Reducing dungeon time by 40%? Seriously. Sounds like an accurate number. Maybe I should believe that. No wait a second. Do you have any data to back that 40% number up?
That is because MMO's never figure some stuff out. Want people to kill trash? Then make them drop something worth picking up. Have trash packs drop Drake seals in t2 dungeons, and unicorn in t1. Same with every craft system in the history of craft systems, in order for them not to be a waste of time they must produce something of real value to the players, otherwise it is just alot of fancy database clutter to vendor for gold or ignore entirely because it isn't worth the inventory slot. Needlessly complicated without actually adding real value.
This entire thread is quite funny, all i see are guys who arent playing for fun but for greed, killing mobs is a job for u? not fun?
And u tell me to play another game? gratz on that joke...
Learn to "play" i tell u that is all, get some enjoyment from teamplay, time well spend, getting that perfect teamplay going... instead of
"Need MoAAAaaar purples, Need bigger nummbbbeerrsss"
I see this in all games nowadays, people play for greed not fun, sad part is u cant fullfill greed, once u reached ure epic set u want something else, after that something else... never a time for enjoyment because u have a constant "to do" list in ure mind.
And i am posting this in the fashion i did to draw attention to it (pretty obviuesly) and also to help the game, i am not even in endgame so if they fixed this, i would have a **** hard time farming items, so i am asking to make the game HARDER for me, because i know challenge = fun
And on an of-node english isent my main language and it is not the topic of this thread, if u think everybody was entitled to a university education ore a good educational system then u are as ignorant as i imagined u are.( this only aply's to the spell police everybody else should not take note of this)
Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
necronomniconMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
At this point, just let the exploits continue. I've grown weary of the daily downtime.
you sound like an exploiter with a hoard of muled AD to me, how else could you afford to gear and enchant enough to become this so called #2 rogue in pvp that your sig banner claims. rhetorical, responses will be ignored for being worthless.
So farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear,
Farewell remorse; all good to me is lost.
Evil, be thou my good.
Not an exploit. legitimate game mechanic..mobs can and DO knock us off cliffs and ledges..why can't we?
iamdoctordeathMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Yaa.... what dungeon are you in where half of the trash mobs are conveniently by a cliff? I mean, there's definitely some mobs you can do this too- but a- knockbacks off cliffs has been a legit way to kill trash in every game with KBs. b- black hole? You realize other classes have KBs, sure, they're not as good as CW ones, but line them up right and other classes can do this too.
This entire thread is quite funny, all i see are guys who arent playing for fun but for greed, killing mobs is a job for u? not fun?
And u tell me to play another game? gratz on that joke...
Where's the fun in killing trash mobs? Hint: they're called 'trash' mobs for a reason.
Is killing them actually challenging to you? Cause what I consider fun is something challenging. The final boss of Spellplague Caves, as a solo DC, is fun. It's hectic, you're constantly moving and if you make one mistake you have a chance of dieing. That's fun to me. Trash mobs I could go AFK for and not risk dieing. No fun in that.
Have you been in karrundax?...every 10 feet there's a cliff or the OP seriously suggesting I do not cast Singularity or pushback until the following conditions or set into place?: there are no cliffs..there are only walls..I am not running etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc..lunacy..
I am just sugesting u use black hole for what it was designed to be used ==> pull all mobs nice and tidy, cast aoe nukes, and enable tanks to threat massive amount of mobs together
This is why u where given the name Control Wizard, Not hiroshima 2.0
The lack of spirit to teamplay in this game is a real pain, going control wizzard full control spec, then wanting to kill mobs yes yes ure logic is on-point.
Since they banned the foundry exploiters for doing this, i shall just remain patient until they patch GF/GWF balance also known as "installing invisible walls at cliffs" and if they dont, wel even the top tiered players are getting dull of boredome with there GWF's and GF's so burb...this wil impact the game since 45% of content is unplayable because of this design flaw.
And just for clarification, i am saying fix the one hit wonder bug, i dont say anything about improving loot of trash mobs, enabling more inteligent battles ore other great sugestions. If u are all honest with ureself u know this is an exploit and disables tanks in this game by itself.
Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
While I applaud your desire to set all the wrongs in the gaming world of Neverwinter to right, might I suggest that you focus on helping the Devs fix their own game and remove the beam from their own eye before trying to blame regular everyday people who are playing their broken game and removing the splinter from ours?
There are bosses that leash through the entire dungeon..there are chests that drop no loot in dungeon delves..there are bosses that drop through the floor during an engagement..there are mobs that spawn endlessly and will never stop until the entire group dies and waits for them to despawn.(These are only a few already in game non player induced bugs that come to mind)...and want us to be concerned about using a power to the best of our ability to kill mobs?....lunacy.
U dont think this threat was a joke to begin with, enabling the community a voice on the mather and giving sugestions to fix this, and maybe get enuf views/sugestions to make a light bulb burn?
Most people in this thread see it as a direct result on there gamestyle, while i am fully aware it is a design flaw to begin with, however creating awarenes of the impact this has on the current content is a first step to alturing it.
I see people on the forums asking for "when are the new hero's comming ffs..." with things like this unchecked. 45% of the current hero's arent even viable, of the 55% that are viable i imagine only 50% of the entire skill/paragon feats is usefull/balanced ore even working like intented.
Obviuesly i understand ure view on this, and i dont blame u for abusing this design because it is not your fault. But at the end of the day the effect's are there, and it spreads a concensus stating "kick GF/GWF out of ure dungeons they are useles" and this mentality is NOT the designers fault.
I want to create awarenes, that if a GF/GWF joins ure party, changing ure gamestyle can be a good experience and create creativity/inovation u are unaware about, it is very hard to make a point like this without the people responsibel for it( aldo it be indirectly) to feel targeted by my opinion on the mather.
However let me formulate it clearly = To all the control wizards and other pushers out there, i do not blame u for using this technique, it is only a white knight attempt to get attention on this subject and spread awarenes about the mather in the hopes of seeing a positive change in the future.
Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
One of my first experiences with using singularity in a dungeon was a bad one. the Guardian fighter(yes a GF) demanded..screaming and yelling in group chat for me to use singularity at every bridge /cliff/ ledge that we came across..whether or not it was up...they refused to heal me...and ultimately berated me and told me I was one of the worst CWs they had ever gamed with simply cause I didn't push their mobs for them.
I'm not an "abuser" of this game mechanic but yea I'm not ashamed of admitting I do use this valid technique when it suits the situation.
I am a CW..I do enough DPS that personally I don't NEED to push mobs off cliffs. From my experience it's GFs and GWFs that ask for it the most cause their own dps is lacking and instead of wasting 5 minutes right clicking a mob to death they'd rather see me drag and drop it to infinity.
If the Developers would like to place invisible walls on cliffs nothing would make me happier..perhaps they can address the other bugs that have been mentioned as well.
I'm quite tired of killing end game bosses during DDs to find that my chest reward is NOTHING. I'm quite tired of not being able to finish killing a mini boss because it's in the floor.I'm quite tired of having to spend more gold on Injury kits than I get back in sorry loot because their mechanics are failing.
But what I am most tired of is..: ultimately being blamed for making due.
daowaceMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Cant enter the game anymore, can stil enter the forums but cant play neverwinter anymore atm "wrong password/account error"
hope i dident get banned for adressing a balance issue on the forums '-.-
Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
I don't think pushing mobs off cliffs is intended to the extent it currently is. Ive done dungeons where we have purposefully pulled and kited mobs back through a dungeon to just push off a cliff. Basically done 90% of mobs in a dungeon by pushing off a cliff.
Wel just to end this threat, know that i have nothing against pushing mobs of cliffs, i do however have something against the end result it promotes = not needing tanks
I feel at the current state, it is being abused rather then used, and the tanks are the dupe of this, in the end i think Cryptic did intend for this to work, but never with these consequences in mind.
To whomever reads this i hope u reconsider letting a tank enter ure party and adopting a creative playstyle in doing so, comming up with new strategy's to battle the endles hordes that wreak havoc in neverwinter.
I wish u all the best of RNG, im off to bed
Petram Sacram - I am no devine cleric, i am a Gaurdian fighter in disguise with better threat and supportive spells -
Considering their lack of fixing other issues I will for once in my lifetime say kudos to those aware and using it. At this point their lack of communication and action on other issues makes me want to simply "Lolz" at the whole scenario. While I initially planned on considering this my main mmo their handling and ignoring of issues has pretty much ensured this is just a holdover until some others that I will not advertise are launched.
May tinker with the Foundry system but overall...this is turning into a bust. Which is unfortunate considering the potential.
I think the pushing should definitely be allowed since it makes sense but it should not be possible to do it with every single mob in a dungeon, that's just silly.
Maybe mobs should get this ability hit and you're off the cliff...but only use it if the group they're against is doing the same.
Let's see how much people like that :P
And stealing jewelry from your mother's house is not a crime. It's an investment. Good luck with that kind of thinking.
goneinsanenzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 15Arc User
edited May 2013
if exploiting is doing something you shouldn't, then you are all exploiters, you know what I'm talking about, when you enter that room, hug the wall to get by without having to kill that mob, that's an exploit, you are all ban, game over!
You should read my posts in this thread.
Agree completely.
And u tell me to play another game? gratz on that joke...
Learn to "play" i tell u that is all, get some enjoyment from teamplay, time well spend, getting that perfect teamplay going... instead of
"Need MoAAAaaar purples, Need bigger nummbbbeerrsss"
I see this in all games nowadays, people play for greed not fun, sad part is u cant fullfill greed, once u reached ure epic set u want something else, after that something else... never a time for enjoyment because u have a constant "to do" list in ure mind.
And i am posting this in the fashion i did to draw attention to it (pretty obviuesly) and also to help the game, i am not even in endgame so if they fixed this, i would have a **** hard time farming items, so i am asking to make the game HARDER for me, because i know challenge = fun
And on an of-node english isent my main language and it is not the topic of this thread, if u think everybody was entitled to a university education ore a good educational system then u are as ignorant as i imagined u are.( this only aply's to the spell police everybody else should not take note of this)
you sound like an exploiter with a hoard of muled AD to me, how else could you afford to gear and enchant enough to become this so called #2 rogue in pvp that your sig banner claims. rhetorical, responses will be ignored for being worthless.
Farewell remorse; all good to me is lost.
Evil, be thou my good.
Where's the fun in killing trash mobs? Hint: they're called 'trash' mobs for a reason.
Is killing them actually challenging to you? Cause what I consider fun is something challenging. The final boss of Spellplague Caves, as a solo DC, is fun. It's hectic, you're constantly moving and if you make one mistake you have a chance of dieing. That's fun to me. Trash mobs I could go AFK for and not risk dieing. No fun in that.
This is why u where given the name Control Wizard, Not hiroshima 2.0
The lack of spirit to teamplay in this game is a real pain, going control wizzard full control spec, then wanting to kill mobs yes yes ure logic is on-point.
Since they banned the foundry exploiters for doing this, i shall just remain patient until they patch GF/GWF balance also known as "installing invisible walls at cliffs" and if they dont, wel even the top tiered players are getting dull of boredome with there GWF's and GF's so burb...this wil impact the game since 45% of content is unplayable because of this design flaw.
And just for clarification, i am saying fix the one hit wonder bug, i dont say anything about improving loot of trash mobs, enabling more inteligent battles ore other great sugestions. If u are all honest with ureself u know this is an exploit and disables tanks in this game by itself.
There are bosses that leash through the entire dungeon..there are chests that drop no loot in dungeon delves..there are bosses that drop through the floor during an engagement..there are mobs that spawn endlessly and will never stop until the entire group dies and waits for them to despawn.(These are only a few already in game non player induced bugs that come to mind)...and want us to be concerned about using a power to the best of our ability to kill mobs?....lunacy.
Most people in this thread see it as a direct result on there gamestyle, while i am fully aware it is a design flaw to begin with, however creating awarenes of the impact this has on the current content is a first step to alturing it.
I see people on the forums asking for "when are the new hero's comming ffs..." with things like this unchecked. 45% of the current hero's arent even viable, of the 55% that are viable i imagine only 50% of the entire skill/paragon feats is usefull/balanced ore even working like intented.
Obviuesly i understand ure view on this, and i dont blame u for abusing this design because it is not your fault. But at the end of the day the effect's are there, and it spreads a concensus stating "kick GF/GWF out of ure dungeons they are useles" and this mentality is NOT the designers fault.
I want to create awarenes, that if a GF/GWF joins ure party, changing ure gamestyle can be a good experience and create creativity/inovation u are unaware about, it is very hard to make a point like this without the people responsibel for it( aldo it be indirectly) to feel targeted by my opinion on the mather.
However let me formulate it clearly = To all the control wizards and other pushers out there, i do not blame u for using this technique, it is only a white knight attempt to get attention on this subject and spread awarenes about the mather in the hopes of seeing a positive change in the future.
I'm not an "abuser" of this game mechanic but yea I'm not ashamed of admitting I do use this valid technique when it suits the situation.
I am a CW..I do enough DPS that personally I don't NEED to push mobs off cliffs. From my experience it's GFs and GWFs that ask for it the most cause their own dps is lacking and instead of wasting 5 minutes right clicking a mob to death they'd rather see me drag and drop it to infinity.
If the Developers would like to place invisible walls on cliffs nothing would make me happier..perhaps they can address the other bugs that have been mentioned as well.
I'm quite tired of killing end game bosses during DDs to find that my chest reward is NOTHING. I'm quite tired of not being able to finish killing a mini boss because it's in the floor.I'm quite tired of having to spend more gold on Injury kits than I get back in sorry loot because their mechanics are failing.
But what I am most tired of is..: ultimately being blamed for making due.
If PWE/Cryptic deems knocking monsters off cliffs an exploit, then they've designed their game completely wrong.
PC specs:
Amillion Dollars L60 'easy mode' GWF
I made 72h ban for this tactics
are you saying you were banned for doing this?
Castle Never
Spellplague..Frozen Heart..Lair of Pirate King..Spider Queen.shall I continue?
hope i dident get banned for adressing a balance issue on the forums '-.-
I mean come on, this isn't Lemmings.
-jumps in the air of excitement-
Wel just to end this threat, know that i have nothing against pushing mobs of cliffs, i do however have something against the end result it promotes = not needing tanks
I feel at the current state, it is being abused rather then used, and the tanks are the dupe of this, in the end i think Cryptic did intend for this to work, but never with these consequences in mind.
To whomever reads this i hope u reconsider letting a tank enter ure party and adopting a creative playstyle in doing so, comming up with new strategy's to battle the endles hordes that wreak havoc in neverwinter.
I wish u all the best of RNG, im off to bed
May tinker with the Foundry system but overall...this is turning into a bust. Which is unfortunate considering the potential.
Maybe mobs should get this ability hit and you're off the cliff...but only use it if the group they're against is doing the same.
Let's see how much people like that :P
And stealing jewelry from your mother's house is not a crime. It's an investment. Good luck with that kind of thinking.