OK, so I'm new to the game and my toon is only level 27 at the time of this posting...but that being said.
I've leveled every class to at least level 25 so far. Not bad for a month of playing IMO...no life..ok I'll accept that.
1) On mob pulls of three, which is common in this game so far. I have to pot or use healthstone to survive or end fight with little less than half my life.
2) In PVP I get kited hard core by CWs, even with using my tab ability and sprinting to them to just be pushed away. Yes, I'm using my stun
3) I'm out dps'd double by most TRs in raids...I know this too as my TR in the tower skirmish was 200k higher than the next highest DPS and I did that shadow step to a mob that put in the wall for half the instance until I logged out and came back in
4) So I bought a healer companion, that's helped, but still to progress at the same speed as the other classes I've had to resort to using healthstones and pots frequently.
5) My versatility is extremely limited I can't off tank, I don't take damage well, my swing rate is extremely slow. On that note in most games I've played slower weapons do more damage (bigger hits) but that doesn't seem to be the case...my TR damage for a single hit is about the same as hit by my GWF yet the TR swings 4 times to my one swing on my GWF
Ok..I'll let the community respond.
Please I ask that you provide constructive critisism as I'm trying to either learn/understand the class better or determine if the class really needs some attention by the developers.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
"I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
It doesn't get any better, re-roll rogue or wizard.
Or you can stick it out to 60 and get instantly kicked in any group you join, same as GWF.
I learned that lesson the hard way.
If you're looking for class specific advice, post this in the class specific forum.
krahctMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I like the playstyle of the GWF, but I'm wondering if Cryptic needs to reevaluate them. They seem weak, under powered, with a low survivability. I'm trying to deduce from those that have played them if they observed the same thing or is something I'm not doing...specing, gearing, rotations.
"I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
The GWF does need work, but the issue is one where several problems of several classes adds up to a pile of issues for the GWF in particular. The Astral stacking for example has a lot of ripple effects, like GF not being needed and GWF not as needed, just for an example. Some of the class' issues are exacerbated by the other classes imba.
Cryptic has a Miracle Balance Patch™ on the way soon™ which is make or break. i hope they get it right, so all classes can again have a spot in teams.
krahctMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
So, I'm not an idiot. I've played WoW, Rift, AoC, Aion, even played NW when players made their own worlds. I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out why my GWF in blues at his level is potting on three pulls.
The class needs work and so far everyone is confirming that....?
"I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
Thanks Drizztstark I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for the link.
As far as the healing companion, it's getting better as she levels up, but she was dying alot and I was left to fight big solo encounters myself....needing to pot alot.
"I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
I can't comment on much of this, seeing as how I don't have a Great Weapons Fighter, myself. I can comment on Control Wizards in PvP, though.
One of the major problems with Control Wizards right now has nothing to do with the class, but more to do with the latency in-game. You can land what appears to be a successful hit against a Control Wizard, but so long as they dodge right after the hit has landed, they'll get credit for the dodge. This is because your hit registers a split-second later than the animation on your screen finishes, due to latency. The reason this is most noticeable against CW's is because they are already built to frustrate you with their ability to kite you, so this issue is like throwing salt in the wound.
I know there was a period of time between lvls 40-60 where I literally couldn't touch Wizards 1v1. This was on my Rogue, no less, a class considered just as OP as CW's by many players. With 3 dodges, a lift, and a push, that's all they needed. They didn't even need their 3rd encounter power, their tab power, or either of their dailies to bring me down. Just kite, kite, kite.
The only thing that makes it better is hitting 60, and gaining so much damage that I can essentially 1-shot the little buggers if I get a good hit in.
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
Reroll CW/TR/DC until Cryptic decides to one day address the concerns of GWF. Or like a few of us, suck it up and get it to 60 and feel like winner for braving the hardship and constant taunt for rolling this loser class and excel with it. At least our gear is cheap.
arntoyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
At lvl60 as a GWF, I'm doing fairely fine. Key is you gotta know when to use sprint at the moment they use a massive skill, like TR's jumping motion when using the Dazing Strike, GFs using Griffon's Wrath, or any skill that you know is avoidable.
Maybe I'm not one to talk since I play a CW, but a good GWF is scary as hell to me in PvP.
I've ran into a few of them that I just can't get away from and the instant they knock me down, I'm toast. I haven't hit 60 just yet though so everything may change, one way or the other, after I do.
However, don't take this as me saying GWF are fine. I would like to see buffs to both GWF and GF for PvE and some slight buffs to them in PvP and/or small nerfs to CW/TR and even a small nerf to DC heals.
I've only been playing though for maybe a week, so take my opinion for what it's worth.
krahctMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Appreciate all the positive comments.
It's a fun class with some neat dynamics, but yeah...something needs to be done about survivability. At higher levels, (end game) are GWFs chosen over other DPS classes? Right now, my experience has been that every other DPS class does much higher DPS.
I'll still level the class, but I cringe staring at the character screen and experiences so far have made me chose other classes to work on.
I especially dread those solo fights against more powerful mobs...almost like an elite. I've had to use four pots and a health stone on one when my healer companion went down twice after trying to rez her back up. The fight was that dude in the cave tunnel before you free the prisoners..I have never had to run from a mob and wait for a CD on a potion before, but in that fight I was running back and forth trying to evade the guy until I could pot again or use the stone.
"I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
So, I'm not an idiot. I've played WoW, Rift, AoC, Aion, even played NW when players made their own worlds. I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out why my GWF in blues at his level is potting on three pulls.
The class needs work and so far everyone is confirming that....?
Yes, It needs work. Cleric gets most of the aggro for healing. and GWF is not able too hold the aggro.
But GF and GWF are squishy. Damage output is not high enough, Defence does not work, Shift-a,w,s,d is a terrible key combination. Single enemy Damage with GF is too low. Trickster Rogue is a real killer, etc.
They really need a miracle patch. They should fire their balancing team. Never seen so many balancing errors in one game.
I think they habe been concentrating on solo play first, and team play second. So team play or PvP sucks in this game. but even in solo player mode the GWF has to try much harder, to kill the enemies. And use much more pots. It was not very much fun.
It's a fun class with some neat dynamics, but yeah...something needs to be done about survivability. At higher levels, (end game) are GWFs chosen over other DPS classes? Right now, my experience has been that every other DPS class does much higher DPS.
I'll still level the class, but I cringe staring at the character screen and experiences so far have made me chose other classes to work on.
I especially dread those solo fights against more powerful mobs...almost like an elite. I've had to use four pots and a health stone on one when my healer companion went down twice after trying to rez her back up. The fight was that dude in the cave tunnel before you free the prisoners..I have never had to run from a mob and wait for a CD on a potion before, but in that fight I was running back and forth trying to evade the guy until I could pot again or use the stone.
I heard, as GWF you have no chance in hell in PUGs to be accepted.
The last thing is a combination of botched aggro managment. The cleric gets all the aggro, and goes down for sure, An you are not able to get tha aggro. Not that it would work either, because you are not able to shield yourself.
I heard, as GWF you have no chance in hell in PUGs to be accepted.
The last thing is a combination of botched aggro managment. The cleric gets all the aggro, and goes down for sure, An you are not able to get tha aggro. Not that it would work either, because you are not able to shield yourself.
You heard from who ? - some idiot who think he knows everything ?
This is exactly the type of attitude that is ruining peoples gameplay who play the GWF, idiots who kick players just cause they want the easy way out instead of having to work at beating something and having a bit of a challenge. I could really not give two ***** who beats me in DPS at the end of a Dungeon or Skirmish to be honest - I am there to play and have fun and NOT be some elitest fool who can do nothing else than try to tell other people how to play the game.
I have a GWF at 60 who has not been kicked (yet) from any party, having no problem playing and leveling up was alot of fun.
Learning to play the class not just solo but in a group setting would be a great start as people obviously can't by some of the comments.
You heard from who ? - some idiot who think he knows everything ?
This is exactly the type of attitude that is ruining peoples gameplay
Calm down - the guy was just giving a warning to new players thinking of getting a GWF to cap at present that right now, whether you like it or not, a GWF (or GF) will be frequently kicked from end-game groups, especially at Tier 2, and this is likely to continue until they get balanced better.
Personally if I was a new player I would greatly appreciate a warning that the class I was planning to play was frequently not accepted in PUBs at endgame.
Not all people play for "end game" some people belive it or not play to have a laugh with friends and experiance the content etc - this is something people forget or just want to listen to. This forum is totally doom and gloom and mostly from people who have never even played one but run on "hearsay" and "grapevine".
I have only played one character, my GWF to level 30 so far and to be honest I have sometimes seen these issues you are speaking of, but from level 20-30 i have had no issues. I have been top 3 in every BG I have been in, I have hunted down and killed TR and CW with no issues, and have even managed to 1v2 a pair of TR. I am not saying I am a great player, or that my experience is proof that there are no issues, but I do not think it is as bad as you guys say (60 i understand could be a different ball game).
Dungeons I also strongly enjoy and usually manage to get either first or within a reasonable margin of first in each run. Last skirmish the damage totals were around 300k each for the top 3, and i was only 15k off from 1st. That is not too bad.
I don't know if i am doing something different, but I will agree that there are things that suck about GWF.
Our at-will abilities do pretty much suck. They are slow and the damage is pretty low, but i find that if i start a fight, q,e,r, then i have almost enough Determination to use Tab. I seem to get into a cycle of q,e,r, Tab, q,e,r, Tab etc. Also i started using Slam with my combo since it is the only Daily that i have seen that allows you to use your abilities while t is dealing damage.
Again I will say that this information is all based from level 20-30 and i have no doubt that level 60 is different, but i see a lot of things in this beta that are not quite finished, and i have no doubt they can be easily fixed.
Not all people play for "end game" some people belive it or not play to have a laugh with friends and experiance the content etc - this is something people forget or just want to listen to. This forum is totally doom and gloom and mostly from people who have never even played one but run on "hearsay" and "grapevine".
And, on the other hand, it is fair to warn newer players that their class may not be able to play in groups when they do hit endgame.
No sense in near attacking folks for just warning fellow players that the common trend now is to kick the GF's and the GWF's in favor of anything else.
GWF has some hope, GF right now is tremendously borked.
I lolled so hard at ure signature arntoy, thx for that xD.
@ op the most fun i have with my GWF is when i exualy pull 20 mobs and bash them all together, u get the most out of ure hero that way , at the early stages restoring strike + healer companion + some pots should keep u fine imo, and just spam slam everytime u hit it .
Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
It doesn't get any better, re-roll rogue or wizard.
Or you can stick it out to 60 and get instantly kicked in any group you join, same as GWF.
I learned that lesson the hard way.
If you're looking for class specific advice, post this in the class specific forum.
I don't get all the stupid statements about GWF. I am level 60 on about 10200 GS(not that high) and I never loose to any Rogue in dps..Granted the class needs some work because we are lacking very much in single target damage and thus in usefulness in a boss fight but still the buffs that a GWF procs are insane so people that DO know how to play the game like to have us in a party.I have done all T2s ,including CN, many times and I didn't see any problems or complains. Now sometimes I get kicked from parties but that's only when there are nabs or tools in these so I don't mind not playing with them at all. People like our dear friend edge-numbers here think that the only way to play this game is with 2DC 2CW and one rogue..This is absolutely wrong ofcourse but whatever.People will wake up eventually.
I feel they should buff our at-wills a little bit, and make our animations shorter. We have this awsome sprint that lets us be very manouvereble, and on the other hand all of our animations take 200% the time then most other classes wich makes us just sit in place to do something '-.-. Its one of the reasons why power is HAMSTER on a GWF, the long animations...
Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
the problem so far with GWF is this class only work at specific build while some other class, TR for example, can be done with several build without hard working. actually DC also had same thing just becouse DC is the only healer so it still can get team easily
calaminthaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If you're fighting adds instead of the boss, sure.
But since 1xCW can control all of the adds in every dungeon except Frozen Heart...what is the point other than stacking the meter will irrelevant damage?
I've never seen a rogue lose to a GWF in dps, so you must be doing someting the others aren't.
That's cute man and it means that you've never played with a good GWF before.There is no way in hell that any GWF would loose in a dps fight against a rogue when he can fight a million mobs at the same time... The problem with the GWF class is not the overall dps. It is the single target dps which make us less useful than a rogue in boss fights. Saying that a rogue is better in that aspect is totally legit but saying that a GWF can't beat a rogue in overall dps means either that you just insta kick any GWF that joins your party or you just play in pugs with badly geared GWFs that don't know how to play their class..
ps: ANother problem that missleads people is that if a GWF has bad gear with bad weapon enchants he can't do good AOE damage while the scaling for rogues is much smootherPeople are usually get confused by the huge difference they see when comparing a badly geared GWF with a badly geared rogue...
Or you can stick it out to 60 and get instantly kicked in any group you join, same as GWF.
I learned that lesson the hard way.
If you're looking for class specific advice, post this in the class specific forum.
Cryptic has a Miracle Balance Patch™ on the way soon™ which is make or break. i hope they get it right, so all classes can again have a spot in teams.
The class needs work and so far everyone is confirming that....?
For example:
Thanks Drizztstark I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for the link.
As far as the healing companion, it's getting better as she levels up, but she was dying alot and I was left to fight big solo encounters myself....needing to pot alot.
One of the major problems with Control Wizards right now has nothing to do with the class, but more to do with the latency in-game. You can land what appears to be a successful hit against a Control Wizard, but so long as they dodge right after the hit has landed, they'll get credit for the dodge. This is because your hit registers a split-second later than the animation on your screen finishes, due to latency. The reason this is most noticeable against CW's is because they are already built to frustrate you with their ability to kite you, so this issue is like throwing salt in the wound.
I know there was a period of time between lvls 40-60 where I literally couldn't touch Wizards 1v1. This was on my Rogue, no less, a class considered just as OP as CW's by many players. With 3 dodges, a lift, and a push, that's all they needed. They didn't even need their 3rd encounter power, their tab power, or either of their dailies to bring me down. Just kite, kite, kite.
The only thing that makes it better is hitting 60, and gaining so much damage that I can essentially 1-shot the little buggers if I get a good hit in.
I've ran into a few of them that I just can't get away from and the instant they knock me down, I'm toast. I haven't hit 60 just yet though so everything may change, one way or the other, after I do.
However, don't take this as me saying GWF are fine. I would like to see buffs to both GWF and GF for PvE and some slight buffs to them in PvP and/or small nerfs to CW/TR and even a small nerf to DC heals.
I've only been playing though for maybe a week, so take my opinion for what it's worth.
It's a fun class with some neat dynamics, but yeah...something needs to be done about survivability. At higher levels, (end game) are GWFs chosen over other DPS classes? Right now, my experience has been that every other DPS class does much higher DPS.
I'll still level the class, but I cringe staring at the character screen and experiences so far have made me chose other classes to work on.
I especially dread those solo fights against more powerful mobs...almost like an elite. I've had to use four pots and a health stone on one when my healer companion went down twice after trying to rez her back up. The fight was that dude in the cave tunnel before you free the prisoners..I have never had to run from a mob and wait for a CD on a potion before, but in that fight I was running back and forth trying to evade the guy until I could pot again or use the stone.
Yes, It needs work. Cleric gets most of the aggro for healing. and GWF is not able too hold the aggro.
But GF and GWF are squishy. Damage output is not high enough, Defence does not work, Shift-a,w,s,d is a terrible key combination. Single enemy Damage with GF is too low. Trickster Rogue is a real killer, etc.
They really need a miracle patch. They should fire their balancing team. Never seen so many balancing errors in one game.
I think they habe been concentrating on solo play first, and team play second. So team play or PvP sucks in this game. but even in solo player mode the GWF has to try much harder, to kill the enemies. And use much more pots. It was not very much fun.
I heard, as GWF you have no chance in hell in PUGs to be accepted.
The last thing is a combination of botched aggro managment. The cleric gets all the aggro, and goes down for sure, An you are not able to get tha aggro. Not that it would work either, because you are not able to shield yourself.
You heard from who ? - some idiot who think he knows everything ?
This is exactly the type of attitude that is ruining peoples gameplay who play the GWF, idiots who kick players just cause they want the easy way out instead of having to work at beating something and having a bit of a challenge. I could really not give two ***** who beats me in DPS at the end of a Dungeon or Skirmish to be honest - I am there to play and have fun and NOT be some elitest fool who can do nothing else than try to tell other people how to play the game.
I have a GWF at 60 who has not been kicked (yet) from any party, having no problem playing and leveling up was alot of fun.
Learning to play the class not just solo but in a group setting would be a great start as people obviously can't by some of the comments.
Calm down - the guy was just giving a warning to new players thinking of getting a GWF to cap at present that right now, whether you like it or not, a GWF (or GF) will be frequently kicked from end-game groups, especially at Tier 2, and this is likely to continue until they get balanced better.
Personally if I was a new player I would greatly appreciate a warning that the class I was planning to play was frequently not accepted in PUBs at endgame.
Dungeons I also strongly enjoy and usually manage to get either first or within a reasonable margin of first in each run. Last skirmish the damage totals were around 300k each for the top 3, and i was only 15k off from 1st. That is not too bad.
I don't know if i am doing something different, but I will agree that there are things that suck about GWF.
Our at-will abilities do pretty much suck. They are slow and the damage is pretty low, but i find that if i start a fight, q,e,r, then i have almost enough Determination to use Tab. I seem to get into a cycle of q,e,r, Tab, q,e,r, Tab etc. Also i started using Slam with my combo since it is the only Daily that i have seen that allows you to use your abilities while t is dealing damage.
Again I will say that this information is all based from level 20-30 and i have no doubt that level 60 is different, but i see a lot of things in this beta that are not quite finished, and i have no doubt they can be easily fixed.
And, on the other hand, it is fair to warn newer players that their class may not be able to play in groups when they do hit endgame.
GWF has some hope, GF right now is tremendously borked.
@ op the most fun i have with my GWF is when i exualy pull 20 mobs and bash them all together, u get the most out of ure hero that way
I don't get all the stupid statements about GWF. I am level 60 on about 10200 GS(not that high) and I never loose to any Rogue in dps..Granted the class needs some work because we are lacking very much in single target damage and thus in usefulness in a boss fight but still the buffs that a GWF procs are insane so people that DO know how to play the game like to have us in a party.I have done all T2s ,including CN, many times and I didn't see any problems or complains. Now sometimes I get kicked from parties but that's only when there are nabs or tools in these so I don't mind not playing with them at all. People like our dear friend edge-numbers here think that the only way to play this game is with 2DC 2CW and one rogue..This is absolutely wrong ofcourse but whatever.People will wake up eventually.
So? AoE DPS should never, ever lose to a single target DPS unless you fight solo mobs all the time. They'd be worthless otherwise.
But since 1xCW can control all of the adds in every dungeon except Frozen Heart...what is the point other than stacking the meter will irrelevant damage?
If only this were the case
That's why I said 'should'.
I've never seen a rogue lose to a GWF in dps, so you must be doing someting the others aren't.
So Rogues should focus on bosses, while GWFs focus on adds?
That in the forums.
That's cute man and it means that you've never played with a good GWF before.There is no way in hell that any GWF would loose in a dps fight against a rogue when he can fight a million mobs at the same time... The problem with the GWF class is not the overall dps. It is the single target dps which make us less useful than a rogue in boss fights. Saying that a rogue is better in that aspect is totally legit but saying that a GWF can't beat a rogue in overall dps means either that you just insta kick any GWF that joins your party or you just play in pugs with badly geared GWFs that don't know how to play their class..
ps: ANother problem that missleads people is that if a GWF has bad gear with bad weapon enchants he can't do good AOE damage while the scaling for rogues is much smootherPeople are usually get confused by the huge difference they see when comparing a badly geared GWF with a badly geared rogue...