyone in this thread say that GW2 is a good thing. Personally, I think it's <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    The gorilla formerly known as Kolikos
  • wudwaenwudwaen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I actually have the last game Gary Gygax put out, and it is much different than the traditional and limited D&D system that stereotyped people according to a caste based society bent on racism as it's dominating environment. What will continue to promote Tank, Support, Heal, and DPS based action is not artificial limitation on character development, but temporal limitation on player response. A player can only react with X skills in Y amount of time to Z stimulus. A player can only have X number of activation options for Y number of targeting options.

    The greater and more puzzling question is that of skins. Wizards that can only access very limited elemental forms of magic. Half-demons that demonstrate only one color of skin as a possibility. (Where are purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, and gray?) Only one group of elves in Faerun? Gnomes? Gray Orcs from the Moonshaes for DC? Fighter types that regardless of hundreds of miles of separation physically, and thousands of years of unique historical and cultural development, all use the exact same weapons. You are looking at game mechanics, when the real problem with the game is its complete and utter loss of the very heart of what D&D was all about - expressive Role Play.
    Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary. ~ Cecil Beaton
  • vold316vold316 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This game is based on d&d 4e, according to that, there are 4 roles:

    Defender : Defenders focus on blocking attacking enemies and focusing their attacks on themselves. Defender classes are typically focused on melee combat, however some classes such as Swordmages also have ranged combat capabilities. (wikipedia)

    Leader: Leaders are focused on buffing and healing allies. Some Leader classes and builds are focused towards either melee or ranged combat, however the role as a whole is not. (wikipedia)

    Striker: Strikers are focused on mobility, dealing heavy damage to single targets and avoiding attacks. Some Striker classes and builds are focused towards either melee or ranged combat, however the role as a whole is not. (wikipedia)

    Controller: Controllers focus on affecting multiple targets at once, either damaging or debuffing them, or altering the battlefield's terrain. Some classes, such as Wizards and Invokers, are focused towards ranged combat, while Druids can specialize in ranged or melee combat. (wikipedia)

    You can see the modified roles of each NW class in their wiki (curse):

    CW - Controller
    GF - Defender
    GWF - Secondary Striker & Secondary Defender
    DC - Leader & Secondary Controller
    TR - Striker

    So you should expect something like that about the classes.

    Holy Trinity... Meh. It has certanly worked for many MMORPGs, but this system isn't far from it, and innovation is good in most of the cases, so evolve.

    The thing is that they have to balance the game, so that the classes can play their role properly.

    "The harder the game, the better."
  • cichardcichard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vold316 wrote: »
    This game is based on d&d 4e, according to that, there are 4 roles:

    Defender : Defenders focus on blocking attacking enemies and focusing their attacks on themselves. Defender classes are typically focused on melee combat, however some classes such as Swordmages also have ranged combat capabilities. (wikipedia)

    Leader: Leaders are focused on buffing and healing allies. Some Leader classes and builds are focused towards either melee or ranged combat, however the role as a whole is not. (wikipedia)

    Striker: Strikers are focused on mobility, dealing heavy damage to single targets and avoiding attacks. Some Striker classes and builds are focused towards either melee or ranged combat, however the role as a whole is not. (wikipedia)

    Controller: Controllers focus on affecting multiple targets at once, either damaging or debuffing them, or altering the battlefield's terrain. Some classes, such as Wizards and Invokers, are focused towards ranged combat, while Druids can specialize in ranged or melee combat. (wikipedia)

    You can see the modified roles of each NW class in their wiki (curse):

    CW - Controller
    GF - Defender
    GWF - Secondary Striker & Secondary Defender
    DC - Leader & Secondary Controller
    TR - Striker

    So you should expect something like that about the classes.

    VERY GOOD i try to explain this to people all the time classes have their roles play the role the way its ment to be played.... if you want to be a Striker instead of a controler dont roll a CW
  • landorf00landorf00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vold316 wrote: »
    You can see the modified roles of each NW class in their wiki (curse):

    CW - Controller
    GF - Defender
    GWF - Secondary Striker & Secondary Defender
    DC - Leader & Secondary Controller
    TR - Striker

    So you should expect something like that about the classes.

    Brilliant! This info needs to be in the character selection screens. I feel like people are trying to play like this is every other MMO, which is totally acceptable, but the reality of the situation is that this is indeed a unique structure. Mages are not glass cannons, Clerics don't only focus on "the green bars," everyone has more diverse roles than the common trinity. Strikers gonna strike, controllers gonna 'troll, and clerics gonna keep the group glued together.

    I will say that the role of the GWF does seem a bit wonky so far, and as you detailed, not really excelling at one thing like another class can. Maybe upping their potential as a leader class instead of defender? Group buffs, shouts, etc?
  • raphaeldisantoraphaeldisanto Member Posts: 402 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Classic D&D had nothing to do with the holy trinity. Get your facts straight.
  • bbsoonerbbsooner Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 84
    edited June 2013
    I prefer the trinity with classes themselves being able to fulfillmultiple roles based on spec and playstyle. A required group structure lets the devs create interesting content without worry of 'who brings what' to the table. However, classes themselves should have the flexibility to fulfill multiple roles so that class spec is where we get our diversity from.
  • rezonedrezoned Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vold316 wrote: »
    This game is based on d&d 4e, according to that, there are 4 roles:

    Defender : Defenders focus on blocking attacking enemies and focusing their attacks on themselves. Defender classes are typically focused on melee combat, however some classes such as Swordmages also have ranged combat capabilities. (wikipedia)

    Leader: Leaders are focused on buffing and healing allies. Some Leader classes and builds are focused towards either melee or ranged combat, however the role as a whole is not. (wikipedia)

    Striker: Strikers are focused on mobility, dealing heavy damage to single targets and avoiding attacks. Some Striker classes and builds are focused towards either melee or ranged combat, however the role as a whole is not. (wikipedia)

    Controller: Controllers focus on affecting multiple targets at once, either damaging or debuffing them, or altering the battlefield's terrain. Some classes, such as Wizards and Invokers, are focused towards ranged combat, while Druids can specialize in ranged or melee combat. (wikipedia)

    You can see the modified roles of each NW class in their wiki (curse):

    CW - Controller
    GF - Defender
    GWF - Secondary Striker & Secondary Defender
    DC - Leader & Secondary Controller
    TR - Striker

    So you should expect something like that about the classes.

    Holy Trinity... Meh. It has certanly worked for many MMORPGs, but this system isn't far from it, and innovation is good in most of the cases, so evolve.

    The thing is that they have to balance the game, so that the classes can play their role properly.

    +1 but players will still insist it should be different
    The characters in Neverwinter are close to 4e, still some tweaking needed,

    There are those that still think a GWF should be the main damage dealer, sorry they never have been (GWF - Secondary Striker & Secondary Defender).
  • lordkoshilordkoshi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    you are in the minority. Games like Guild Wars 2 know that more players want to play their own way. The waiting for a tank or cleric kill games and creates unnecessary 'to-do' <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
  • cichardcichard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lordkoshi wrote: »
    you are in the minority. Games like Guild Wars 2 know that more players want to play their own way. The waiting for a tank or cleric kill games and creates unnecessary 'to-do' <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>

    the waiting... ive never waited more hten 5 min in zone chat to find a cleric...
  • chai23chai23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    THe thing 4e left out was the utilitarian. The true jack of all trades master of none archtype died when 4e was released with its in the box thinking where each class has to be categorized as one of the 4 roles, which has been done to death hundreds of times over.

    Take the holy trinity out behind the barn and shoot it. Utilitarian characters that can find a way to contribute in any circumstance trump specialist characters which are really good at one thing and bad at all others.

    The Jarlaxles and Danillos were also the best characters to read about. When fighters cant kill their way out of a situation and blastomancy doesnt work, those were the cats who survived - through unpredictability and being crafty.

    Holy trinity games are just Gauntlet with better graphics.
  • xelqyplaxelqypla Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ergw432 wrote: »
    Ah yes, that must be why GW2 is 'dying', to phrase it popularly.

    That must be why GW2 structured PvP is a complete and utter joke (lol eSports-level PvP, gj ArenaNet)

    That must be why PvE combat in GW2 is bland as hell and completely disorganised.

    Yep, making all classes a bit of everything and not much of anything was a brilliant move. Truly.

    'dying' in GW2 is apparently moving from one new live event to the next while almost constantly balancing skills. Neverwinter needs to do more of this 'dying' stuff.
  • amill72amill72 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Kill it! Kill it with fire!

    I don't want the trinity. If I did I would play WoW or STO or SWTOR or any of the other MMOs built around it.
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    amill72 wrote: »
    Kill it! Kill it with fire!

    I don't want the trinity. If I did I would play WoW or STO or SWTOR or any of the other MMOs built around it.

    Here! Here!!
    I DESPISE the idea of a MANDATORY Trinity, especially when there is virtually no variation between characters within a class.
    I have always found a flexible system much more entertaining to play. Champs and TSW being my second and third favourites, respectively. My all time favourite?
    AD&D 3.5.

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • gdante7111111gdante7111111 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Everyone should be able to heal themselves at an extant, and if the cleric needs to come and heal it heals. So clerics heal but wont heal all the time, so clerics can do damage and heal when need too.

    P.S That is how raiderz sorta is, thats why I like raiderz but raiderz lack new content. Every 1 and a half to two months, also raiderz you can choose skill from a different type. If you want cleric skill you can choose that skill, this is how nw should be, to an extent.
  • frariifrarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Sometimes i wonder why nobody tried to do a TRULY AD&D 3.5 MMORPG, just making the NwN2 bigger and open world... that would please EVERYBODY! i guess that it would need massive servers, but man, it would be so awesome...
  • chai23chai23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    frarii wrote: »
    Sometimes i wonder why nobody tried to do a TRULY AD&D 3.5 MMORPG, just making the NwN2 bigger and open world... that would please EVERYBODY! i guess that it would need massive servers, but man, it would be so awesome...

    DDO started in 2006 fairly close to 3.5. It has since morphed into something completely different however.
  • frariifrarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    DDO was a failure from the beggining... they really tried to do something, but get stuck in the middle of nowhere, this game is FAR better than DDO was... if i was a billionarie, i would, instead of buying a NBA/soccer team, waste 100 millions on making the best RPGMMO (i put in that order the letters on purpose) ever... a real open world, non linear, alignment meaningful, infinite questing and toon personalizing game... F2P but with a purchase, with a better "foundry" tool that allowed players to create bosses, give better rewards, etc to fill the world with adventures and duels and outlaw pvp areas where you can only wander at your own risk...
  • frariifrarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Ah! and i would make sure that half of the money goes into a good AI from NPC/mobs/monstars!!! i want them to be evil, heck, dragons and ddemons should be smarter than players, ambushing adventurers, using the enviroment, etc...
  • illessenillessen Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 44
    edited June 2013
    If no one likes to Tank because their dps is low and it's stressful. And no one likes to heal because they get yelled at when someone dies and their dps is nonexistent. When DPS is relaxing, you see huge numbers all the time, you're the one that actually KILLS that big bad dragon, and is overall just plain fun. Then the company forces the use of all 3 in content making people either masochistic or grumble to themselves the whole time because they aren't doing the fun stuff... Why wouldn't companies want to destroy the 'holy trinity'?

    What better way to make those classes fun than by giving them more dps? You have a sense of contribution as the healer because you help kill that big bad dragon rather than /popcorn and toss heals when the people doing all the work get the glory of killing that dragon. Or as a tank, rather than shouting profanities to keep that dragon breathing fire on your shield, you actually dealt a decisive blow to him.

    There's not much else you can do to make those classes fun and people to actually want to play them. If it makes the dps butthurt because there isn't such a huge gap in the meters but at the same time makes forming a group shorter and people to actually enjoy that class. So be it. Did I also say, it gets more people to see that content because there's more of the less popular classes by default?

    Also, people like seeing big numbers on their screen :p
  • nwroguenwrogue Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    frarii wrote: »
    Sometimes i wonder why nobody tried to do a TRULY AD&D 3.5 MMORPG, just making the NwN2 bigger and open world... that would please EVERYBODY! i guess that it would need massive servers, but man, it would be so awesome...

    Thank you for actually getting what I meant. I don't mean pen and paper. I don't mean classic D&D rules. I'm talking about the D&D put in videogames such as Balders Gate, NWN, Icewind Dale, etc. Definite holy trinity in each game. (NWN 1 could be an exception due to how it was set up with NPC+PC, but Cleric was still a cleric). And no, I'm not including games that are 7+ years old (WoW, DAoC, Asheron's Call, Shadowbane) where a holy trinity existed or was meta. I'm talking about new generation games aiming to kill it in this genre. Guild Wars 2, TERA (In it's own way), and others that I am braindead and can't remember due to no sleep. The allure of Neverwinter game from not only the Forgotten Realms setting, but from the games we all grew up on and loved based on it. Less of that being people who've actually rolled the dice IRL.

    And, some of us like to be the healers. GW2, for example, being real big on killing the holy trinity (even using that in their marketing), made it where it simply wasn't possible to be a healer. If you went water spec Elementalist, you were dead weight.
    Milla Jovovich(Rogue)/Tilda Swinton(Cleric) - Guild Leader of CatAssTrophy on Beholder
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I used to play healers in the traditional role based structure. It was stressful and thankless. I was rarely ever thanked, but **** did I hear it if I made a mistake and someone died. It earned little loot, which was prioritized to the Guild leaders and DPS. The only thing more stressful was tanking.

    I play GW2 and it is okay for what it offers, but I really want Neverwinter to be where I will be going. There needs to be innovation in MMOs, though I seriously do not want everything to go online, and the industry needs to retire WoW as a baseline or benchmark to measure success against.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jorifice1 wrote: »
    Here! Here!!
    I DESPISE the idea of a MANDATORY Trinity, especially when there is virtually no variation between characters within a class.
    I have always found a flexible system much more entertaining to play. Champs and TSW being my second and third favourites, respectively. My all time favourite?
    AD&D 3.5.

    Then go ahead and run T2s with 5 TRs , it will be exciting I assure you .
  • paneth48paneth48 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 36
    edited June 2013
    nwrogue wrote: »
    So many MMO's these days are trying to kill the classic 'holy trinity' (DPS, Tank, Healer). Games like Guild Wars 2 are removing healing classes, in favor of 'mitigation', self heals, dodges and potion mitigation. That's fine, to each game their own. But should the holy trinity be kept in a current generation MMO based on D&D? Yes, yes, YES. D&D is possibly where it all began for this 'trend', and I fear that Devoted Cleric is being pulled away from it's D&D roots. I can understand some modifications. No turn based or dice roll systems on an MMO, and the action combat is nice. The upcoming changes to clerics scares me along with the fact that we will have only 1 true support class out of 7 classes total(GF, GWF, CW, DC, TR, AR, SW makes seven if you're curious.) Please push DC back into direct nuke and heal territory, and open ways for proper 'mitigation' and passive supports/hybrids such as Bard/Druid (Regardless of 4th edition rule set preferences)

    So, discuss. Am I alone for wanting to preserve the holy trinity in Neverwinter?

    Your not alone but I do not support the 'holy trinity'. We have had years of sitting around in Q's, yelling into Zone "Need a healer for X dungeon!" "Need a tank for X dungeon!". Do not get me wrong, it does work in alot of systems, but even NW Q system can not even get on board with this as evidence of how random your party always is. Also as people have suggested, if that kind of set up means so much to you, probably 99% of the mmos out there already have that set up, but even then they have ways of off specing so you dont feel like your eternally traped in a role you dont want to be in just to see dungeons you havent been too before.
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