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If you could remake the GWF what would you do?



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    vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    xeromus20 wrote: »
    i'm guessing no.

    So, you figure out the things by making guesses? Says a lot about your intelligence.
    Now repeat after me: unlike any other class the GWF lacks the one feature he is supposed to have: delivering damage.
    English is not my first language.
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    xeromus20xeromus20 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vortix44 wrote: »
    So, you figure out the things by making guesses? Says a lot about your intelligence.
    Now repeat after me: unlike any other class the GWF lacks the one feature he is supposed to have: delivering damage.

    GWF delivers damage when used properly.

    Or was I supposed to lie and say it does no damage?
    Paradigm - Instigator Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer - 13k GS
    Instigate and Eradicate
    Alek Silverkin - Sentinel Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer - 11k GS
    How do you kill that which gets tankier the more you hit it?
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Instead of increasing the effectiveness of lifesteal, I'd much rather see something like a movement->lifesteal feat similar to how Steely Defense works, except probably a better ratio. Since we have to actually move to evade attacks it'd be nice to have some incentive to stack movement.

    Its a thought. I was going for being hit by a bunch of peons, rather than a boss. A boss, I can sprint out or usually manage it. Jumping onto 10 mobs, though, at higher levels the dps they do is nuts and you can't avoid all of them, not even talking red circles or power attacks just their basic hits add up to bad in a hurry. That is the most risky thing for me, hands down, is a group of peons.
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would make sure it could hit harder than a Rogue that just throws daggers from 30ft away.

    I was thinking weak but infinite supply. Rogues run out of ammo in a hurry, and I would rather have an at-will modest damage attack that had no "charges" or whatever the word for "ammo" is.
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    murdurus211murdurus211 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1.) Improve Sure Strike's damage and remove the last hit dealing extra damage. The problem is that when fighting just about anything, getting the first 3 hits are normally fine because they're fast but landing the fourth and final hit is slow. Now throw in the fact that there are knockdowns, knockback and knockups, it becomes a decision-making process; should I try for the fourth hit or move, if I get the fourth hit, I deal more damage, if I move, I lose the extra damage on the fourth hit. A ton of bosses require the move-out-of-the-red-circle mechanic and the current state of Sure Strike is probably the worst possible mechanic for fights like those.

    2.) Speed up Flourish or remove the start up time and make it instant. Again, the red circle mechanic is detrimental to this skill. Hit this skill at the same moment that an AoE is incoming and the GWF is screwed since not only is the animation very slow and long but given that Sprint also doesn't have a dodge effect, trying to Sprint out of it at the fastest possible moment still means the GWF gets hit. Toss in lag and the GWF may as well sit in the red circle and continue swinging instead of attempting to move.

    3a.) Fix Unstoppable's CC immunity. I have activated this and STILL get knocked around by bosses. What good is this if I activate it and get knocked around and not able to do anything during the duration?

    3b.) Increase Determination gain from Destroyer's Purpose capstone. Before I got this capstone, I was like, "Man, I really wished I had that right now so I can build determination while attacking stuff," then I got it and I was incredibly underwhelmed. The gain from it is close to nil, I may as well had spent this point elsewhere as the increase is almost unnoticeable. It should be an inherent ability of Determination if the gain is that small.

    3c.) Allow Determination to build while in Unstoppable, albeit at a slower rate. Currently, Determination meter continues to drain while in Unstoppable and there's NOTHING a GWF can do to lengthen the amount of time when Unstoppable is activated; any damage dealt or taken that normally would build Determination doesn't build Determination. I don't even care if this takes place of Destroyer's Purpose but I feel like it should be an innate feature for GWFs.

    4.) It's a general misconception that GWFs are better at AoE damage than say a rogue as that is what would only make sense; GWF can AoE damage better and rogues are better at single targets. In its current state, GWF and rogues deals about the same in AoE damage and GWF is left in the dust when it comes to single targets. Make it so that there is no longer a reduction in hitting multiple targets when using AoE abilities. Furthermore, increase the radius of abilities that have the capability of hitting multiple targets such as Sure Strike, IBS, etc. In their current states, it is incredibly rare to hit multiple targets with those skills unless the mobs are lined up perfectly or if a CW uses Arcane Singularity. Outside of Arcane Singularity, I can probably count in one hand the amount of times I have hit multiple targets with a skill like Sure Strike. Increase the radius so that it can actually reliably hit multiple targets if they are standing next to each other. What point is there to be swinging a giant two handed sword if I can't even cleave the targets standing right next to them?

    5.) Increase radius and duration of suction for Come and Get It. The radius of the skill is laughable and the duration of the pull is so short, I find it difficult to find a purpose for this skill. Even if I used it to pull mobs from the DC, it only lasts for about a second before they're back to chasing him/her. I'm not expecting something as long as Arcane Singularity but it would be nice if it lasted longer so that it actually pulls stuff away from the CW and DC.

    6.) Increase the debuff duration of Weapon Master's Strike by 2-3 seconds more. Currently, if I use Weapon Master's Strike and immediately do Sure Strike, I can only do a 4-hit combination attack followed by a 3-hit combination attack before the debuff wears off right before the second fourth hit of Sure Strike lands. Essentially, this means that if I want to keep up the debuff 100% of the time right now, it would probably be best for me to do WMS, 4-hit combination with Sure Strike, WMS, etc.

    7.) Indomitable Battle Strike applies a debuff that gives the GWF AP when the target dies working similarly to Prophecy of Doom for DC's. With how much health targets have, landing the last hit with IBS is very difficult, not to mention it also hurts the GWF's dps if they are trying to save it for last hit to get AP.

    8.) Focused Destroyer should up the proc rate to 20/40/60/80/100%. Given how often we're forced to move out of things or getting knocked around, keeping the Destroyer buff up is somewhat difficult. Hitting 3 enemies with a skill isn't very practical since adds aren't generally next to the boss.

    These are merely suggestions that I feel would improve GWFs. I'm not sure by how much but I would definitely like to see some, if not all, of these changes.
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