I dont know how it will allow me to stay logged in on this account since someone very early Friday morning hacked my account and changed the password and the default e-mail on the account. I submitted a ticket about this about 3 hours (before I left for work) after this had happened. I got a couple responses throughout the day, but I have yet to get any response or my account returned. I mean I dropped $260 alone on the top 2 tier founder packs and this is what I get. And it seems weird that there is suddenly a rash of account hacks at launch......anyone whom played Diablo 3 may remember a problem like this when that game launched. But hopefully PWE and Cryptic dont blame their customers for this, like Blizzard did.
So my question is how long will this take to get my account back, since I already gave them the verifying info for my account? I'm hoping who ever has my account didn't do the AH
HAMSTER and get it banned
Theres a lesson there.
Theres a lesson there.
Be glad you heard back at all. Mine was stolen last Monday and not a peep from these guys.
Don't feed the troll. The guy obviously doesn't know wtf he's talking about.
What really helps is knowing someone is helping you, or at least listening. I don't get that feeling from this company.
Two more things: One, I hope my account doesn't get stolen, and Two, for those of you that have had your accounts stolen, I hope you get it all back soon.
Plus not exploiting since 1. that HAMSTER is lame. and 2 I didnt even know about the exploit til today when they posted on twitch the servers were going down for it. All the time while I was trying to get answers about my account situation.
I should know. Took me week and a half to get it resolved.
So with that experience, I will give the OP the benefit of the doubt, and Cryptic is under duress and a hijacked account might be the least of their worries as of right now given the current circumstances. Which your topic about your account comes at an inopportune time while Cryptic is currently banning accounts of the AH/AD exploit and gives credence to skeptics on the board.
All I can say is keep trying or maybe see if they have phone support. Most companies do have phone support especially over peoples account and money.
With a new account. It's a F2P game so we can keep making them, but we obviously can't get to our main chars or their progress/invested money.
I work in signal in the military so I know all about comsec. I am not stupid enough to give out the info or fall for fishing attempts. Now as far as someone physically changing it....that is a no go since I am the only one that uses this computer and my wife has better things to do. And my 3 and 4 years old children.....YA lol they are not doing that. I tried logging in, in a different browser (i use chrome as main, so I tried on IE) and it wont let me in. Thats why I'm not sure how the cookies on this site work because it kept me logged in to the site on chrome but if I try to change any settings it asks for the password which I have no ida what the person has changed it to.
AFAIK, as I have seen in most games, when you get banned in game, you still retain your forum rights, unless you go to the forum to rant and curse them about your banning, then in that case they get banned from there too. Usually follows that formula, so I can see why you think that LOL.
Jokes on the hacker though I had NO zen and 8k AD. have fun with that. My friends that were on said he logged in for 30 seconds and logged out, I'm guessing pretty disapointed.
Never had anything like this happen to me before I'm always very VERY safe. But I did log into the gateway on my wifes laptop the other day and I'm pretty sure thats where it happened =/