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Trusting Cryptic/PWE? Not sure I can anymore...



  • necronomniconnecronomnicon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    caleshh wrote: »
    Lol....good luck.....you will have to go through your CC company....and again good luck.

    Where are people like anonymous when you need them. Probably flooding a scientology website spamming 'lololol' when they could be using their powers for good and refunding us or wiping the server and restoring purchased zen back into zen on our accounts.
    So farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear,
    Farewell remorse; all good to me is lost.
    Evil, be thou my good.
  • spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    it is you that used the term "Self entitlement" not me, and since ou are simply acting like a TROLL right now im done with your silly game of twisting what others say for the purpose of flaming
    Sadly we live in a time where people think everything should be given to them, that its not fair if someone who has more money can buy nicer things. that's life, that's reality, and games tend to imitate reality in that respect.

    Common misconception: Many folks believe that not stating an exact phrase or term, exempts them from the consequences of implying it.

    If that's not implying "self entitlement" then... That monkeys my nephew and the moon is made of cheese. Cos we in bizarro land now and everything is backwards.

    Also, calling others a "troll" is in fact trolling itself, you can either discuss things with me, or agree to disagree, your claims that you're above critique however, are unfounded and false, becuase no one is above critique, which was the crux of our issues to begin with. I've not twisted anything you said, merely pointed out, that you continually tried to avoid the points I made, in order to either argue against a straw man of what I said, or not at all.
  • jinle0522jinle0522 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hsinrog wrote: »
    19 days after I submitted my ticket and updating it on missing items from my Guardian Pack purchase.

    Today I received a response to open a NEW ticket on the issue if it was still a problem and that I would not receive reimbursement for missing digital items.

    So I paid $59.99 USD for a digital item pack for all of the characters on my account, did not receive those items, and am told I will not receive those items.

    My next support ticket has been for a refund in order to follow the credit card chargeback rules. If they attempt to deny it then I'll escalate it up to my credit card company.

    I've played PWE games in the past and Customer Support was bad, but this was the worst experience I have ever had in any game. It has convinced me to not only quit Neverwinter, but avoid -ALL- PWE games in the future.

    Call your Credit Card company, file a charge back. Takes 5 minutes, done.
  • fenixuphighfenixuphigh Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yes this is confirmed. I know of a whole guild that was banned for exploiting, and ALL of them got only 3 day bans. Strangely enough, I have got banned as well, and I have honestly done NO exploiting. I do not trust Cryptic at all either. I made all my AD through marketing. My affluence must have been assumed to be exploited. Thank you Cryptic for the consideration...

  • lcraw78lcraw78 Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2013
    caleshh wrote: »
    Lol....good luck.....you will have to go through your CC company....and again good luck.

    just go to teh vendor you nub and buy the stuff that you where missing off hte vendor there is a HoTN and GoTN vendor that has all our stuff we are suppose to get.
  • kilo418kilo418 Member Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I love how everyone is rushing around, demanding refunds, and crying foul. They got everything they agreed to pay for. Or your account got banned? You were exploiting. Oh, you say you didn't do it? Let me go into a cell block at the county jail and ask how many of them did it.

    If anything they are being too relaxed with the bans.
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