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Some Rogues dont like the upcoming class balance!Why?



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    spacejewspacejew Member Posts: 1,044 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    chuckwolf wrote: »
    The TR doesn't need a nerf. All that's needed is to increase the per hit damage of the GWF and to a lesser extent the GF to reflect the 1d4 vs. 1d8 vs 2d6 damage of their weapons. The GF and GWF simply do not do enough damage per hit comparatively. They should be doing twice and 3 times the damage per hit respectively. The TR's higher hit rate should balance thing out. Also the damage the dailies do needs to be looked at especially the single target ones like Crescendo it bearly does 3000 damage at high levels (5K on a crit) where TR dailies can do upwards of 50K on a single attack. I know the TR's damage reflects the classic "backstab" but the GWF's most damaging single target allouit attack should be doing a lot more damage than it does.

    You lost me at D6's. There are no D6's here.

    Also, GWF can do a ton more damage than 5k on a Crescendo hit. So far I've had one 17k Crescendo, but I stopped using Crescendo for Savange Advance for the 5 seconds of cool-down. Really though, I never use SA. Slam is just too good not to use it in every situation.
    MoF/Thaum CW SS/Thaum CW IV/Protector GF SW/Combat HR SM/Destroyer GWF WK/Executioner TR DO/Faithful DC
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    tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Most you people crying about Rogues haven't even played one. I hope they nerf the **** out of rogues though so then you can cry about CW next. After CW, it'll be GF, then Clerics, then finally it'll be 5 GWFs vs 5 GWFs then you'll cry about hacks.
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    todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm pretty sure the rogue won't be touched though. If by any chance they will be nerfed, it'll probably only be Shocking Execution. That's the only complaint people have for Rogues in PVP, that they can one shot people. Shocking Execution deals extra damage depending on how much HP the opponent is missing. It's perfect for a finisher in PVE and does well in PVP too. It's a scary skill when used on you, but it's otherwise useless if the opponent has full to more than half of his HP remaining.

    The devs know this, they now the rogue's mechanics better than everyone else. If losing Shocking Execution's overall effectiveness makes people happy then I say just go for it. I play a rogue but I don't think losing that one shot skill changes anything. We can still deal damage just fine in PVE. PVP is just one part of the game, the main content is in PVE. I have faith that Cryptic will do the right thing and not destroy the rogue's overall effectiveness in PVE.

    If anything needs to be changed, just get Shocking Execution not to ignore defenses. Then all the one shot worries of people will go away. Wizards have a similar Daily and for some reason I can't seem to find anyone wanting to nerf it. Either way, I do hope Cryptic makes class balances that won't make it harder for a class to retain its role in PVE. The Rogue is a striker, and I sure hope it remains as a Striker and not just some squishy, stealthy punch bag.
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    tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm pretty sure the rogue won't be touched though. If by any chance they will be nerfed, it'll probably only be Shocking Execution. That's the only complaint people have for Rogues in PVP, that they can one shot people. Shocking Execution deals extra damage depending on how much HP the opponent is missing. It's perfect for a finisher in PVE and does well in PVP too. It's a scary skill when used on you, but it's otherwise useless if the opponent has full to more than half of his HP remaining.

    The devs know this, they now the rogue's mechanics better than everyone else. If losing Shocking Execution's overall effectiveness makes people happy then I say just go for it. I play a rogue but I don't think losing that one shot skill changes anything. We can still deal damage just fine in PVE. PVP is just one part of the game, the main content is in PVE. I have faith that Cryptic will do the right thing and not destroy the rogue's overall effectiveness in PVE.

    If anything needs to be changed, just get Shocking Execution not to ignore defenses. Then all the one shot worries of people will go away. Wizards have a similar Daily and for some reason I can't seem to find anyone wanting to nerf it. Either way, I do hope Cryptic makes class balances that won't make it harder for a class to retain its role in PVE. The Rogue is a striker, and I sure hope it remains as a Striker and not just some squishy, stealthy punch bag.

    I almost agree with this except they would have to nerf every other class dailies as well. Rogues aren't the only ones with a high burst daily. CW has one that does nearly the same damage to a player at full health. GWF also has a daily that does nearly the same damage. Even GF has a daily that can take anybody's health from full to under half. Clerics have their daily that makes them invincible for 15 seconds while using Astral Shield. Most of these whiners on the forum are GWFs who wants the best of everything. They build their class to do perma knock down but they expect to have a super high burst damage skill to go with it. If they didn't go the perma knock down route, they can do exactly what rogues do. I should know, I play a GWF and can kill people just as easily as a Rogue.
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