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  • blaumkerblaumker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 75
    edited June 2013
    OP is being overly dramatic when he says that we are being "punished." It's been stated over and over that no one has to pay real cash for a respec if they so choose. You can sell ADs for Zen and use that for the respec token. However, the naysayers continue to ignore that fact. Is 200K really that much that it is "punishment?" Also, the rate of zen/AD will continue to fall until it reaches a more stable rate.

    It has been stated over and over again, but that doesn't make it true.

    AD has a direct conversion rate to zen. Zen is a directly cash purchased currency. Ergo, AD has a cash equivalent.

    Every single AD spent on something could have been spent on something else. 100k spent on a respec could have been a pair of keys, or dyes, or a portion or all of a myriad of direct cash purchases.

    It could also be gear improvements instead of fixing a spec because you just now found out that a full blown tank doesn't do much, utility spec is just kinda dumb for a trickster rogue, or that three out of five of the paragon feats you talented are actually broken with no timeline on when the fix will be released(revisit the GF tank tree for a really good reason to not charge at all for a respec).

    It is also a time investment. Now, even if you where to look at that 100k as "free", you can make 24k a day rough. That means that a simple respec--a normal MMO convenience--is going to cost you the entirety of your currency for four full days, plus a remainder from the fifth. Not a lot of time? No, not really, unless you're playing them on a broken spec that you've now inflicted on the rest of the community in all those dungeons, skirmishes, and PvP matches, plus the foundry missions you flounder through alone with your broken spec and lack of gear since you are saving your currency for that dang respec.

    At that point, it sure seems punitive, not only for the person with the spec problem, but everybody they come in contact with.
  • masterwodmasterwod Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've read through the discussion so far and it seems there are two paths. The ones who say the respecs need to be cheaper and the ones that say it's fine as is. I lean towards the side that says the respecs need to be cheaper.

    I think this way because in my opinion, some of the tools tips/descriptions do not give you enough information to choose wisely. Nor can you see how certain powers work from the description alone and you're curious on how all the powers function so you want to put a point into each one to test them out, which could limit your points later in your career.

    I do have a solution:
    1. Keep the price at 600 Zen to respec, but that includes a stat reroll and a new custom look (optional).
    2. Reduce the cost of a respec to change powers and feats to 100 Zen.
    3. Have an area where you can test new powers fully like in Champions Online. I would prefer this to a test server since that to me is a cumbersome mechanic.
  • spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Disregard good monetization

    Acquire currency.

    Anyways, there's a simple solution to the issue, if you don't want to grind like a lunatic or feel the AH is forced on you while you make your way about circumventing, don't do it. Weight up the disadvantage and advantages of re-rolling your character. If it's too high, don't play it. Just make sure your leaving thread is not an "I'm quitting thread" filled with complaints and a lack of fairness.
  • creator345creator345 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The biggest problem I see with this is:

    1.) Possible character rebalances in the future, that may force us to respec due to either nerfs or buffs. So if one of my characters got nerf I would have no choice but to pay $6 inorder to adjust my build.

    2.) Not all the paragon paths are out yet so we're pretty much have only one to choose right now. But when they do release in the future, will we have to pay $6 inorder to choose another path, I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't like this.

    If they don't give free respecs during those two above, things won't bold well for PW/Cryptic.
    "A sin is a terrible burden to bare, Remdemption is the only solution."
  • johnfelljohnfell Banned Users Posts: 408 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Firstly, I'm so relieved that you're not calling me a "fanboi."

    Did you even read the prior posts or mine completely? You don't have to pay real money for respec. How is it that you keep ignoring that fact?

    Okay, sadly I cant write sloooowly for you to comprehend the simplicity of what I'm actually telling you, but I'll say it one more time, taken from what you quoted of me;
    johnfell wrote: »
    It's a beta (according to Cryptic). Made for playtesting and finding bugs/exploits and broken mechanics. Who can honestly defend them charging real money (or lots of game hours spent working toward AD) for us helping them polish their product for them?

    Okay, now you claim I'm ignoring the fact that you don't have to pay real money for respec, yes? Fair conclusion of your argument?
    Now, read again what I wrote; "Who can honestly defend them charging real money (or lots of game hours spent working toward AD) for us helping them polish their product for them?"

    To make it as obvious as humanly possible, I'll repeat a certain part in caps lock for you; "... OR LOTS OF GAME HOURS SPENT WORKING TOWARD AD...."

    Now, take that sentence and put it back into it's context, and try again, real hard using aaaaall your tiny greys, to comprehend what I was actually saying. (Here's a freebie hint; it also is concerning the fact that this is a game in beta (testing) stage.)

    There yet? Wake me up when you arrive.
  • zedfighterzedfighter Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    arcbladez wrote: »
    Why do people still complain about this?

    If you want free respecs, then go play another MMORPG that charges you $10 to $60 to buy and own the game, then possibly spend another few $10 to $60+ for all the expansions, and then start paying $15/month!

    Or, you could play NW for free, and whenever you need a respec, you spend a puny little $5, respec and get it over with! Even if you did respec 4 to 5 or maybe even 10 times! 10 respecs = $50 !!!!!!!!!!! That is still nowhere near the amount of money you will spend playing a subscription based MMORPG! Or even Guild Wars 2! You gotta pay $50 for GW2! It's not free!!!

    I paid $60 for GW2
    I paid $60 for NW

    Respec in GW2 is a few silver.

    GW2 and ArenaNet's business model blow this heap out of the water in terms of value.
    PWE is just plain disgusting and pathetically greedy.
  • johnfelljohnfell Banned Users Posts: 408 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    zedfighter wrote: »
    I paid $60 for GW2
    I paid $60 for NW

    Respec in GW2 is a few silver.

    GW2 and ArenaNet's business model blow this heap out of the water in terms of value.
    PWE is just plain disgusting and pathetically greedy.

    Couldn't agree more. GW and ANet did it right, oh so right, compared to PWE, and this being 2013 you'd think that they would have looked around at the market abit before making such <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and/or incredibly sneaky greedy choices.

    And **** it, I really like this (half of a) game :P
  • joukuoj32joukuoj32 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    zedfighter wrote: »
    I paid $60 for GW2
    I paid $60 for NW

    Respec in GW2 is a few silver.

    GW2 and ArenaNet's business model blow this heap out of the water in terms of value.
    PWE is just plain disgusting and pathetically greedy.

    I was checking those packs(i really liked game), but when i checked what i get it was actually nothing.

    Sorry from $200 founder pack i want something like free respecs, all bags, biggest bank, 10char slots, epic assets for all professions(1 from each)

    Edit: Ofc all above is account wide
  • spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    they monetized the wrong stuff, and priced themselves out of the market.
  • unimatrixalpha1unimatrixalpha1 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    creator345 wrote: »
    The biggest problem I see with this is:

    1.) Possible character rebalances in the future, that may force us to respec due to either nerfs or buffs. So if one of my characters got nerf I would have no choice but to pay $6 inorder to adjust my build.

    2.) Not all the paragon paths are out yet so we're pretty much have only one to choose right now. But when they do release in the future, will we have to pay $6 inorder to choose another path, I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't like this.

    If they don't give free respecs during those two above, things won't bold well for PW/Cryptic.

    Cryptic will give free respecs whenever there is a major change to any class. They've repeatedly done so for STO, I can count about 8 times that they've given free respec tokens. It's standard fare for any MMO to do so.
  • unimatrixalpha1unimatrixalpha1 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    johnfell wrote: »
    Okay, sadly I cant write sloooowly for you to comprehend the simplicity of what I'm actually telling you, but I'll say it one more time, taken from what you quoted of me;

    Okay, now you claim I'm ignoring the fact that you don't have to pay real money for respec, yes? Fair conclusion of your argument?
    Now, read again what I wrote; "Who can honestly defend them charging real money (or lots of game hours spent working toward AD) for us helping them polish their product for them?"

    To make it as obvious as humanly possible, I'll repeat a certain part in caps lock for you; "... OR LOTS OF GAME HOURS SPENT WORKING TOWARD AD...."

    Now, take that sentence and put it back into it's context, and try again, real hard using aaaaall your tiny greys, to comprehend what I was actually saying. (Here's a freebie hint; it also is concerning the fact that this is a game in beta (testing) stage.)

    There yet? Wake me up when you arrive.

    As much an argument that you make for changes for respec, it will fall on death ears at Cryptic/PWE and will not change. They've had this system in place for years w/ STO and Champions Online (probably PWE's other MMOs also). When the game officially gets out of beta into final release, they will have a test shard where everyone can freely copy their toons to the test shard and respec all you want w/ out "punishment." It's the same system they have for STO.
  • johnfelljohnfell Banned Users Posts: 408 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    As much an argument that you make for changes for respec, it will fall on death ears at Cryptic/PWE and will not change. They've had this system in place for years w/ STO and Champions Online (probably PWE's other MMOs also). When the game officially gets out of beta into final release, they will have a test shard where everyone can freely copy their toons to the test shard and respec all you want w/ out "punishment." It's the same system they have for STO.

    Unless of course you could link me their official statement on the matter, because if one exists I have missed it entirely and would be interested in reading it.
    If not.... May I please borrow your magical Orb of Future Scrying and Divination? Since you seemingly _know_ how they'll handle _this_ game, I'd be interested to see for myself. No? Okay.

    Then I'll continue to voice whatever flaws and imbalances I see in this game, in hopes - vain or not - to help change this game for the better, together with the community.

    Regardless of the existence of your future scrying device, or your head being stuck in the sand, good luck to you.
  • lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Is there any way (Zen, Astral Diamonds, etc) to change your initial Ability Score point die rolls selections?
  • talonvectortalonvector Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    yeah this for sure is not a good idea to charge for a respec, or as much as they do. mount, companions things like that sure, mind u this is coming from some 1 that has spent about 80$ on this game so im not trying to get everything for free, but to go along with this the price for color changes, and trans moging gear is just rediculous.

    This as of right now is just a hold me over mmo till something like wildstar or eso comes out.
  • shod24shod24 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2013
    The best would be like WoW. You need play different paths with the same character and change between them with freedom., without be all time reset and putting skills and feat points. The item could cost 500 zen for example, and the respect 200 zen.
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