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If you could remake the GWF what would you do?

heliosesperadaheliosesperada Member Posts: 7 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Militia Barracks
If you could re-work all the skills and feats in the GWF what would you change? The forums are full of 'buff the gwf' threads but no one really says what they'd want buffed. Just "fix it!" like that's constructive enough for the devs to work with. You can't expect things to get fixed if you can't properly convey what's wrong. Having played many, many beta mmo's I've seen it happen all too often that the player base demands something then they get it and it doesn't fix the problem.

So, to start us off here's what I'd change:(Anything I don't mention I wouldn't change)

At wills:
Sure Strike: Add a 5% bonus to crit and crit severity when you have combat advantage.

Wicked Strike:5% damage increase. Slightly faster swing, reduce the damage penalty for hitting multiple targets.

Mighty Leap: I'd leave this alone more or less but add that if you land very close to the target it is knocked down or at least stunned.

Daring Shout: Reduce incoming damage by 5% per target hit increasing to 7 and 9% at higher ranks. Change the mark to giving combat advantage against affected enemies.

Come and Get it: Lasts for 3 attacks instead of one increase duration of buff to 6 seconds.

Battle Fury:Increase duration by 2 seconds per rank. As a self buff skill it really needs to last longer.

Class Features:
Destroyer: 30% chance to increase damage when hitting a target increasing when multiple targets are hit. Increases damage by 4% per stack. Max of 3 stacks.

Steadfast Determination: Reduce rate at which determination depletes while unstoppable by 10/20/30%.

Steel Blitz: base chance to activate would also increase with ranks by 2% per rank.

Spinning strike: Improve the damage scaling on this ability. It's too weak for a skill that prevents you from doing anything else while doing it. Making slam universally better rather than an alternative option.

Savage Advance: Tweaked so that the advance is the first part of the skill not the second. smashing the target would at the same time push away everyone around it isolating your victim.


Unstoppable Action: Reduced to 3 ranks instead of 5 scaling at 6/12/16%.
Disciple of Strength increased to 5 ranks: 2/4/6/8/10% increase.
Toughness: Max ranks increased to 5 scaling at 3/6/9/12/15% of max HP.

Fast runner reduced to 3 ranks: 6/12/18%
Endless Assault increased to 5 ranks: 2/4/6/8/10%

Grit: Increase to 1.5/3/4.5% of max hp as temporary hit points.
Critical Focus:2/4/6% crit chance <-GWF's have a few important feats that require crits so they need this bonus to crit chance.
Devastating critical: 6/12/18% crit severity increase.
Ubiquitous shield reduced to 3 ranks: 5/10/15%

Fleet Footed now only 3 ranks: 4/8/12%
Stunning Flourish Replaced with "Stunning Brutality": Encounter powers have 2/4/6/8/10% chance to stun targets for .5 seconds on hit.
Instigators Vengance: Change the stack gain condition to Gain stacks when you are affected by CC. No longer lose stacks for being hit.

Deep Gash: Allow for a second stack of bleeding to be applied. Change the scaling to 4/8/12/16/20% of power.

Disciple of war: Grants 1.5/3/4.5/6/7.5% armor penetration

Executioner Style: Increase the damage of your attacks when hitting a single target instead of only affecting reaping strike.

Focused Destroyer: Grants an additonal .25/.5/.75/1/1.25% damage per stack of destroyer.

Destroyers Purpose: Remove the damage penalty to at-will's while unstoppable in addition to generating determination with damage.

Sentinels Aegis: Replace the bonus to restoring strike with with Gain 2% regeneration while Unstoppable. Also generate extra threat while Unstoppable.

Basically I'd cut down on the 'skill specific' feats that are killing a lot of build potential, and make the feats more generalized while improving their raw damage capability by improving their self buffs rather than just beefing up the base damage of skills.
Post edited by heliosesperada on


  • ioannides5ioannides5 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    biggest things i would change are

    1) strong at-wills.... GWFs at-wills hit like wet noodles.

    2) Better power conversion on encounters; We wield giant 2h-weapons... our single target encounters SHOULD HIT HARD.

    3) change our shift ability to something like the charge encounter, to better simulate a proper dodge mechanic... sprinting is friggen useless.
  • malganysxmalganysx Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    no... the GWF single target encounter should be the stronger attaks in the game... coz of 2h weapon... this is a s.it.... all do more damage than a GWF.. lol this is not D&D guys... 2h hit 1d12... bha.. ridiculus
  • rokurrokur Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2013
    ioannides5 wrote: »
    biggest things i would change are

    3) change our shift ability to something like the charge encounter, to better simulate a proper dodge mechanic... sprinting is friggen useless.

    +1 GWF shift ability is to bad :(
  • thortalosthortalos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To all the players who say GWF shift is bad... you are crazy. It lets you get out of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and still be close enough to continue attacking your targets. I made a TR alt, I spend more time running back to the mobs after dodging than I do dpsing...
  • fordrainefordraine Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thortalos wrote: »
    To all the players who say GWF shift is bad... you are crazy. It lets you get out of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and still be close enough to continue attacking your targets. I made a TR alt, I spend more time running back to the mobs after dodging than I do dpsing...

    It also requires you to start running immediately as the attack happens. If you wait more than 1 second you will get hit, even if you're in the middle of sprinting. As a dodge class you can dodge at the last moment and take no damage. Sprinting has its advantages, and is practically essential to GWF to be able to keep up with adds in a boss fight, but it's pretty lame to have 0 iframes. If not iframes, then at least a 0.5 sec CC immunity would be helpful. Can't tell you how many times I've sprinted 15 feet away from that TR's Dazing Strike and he still hits me with it.
  • thortalosthortalos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Then an invulnerability window could be added, but it might be tricky then because you can exploit that rather easily. I've gotten pretty good at dodging with it, personally, so tweaking rather than replacing would be ok in my book.
  • patsboempatsboem Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Make sure strike do 100% more damage and scale off power. (its completely under powered and makes no sense)

    2. make sprint less expensive and/or A; dodge inc. damage (like dodge or all ather tabs/classes avoid damage) B; do damage when you hit mobs.

    Those 2 points would make the GWF a bit better when you solo or help to take down elites/bosses. (agree: its like hitting with wet noodles now and its a shame with such a big weapon).
  • modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Some at wills and encounters needs som minor tweakin Other then that i think the class is pretty decent. The class is stuck with some really bad combinations of skills early in the game tho. I would propobobly swap those around a bit. The Destroyer passive is a really horrible choise as a first passive.
  • octavianoctavian Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    be patient ..they will fix this in time..it's Beta;)
  • chronomancerchronomancer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,223
    edited May 2013
    I will probably make a CW. I'm about to give up on the game.
  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1.) Sprinting. I don't have any problem with the mechanics of it, I just think it doesn't last long enough. Since we can't magically negate all damage while sprinting, making it less of an "absolute defense" than blocking or blinking, sprint should offer more uses/better duty cycle. Double the pool for stamina, double the recharge rate.

    2.) Replace Sure Strike with Wicked Strike, and increase the damage of Wicked Strike by 25%. It is utterly daft that the guardian gets an AOE at will at level 1, and a better one at that. GWF should start the game with his basic AOE at will, and it should be competitive.

    3.) Give Reaping Strike a chance to interrupt, knock back, or knock prone if fully charged before use. Random selection which will happen; swiss army two-hander of awesome. This justifies the mobility cost, and the fact that it can be interrupted before deployment.

    3.) Cause Restoring Strike to build Determination as well as restore health. The health effect alone isn't worth the bother.

    4.) As your level 20 at-will, you get Crippling Strike. When spammed, it behaves like Sure Strike does, except with higher single-target damage. It can be charged up to inflict bleeding damage and, on a crit, to knock the target prone (straight down, momentary) and apply a Stun effect.

    5.) The class feature that builds determination while in combat should instead give determination for every hit and a greater amount for every kill. These should be relatively small amounts optimized so that the GWF should typically have enough determination to go Unstoppable after clearing the trash of a group as they then turn to engage the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> of the group.

    6.) Ditch one of the other pointless class features in favor of one that gives the player radically increased Deflection against a target they pick by hitting it with a single-target ability. Only one target at a time can be picked in this fashion, and the effect is cleared if you use any AOE attacks.

    7.) Dailies;
    * Slam is too good. This should be a single damage event which knocks enemies prone with PBAOE.
    * Spinning Strike should increase defense while it's active.
    * Rework Avalanche of Steel into: 30 foot range. You lunge at a target. All enemies within 10 feet of the initial target take damage, are knocked prone for 3 seconds, and have no defense.
    * Rework Savage Advance into: All enemies except your chosen target are pushed back. For 5/7/9 seconds, against your selected target you do 50% more damage per hit and they take half the damage of any hits they land on you.

    In general, I've aimed to increase the GWF's single target potential. He already has no issue at all with clearing trash, but then neither does any other class. Where GWF bogs down is fighting badasses and bosses, against which he takes significant damage because he just can't kill them very fast. The emphasis moves into big hits and charged attacks, requiring good timing and tactical positioning to deploy your strikes. In other words, much more like a swordsman than a thug with an iron bar.
  • fordrainefordraine Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I won't address all your points, but a couple of them:

    3. Fyi, Restoring Strike also restores stamina. The heal is not very noticeable by itself, but when supplemented with talents... Grit for instance can give you 3% Temp HP when you heal yourself. Stacking Life Steal and critting with Restoring Strike can also heal a nice chunk of your HP. Then you have the capstone talent for Sentinel which makes RS heal for 50% more. If you build around RS, then it can be quite effective. It also hits pretty **** hard regardless of the heal, harder than Takedown and only slightly less than Flourish. I think RS is fine tbh. It looks like garbage at lower levels, because it is, but I'm 40 and haven't taken it off my bar yet.

    6. This talent already exists. It's called Master at Arms, and is a Tier 4 Sentinel feat. Gives you 3% deflect per stack of Weapon Master, and an extra 5 AC when you slot WM. Pair this with Bravery, and you have 30% Deflect just from talents. Crazy.

    7. Avalanche of Steel rework sounds like a ridiculous iWin button. 50% damage increase and 50% damage reflect? PvP would turn into - Activate SA. Use stunlock combo. Win. Also watch as Rogues nearly kill themselves attacking you.
  • omfgvexeromfgvexer Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    make slam crit, profit
  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    fordraine wrote: »
    I won't address all your points, but a couple of them:

    The problem here is that you're giving me specific end-game builds to do specific things. The GWF has builds that work. What they need is more "baseline" performance, before all the hardcore min-maxing. Which is what I envisioned.

    As far as PVP, I don't play it and I think it's silly. So we'll have to negotiate on how to make things useful for PVE without being crazy for PVP. My position is that the GWF needs a strong single-target daily power that can make meaningful dents in tough enemies, bearing in mind that the developers are the ones who set the bar for "tough enemies" at things that can hit for 10K damage and have millions of hitpoints. So what do you propose instead?
  • golbleengolbleen Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    From a PVE perspective? I honestly want to see what fixing aggro and maybe pumping our At-Will damage would do before going into any dramatic reworks of the class.

    It feels like there's a niche for us as it stands, just not one that will ever come into play right now because add control is primarily done by healers and their literally uncontrollable aggro and wizards with their unstoppable hard CC.
  • fordrainefordraine Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't have a comprehensive plan for improving the GWF, as I'm still learning its full capabilities as I level. But here I go:

    1. Sure Strike needs either a damage buff or a secondary effect. I didn't mean to discount your idea of a Deflect buff stacking, as I love that idea. I just didn't want to mix specialized benefits of Paragon paths with general defensive improvements. We also already have tons of stacking buffs (that don't last long enough to begin with) with WM, Destroyer and Master at Arms.

    2. I would love to have a "Counter" type move, where you take a defensive position for a few seconds, then become immune to the next melee attack done on you and retaliate in an AoE. Would mesh well with C&GI for adds, and would help throw a stick in the wheels of Rogues in PvP if you're skilled enough to pull it off. This fits in well thematically with the Swordmaster path as well.

    3. Determination - if either Steadfast Determination or the Destroyer capstone were made passive, this would help greatly with Determination management. We can even lower the amount granted when mobs are killed to compensate. If I had to choose, I'd go with the Destroyer "build determination on attack" as a passive, to reward skillful play as opposed to just being in combat. Determination is very lop-sided currently. If you're mowing guys down or taking tons of damage, it's up almost all the time. When you're not though, you never get to use it. I think this change would help with that.

    4. Which leads me to my next problem. Many of our Class Features are awesome, but I'll never use them because Bravery is amazing for mobility and extra defense, and Weapon Master helps all around when you spec for Critical Severity, Student of the Sword and Deep Gash(lol). I'm not sure how effective a crit build is, but I intend to find out once I hit 60. And that means I'll be using those two Features almost exclusively.

    5. Deep Gash is useless. Regardless of your critical severity, the Bleed does 15% of your Power over 5 seconds and does not stack. This is even crappier as we learned today thanks to Trickshaw that Power is almost completely useless.

    6. Power is useless in general, largely because it gives the least benefit for a slow-swinging Greatsword compared to all other weapon types. If we adjust Power values for the GWF, maybe we can see some decent increase in killing power without having to completely rework the class.

    I may have had some other ideas, but I'm burnt out for now.
  • zurkhonzurkhon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 390 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I would change this and that, adjust this, remove that, add this here and then rename it Barbarian or Berserker and label it a striker class, pop open a cold beer and call it a day! :cool:
    "Beware the engineers of society, I say, who would make everyone in all the world equal. Opportunity should be equal, must be equal, but achievement must remain individual."

    - Drizzt Do'Urden
    ― R.A. Salvatore
  • milke13milke13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zurkhon wrote: »
    I would change this and that, adjust this, remove that, add this here and then rename it Barbarian or Berserker and label it a striker class, pop open a cold beer and call it a day! :cool:

    It's already primarily labeled a striker.
  • demattodematto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd probably adjust the damage values on GWF weapons, possibly dramatically. Maybe 30-50%. It still lets rogues be 50-70% ahead of a GWF in terms of single-target output, but helps close the gap for 1v1 situations (Like killing anything that isn't a minion, which--no matter how many times people tell you you're an AOE melee--you're going to have to do. A lot.). Hopefully, this would boost our at-wills enough that we could realistically slot more utility powers in our loadouts if we choose.

    Improve Sprint Duration and Recharge Rate a bit to reflect the lack of an Iframe.

    AOE Tweak: I feel there should be two types of AOE targetting: Capped and Uncapped. A capped skill would be one that hits up to 5 targets, but there is none of this "Damage lost per target beyond the first". An Uncapped skill would have no limit on the number of targets it can hit, but damage is reduced for every target beyond the first.
  • modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Their ST dmg actually isn't that bad, Flurish-Takedown-Restoring-Strike are availible quit early in the game and all those abillties hit pretty hard with a short CD. If you use that rotation and make a full sure strike rotation between each encounter you pretty much can keep thas chain up permanently with some recovery gear. But you should really be looking for armour pen gear until you can get the feat that debuffs their defence by 35%. Then you can start stack recovery when that one is filled. Combine it with the feat that grants you extra armour pen based on your recovery and you will looking at some really nice hits. Just those two feats will bring your damage up between 12-25% dmg. I see alot of players goin for crit and crit dmg builds. Well it's nice when it happens, but you can't get the crit chance relieble high on GWF. And you sacrifice alot of other stuff when min maxing crit. Like AP and recovery, survival, armour pen, all you will be good at when goin for crit is is killing a low armoured NPC or Player really fast then be pretty much useless for a peroid of time. If you're one of those who likes getting really big crits and kill ST superfast, lvl up a TR coz they are alot better at it.
  • zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    GWFs need an increase to the damage of all of there powers more in line with the large 2handed weapons they wield. There base damage needs to relflect this. If this means GWF are the biggest baddest DPS's in dungeons because how they face plant trash mobs. SO be it. Then you might actually see them in end game dungeons. As long as the rogue still wins in single target DPS. even if the GWF is doubling the rogues damage versus trash and has only 75% of the rogues single target damage. The rogue is still a very valuable class to burn down boss fights. Which is the most important fight in the dungeon.

    GWFs need more party synergy. As they need to contribute to the party on par with the other classes in areas besides just damage. The need control powers and self healing powers on Par with the GF. Let the GF be better in damage mitigation and protective party buffs, while the GWF is better at damage. But for threat, healing and control the classes need to be about equal.

    That includes a knock power on the GWF on Par with Bull Charge. This one GF move does more damage and has more CC than any one of the GWF encounters
  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    modimor wrote: »
    I see alot of players goin for crit and crit dmg builds. Well it's nice when it happens, but you can't get the crit chance relieble high on GWF.

    My experience is somewhat different... My crit chance at level 54 is over 33%, and it's been crawling upward steadily. Plus 7.5% from weapon master, plus 5% if I'm flanking. I decided to prioritize Crit on all my gear because critting improves your damage by far more than Power or Strength will, and for GWF it also directly feeds into other things e.g. getting at least 3 crits per 5 seconds will keep your enemy's defenses reduced by 45%, and keep them taking 15% of your Power in DPS as bleed damage.

    Now, he *is* kind of fragile, but watching trash mobs just explode in a shower of numbers is kind of amusing.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not too much...

    swap the aoe at-will to be the first one you get, the single target ones later.

    add a feat that improves the effectiveness of life steal for aoe attacks (say 10% per point spent, 5 points). Aoe class designed to make 20+ mobs mad... they all hit you twice... this is rough at higher levels, and good life steal off aoe solves the issue.

    Dps tweak, generally increased but carefully balanced.

    add at least one useful ranged attack.
  • replicaclonedreplicacloned Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would make sure it could hit harder than a Rogue that just throws daggers from 30ft away.
  • steppenkatsteppenkat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    One thing that could make the GWF more bearable at earlier levels is to give Unstoppable a Lifesteal or Regeneration buff. It rewards you for taking damage and allows you to recover a bit.

    Also, most of the gear you find during leveling is pretty bad. Hardly any Recovery item (and it's very important for the class).
    - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
    - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
    - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
    - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)

    Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
  • snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    noroblad wrote: »
    Not too much...

    swap the aoe at-will to be the first one you get, the single target ones later.

    add a feat that improves the effectiveness of life steal for aoe attacks (say 10% per point spent, 5 points). Aoe class designed to make 20+ mobs mad... they all hit you twice... this is rough at higher levels, and good life steal off aoe solves the issue.

    Dps tweak, generally increased but carefully balanced.

    add at least one useful ranged attack.

    Instead of increasing the effectiveness of lifesteal, I'd much rather see something like a movement->lifesteal feat similar to how Steely Defense works, except probably a better ratio. Since we have to actually move to evade attacks it'd be nice to have some incentive to stack movement.
  • foolsyoufoolsyou Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would buff the health gain from restoring strike 1000-3000 hp is just not enough health at end game to save your life if your potions are on cd. I hope we get a free respec when ever they fix the class their are plenty of powers I have invested into that I just dont use.
  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    modimor wrote: »
    Their ST dmg actually isn't that bad, Flurish-Takedown-Restoring-Strike are availible quit early in the game and all those abillties hit pretty hard with a short CD.

    The problem with this is, if you slot all the single-target attacks, then you sacrifice vast swathes of your AOE potential which is where the GWF is actually strong. I don't see it as reasonable to have to slot and chain encounter powers to make up for a lack of basic raw DPS, when other classes do basic DPS just fine. Heck, I'm using Indomitable Weapon Strike, which seems to be the GWF's strongest single target encounter power, and it still barely makes a dent in the badasses I'm fighting like fire spikers or fire disciples. Not even on a crit: I hit a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for 8K, and it basically means nothing since they seem to have at least ten times that in hitpoints. To kill a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> with IWS, I have to wait until their health bar more or less disappears, otherwise it's wasted. Its primary function is to feed my dailies with the bodies of the trash, and then use the brokenly super-overpowered Slam when I get a few badasses or a boss.

    The I see a Rogue run through and kill everything in sight within 5 seconds without even seeming to try, and I question why GWF even exists. I would have given the character up a long time ago if not for playing with a friend.

    I don't think it's too much to ask that Sure Strike, or some other reworked single-target at will ability, actually do some significant damage with this four feet of cutting edge we've got.
  • vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Simply give the GWF what he is supposed to have: offensive skills. So that, if the CW fails his CC and the GWF comes close, the CW dies. If the Rogue does not evade the hit, he dies. If the Cleric is oom/on cd with his healing spells and finds himself fighting toe-to-toe with a GWF, he dies. If the GF fights a GWF then it's more or less a tie.
    As it is at the moment even if the GWF comes to close Melee fight, either the cleric/rogue/GF/mage will win hands down. The GWF should be given at least enough damage to defeat a bot from another class.

    That can be done by
    - Giving the GWF a natural ability to get rid of CCs/ranged attacks as soon as he runs away too far to be able to hit with his own 2H sword. This way, either he can be CC-ed but if the CC fails the the GWF can hit, or he escapes the CC but is too far away to hit.
    - Increasing the AT-will damage by 300%. That is, stop making the 2h-sword the weakest weapon of the game. Increase the single-target At-wills by 300% and the AOE AT-wills by 100%.
    - The range of the AOE can also be improved, so that a GWF standing at the beacon of a PvP domination arena would hit anything entering the circle.
    English is not my first language.
  • xeromus20xeromus20 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vortix44 wrote: »
    Simply give the GWF what he is supposed to have: offensive skills. So that, if the CW fails his CC and the GWF comes close, the CW dies. If the Rogue does not evade the hit, he dies. If the Cleric is oom/on cd with his healing spells and finds himself fighting toe-to-toe with a GWF, he dies. If the GF fights a GWF then it's more or less a tie.
    As it is at the moment even if the GWF comes to close Melee fight, either the cleric/rogue/GF/mage will win hands down. The GWF should be given at least enough damage to defeat a bot from another class.
    Have you actually played a GWF yet? Judging by your PvP summary of them i'm guessing no.
    Paradigm - Instigator Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer - 13k GS
    Instigate and Eradicate
    Alek Silverkin - Sentinel Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer - 11k GS
    How do you kill that which gets tankier the more you hit it?
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