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Fix the GWF/TR !!!!!



  • nukeyoonukeyoo Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm jealous of the GWF because when you stroke the right button they get all swollen and red and bigger and just the way they handle that long shaft... mmm
  • khatzhaskhatzhas Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    sagroth88 wrote: »
    That might be true if the gwf could spec into both sentinel and destroyer/instigator tree, but as it currently stands you can only spec for one.
    You can enhance one side of the class, but that doesn't mean that you can trade in the other.
  • s3z3s3z3 Member Posts: 216 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    All this crying wont make a bit of a difference... let's just all wait rill ESo goes Live and maybe that one will be a good game. Until then relax and play Metro last light\ DayZ etc. Also dont forget to check these forums once in a while to read up new exploits and balancing =)
    Carnage TR Dragon shard - retired? hell yea it's retired along with Nevewinter

    Seze - Rogue - Necropolis - <3 RIFT
  • kulgribnarkulgribnar Member Posts: 84
    edited June 2013
    nukeyoo wrote: »
    I'm jealous of the GWF because when you stroke the right button they get all swollen and red and bigger and just the way they handle that long shaft... mmm

    Oh the way they wield that massive member.
  • snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    khatzhas wrote: »
    You can enhance one side of the class, but that doesn't mean that you can trade in the other.
    But if a GWF doesn't spec to tank a rogue has better innate mitigation and threat.
  • khatzhaskhatzhas Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    But if a GWF doesn't spec to tank a rogue has better innate mitigation and threat.
    I'm not quite sure of the exact difference between Leather and Scale armor, but the GWF has more health to counter the TR's probable higher deflect chance.

    As far as I'm aware, TRs have no special innate threat modifiers. Its based on the same numbers as the GWF: base damage.
  • th0rfinnth0rfinn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    ifthir wrote: »
    LOL, I bet my life OP is a GWF melting that he picked the wrong class.

    God some of you just cry cry cry.

    Good to know you are putting your money to good use by not playing a GWF.
  • selonwselonw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 258
    edited June 2013
    th0rfinn wrote: »
    Good to know you are putting your money to good use by not playing a GWF.

    GWF might be weak in PvE, but in PvP! Its quickly becoming one of the classes i fear the most.

    Have no chance to go toe to toe against a good GWF 1v1 unless you kite like a maniac. Becomes immune to all your damage and all your cc, and hits like a truck, knockdownlocks you and kills you before you can get out of it.

    Its only that there are about 3-4 players on the whole server that knows how to play a GWF in PvP
  • snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    khatzhas wrote: »
    I'm not quite sure of the exact difference between Leather and Scale armor, but the GWF has more health to counter the TR's probable higher deflect chance.

    As far as I'm aware, TRs have no special innate threat modifiers. Its based on the same numbers as the GWF: base damage.

    Not only do TRs have a higher innate deflect chance, but deflect is twice as effective on a rogue than any other class. Scale armor does have slightly more AC but it's not nearly enough to make up the difference in deflect. Also base class health is pretty much the same.

    Rogues don't have any innate threat modifiers but since they do more damage it's impossible for a gwf to pull threat from a rogue unless the gwf specs for threat modifiers.
  • gosugoosegosugoose Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    selonw wrote: »
    Im tired of all the "im not top dps even though i rolled a controll, defence/healer class" posts..

    TR should ALWAYS be top in dps charts, their the only dps class. Their also extremly squishy in PvE content, the typical glasscannon.
    TR basicly have no AoE skills and are only good for bosses, and aoe disarming trashmobs.
    So you want to take that away aswell becouse you want to be top dog in ST on bosses aswell? yea..sounds really fair.

    Theres only a handful good GWF out there, that actually tries to play ther class as a GWF and not a single target dps class, that ends up in top 2 just below the Rogue, which they should be.

    When the TR gets nerfed becouse of all the whining and it will be the worst class to bring to dungeons, every scrub CW and GWF will think their fine becouse they get higher dps in the charts, and TR cant kill them in PvP.

    GWF should be the best AoE class, that i agree, CW shouldnt be as good in AoE as they are now, their a controll class. Clerics shouldnt do as much AoE either.

    In no situations should any other class then a Rogue be at the top in the charts, and by a good margin.

    I'm not sure if you're incredibly stupid or trolling.
  • gosugoosegosugoose Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not only do TRs have a higher innate deflect chance, but deflect is twice as effective on a rogue than any other class. Scale armor does have slightly more AC but it's not nearly enough to make up the difference in deflect. Also base class health is pretty much the same.

    Rogues don't have any innate threat modifiers but since they do more damage it's impossible for a gwf to pull threat from a rogue unless the gwf specs for threat modifiers.

    ^You're wrong or built your GWF wrong. Dex is 0.5% for rogues and GWF's. Please take a seat.
  • snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    gosugoose wrote: »
    ^You're wrong or built your GWF wrong. Dex is 0.5% for rogues and GWF's. Please take a seat.

    Charisma gives 1% deflection for rogues in addition to the .5% for dex.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just change their roles, make the GWF a striker and the TR a pathfinder, problem solved.

    Because that would work. The rogue has been replaced by a rainbow trail, stay tuned for more glorious updates....

    The problem is the GWF needs tweaked. Its aoe should hit all targets in range and dps should not be cut per target basis. It should probably do about 2x the damage from aoe attacks. And it needs a single target focused paragon path that should be on par with a TR.
  • gosugoosegosugoose Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Rogues don't stack Charisma. The most popular roll is 20-13-13 then put +1 into Str/Dex.
  • snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    gosugoose wrote: »
    Rogues don't stack Charisma. The most popular roll is 20-13-13 then put +1 into Str/Dex.
    It's actually quite common for rogues to stack charisma, but it doesn't matter since with your numbers even without stacking charisma the bonus to deflect from charisma at 60 with the fire buff would be the equivalent to a GWF having an extra 24 dex.
  • khatzhaskhatzhas Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Not only do TRs have a higher innate deflect chance, but deflect is twice as effective on a rogue than any other class.
    Are you sure? My rogue only deflects for 25%, whereas my GWF deflects 50% of damage.
    Scale armor does have slightly more AC but it's not nearly enough to make up the difference in deflect. Also base class health is pretty much the same.
    Ah. Yep. I misread the Con.
    Do Rogues have an equivalent stat that reduces an opponent's Armour Penetration and similar effects?
    Rogues don't have any innate threat modifiers but since they do more damage it's impossible for a gwf to pull threat from a rogue unless the gwf specs for threat modifiers.
    I'm fairly sure that only holds true if they are both attacking only one target. I can't see a rogue being able to keep aggro on a group if a GWF starts working on it.
  • snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    khatzhas wrote: »
    Are you sure? My rogue only deflects for 25%, whereas my GWF deflects 50% of damage.

    Ah. Yep. I misread the Con.
    Do Rogues have an equivalent stat that reduces an opponent's Armour Penetration and similar effects?

    I'm fairly sure that only holds true if they are both attacking only one target. I can't see a rogue being able to keep aggro on a group if a GWF starts working on it.

    The deflect severity numbers are misleading. Rogues take 25% of the damage on a successful deflect everyone else takes 50%.

    The con armor pen either doesn't work, so small it's worthless, or is misunderstood. There is a rather large thread on it in the Barracks.

    It's true that the rogues would have trouble pulling 5 enemies from a GWF but they could almost certainly take 3 or less without much trouble. The scenarios become all very hypothetical though, it could be argued from either viewpoint depending on the situation.
  • astronaxastronax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vargoth77 wrote: »
    1) Here's the real truth of this matter:
    The GWF should do the MOST damage in the game per hit (encounter and at wills); the very idea of the class is to sacrifice everything for damage (all out strength, all out weapon size, w/e is more destructive/damaging is what defines the class). In other words, they should be at the top of the damage meter with ease YET what we see is they are near the bottom. How could this very simple class been messed up so badly?
    Rogues: should do the least damage in the game ESPECIALLY when compared to a GWF. Rogues are trying to cause damage with glorified knives...which aren't even long enough to be able to penetrate through the hides of some of the monsters in DnD let alone do any meaningful damage.
    I would suggest lowering their damage to sub-meaningful unless they have combat advantage, are stealthed, or are behind their target; this would simulate sneak attack damage which, at its best, should never surpass GWF damage. As is, a rogue can go toe to toe with a GWF and just flat out dps him down without even using stealth; the idea of that is just insanely ridiculous.
    A GWF should crush a rogue 1 v 1 for a joke. The only way a rogue should have a chance vs. a GWF 1 v 1 is if the rogues has a vast gear superiority, the GWF is already at 1/2 health and/or is partially afk. In otherwords, a rogue should NEVER be able to 1 v 1 a GWF. The very idea of a GWF is a slayer of rogues by the dozens; a GWF should laugh at the idea of fighting even two or 3 rogues;

    Im not playing rogue or GWF, but i totally agree with this idea. Tho, it sucks in author realiztion. GWF should not be top damage dealer. I it should really depend on encounter. If it is a big-<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> golem in front of your group, noone can deal with it better than fighter, weilding 2H mace. If its a group of adventurers - rogue can just sneak behind and slit few throats before someone even realize what happened.
    As u told - think about realism. "NEVER be able to 1 v 1 a GWF"? Lol imagine you are a GWF, walking down the street. Suddenly rogue appears behind and stab you through the eye-hole in your helmet. No matter how tough you are, you die same instant. But if rogue appears in FRONT of GWF, requesting fair fight, like it is now - thats a joke, rly.

    So, basically, they should cut rogue's up-front damage like in half, but from other hand add more opportunities to do damage from behind/stealth/with combat advantage.
  • khatzhaskhatzhas Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    The deflect severity numbers are misleading. Rogues take 25% of the damage on a successful deflect everyone else takes 50%.
    Ah. Tooltip bugged? I take it it should say deflect severity of 75%?
    The con armor pen either doesn't work, so small it's worthless, or is misunderstood. There is a rather large thread on it in the Barracks.
    I thought that discussion was due to people thinking that it was an offensive stat, not a defensive, mitigation one?
    The issue was that they assumed it boosted their armour penetration, rather than reducing their opponent's. As far as I'm aware, no-one has done enough testing to show that it doesn't work.
  • savagedeaconsavagedeacon Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    astronax wrote: »
    Im not playing rogue or GWF, but i totally agree with this idea. Tho, it sucks in author realiztion. GWF should not be top damage dealer. I it should really depend on encounter. If it is a big-<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> golem in front of your group, noone can deal with it better than fighter, weilding 2H mace. If its a group of adventurers - rogue can just sneak behind and slit few throats before someone even realize what happened.
    As u told - think about realism. "NEVER be able to 1 v 1 a GWF"? Lol imagine you are a GWF, walking down the street. Suddenly rogue appears behind and stab you through the eye-hole in your helmet. No matter how tough you are, you die same instant. But if rogue appears in FRONT of GWF, requesting fair fight, like it is now - thats a joke, rly.

    So, basically, they should cut rogue's up-front damage like in half, but from other hand add more opportunities to do damage from behind/stealth/with combat advantage.

    Except that that is not going work in an action game, if you are playing a pen and paper roleplaying game , yes because for it to work all the gm has to do is roll an dice and say : you rolled a twenty, you successfully move behind your enemy and strike him for 3d6+2, in an action game like neverwinter the rogue would be dead, thanks to his low armor class too, before he has a chance to move, in fact even now the rogue is the class that need more healing potions to be alive at the end of a fight.
    If they should follow the "advice" of lowering the rogue damage the class would be totally unplayable they would
    better off to delete it wholly
    Rule of thumb in an action game :low defenses high damage, high defenses low damage.
    Reality doesn't work in a video game
  • pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    astronax wrote: »
    Im not playing rogue or GWF, but i totally agree with this idea. Tho, it sucks in author realiztion. GWF should not be top damage dealer. I it should really depend on encounter. If it is a big-<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> golem in front of your group, noone can deal with it better than fighter, weilding 2H mace. If its a group of adventurers - rogue can just sneak behind and slit few throats before someone even realize what happened.
    As u told - think about realism. "NEVER be able to 1 v 1 a GWF"? Lol imagine you are a GWF, walking down the street. Suddenly rogue appears behind and stab you through the eye-hole in your helmet. No matter how tough you are, you die same instant. But if rogue appears in FRONT of GWF, requesting fair fight, like it is now - thats a joke, rly.

    So, basically, they should cut rogue's up-front damage like in half, but from other hand add more opportunities to do damage from behind/stealth/with combat advantage.

    This game is made to accommodate this sort of gameplay, especially in PvP. Everyone just zips around like their on skates, and there's flashy spell animations obscuring your view of everything. If positioning was suddenly to become a rogue's main source of damage, then the movement speed and attack animation of all the classes would need to be severely reduced.

    This is an action game, your suggestion just isn't feasible.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pinkfont wrote: »
    This game is made to accommodate this sort of gameplay, especially in PvP. Everyone just zips around like their on skates, and there's flashy spell animations obscuring your view of everything. If positioning was suddenly to become a rogue's main source of damage, then the movement speed and attack animation of all the classes would need to be severely reduced.

    This is an action game, your suggestion just isn't feasible.

    I completely disagree. I think there is huge opportunity for this. It would make the rogue take some skill (more like it did vanilla WoW). Backstab was the main ability but it only worked... stabbing their back. An entire rogues damage SHOULD be through proper placement/utilization aka doing more damage via attacking the back...

    A rogue should get dumped on if they stand infront of a target, rogues SHOULD be forced to play like ninjas, tons more damage from stealth, tons more damage from the back, but 1v1 upfront. Not even a contest. They should "wait in the shadows" for the proper time and place to strike... Not stand toe to toe with a GWF or GF and sometimes win... It makes no sense...
  • savagedeaconsavagedeacon Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    I completely disagree. I think there is huge opportunity for this. It would make the rogue take some skill (more like it did vanilla WoW). Backstab was the main ability but it only worked... stabbing their back. An entire rogues damage SHOULD be through proper placement/utilization aka doing more damage via attacking the back...

    A rogue should get dumped on if they stand infront of a target, rogues SHOULD be forced to play like ninjas, tons more damage from stealth, tons more damage from the back, but 1v1 upfront. Not even a contest. They should "wait in the shadows" for the proper time and place to strike... Not stand toe to toe with a GWF or GF and sometimes win... It makes no sense...
    It make no sense either that a Great Weapon Fighter moves so fast like a rogue, that when knocked down he is able to get up istantly , that his horse is able to run so fast as those that are carryng characters that have no armor, that he is able to swim at all , that the foes are not able to hear him aproaching a mile away, that he is able to jump like the Hulk and so on. Beside that...what you really want is that GWF would win everytime since all the GWF would have to do would be stand before the TR and swing whereas the TR should have to pull complicated maneuvers almost impossible to do vs an enemy that is able to move so fast like you
  • th0rfinnth0rfinn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    selonw wrote: »
    Its only that there are about 3-4 players on the whole server that knows how to play a GWF in PvP

    Does that mean that anyone can play a rogue in PvP? I wonder why is that...
  • tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    th0rfinn wrote: »
    Does that mean that anyone can play a rogue in PvP? I wonder why is that...

    So why is it that you are bad at it or would be bad at it if you played it?
  • nilsemannilseman Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    GWF is the most useless class atm. In PvP its not even a joke. It's sad.

    Trying to find a group for T1 or T2 as a GWF is just lolz. Noone in their sane mind would bring a GWF over a TR or a CW.
  • titanv2titanv2 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Imo, classes got messed up because PWE have never tested things for themselves. This is a fact. If they did then they are retarted. Here is my reasoning. After 5 minutes of playing the game i could pick out obvious flaws (GWF compared to TR) that have not been addressed, even in recent patches.
    On the other hand (worse for PWE imo), in the event that they did test the game after every patch (have atleast ONE person from company play and report things to you) and picked up on all the flaws (imbalance, glitches, exploits ect) then they did not have the KNOWLEDGE or manpower to fix it. Soooo. yea i'm sticking to non PWE games. GLad i didn't buy founders HOLY <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> talk about overpriced and worthless due to exploits ruining economy and no rollback
  • ausdoerrtausdoerrt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The GWF should do the MOST damage in the game per hit (encounter and at wills); the very idea of the class is to sacrifice everything for damage (all out strength, all out weapon size, w/e is more destructive/damaging is what defines the class).

    I don't think that's the idea of the class at all.
  • e11ze11z Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    The kids love easy mode. :rolleyes:

    Wow embrace you must really love this game to still be playing and complaining on the forums every single day! And surprise surprise!! to find you in another TR QQ thread!
    nilseman wrote: »
    GWF is the most useless class atm. In PvP its not even a joke. It's sad.

    Trying to find a group for T1 or T2 as a GWF is just lolz. Noone in their sane mind would bring a GWF over a TR or a CW.

    I would take a gwf any day. But only my guildy one since for some reason 80% of the GWF's struggle so much in this game.
    Single target DPS don't mean **** when you have 20 elite adds.
    That goes for pvp as well.
    titanv2 wrote: »
    Imo, classes got messed up because PWE have never tested things for themselves. This is a fact. If they did then they are retarted. Here is my reasoning. After 5 minutes of playing the game i could pick out obvious flaws (GWF compared to TR) that have not been addressed, even in recent patches.
    On the other hand (worse for PWE imo), in the event that they did test the game after every patch (have atleast ONE person from company play and report things to you) and picked up on all the flaws (imbalance, glitches, exploits ect) then they did not have the KNOWLEDGE or manpower to fix it. Soooo. yea i'm sticking to non PWE games. GLad i didn't buy founders HOLY <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> talk about overpriced and worthless due to exploits ruining economy and no rollback

    No the classes ain't messed up. The gear differences and the ability to PAY TO WIN is messed up. But at the same time who cares, pvp is just a side quest in this game anyways. As much fun it is, it's hardly challenging or difficult considering you have about 6 buttons to press with 3 you press every 10 seconds.

    I'm sorry the game wasn't up to your standards Titanv2. But oh well I hope you find your fun in whatever future game you play! Have fun and take care!
    The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
  • gaatorgaator Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 104
    edited June 2013
    ausdoerrt wrote: »
    I don't think that's the idea of the class at all.

    What an ignorant comment. Who is the GWF?

    ... "The Great Weapon Fighter is an unstoppable force of damage and steel, skilled in using the weight of a greatsword to dispatch those that stand in the way. The epitome of strength, the Great Weapon Fighter is also resilient enough to defend allies in need."
    e11z wrote: »

    No the classes ain't messed up. The gear differences and the ability to PAY TO WIN is messed up. But at the same time who cares, pvp is just a side quest in this game anyways. As much fun it is, it's hardly challenging or difficult considering you have about 6 buttons to press with 3 you press every 10 seconds.

    I'm sorry the game wasn't up to your standards Titanv2. But oh well I hope you find your fun in whatever future game you play! Have fun and take care!

    No, the classes aint messed up?

    You realize you cared enough to type an apostrophe inside a word that doesn't exist, you must have totally forgotten the correct word which in this case is, isn't. Your vocabulary speaks volumes on your competence when it comes to medial, insignificant tasks. I wonder how well it demonstrates your intelligence over all? One can only guess. Though if I were to ever take someone's opinion I would be sure to never side with the guy who sounds like a complete fool when responding to someone who has made a well thought out post.

    As for the comment on 'pay to win', just lol.. stop being a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> child and wake up to real life. The whole <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> world is pay to win. Sorry you cant steal your mothers credit card every 20 minutes you want to buy something from the zen store. Companies need money, especially companies who released a FREE game to people who demand everything but dont even fork over a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> dollar to support the game. Then ***** when updates arent being released within their 'schedules'

    Whether you believe it or not, the classes ARE 'messed up' though the overall impact on Cryptic and PWE's oversight in to the matter is a little over the top. I actually read about 10 pages of this thread and still fully agree with OP's original post. The TR's damage should remain the same only while in stealth, CA, or behind their target. Outside those boundries however I would agree that the damage needs to be at least cut in half.

    GWF has some great abilities, so great in fact I believe it was Cryptic/PWE's intent to release this character "low" and build him up with demand from the community. If the GWF came off the shelf with crazy damage I dont think the game would really be that fun for them. I can just see it now, children from all over the world getting on their computers after a hard day at high school, logging in to the neverwinter forums and crying their little undies off over how OP the gwf is.

    Dont take my opinion for fact, please. Im just saying this after building a teifling rogue to 60, an elf control wiz to 60, a halfling gwf to 60, a human cleric to 60 and now a half orc rogue in progress.
This discussion has been closed.