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Please do some class balancing ASAP - it's killing the game!



  • ioannides5ioannides5 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    * This is for the dev seekers * ...

    I have been involved with game design and developement for over thirty years ...

    I have play tested games with TSR and NES ...

    no offense but ... devs have more important things to do than to sift through 30,000+ posts for one or two good ideas

    most people think their idea is good or even great ... without even thinking on the impact of the game ...

    i see most of the complaints about the fighter classes ... simply making them more resistant to damage and adding knockdown effects to their attacks, would bring them back into the game ...

    increasing their damage only causes a need to scale everything up even more ...

    which causes a cheesing effect on game play ...

    For some1 who has been in "game design for over 30 years" you sure as hell have no idea wtf you're talking about.
  • xelqyplaxelqypla Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The game mechanics need to be changed before Fighters will become useful. Increasing Damage and Threat isn't going to make them more useful than Rogues or Wizards.
  • churchilligcchurchilligc Member Posts: 175 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Making them do better AoE damage than a CW (because they aren't doing it from range and don't have the CC to perma imob the mobs) and better single target damage since a GF and a TR both outdamage them single target would be a good start.

    Even a DC can out DPS a GWF if they spec for it/try.
  • invispoetinvispoet Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    you're confusing class balance with game mechanics.

    GWF damage is fine when geared, spec'd, and played properly.

    GF's can hold threat, and do a lot of damage while doing so...but they have to spec as a DPS to do so.

    The problem is that neither of these options are as good as a wizard 1 shotting mobss off of cliffs.

    Most (not all) of the teams doubling up on clerics are also doubling up on wizards for the knockbacks. There is a chance that double cleric circles is a bit overpowered, but the issue is really that the adds arent really being tanked or dps'd, so all you have is incidental damage (for the most part).

    If they fix the issue with knockbacks being superior to dps, and then fix the threat issues, it should work out.
  • churchilligcchurchilligc Member Posts: 175 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I really don't see that as the issue.
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ioannides5 wrote: »
    Sigh you're only level 20, therefor you have absolutely no idea what the hell you are talking about. Get to level 60, start doing T2s, and watch as you will never be invited to a group as a GWF or GF. Then come back to this thread, and revise your post please.
    Just because he is level 20 doesnt make his comment wrong. That comment just goes to show how unbalanced things get at higher levels.

    Just because he's level 20 doesnt mean he's wrong. He's gotten a feel for how things work and at that level it feels balanced. However in the higher levels that becomes greatly shifted.
  • gomok72gomok72 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ioannides5 wrote: »
    I just read the "state of the game article" (found here: http://nw.perfectworld.com/news/?p=896631), and could not be more disgusted or disappointed.

    Class balance should be the #1 topic you should be addressing! Hell, 2 out of the 5 current classes in the game, are utterly useless. Just read your own forums, at least 50% of the posts are people blowing up in disappointment over the horrible class balance, and even extremely thought out suggestions on how to fix the situation.

    As if you haven't heard it enough, here it is again, MAKE THE GF AND GWF VIABLE PLEASE!!!

    GF- suppose to be the tank of the game, yet they can't hold threat if their life depended on it, and get out-performed tremendously by running double cleric.

    GWF- apparently suppose to be a damage-dealing class, yet the damage they produce is well.. less then useful. Seriously, they are NOT an offtank, so people really need to stop saying they are, the whole goal of a GWF is to deal damage, just like the rogue, yet we can't. What I don't understand is, the GWF wields 2-handed weapons; isn't the whole purpose of a 2h class to deal STRONG, hard-hitting attacks? I understand that the idea of a rogue generally should produce more "DPS", otherwise know as damage over a period of time, compared to a 2-hand user, but shouldn't the 2-hand user hit harder PER attack?... IS THAT NOT THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF A 2-HANDED WEAPON? Rogues should be producing more dps with more frequent attacks, but on here they not only attack incredibly faster, but are also hitting incredibly harder per attack.. totally defeats the **** purpose of a 2-handed class and leads to incredibly imbalance.

    The worse part is, there's been so many suggestions, that will make class balance incredibly better, already posted on these forums.. EASY to fix ones too, yet still nothing has been done. In case you need yet ANOTHER reminder, here they are:

    1)Improve GF threat. This 1 speaks for it's self, GF not only cannot hold threat from clerics, but also from rogues due to their outrageous damage.. kind of makes the class useless, no?

    2)Reduce threat from healing. It's next to impossible to take threat from a cleric, it's actually pretty broken and stupid. No, not "hard" or "challenging", just stupid.

    3)The biggest issue for GF's currently (and I would say for pvp also), MAKE PRIEST'S CIRCLES NOT STACK!!. Who ever was the Einstein that thought letting circles stack was fair or a good idea, should really reconsider their role in game design. Whether it be ANY pve dungeon, or pvp for that matter, it's basically a "meta" to role with 2 clerics... Let me ask you, what kind of game design is that? Requiring to stack up on 1 particular class? In no way shape or form should the cleric circles stack at all with each other. Period.

    4)This one may seem a shocker to a few people, but DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT reduce TR damage (from PvE standpoint, they're really quite ridiculous in PvP currently), all this will do is bring up a sea full of tears from the rogue community because they may actually have to "try" just to bring in that incredibly high damage. On the flip-side, the change you DO need to make, is increase GWF damage. That's all there is to it. GWF's are a damage-dealing class that deal absolutely <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> damage. 2 biggest issues seem to be a) their at-wills dealing next to no damage at all (this is the biggest issue towards GWFs being useless, IMHO), and b) the over-all power conversion on all their abilities. Like previously mentioned, they wield a flipping 2-h weapon.. they SHOULD hit like a truck, not a wet-noodle covered in the softest feathers you've ever seen. Should rogues deal more DPS then GWF? Yes, of course. Should rogues deal more DAMAGE PER ATTACK then GWF? Absolutely not. Their dps should come from frequent attacks, get it right please. CW's are in a good spot right now.. they do decent damage, but strength comes from the huge CC capabilities they have.. GWFS ONLY deal damage.. yet they can't even do that effectively.

    Now, why is all this a big issue? Play a GF or GWF and you'll understand. Currently no GFs or GWFs are being invited to dungeon groups... the only thing you see are 2DC/2TR/1CW, or 2DC/1TR/2CW. The only way you'll do dungeons as a GF or GWF, is if 1) you're doing it with a group of friends/guildies who are kind of enough to tag you along, or 2) you start the group yourself.. which still can be so much hassle as no one wants to party with a GF or GWF. These issues should have been addressed and taken care of already, but they're not... and it's killing your game.

    I agree with this post, I just sent a bug report in today asking them to look at this class because it is currently **** right now. hugging a Cleric and worrying about Rogues and CW in PvP does not make you a good PvPer or player. CW blasting the hell out of mobs 5 times harder than what you hit as a GWF and AoEing much better (if they decided to). I leveled up a CW to 60 which is my main and I can honestly say they are a much funner class to play, much more effective in dungeons with AoE peels and CC and frankly more needed than a GWF.

    Do something about the dynamic of this current **** class, roll them back to how they were before.
    I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.

  • drogon4drogon4 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Completely agree with the OP.

    One of the biggest problems with the GWF is the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> damage of their at-wills relative to the other classes. This needs a straight buffing, especially their single target at-will.
  • chuckwolfchuckwolf Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    invispoet wrote: »
    you're confusing class balance with game mechanics.

    GWF damage is fine when geared, spec'd, and played properly.

    GF's can hold threat, and do a lot of damage while doing so...but they have to spec as a DPS to do so.

    The problem is that neither of these options are as good as a wizard 1 shotting mobss off of cliffs.

    Most (not all) of the teams doubling up on clerics are also doubling up on wizards for the knockbacks. There is a chance that double cleric circles is a bit overpowered, but the issue is really that the adds arent really being tanked or dps'd, so all you have is incidental damage (for the most part).

    If they fix the issue with knockbacks being superior to dps, and then fix the threat issues, it should work out.

    GWF damage is fine? Are you kidding me? In most PvE solo situations, which just happens to be what 99% of the game is it takes a GWF 5 swings of their AOE attack be it wicked strike or WMS to kill most adds of equal level, that amount increased even more if the mobs have more than 1 bar of health. Not to mention that going solo against a boss level creature it will take you literally hundreds of hits from sure strike and that includes throwing in the occasional daily, unstoppable and encounter abilities. so don't tell me they're not underpowered, the GWF should be doing at least 3 times the damage per hit that it's currently doing, I'd even venture for 4.

    Right from the very start of the game you can see the obvious difference between TR damage and GWF damage. Their very first at-wills and primary damaging powers. The TR does an average of 22 damage per hit and the GWF does 11 damage per hit. On top of that the TR attacks at least twice as fast as the GWF meaning right from the start the TR is doing 4 times the damage than the GWF is. And it just doesn't make sense especially considering the weapons they are using. You might say oh the GWF makes it up because he hits multiple foes with one swing, but fact is once the weak ones are dead (which takes a lot longer than it should unless you use Slam) you're still left alone against a tougher monster while trying to hit them with attacks that hit like a wet noodle.
    @Powerblast in game
  • kinnoyurikinnoyuri Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Dev's should really try to make GWF and GF for them selves and see hows the end game PVP is terribly bad, specially for this 2 classes. I'm a GW at 9k+ GS, I can say that GWF aren't that bad but, when you see CW and Rouges Squishing you like sh*t. Whats the point of dashing to them which leads to your own death. And one more thing, CMON the Dodge. Seriously the DODGE @_@
  • mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    It's not just astral shield stacking that is the issue, foresight stacks too I have no idea why DR effects stack it is strange.
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
  • iridium666iridium666 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fix GF's. CW and Rogues are taking my 30k hp down like I am a squishy target
  • elazaerothelazaeroth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    I have two experiences that personally brought the weakness of the GWF class home to me.

    I have been playing a GWF since the day open beta started. I have a gear score of around 9k. My first experience was compared with a trickster rogue. I was playing with at the trade of blades guildhall, he was dealing out massive crits enough to destroy the dummies. 41k he was achieving, where as I float around 10-12k on a crit. Now it's not a fair experiment we performed I know. There are no doubt differences in us.. But he could actually destroy the dummy, send it flying across the room. While I can't. We had similiar power and crit scores also. This spoke to me that something isnt quite correct after considering I have gone the "destroyer" paragon path and spent into every damage feat.

    My second experience which is a common one by the way is in pvp. I bring this particilar one up since it is a purified example of 1 v 1 pvp between a CW and myself playing GWF again. Normally CW's frustrate me with their amazing dodge skills. But this time I had caught a full hp CW out by himself in the open. Wizards should be frail. They are not normally warriors of constitution or strength. So knowing I had my Crescendo daily stocked up. I nailed into him with it all. Crescendo. Flourish. Takedown. Then "Indomitable strike". He got up brushed me off with 1/4hp and teleported away as his comrades forced me to retreat.

    Now sure. We dont know the stats or the ins and outs of this encounter but to me, this seems odd since a CW can unload on me from afar and kill me what I would consider too easily as I see my hp chunk away at an alarming rate.. And here I am attacking what should be the frailest class as apparently according to descriptions a dps destroyer build... And nada.

    "There is no room for '2' in the world of 1's and 0's, no place for 'mayhap' in a house of trues and falses, and no 'green with envy' in a black and white world. ~Ravel

    Scaling the rooftops of the Protectors Enclave since Beta Weekend #1.
  • tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Game is not dying.
  • tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    iridium666 wrote: »
    Fix GF's. CW and Rogues are taking my 30k hp down like I am a squishy target

    You are using a PVE build in PVP. Neverwinter's PVP centers around all classes being able to kill each other in 4 hits or less. The good PVP Guardian Fighters knows this and destroys people in pvp while the scrubs thinks they are suppose to be able to tank an entire team like 2 astral shields being stacked. (BROKEN)
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you remove threat from healing, some dungeons like castle never, spellplague and spider, will be much harder. It's your failed strategies and your failure to adapt, not a class balance issue.

    Here is a hint: the GF holds the boss or the big NPC (seriously, my pet tank holds more aggro than the GFs, WTF did these guys have in mind when they built their tank?), the GWF deals with small adds with AOE DPS, the cleric heals the group and holds aggro so that the CONTROL wizard (and not the dps wizard) can do his job and use map designs and cliffs to make it quicker. What else do you need? If you cant do that you should reconsider your build and your team strategies. All roles aren't "glorious" dps ones. Actually, all classes are support classes, except rogues. If you don't get that you will have issues.

    And if the devs complies to your wishes the game will be a pain to play and much harder.

    In dungeons, some teams take 2 healers because most CWs and GWFs don't know how to play their classes. GWFs tend to challenge rogues in terms of dps, and CWs will run dps builds instead of control ones. It's not the game design, it's 2 support class willing to dps. Imagine what would happen if I, cleric, would just behave like these people and tried a DPS cleric build (it's possible)? Would it work? No. I'm a support class and i run a support build, plain and simple. Blame players, not the game.
  • breagandaerthbreagandaerth Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ioannides5 wrote: »
    Sigh you're only level 20, therefor you have absolutely no idea what the hell you are talking about. Get to level 60, start doing T2s, and watch as you will never be invited to a group as a GWF or GF. Then come back to this thread, and revise your post please.

    If GF and GWF are never invited to groups, then are the videos faked to show them completing it?

    Try moving to beholder they get in groups there all the time.

    Or did you mean to say another word that doesn't mean NEVER?
  • th0rfinnth0rfinn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    If you're a GWF and doing more damage than your teamates INCLUDING GF that means your teamates are bad. For all those saying GWF are good please fight the first boss in this game on the bridge with a TR and a GWF and then proceed t lv.60 and check see for yourselves how much you get kicked out of party and if for whatever reason you're the leader and someone ask for leadership (lol) kick him out, he'll probably kick you out.
  • oghieroghier Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 84
    edited May 2013
    ioannides5 wrote: »
    3)The biggest issue for GF's currently (and I would say for pvp also), MAKE PRIEST'S CIRCLES NOT STACK!!

    The biggest issue for GF's is that they're useless in their role. They can't keep aggro off the cleric. Astral Shields are not the cause of your problem, but a workaround players use to beat content in the absence of a tank class.

    If they removed AS from the game altogether, GF's would remain a bad class that most people don't want in their group. *That* is what the devs need to address, and quickly.
    - Snit (Cleric, Dragon Server)
  • oghieroghier Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 84
    edited May 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    All roles aren't "glorious" dps ones. Actually, all classes are support classes, except rogues.

    That is an interesting (and accurate) way of phrasing it.
    - Snit (Cleric, Dragon Server)
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've got a TR near 60, a CW near 50 and just logged off in frustration after playing a GWF to 7.

    Maybe it gets better at later levels, but I doubt I have the stomach to find out. It's just no fun to swing a huge hunk of metal right through a mage in a dress, and then see only a sliver of a wound. But his acadabra hits me like a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    It's stupid, it looks like getting hit with a huge piece of metal, it should hurt like getting hit with a huge piece of metal. Not a swab.
  • elazaerothelazaeroth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    yerune wrote: »
    I've got a TR near 60, a CW near 50 and just logged off in frustration after playing a GWF to 7.

    Maybe it gets better at later levels, but I doubt I have the stomach to find out. It's just no fun to swing a huge hunk of metal right through a mage in a dress, and then see only a sliver of a wound. But his acadabra hits me like a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    It's stupid, it looks like getting hit with a huge piece of metal, it should hurt like getting hit with a huge piece of metal. Not a swab.

    Amen. Brudda. Amen.
    "There is no room for '2' in the world of 1's and 0's, no place for 'mayhap' in a house of trues and falses, and no 'green with envy' in a black and white world. ~Ravel

    Scaling the rooftops of the Protectors Enclave since Beta Weekend #1.
  • malganysxmalganysx Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yerune wrote: »
    I've got a TR near 60, a CW near 50 and just logged off in frustration after playing a GWF to 7.

    Maybe it gets better at later levels, but I doubt I have the stomach to find out. It's just no fun to swing a huge hunk of metal right through a mage in a dress, and then see only a sliver of a wound. But his acadabra hits me like a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    It's stupid, it looks like getting hit with a huge piece of metal, it should hurt like getting hit with a huge piece of metal. Not a swab.

    this is the situation... WAKE UP DEVS!!!! DO SOMETHING!!! GWF r the most useless class of the game!!! it must have the best burst in the game together with rogue...
  • pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    malganysx wrote: »
    this is the situation... WAKE UP DEVS!!!! DO SOMETHING!!! GWF r the most useless class of the game!!! it must have the best burst in the game together with rogue...

    You do realize the problem with this right?

    If GWF had same burst damage as Rogue, plus their superior armor/health, plus their superior AOE skills; what is the point of the rogue at that point. Obviously, GWF were designed at off-tank strikers who excel in groups, not as high-burst characters. That's why you don't have a main ability score that grants extra crit damage. There's a reason Rogues stack Charisma/Dexterity, while GWF stack Constitution/Strength. Because they have different roles.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
  • ioannides5ioannides5 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pinkfont wrote: »
    You do realize the problem with this right?

    If GWF had same burst damage as Rogue, plus their superior armor/health, plus their superior AOE skills; what is the point of the rogue at that point. Obviously, GWF were designed at off-tank strikers who excel in groups, not as high-burst characters. That's why you don't have a main ability score that grants extra crit damage. There's a reason Rogues stack Charisma/Dexterity, while GWF stack Constitution/Strength. Because they have different roles.

    Sigh, GWFs being "off-tanks" is completely OPTIONAL. You're just another goof who instantly thinks GWFs are off-tanks and therefore should have little damage. The mere fact that GWFs have 2 forms of tier gear; a dps set, and a tank set, clearly shows the class has 2 options, 1 being a striker, and second being off-tank (think of it like a warrior in WoW).

    Now, the biggest problem here, is a GWF who gears towards dps (berserker/avatar set), still does **** damage. Why on earth is a damage dealing class, building as a striker, dealing such terrible damage? Should TR's be doing more single target damage then a GWF? Yes of course... I don't think their single target encounters should be doing 4x the damage of a GWF's single target encounter... that's a little overboard, but it should be stronger never-the-less. Biggest problem with GWF's currently, is their at-wills... they seriously hit like wet noodles. How does a dagger, do more damage per-hit from an at-will, do more damage then a giant 2her? From a theoretical stand point, that just doesn't make sense.
  • chabowbieschabowbies Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ioannides5 wrote: »
    I just read the "state of the game article" (found here: http://nw.perfectworld.com/news/?p=896631), and could not be more disgusted or disappointed.

    Class balance should be the #1 topic you should be addressing! Hell, 2 out of the 5 current classes in the game, are utterly useless. Just read your own forums, at least 50% of the posts are people blowing up in disappointment over the horrible class balance, and even extremely thought out suggestions on how to fix the situation.

    As if you haven't heard it enough, here it is again, MAKE THE GF AND GWF VIABLE PLEASE!!!

    GF- suppose to be the tank of the game, yet they can't hold threat if their life depended on it, and get out-performed tremendously by running double cleric.

    GWF- apparently suppose to be a damage-dealing class, yet the damage they produce is well.. less then useful. Seriously, they are NOT an offtank, so people really need to stop saying they are, the whole goal of a GWF is to deal damage, just like the rogue, yet we can't. What I don't understand is, the GWF wields 2-handed weapons; isn't the whole purpose of a 2h class to deal STRONG, hard-hitting attacks? I understand that the idea of a rogue generally should produce more "DPS", otherwise know as damage over a period of time, compared to a 2-hand user, but shouldn't the 2-hand user hit harder PER attack?... IS THAT NOT THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF A 2-HANDED WEAPON? Rogues should be producing more dps with more frequent attacks, but on here they not only attack incredibly faster, but are also hitting incredibly harder per attack.. totally defeats the **** purpose of a 2-handed class and leads to incredibly imbalance.

    The worse part is, there's been so many suggestions, that will make class balance incredibly better, already posted on these forums.. EASY to fix ones too, yet still nothing has been done. In case you need yet ANOTHER reminder, here they are:

    1)Improve GF threat. This 1 speaks for it's self, GF not only cannot hold threat from clerics, but also from rogues due to their outrageous damage.. kind of makes the class useless, no?

    2)Reduce threat from healing. It's next to impossible to take threat from a cleric, it's actually pretty broken and stupid. No, not "hard" or "challenging", just stupid.

    3)The biggest issue for GF's currently (and I would say for pvp also), MAKE PRIEST'S CIRCLES NOT STACK!!. Who ever was the Einstein that thought letting circles stack was fair or a good idea, should really reconsider their role in game design. Whether it be ANY pve dungeon, or pvp for that matter, it's basically a "meta" to role with 2 clerics... Let me ask you, what kind of game design is that? Requiring to stack up on 1 particular class? In no way shape or form should the cleric circles stack at all with each other. Period.

    4)This one may seem a shocker to a few people, but DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT reduce TR damage (from PvE standpoint, they're really quite ridiculous in PvP currently), all this will do is bring up a sea full of tears from the rogue community because they may actually have to "try" just to bring in that incredibly high damage. On the flip-side, the change you DO need to make, is increase GWF damage. That's all there is to it. GWF's are a damage-dealing class that deal absolutely <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> damage. 2 biggest issues seem to be a) their at-wills dealing next to no damage at all (this is the biggest issue towards GWFs being useless, IMHO), and b) the over-all power conversion on all their abilities. Like previously mentioned, they wield a flipping 2-h weapon.. they SHOULD hit like a truck, not a wet-noodle covered in the softest feathers you've ever seen. Should rogues deal more DPS then GWF? Yes, of course. Should rogues deal more DAMAGE PER ATTACK then GWF? Absolutely not. Their dps should come from frequent attacks, get it right please. CW's are in a good spot right now.. they do decent damage, but strength comes from the huge CC capabilities they have.. GWFS ONLY deal damage.. yet they can't even do that effectively.

    Now, why is all this a big issue? Play a GF or GWF and you'll understand. Currently no GFs or GWFs are being invited to dungeon groups... the only thing you see are 2DC/2TR/1CW, or 2DC/1TR/2CW. The only way you'll do dungeons as a GF or GWF, is if 1) you're doing it with a group of friends/guildies who are kind of enough to tag you along, or 2) you start the group yourself.. which still can be so much hassle as no one wants to party with a GF or GWF. These issues should have been addressed and taken care of already, but they're not... and it's killing your game.

    I main a 10.5k gs gwf. I do fine in pvp and usually 2nd dps in dungeons. While I think we are the weakest class, most people complaining on forums just aren't very good.
    INB4, INB4
  • eendddeenddd Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This game needs more adds.
  • kinnoyurikinnoyuri Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    C'mon devs Play GWF and GF. And see!
  • snugglemancersnugglemancer Member Posts: 105 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    chabowbies wrote: »
    I main a 10.5k gs gwf. I do fine in pvp and usually 2nd dps in dungeons. While I think we are the weakest class, most people complaining on forums just aren't very good.

    If you're 2nd in dps then you must not be very good either. There's no reason to bring AoE dps along if they are outperformed by single target dps. So either the class is underpowered or everyone who uses it is a bad player
  • eendddeenddd Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    With a 2nd spot u probably had 2 clerics, 1 GF and 1 rogue ;) or just outgearing the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of the rest.

    The whole problem lies in the fact that GF and GWF have no role. For fights u need control (CW), dps (rogue) and healz (Cleric). I was exited to hear that GWF could spec for offtanks, but i dont think they can handle 30 ads.
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