Hello Everyone.
Hope my title attracts a lot of readers
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This post will respond to all other guide out there.
Rather, i hope to make a constructive participation to the community by adding my experience, thoughts and readings into one (hopefully) helpful guide.
I wanted to add some information mostly for end-game players. End-game epic dungeons skills and strategies.
- I do every dungeon there is out there
- I do pvp
- I do foundries
- I do Castle Never
- I do not use glitches (there are none in this game), bugs (there are none in this game) or cheats (wth is that)
- I play with teams with only one of each class whenever i can (meaning i m the only CW, there is only one cleric)
- I try to make dungeons runs the fastest possible
- English is not my mother language. I learned it while watching hollywood movies, read online and play games. My writing style may reflect this
I value a lot the guides, thoughts and most of the threads in "The Library". Thanks to your work, guys, I have been able to go beyond what I could have known by myself in such a short amount of gaming.
Now, I write this "Guide" because :
- There seems to lack some end-game perspective in the guides actually out there.
- Each guide is "oriented" toward a build, or a type of play (pvp, pve, solo, ...). I do all of these, so i wanted to share my experience with a CW practicing all of these
- People seem to completely miss the point of this Class
I still see many wizards who scatter the mobs all around in the hope to add a little to their personal dps, or wiz that will slot dmg spells and no control for boss fights in the hope the have the biggest ManHood score at the end of dungeon.
You Are A "CONTROL" Wizard
Now, that said, can someone please explain to me why would you want to do "MOAR CRITS/DPS" as your primary build objective ?
Is it so important to try to add an inch to your manhood that you would try to get the top "pain dealer" spot in dungeons ?
Do you think that boss fights will be easier if you do more dmg on the adds ?
Dps is a by-product of our Crowd Control spells. Nothing more. If you actually look at your single target dps, i think a green lvl 40 rogue would out-dps you.
It should not be your primary focus and objective.
This being said, of course more dps on AOE does not hurt your group. And more dmg actually also help in pvp or solo quests.
But in end-game dungeons, I might convince you to completely stop using that Shadow Weaver Set and those Flashy Crits !
First thing First :
- As I said, i want to make dungeons runs the fastest possible. If i think more dps would speed things up, i switch to a build that does more dps. But it is only a fifth part of most T2 dungeons
- As I said, i don't stack classes. So with only one cleric in team, and me as the only CW, bosses fights can be challenging.
Do you truly think it would be easier to kill a boss by adding a little bit of dps or crits on the adds ?
As a matter of fact, for most final boss fights in T2, you have NO way of killing all the adds alone. Most will kill you in a second if you stop CC, many will be impossible to CC.
And during Trash cleaning duty, use your skills, and put them to use so the trash cleaning is faster with the tools you received as a CW, rather than try to post a screenshot of your ManHood Contest Win (dps-meter, yay i m first).
How to ?
Of course with a standard : "build AP, put a black hole close to a ledge, push mobs, watch them die in the fall ..."
Where is the use of "Flashy Crits, DPS and ManHood Contest" ? You just scooped 35 Mobs and
instantly killed them.
Who could do more DMG than that ?
Reason DPS is NEVER going to be the issue for CW in end-game dungeons and final bosses :
Because what your aim is to kill the final boss and get good loot.
To kill faster a boss, you need to hit him harder.
But try as you might, your dps on single target is never going to be a tenth of the rogue's.
The only way to be the Top Dog in ManHood Meter at the end of a dungeon is by hitting useless Trash ... Yea, keep trying to convince me that's relevant ...
Instead, go for crowd control, protect the cleric from all this aggro, and make the life of everyone in the group that much easier.
YES, dps does not hurt, i know !
But my point in this guide is your Build and your Gear. Your focus on those 2 should not be DPS in end-game dungeon content.
Footnote on :
The Boss Fights
(this is non-essential to the guide, you may skip it.)
T2 :
- Pirates
- Spiders
- Frozen
- Spellplague
- Karrundax
T3 :
- Castle Never
Since last update, in most boss fights (except Spellplague and castle never), you cannot push mobs off the edge !
"So now you see why you should go MOAR DPS ?!"
NO !
Pirates :
So many Adds (if you fight like a man in the middle of the room) actually make this fight super easy. Just perma black hole, and wait for the rogue to finish his job. No sweats. (strats for perma black hole at end of guide) Dps useless. More control-able adds make for a happier CW. This is the dungeon of dream for us.
Spiders :
Since update, if you try to take your sweet HUGE ManHood to dps the mobs, it will still take too long to kill them and boss will be healed, making it impossible to kill her.
(Mobs cannot be pushed anymore, because boss could be made to jump down too, so now no one can be pushed).
What you need is a strong CC to avoid letting the boss get healed from the ADDS, and u accomplish that by pushing them far (FAST and OFTEN is the key) from boss.
So, Dps is useless, once again.
Frozen :
Well, this is one dungeon where no one needs you for the boss fight exept for debuffing the boss with RoE...
DPS on the mobs is totally useless, since half of them are golems that cannot be CCed, and have too much HP/resist to be killed. And they come in numbers so crazy, all u can do is watch (hilarious) your cleric run around in the room with a huge mob of Adds behind him, just like a justin Bieber on a typical day ...
Maybe kill the archers, so he doesn't look like a porcupine while running
Once again, to complete this dungeon, Crits and Dps are useless from the CW.
Spellplague :
This is pretty fun ! all you do is push the mobs off the edge when they are far enough from the boss to become Control-able. Your dps ? 0 use
Karrundax :
It could be argued here that you could use your Dps here, to kill the Adds in the first part of the fight. While it's true, i find it more meaningfull to simply CC them permanently, and the whole team focus the boss, me and cleric included.
When boss fly away, they all disappear anyway, so your dps really had no purpose.
And for second part of fight, wirmlings cannot be controled, and they really are a waste of DPS that is better used on the boss since their aoe is easy to dodge or tank.
Once again, Dps has no meaning.
Castle Never :
It's my favorite. If the CW fails even once, you wipe. that is true anywhere in the dungeon.
You gotta love these Devls, they made sure we received so much love from groups ... assuming you're good CW.
Here, mobs are just insane. DPS ? yes, sure. but your team is not looking at you for dps, trust me. Because if you have time to fire a MM or pure-dps spells, it's because you have failed and will wipe
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No, really.
What you need, is spam your encounters in a very precise sequence to make sure to get your Black Hole permanently up ... sometimes even 2 black holes at one time
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If you do, and do it well, all the mobs are in one place and can be easily killed by the true damage dealers of your group.... or pushed of the edge by your impressive mastery of your shield.
I'm not sure this was intended by the Devls, but as long as the GWF is not buffed enough in a patch to be able to kill groups of mobs with more efficiency, it's pretty much the only way to do it.
Sure, your ManHood will be impressive in here, there are so many mobs with so much hp, ofc your AOe will add inches (or should i say METERS) to your ManHood.
But rest assured that the big mobs, that hurt a lot, will not be killed by you anytime soon ... so once again, your dps is a byproduct, not an objective.
"Why doesn't he speak about other bosses than the final ?"
Because :
1) most can be pulled away from the place where ADDS spawn, making the fight super mega easy (you'll be doing pretty much nothing, since your single target dps is ridiculous, even if you have MOAR CRITZ and INZANE DPS)
2) they are trash, not worth talking about. if your team cannot kill them, you are a bunch of .... excuse me, i meant you are new to this game. Or you need some serious change in skills/equipment.
Final words : First of all : Doing more dmg is not a problem.
Second : It will still be usefull for pvp or solo Foundries
Third : As I said, Dmg is a buy-product of any wizard. I usually end up in second spot of ManHood Meter, just behind the rogue. I m not a frustrated player who cry because he ends up always last in dps.
I am just tired to see many CW get misleaded into thinking they should focus on that, and slot dps encounters ...
Now that I (hopefully) made my point, let's move on the the guide itself (will post it below, to keep things clear)
Thanks for your comments.
Remember that i am not flaming Imvivo or the other guides. I have read them MANY times, and they proved invaluable. Their thoughts are very good for many points, if not all. I just use some identical wording in an attempt at making a funny reference.
I just strongly disagree on the fact that everyone is trying to make a WoW Dps Mage out of this formidable Control Wizard.
You may also PM me for grammar or other errors I have made (and not in replay to this post, so as to keep this thread relevant to this discussion).
I should tell you before anything else that I switch my passive, encounters and daily very often !
Each part of a dungeon may see my skills totally change. Trash cleaning, trash pushing, CC, boss nuking, ... all these are cases for different sets of skills.
I also change my Items too !
This may be the most important fact of this guide : In all cases where you need a very strong CC (or lose the fight), you will switch from you beloved Shadow Weaver set to another one !
- You Need Control
Later I will speak about other aspects of the game, but even in those, you need control :
In PVE solo (foundries, lvling up) : control add survivalbility vs the mobs
In PVE dungeons : Control add love from the cleric (he can stop running like a fool). Control speed the killing of mobs, if your team knows how to pull and brings mobs to your Seat Of Power (actually, any ledge).
In PvP : "ZOMG, CW need nerfs, i m perma-cced to death, can't do anything, MOMMY come help me"
Got Control ?
If you have taken a good look on the skills of a CW, you might wonder WHERE the HELL are those controls spells ?
Yea, seriously, how come we are called control wizards, our control encounters are far in between ...
The AOE spells seem more bent on dmg, or not very effective control-wise.
The only CROWD control encounter worth talking about is slow time.
So, to be blunt, your control will be coming mainly from Black Hole and slow time ... the rest will be there to fill your AP for more Black hole and some perks.
The Sequence is as follow :
- Entangling Force (be with you) in mastery spell. AP Gain : anywhere between 11% to full AP bar ! Each mob that get caught up in the AOE pull up effect of your EF in mastery slot adds roughly 9%. So 10 Mobs + the initial targeted one will do the trick from 0% to 100% AP bar
- Shield. Each target you hit with your shield explosion adds 6-7% of AP. So when you hit 15 mobs, you fill your ap bar from 0 to full. Note that you need to use EF before (or slow time, but i advise keeping it for after !), so your stacks of arcane mastery is at its max, and CD is reduced a lot !
- For the other encounters, it will depend on your gear. I advise (based on the gear for perma black hole) icy terrain or RoE.
- Slow time. It is not so much for the AP gain, but it is a neat CC, and if you combine it with the proper gear, it will make the CD of all previously mentioned encounter go down to 0 and be ready to use again ! Perfect for a "rinse and repeat" combo.
These 4 encounters are classified as CONTROL spells by the game. It is what we need to work in synergy with our gear !
In most cases where you need a strong crowd control, the Shadow Weaver set will not help you at all. (It will not hurt you, just not help you)
So if you struggle with your CC (happens a lot on Castle Never final boss fights, where if you miss your chance to get your AP back due to AOE, people often wipe before they get their AP or cooldowns back), this will do the trick like no feats can !
Some I took because I needed 20 points.
Others were taken because of no other alternatives.
Most were taken because they are useful in some situations.
Precisely :
Magic missile : The obvious and only choice
RoF : useless, but u never know ... and i needed to put points somewhere
Chill Strike : Control power. AOE when slotted in mastery. useful all around
Ice Storm : PVP. Useful to know clerics off their circle, or touch invisible rogues. Nearly as powerful as ice knife. Also a nice finisher for Trash.
Orb of I : U need somewhere to put points. and add some nice Control in pvp, depending on the situation
Conduit of I : Not so useful. AOE very very small (smaller than advertised). No control. But can trigger Shadow Weaver set, fast to cast, nice dps when u cast black hole. And you need somewhere to put points
Entangling force : Control power. HUGE AP monster making encounter when in mastery slot. Must have !
Arcane Singularity AkA Black Hole : Must have, must cast. Useless in pvp though, too easy to dodge.
Repel : maxed because useful for some dungeons : Spellplague final boss and spiders trash cleaning, to name a few but not all. U slot it in mastery, so u can push as many mobs as you want. very nice for push from afar, solo or combined with black hole or slow time.
Chilling presence : totally useless at the present. needed to put points somewhere, and wanted to try some combo. take these points and do as you like with them.
Shield : Must have. Super crowd control when exploded, super AP gain. Please note that for Karrundax trash mobs (not at boss) and some pirates final-boss-ADDS and trash, pushing them away from you will make them use a teleport attack on you ... not cool because it hurts and cannot be dodged !
Evocation : MOAR DMG for MOAR ManHood ! Beware, not all encounters that look like AOE will be affected by this (black hole, icy terrain, conduit of ice, and sudden storm). But still useful for some parts of dungeons where you cannot push off the mobs. (did I mention i switch skills and passives often ?)
Icy Terrain : This is tricky, because it is a Must Have nearly totally useless ...
This is presently NOT recognized by the game as an AOE spell, it cannot crit and has other bugs associated that I don't remember.
BUT, it is a CONTROL spell (not me saying, the game). which will combo just nice with my GOT CONTROL build and set.
In addition, it is also more useful than it seems. Mobs crowding in the blue circle around the cleric will eventually get frozen, giving him a breather. As I said, Must Have "NEARLY" totally useless. You only use it for static boss fights or in dungeons like CN where you need a LOT of CC.
Ray of enfeeblement : Must Have ! This is what allows a rogue to literally melt down a boss in seconds.
It is bugged in mastery slot (its CD is not affected by your recovery when in mastery, and one ray acts as if 2 were stacked on target), but put it there anyways in situations where you don't need a huge CC. casting it on boss will make the rogue go crazy and start shouting things like "ZOMG, 40k Tick on my bleed" ("i m so strong" he thinks, the fool), or "ZOMG, i just did a 150k execution !" ("i'm so strong", he thinks, the fool).
Anyways, when you don't need to be heavily CC oriented, just slot it, and watch the fight. you are not even required to do anything else, just run in circle and pretend you do something ... It will be over in less than 30 sec anyways
Ice Knife : For PVP Must Have. outside pvp, I hope I ll never see you use it ! In situations where u only have one target to hit, you can always do an ice storm for nearly as much dmg on the boss and much dmg on the adds. Casting an ice knife is like saying "LOOK, I got a HUGE FROZEN MANHOOD COMING FROM THE SKY" while actually doing less dmg than the rogue with normal attack in the time it took for you to cast it ...
Storm Spell : MOAR DMG for MOAR ManHood ! This is useful in pvp. also useful in dungeons where you need to add dps to your spells. Icy terrain triggers it too, so many targets walking on it could potentially take a lot of dmg ... but who cares, right ? right ?!
Icy Rays : PvP bomb shell. Cannot be dodged ! this is a CW killer. Roots in place melee too. very good spell. TO-TA-LY useless in pve though
Steal Time : Must Have. there is no other spell more important beside shield and black hole
Shard of endless avalanche : slotted in mastery, it is a very nice CC ! For pve, solo, dungeons, pvp.
I use it in many different situations. The knock back is really useful.
And if u face only one mob or enemy, when it lands from the sky, you squash your enemy (it is SO cool !), which is a first CC. Then recast it on him for an explosive knock back. It's like 2 CC in one spell. So nice. The bad side is that it takes FOREVER to cast, so you need a lot of practice to master this in melee situations and it can be easily dodged.
Maelstrom : Bad. just bad. I had nowhere to put my last point, so there it is.
Eye Of Storm : MOAR CRITZ, for MOAR DMG, for BIGGER MANHOOD ! again, useful when you need straight up dps. useless the rest of the time.
Don't really matter !
Haha, many are surprised here !
But no, most of the feats don't work properly, and they don't affect your AP gain combo noticeably in comparison to the spells described bellow. So for Heavy Crowd CONTROL situations, Feats do not matter, only your skills, and your skill at using your skills ...
So put feat points where you want, follow IMVIVO guide, it is full of good advises. So when you pvp, solo pve or need straight up dps, his feats tree will help you.
For Control, YOU are in Control !
A final word :
In any T2, u die as fast as a soap bubble if you get the aggro. Any CW who tried clearing alone just a tiny bit of dungeon knows this.
So, the only place where you survive so much hostility, is within the blue circle of clerics, or with a lot of love from your cleric.
Therefore, the only character in your team that you will pay attention to is the cleric. Get to know him. Get him to know you. As a cleric, his priority should be you. Because the aggro of all the mobs will be divided between the 2 of you. The others just need to avoid AOE, and that will be it.
Ok, 2 am, time to go to bed, the next parts follow tomorrow. But this should already be useful if you didn't know about these abilities.
If you knew, the real treat starts tomorrow !
you know... in case something goes wrong LOL
Like some special characters that are not supported by this forum.. everything you write after that will just disappear after clicking "submit".
What a failure... =P
I want this class in NW.
Healing is easy (Astral Shield/ Hallowed Ground). The rogue on the boss has it easy, as well. The tanks are mostly ornamental. The CW, though, can carry a bad team all on his back. But only if he's a *control* wizard, and not an ice-knife spammer trying to beat out the rogues on the 'manhood meter.' I like that term, btw, OP
So I look forward to more of this guide. I'm building a CW myself, and I'd prefer not to suck at it.
Pretty cocky comments backed up by nothing so far......hopeing it is as revolutionary as advertised.
This is why I got bored of every role but the CW.
Really hope Cryptic get's it all sorted, it's just silly how it works.
But i'll try my best not to disappoint your expectations
Also, i know there are a lot of misspelled words and error, and lay out is plain horrible ... hard to read.
I'm tired, will correct that later
Edit the post, proof read and cut a bunch of the fat. You have too much commentary and the repeated bashing of DPS gets annoying. Lose the "leet speak" even though you are trying to imitate..someone. It isn't funny, just annoying. I'd say you could cut around 3-4 large paragraphs of chaff from the post, tighten it up and add some concrete content with some numbers for the wonks.
I'd also consider some bullets, color coding of important terms and spacing adjustments and italics where warranted. Try to sound less hostile to Imvio and the rest. They are colleagues.
Anyway, I'm thinking of making a Control Wizard for my second play through of the game. But I'm a solo player (not really interested in dungeons or PvP), so I'm really looking forward to the solo part of your guide.
At the moment I can't decide between Cleric or Wizard for solo play, so I'm hoping your guide can help me choose
But from what I gleaned from the first few massively annoying paragraphs, someone has an irrational hatred of DPS players.
It's true that he does, and it's also true that presentation is not his strength
But what he writes is also true and very good advice (for endgame pve content at least).
No big deal right? being a complete tard cancer should be the least fo your concerns right now.
I'm not a fan of this thread either, but well...
I want this class in NW.
Providing sufficient control for any group to clear a dungeon and topping the damagechart aren't exclusive, you can do both with ease. Any CW who can't I consider incompetent. So why just do the other, when its possible to do both.
Just my 2 factual cents.
exactly. all this dps bashing is boring....the point is you can tailor your build to play the way YOU want. the " your X you must play like this" facists can go jump into the abyss.
If you are going to write a guide at least make it readable and appealing - you cant just mix cocky comments with some random tips like there is no tomorrow. Oh, and really- the important stuff should be put at the beginning. If i find your guide (the actual helpful content) interesting, useful and well argumented, then i would consider reading about with what you are annoyed with and "how awesome you are" and whatnot...but if you start with it...then, well i cant be bothered to read more than a few paragraphs before a big, gigantic red text - "Arrogant boaster!" - appears on my screen.
If you want to compete with other people guides - try to make something that wouldn't make me go and read imivo's guide just so i could forget this monster and pretend it never existed.
Are you saying that CWs who show a good amount of dps by the end of a run, don't knockback mobs off ledges? don't CC and control 10+ adds solo? don't know when to slot EF in mastery on the Draco fight and to generate back to back AS? The logic of your thread is fine, and players with CWs should understand their role. But the way you presented it, like CWs should just run around naked doing knockbacks and Singularities, is extremely simplistic.
As I said, Dps is not the problem. Ofc, as any wizard, i pump out a lot of dmg and end up second dps in group.
The problem is seeing all these CW get mislead into thinking this is their role (pumping out dps). This is not WoW, you are not a mage.
I have read again most guides a couple of days ago, and, for example, many still advise to slot Chill Strike in mastery tab.
This is really bad for all the bosses fights.
Can you tell me that you can keep up a perma black hole and good crowd control with this in mastery? And tell me it really makes a difference in the difficulty of the fight? Or that if you put anything else, you might lose the fight or make it a lot harder ? Can you ?
Another point i read in comments is that you still top charts in dps in dungeons.
This just proves you have never played end game content extensively or with players of equivalent gear and enchantments.
If you go into a dungeon with a rogue as well geared as you, and who knows its character and skills, there is no way you can out-dps him.
All T2 dungeons make you pump out dmg by the millions. In CN, you can go to 50M easily. But the rogue will always do more.
So, Like I said and tried to amend in my first post, Dps is not bad. Its making it your main objective that is.
Pumping dps with CC is normal, you hit 5-50 mobs at the same time. you don't need to hit them like a truck to get loads of dps.
But if you truly are a good CW, you are not using Dps encounters in boss fights.
You most likely have slotted Entangling force in mastery, shield, RoE and slow time.
Which is not what the current dps-oriented build would have you do.
Again, this is in cases you do dungeons with only one cleric and CW in team ...
Thank you for your comments, I know presentation lacks a lot right now, this is a work in progress
I applaud anyone who tries to help out the CW community, but I guess I was misled into believing you were going to be posting a revolutionary CONTROL build. By this I was thinking “Finally someone has cracked the code and made a good synergistic PvE OPRESSOR build!”.
In the end a CW can have it all --- DPS + Control……
And i still like to stress that CW are not competitive dps ... tossing dps on trash does not count. this game need to be able to show you dps on one boss only, so the CW would have an idea of how far behind rogues we are in terms of dps.
Dps on trash amounts to next to nothing, because most of them don't have that much hp anyways. And the big beefy ones stay alive until the end of fight and its the rogue who finish them ...
If you take out the glitch in the bonus from the Shadow Weaver set, the actual dps of a CW is irrelevant in meaningful fights