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Longevity of the Game.

talonvectortalonvector Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I really dont like making forum posts, for the simple fact I feel as if I have done my part during beta to help this game to b more then it was. But with that said......... here goes.

Longevity of the game as it stands I am wondering why with the new content why u didnt add a T3 gear to get.

The reason I say this is cause at current the game offers a way too fast leveling curve, which is tolerable I guess, but now u can pretty much get all purple gear without running any dungeons, and not really farming, or working very hard for AD, cause the price of everything has gone down so much.

Personally I think it is nice to b able to gear in T1 so easily, but T2 is getting pretty cheap also, which gives no prestige in this game for anything.

So 1 thing I think u could do is add a T3 gear that is bind on pick up only, this bind on equip everything is just rediculous, I mean people get upset at the idea that any 1 can roll on any piece of gear, but the reason that this ninja fiasco is as large as it is is cause any 1 can get gear from dungeons and sell it, if it was bind on pick up, and not for your class it would just b vendor trash.(dont get me wrong I think u should still only b able to roll need if it is for your class.)

So I do want to point somethin out I for 1 am not 1 of those elite jerks that wants to stand in town with gear that not very many people r skilled enough to earn.

Heck im that guy in wow that never got through a new content raid to even have any of that gear, but it was still cool to know that it was out there, and I enjoyed inspecting people, and seeing what it would look like on me.=)

The prob with this game is all gear is accessable to any 1, which eventually leads to just getting on the game with no real purpose, or nothing to look forward to.

I started a rogue yesterday, and in about 5 hours, and 15-20kAD, and 20 gold I had a lev 15-17 rogue, and had almost all T1, and T2 gear waiting for me when I got to lev 60. Thats just......what can i say.......Seriously?????

So any way all I can say is we need a new tier that is BOP not BOE, not just so the pros can have somethin to stand out, but also that we all have some reason to get on every day, other than trying to get enough ad to trade for zen to get a mount..... which I dont do lol.
Post edited by talonvector on


  • davedogxdavedogx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Completely agree with this. All i have been doing the last week on this game is waiting for a good CN group or DD farming. I am already completely maxed out on gear for my DC and not much else to do but sit around and wait for a good group to get more items to sell for AD.
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I completely disagree with this. I spend 4 out of seven days a week in the field insuring that many of you have the freedom to play this game and the piece of mind to feel safe in your homes, I spend a few hours on those days I have playing and checking the forums. I've been active since the beginning of open beta and still have only reached 24 on one character with no other alts. I thank the gains I receive everyday, because it feels like I can get somewhere even though I have very little time to devote to this.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • davedogxdavedogx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    azlanfox wrote: »
    I completely disagree with this. I spend 4 out of seven days a week in the field insuring that many of you have the freedom to play this game and the piece of mind to feel safe in your homes, I spend a few hours on those days I have playing and checking the forums. I've been active since the beginning of open beta and still have only reached 24 on one character with no other alts. I thank the gains I receive everyday, because it feels like I can get somewhere even though I have very little time to devote to this.

    Yep, all the new mmos these days cater to the casual players.
  • gaerolthgaerolth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I really dont like making forum posts, for the simple fact I feel as if I have done my part during beta to help this game to b more then it was. But with that said......... here goes.

    Longevity of the game as it stands I am wondering why with the new content why u didnt add a T3 gear to get.

    The reason I say this is cause at current the game offers a way too fast leveling curve, which is tolerable I guess, but now u can pretty much get all purple gear without running any dungeons, and not really farming, or working very hard for AD, cause the price of everything has gone down so much.

    Personally I think it is nice to b able to gear in T1 so easily, but T2 is getting pretty cheap also, which gives no prestige in this game for anything.

    So 1 thing I think u could do is add a T3 gear that is bind on pick up only, this bind on equip everything is just rediculous, I mean people get upset at the idea that any 1 can roll on any piece of gear, but the reason that this ninja fiasco is as large as it is is cause any 1 can get gear from dungeons and sell it, if it was bind on pick up, and not for your class it would just b vendor trash.(dont get me wrong I think u should still only b able to roll need if it is for your class.)

    So I do want to point somethin out I for 1 am not 1 of those elite jerks that wants to stand in town with gear that not very many people r skilled enough to earn.

    Heck im that guy in wow that never got through a new content raid to even have any of that gear, but it was still cool to know that it was out there, and I enjoyed inspecting people, and seeing what it would look like on me.=)

    The prob with this game is all gear is accessable to any 1, which eventually leads to just getting on the game with no real purpose, or nothing to look forward to.

    I started a rogue yesterday, and in about 5 hours, and 15-20kAD, and 20 gold I had a lev 15-17 rogue, and had almost all T1, and T2 gear waiting for me when I got to lev 60. Thats just......what can i say.......Seriously?????

    So any way all I can say is we need a new tier that is BOP not BOE, not just so the pros can have somethin to stand out, but also that we all have some reason to get on every day, other than trying to get enough ad to trade for zen to get a mount..... which I dont do lol.

    Tier 3 likely will come in with module 1. Tier 3 isn't coming with this update because it was meant to launch with open beta but didn't make it in. Also for tier 3 to be in a dungeon that requires pve and pvp would create a lot of angst on both sides. When people thought it was the next "end game content" there was already a lot of rage on the forums.
  • coastixcoastix Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    some of you spend way too much time on this game. (OP?) the !!--> BETA <--!! has been out since the 30th april and you're unhappy about lack of content? oh dear..
  • najjanajja Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    coastix wrote: »
    some of you spend way too much time on this game. (OP?) the !!--> BETA <--!! has been out since the 30th april and you're unhappy about lack of content? oh dear..

    Saying you're putting your game into open beta is pretty much the new way of releasing your game. It removes you from much criticism about things not working because "Hey its open beta!" Class balance? Progression speed? Lack of content? Same answer as before. I do feel that raid level items need to be BoP though, its what keeps people returning to an instance time and time again.
  • ariakan1976ariakan1976 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The game is in open beta....accept it or leave it.Why many people try to prove the oposite?Because you can buy items,you say its not beta.Nobody forced anyone to buy anything,and on the other hand,you cant demand a company to work for you non stop from the moment you dont need to pay anything to play.Somehow they must make money to survive.

    Warhammer,Conan,Star Wars etc etc.....they had close,open beta and still after the release for long long time,they had and still have problems,and gamebreaking problems,not just some issues.

    So,its beta,its not long time in beta,and in few days we will have the official release with a lot of new content and with many fixes.
    After that,is in the hand of the company to add new content as long the game earns his money.

    When WoW released,they add the first raid after 10 months,and the first battleground after a year.

    Its normal,that the tier 1 gear and tier 2 to be easy a bit to be earned as its normal in every game the economy to change fast after a month or two.

    So,have patiance,enjoy the game and wait for the new content.

    I am sure that this game has future and that is going to be very enjoyable as long we support it and we dont ***** about everything so fast.
  • giggliatogiggliato Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Some people like endgame, and some people like getting to endgame.
  • khatzhaskhatzhas Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    davedogx wrote: »
    Yep, all the new mmos these days cater to the casual players.
    That is probably a good thing. There are still games that cater to the hardcore minority, but there seems to be a sense of entitlement that all MMOs should do so.
    Such players may often play for several hours each day and optimise their characters and strategies for levelling fast. They race to max level many times faster than a similarly-skilled casual player would, then may even get upset at the fact that the game's release schedule is designed to cater to the playerbase as a whole, rather than a small minority.
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    giggliato wrote: »
    Some people like endgame, and some people like getting to endgame.

    T1 runs were more fun than T2 imho :D
  • griennegrienne Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    azlanfox wrote: »
    I completely disagree with this. I spend 4 out of seven days a week in the field insuring that many of you have the freedom to play this game and the piece of mind to feel safe in your homes, I spend a few hours on those days I have playing and checking the forums. I've been active since the beginning of open beta and still have only reached 24 on one character with no other alts. I thank the gains I receive everyday, because it feels like I can get somewhere even though I have very little time to devote to this.

    lol. stop swallowing the propaganda.
  • dizznutzzdizznutzz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    When WoW released,they add the first raid after 10 months,and the first battleground after a year.


    I played WoW from Closed BETA until WotLK...not only did I play it. But, I ran a top raiding guild and led the raids myself. I spent an excruciating amount of time playing that game and EQ1 before it.

    WoW BETA = LBRS/UBRS as first 'raid' content...yep 10 (or 15...can't remember) man raids when it was first released.

    WoW Release Date gave us.... Molten Core a 40-player raid instance with very unique and epic bosses. But, that's not all... they gave us... ONYXIA as well. So, don't come in here spewing BS....

    Now, for the PVP... Yes, it is true that the first Battleground in WoW was released around 1 year after initial release. But, let's put this into perspective. 1) You could 'world' PVP...alliance vs horde 2) You could challenge other players to a duel 3) Up until the BGs were released.... the concept of PVP BGs in a MMORPG was quite innovative at that time and so yeah, it would take a year to get something that hasn't really been done on a large scale before up and running. And finally, when BGs were released there were 3 distinct BGs with varying strategies on 'how-to' win them. Capture the Flag, Huge Raid Battleground, etc... They weren't just 2 simple instances of holding phallic shaped obelisks....

    Move Forward...oh... I don't know... 8 YEARS and not improve upon these concepts already designed and implemented by WoW?... because it is OPEN BETA? Let me tell you something...this game was no longer 'OPEN BETA' once it decided to accept my 200 USD transaction for a Founder's Pack.

    In summation, I simply cannot wait until this game goes 'live' in June. I want to see what excuses you will make then. Warhammer, The Secret World, SWTOR, Tera, etc., have all failed (or are pending failure) in the MMORPG arena because they didn't take the time to properly test, market, and understand the needs/wants of true MMORPG'rs. Instead they were looking to make a quick buck which ultimately will lead to their demise. I've seen it tens of time now. Go look why SWTOR failed... read about it. You'll see very similar readings as in NW.

    I've given up hope this game can recover lol.... I only sit to troll on these forums to explain to folks like you... that in fact, you know nothing. Perhaps if the game offered something more I would be there enjoying it rather than harassing you.
  • clortbagsclortbags Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Max Level = 3 Days
    Best in Slot Gear = 3 Weeks

    There is no longevity in Neverwinter.

    Quick casual exploit2win game.

    There's nothing left to see here.......
  • dizznutzzdizznutzz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    clortbags wrote: »
    Max Level = 3 Days
    Best in Slot Gear = 3 Weeks

    There is no longevity in Neverwinter.

    Quick casual exploit2win game.

    There's nothing left to see here.......

    Concur 100%

    Also, anyone who says it isn't P2W is full of [youKNOWwhat]

    I bought the founder's pack which enabled me to:
    1- Get an Epic Mount
    Explanation: This is HUGE in terms of leveling up! Seriously...I could run through pretty much everything completing quests. Yes, P2W indeed.
    2- Epic Weapon at L60
    Explanation: Yep, Founder's get a Epic Weapon when they hit level 60. As a CW, the weapon is second only to the CN weapon. So, BAM, **** level 60 already has 2nd best weapon in the game for their class! Yes, P2W indeed.
    3- 2,000,000 Astral Diamonds
    Explanation: I bought all but one piece of my ShadowWeaver's set with this AD...not to mention the neck and rings I was able to purchase with it as well. After that, I only ran T2 for my cap... P2W? NAHHH! Getting 3/4 of your T2 set off the AH in about 45 seconds? Nah... can't be P2W LOL

    This game will fail. Waiting impatiently for WildStar.....
  • ovaltine74ovaltine74 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Sounds like the OP needs to try an RP guild. Totally different goals in a guild like that, and there is no endgame.
    Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.

    Video Preview
  • holt3holt3 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Game is dead. Shut everything down. GG. ; )
  • highropeshighropes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 103
    edited June 2013
    dizznutzz wrote: »
    Concur 100%

    Also, anyone who says it isn't P2W is full of [youKNOWwhat]

    I bought the founder's pack which enabled me to:
    1- Get an Epic Mount
    Explanation: This is HUGE in terms of leveling up! Seriously...I could run through pretty much everything completing quests. Yes, P2W indeed.
    2- Epic Weapon at L60
    Explanation: Yep, Founder's get a Epic Weapon when they hit level 60. As a CW, the weapon is second only to the CN weapon. So, BAM, **** level 60 already has 2nd best weapon in the game for their class! Yes, P2W indeed.
    3- 2,000,000 Astral Diamonds
    Explanation: I bought all but one piece of my ShadowWeaver's set with this AD...not to mention the neck and rings I was able to purchase with it as well. After that, I only ran T2 for my cap... P2W? NAHHH! Getting 3/4 of your T2 set off the AH in about 45 seconds? Nah... can't be P2W LOL

    This game will fail. Waiting impatiently for WildStar.....

    I always laugh when I see someone start argument with "Anyone who says ... is ... ".

    Don't worry thought, you will realise sooner or later. :-)
  • clortbagsclortbags Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dizznutzz wrote: »
    Waiting impatiently for WildStar.....

    Have you seen Wildstar's graphics?

    Let's not kid ourselves here Wildstar has in no way been designed for adults / mature players, Nickelodeon/Disney Channel viewers seems to be the target audience.

    Waiting patiently for the Elder Scrolls.
  • dizznutzzdizznutzz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    highropes wrote: »
    I always laugh when I see someone start argument with "Anyone who says ... is ... ".

    Don't worry thought, you will realise sooner or later. :-)

    It wasn't meant to start an argument; but rather to quell the fanboys such as yourself.

    "Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something." - Will Goldman

    The phrase 'Anyone who says' has been used throughout history by men greater than you or I .... go pick up a book.
  • dizznutzzdizznutzz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    clortbags wrote: »
    Have you seen Wildstar's graphics?

    Let's not kid ourselves here Wildstar has in no way been designed for adults / mature players, Nickelodeon/Disney Channel viewers seems to be the target audience.

    Waiting patiently for the Elder Scrolls.

    I've seen the graphics, but I'm more interested in game design and content than graphics. I've been searching for a MMORPG for about 4 years to plant a flag in and call home. Wildstar and Elder Scrolls look very promising. I'll probably end up playing both to see which is better.
  • okaminosukeokaminosuke Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Since last week I've been logging to NW only to check my crafting, pray and chat a bit with guildies. One important thing I have noticed: having around same amount of players in my guild 450-500 there is only around 20, max 30 playing at once. It used to be twice/thrice as much not so long time ago.

    I guess people have done everything there is to do...

    I should mention that imo one of the reason this game is so much short lived are exploits which are bringing insane amount of items on market, making them easily available for most players. This game could have been 3 times longer if exploits had been fixed much faster.
  • clortbagsclortbags Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dizznutzz wrote: »
    I've seen the graphics, but I'm more interested in game design and content than graphics. I've been searching for a MMORPG for about 4 years to plant a flag in and call home. Wildstar and Elder Scrolls look very promising. I'll probably end up playing both to see which is better.

    Well I hope I'm wrong and despite the visual style it HAS been designed with a mature audience in mind but I must say I'm pretty doubtful of that going by the gameplay videos and developer interviews.

    MMO'ers definitely need something though that can immerse them for longer than a few weeks and since Final Fantasy looks like it's going to be a washout with 5/10 reviews I'm firmly pinning my hopes on ESO.
  • clortbagsclortbags Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Since last week I've been logging to NW only to check my crafting, pray and chat a bit with guildies. One important thing I have noticed: having around same amount of players in my guild 450-500 there is only around 20, max 30 playing at once. It used to be twice/thrice as much not so long time ago.

    I guess people have done everything there is to do...

    Yup been in the exact same situation for the past 2 weeks, nothing to do but craft, 500 guild members and only ever 20-30 online now.
  • highropeshighropes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 103
    edited June 2013
    dizznutzz wrote: »
    It wasn't meant to start an argument; but rather to quell the fanboys such as yourself.

    "Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something." - Will Goldman

    The phrase 'Anyone who says' has been used throughout history by men greater than you or I .... go pick up a book.

    Oh, you got it all wrong my friend.

    1) I am not a fanboy. I know this game has serious issues I'm willing to acknowledge that. You don't win by making false assumptions and then base your reasoning on them.

    2) You don't take someone words to backup your own arrogance. I could throw at you now dozen quotes that would back up my statement, that it's wrong to start argument with "Anyone who says".. But why would I do that? I'm not like you.

    Anyways, I hope you learn your lesson soon.
  • ausdoerrtausdoerrt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    clortbags wrote: »
    Have you seen Wildstar's graphics?

    Let's not kid ourselves here Wildstar has in no way been designed for adults / mature players, Nickelodeon/Disney Channel viewers seems to be the target audience.

    Waiting patiently for the Elder Scrolls.

    Have you seen Bethesda's other games?

    Let's not kid ourselves here, Bethesda designs games without giving two sh*ts about the players, basic game stability or patching. Their single-player games are boring, repetitive bug-fests. Get ready for an excruciating "lifelong beta" in that one.
  • clortbagsclortbags Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ausdoerrt wrote: »
    Have you seen Bethesda's other games?

    Let's not kid ourselves here, Bethesda designs games without giving two sh*ts about the players, basic game stability or patching. Their single-player games are boring, repetitive bug-fests. Get ready for an excruciating "lifelong beta" in that one.

    So what are you waiting to play since there's clearly nothing decent for adults out or coming out in the next 6-12 months?

    *Edit* Oh and the only company that I've seen that care more about their game than money in recent times is the Path of Exile developers.
  • rezonedrezoned Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dizznutzz wrote: »

    I played WoW from Closed BETA until WotLK...not only did I play it. But, I ran a top raiding guild and led the raids myself. I spent an excruciating amount of time playing that game and EQ1 before it.

    WoW BETA = LBRS/UBRS as first 'raid' content...yep 10 (or 15...can't remember) man raids when it was first released.

    WoW Release Date gave us.... Molten Core a 40-player raid instance with very unique and epic bosses. But, that's not all... they gave us... ONYXIA as well. So, don't come in here spewing BS....

    Now, for the PVP... Yes, it is true that the first Battleground in WoW was released around 1 year after initial release. But, let's put this into perspective. 1) You could 'world' PVP...alliance vs horde 2) You could challenge other players to a duel 3) Up until the BGs were released.... the concept of PVP BGs in a MMORPG was quite innovative at that time and so yeah, it would take a year to get something that hasn't really been done on a large scale before up and running. And finally, when BGs were released there were 3 distinct BGs with varying strategies on 'how-to' win them. Capture the Flag, Huge Raid Battleground, etc... They weren't just 2 simple instances of holding phallic shaped obelisks....

    Move Forward...oh... I don't know... 8 YEARS and not improve upon these concepts already designed and implemented by WoW?... because it is OPEN BETA? Let me tell you something...this game was no longer 'OPEN BETA' once it decided to accept my 200 USD transaction for a Founder's Pack.

    In summation, I simply cannot wait until this game goes 'live' in June. I want to see what excuses you will make then. Warhammer, The Secret World, SWTOR, Tera, etc., have all failed (or are pending failure) in the MMORPG arena because they didn't take the time to properly test, market, and understand the needs/wants of true MMORPG'rs. Instead they were looking to make a quick buck which ultimately will lead to their demise. I've seen it tens of time now. Go look why SWTOR failed... read about it. You'll see very similar readings as in NW.

    I've given up hope this game can recover lol.... I only sit to troll on these forums to explain to folks like you... that in fact, you know nothing. Perhaps if the game offered something more I would be there enjoying it rather than harassing you.

    A lot of these so called concepts implemented by WoW were already done by games like DAoC, large scale RvR/PvP, BGs all through the leveling process, Tradeskills etc etc, so no it was not innovative by WoW.
    Wow just added disney graphics to appeal to a younger audience, most of what was in the game had already been done by others.
  • okaminosukeokaminosuke Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    clortbags wrote: »
    So what are you waiting to play since there's clearly nothing decent for adults out or coming out in the next 6-12 months?

    *Edit* Oh and the only company that I've seen that care more about their game than money in recent times is the Path of Exile developers.

    I agree. Because I don't see anything decent and already done all NWO content I'm back to Path of Exile recently. After last major PoE patch I'm levelling up some new build in Anarchy league. For me there is nothing better to do at the moment until another fresh and mature game come.
  • schulz87schulz87 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I agree. Because I don't see anything decent and already done all NWO content I'm back to Path of Exile recently. After last major PoE patch I'm levelling up some new build in Anarchy league. For me there is nothing better to do at the moment until another fresh and mature game come.

    I play path of exile too, but makes no sense, yeah you do different builds and ends the same, grind literally ENDLESSLY just to have a chance to get a bit of a better item and higher tier maps, well looks like more of a waste of time than this ><
  • spodeanspodean Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I played the game solo to 60 with my CW doing nothing but the developers quests and had a lot of fun. My friend did the same with his CW only took a bit longer to get to 60.

    Now we have been DUO CW the foundry quests and the lower level 5 man dungeons and have been having a lot of fun.

    I was selling all my enchants for ad and bought a set of Archmage armor before the Caturday rollback. My friend just bought his first set.

    I gave up entirely on doing the 5 man epics because I am not a huge fan of "OMG NUB, your supposed to throw all the mobs off the ledges" I hate cheating my way to the end, I know it is a mechanic in the game, but still feels like cheating and is wholly unnecessary to get through to the end. As far as I'm concerned my job is to kill adds and keep the cleric safe. Occasionally tank a boss.

    I have a feeling the only way I will do another 5 man is with a group of nothing but control wizards.. that is my plan anyways, free for all and play as you like.

    Just for fun.

    Other than that I have been playing the foundry quests, so far I have played a few foundry quests that have been much better than what the developers have created for the main game. Sure the rewards suck, but the only reason to play a game is to have fun, I'm not a grinder.
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