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mcleod71mcleod71 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
This makes me so sad that people are so low they don't care who they hurt or what they do as long as they get what they want. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should what has transpired here is nothing short of theft taking money away from the company. and people wonder why the whole worlds going to hell in a hand basket people are willing to do whatever they want because there is no real consequences.
Post edited by mcleod71 on


  • realuberwilhelmrealuberwilhelm Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What people don't realize is that those who feel the need to cheat suffer from a severe mental disability. Cheaters have no confidence in their abilities to achieve a goal through normals means and feel that they have to cheat to reach the top. They are so lacking in any real world skills, whether physical, social, or mental, that they believe they can earn respect and admiration by reaching a goal first through cheating. Instead of being angry or calling for their heads, we should pity them for they lead truly sad lives.
  • majtrollxmajtrollx Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013
    mcleod71 wrote: »
    This makes me so sad that people are so low they don't care who they hurt or what they do as long as they get what they want. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should what has transpired here is nothing short of theft taking money away from the company. and people wonder why the whole worlds going to hell in a hand basket people are willing to do whatever they want because there is no real consequences.

    I thought you were talking about the real world for a second there...
  • bloodygatitabloodygatita Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2013
    It's Crytics and PWIS fault. Not the sploiters.

    They are doing their part in an beta. That's the point of a beta.

    But the publisher choose to use a unscrupulous form of marketing.
  • narathkornarathkor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Dood it is because these are the exploiters

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  • narathkornarathkor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's Crytics and PWIS fault. Not the sploiters.

    They are doing their part in an beta. That's the point of a beta.

    But the publisher choose to use a unscrupulous form of marketing.

    That is not their part in beta, their part is suposed to be find bug, make sure you can repeat bug, report bug with report of all gains from that bug, move on and play game without exploiting bug.
    Please check out my foundry quests!
    The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
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  • breagandaerthbreagandaerth Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's Crytics and PWIS fault. Not the sploiters.

    They are doing their part in an beta. That's the point of a beta.

    But the publisher choose to use a unscrupulous form of marketing.

    Reporting the bug is doing their part. Exploiting and telling other people how to do it is what brought down the servers.
  • bloodygatitabloodygatita Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2013
    narathkor wrote: »
    That is not their part in beta, their part is suposed to be find bug, make sure you can repeat bug, report bug with report of all gains from that bug, move on and play game without exploiting bug.

    Um yea. And pixies and fairies are real!
  • xahfarxahfar Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What people don't realize is that those who feel the need to cheat suffer from a severe mental disability. Cheaters have no confidence in their abilities to achieve a goal through normals means and feel that they have to cheat to reach the top. They are so lacking in any real world skills, whether physical, social, or mental, that they believe they can earn respect and admiration by reaching a goal first through cheating. Instead of being angry or calling for their heads, we should pity them for they lead truly sad lives.

    I'm an Anthropolgy major with a minor in Psychology and can attest that this poster is pretty spot on with his premise. There are numerous peer reviewed articles and case studies relating to this trend, which dates back thousands of years among us modern ho-mo sapiens. It really is a mental condition, especially when they justify doing it by the most asinine rationalizations possible.
  • breagandaerthbreagandaerth Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I really hope pw does something in dramatic fashion to the cheaters. Since zen can be changed to ad this might be considered a form of theft.
  • mcleod71mcleod71 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    It's Crytics and PWIS fault. Not the sploiters.

    They are doing their part in an beta. That's the point of a beta.

    But the publisher choose to use a unscrupulous form of marketing.

    so I guess its banks faults they get robbed because they put a lot of money in one place
  • mcleod71mcleod71 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    It's Crytics and PWIS fault. Not the sploiters.

    They are doing their part in an beta. That's the point of a beta.

    But the publisher choose to use a unscrupulous form of marketing.

    so I guess its banks faults they get robbed because they put a lot of money in one place
  • bloodygatitabloodygatita Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2013
    Reporting the bug is doing their part. Exploiting and telling other people how to do it is what brought down the servers.

    Exploiting the exploit and telling others how to use the exploit is the only...I mean the ONLY reason it's going to get fixed...IF indeed it gets fixed!

    You fanbois don't want to understand.

    People are brought INTO beta to break the game! That's the purpose....especially with a game with some a complicated economy.

    That's why some of us are so deeply offended that PWI and Cryptic had the gull and audacity to use the word "BETA"
  • narathkornarathkor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did not say that is what people are going to do, but you are saying it is their part in beta to exploit, and I point out the fact that no, it is not. Exploiters are just abusing kiddies who can not play fair, and they deserve to get banned. I don't hate on them if they made $ but when those charges get disputed cause the items get gone, and they end up in debt because of the charge back fees, haha on them. Do not believe that can happen? Here is a vid for you, good old Mark Dragon had that issue. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmuNzUAimTk
    Please check out my foundry quests!
    The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
    A Name For Yourself NW-DRBWMCFL4
    Click Here To Visit The Official Thread
  • bloodygatitabloodygatita Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2013
    double post...
  • cutegaycutegay Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • tunkcuftunkcuf Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mcleod71 wrote: »
    This makes me so sad that people are so low they don't care who they hurt or what they do as long as they get what they want. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should what has transpired here is nothing short of theft taking money away from the company. and people wonder why the whole worlds going to hell in a hand basket people are willing to do whatever they want because there is no real consequences.

    Well it all comes down to people who earn their level and people who buy their level, the people who buy their way are the people who will complain the most, because they do want other people having all they have so they are not the high and mighty people carrying the best gear and having the best mounts, then they are not the king of the world anymore, not saying, the people that cheated should get their game accounts and IP's blocked and banned forever, and all those people that excepted trades for ad's, well knowing that they were doing wrong, block them too. The truth will set you free. the people who earn their level will just do it once again. Not saying I want to lose what I have fought hard for. Plus my time and effort, but if they do a system wide wipe the cheaters get off free and clear while all of us that did no wrong get it broken off in us because of evil people. However if they do a wipe, the honest people should get a bonus, in gold, free dye or free mounts. A little will go a long way not to lose people from the game. I can say a punch in the eye with a steak and lobster dinner?, the surf and turf would certainly take your mind off the punch in the eye. That is my thought anyway for what its worth.
  • bloodygatitabloodygatita Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2013
    mcleod71 wrote: »
    so I guess its banks faults they get robbed because they put a lot of money in one place


    Now you get it.

    If the bank Doesn't put in proper security systems in place, or lock the vault then it is indeed their fault.

    Now you get it. A real open beta is to invite the sploiters into the game to do what they do. Find the flaws and weak points, fix them...then release a finished polished product.

    Or one that is as close to a finished secure polished product as time and cost allow.

    I'm glad to see you agree with me.

    It's indeed PWI and Crytics fault!
  • bloodygatitabloodygatita Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2013
    mcleod71 wrote: »
    so I guess its banks faults they get robbed because they put a lot of money in one place


    Now you get it.

    If the bank Doesn't put in proper security systems in place, or lock the vault then it is indeed their fault.

    Now you get it. A real open beta is to invite the sploiters into the game to do what they do. Find the flaws and weak points, fix them...then release a finished polished product.

    Or one that is as close to a finished secure polished product as time and cost allow.

    I'm glad to see you agree with me.

    It's indeed PWI and Crytics fault!
  • pboar2006pboar2006 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 421 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Just gonna say PWE not PWI. We arent in China
  • mcleod71mcleod71 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013

    Now you get it.

    If the bank Doesn't put in proper security systems in place, or lock the vault then it is indeed their fault.

    Now you get it. A real open beta is to invite the sploiters into the game to do what they do. Find the flaws and weak points, fix them...then release a finished polished product.

    Or one that is as close to a finished secure polished product as time and cost allow.

    I'm glad to see you agree with me.

    It's indeed PWI and Crytics fault!

    you are pathetic if you take advantage of something or someone just because you can
  • stolly76stolly76 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 70
    edited May 2013
    All of you who think exploiters aren't to blame..lol. Wow empty-minded people alot of them in this world. Classic moronic talk saying a developer is in fault. Thanks for the downtime cheaters. Wish these cheaters would be perma-banned instead of "getting out of jail free"
  • narathkornarathkor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No again you are wrong and it is why people like you should never be allowed into a beta. You are not there to break the game you REPORT the issue and move on do not exploit it over and over. Grow up child.
    Please check out my foundry quests!
    The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
    A Name For Yourself NW-DRBWMCFL4
    Click Here To Visit The Official Thread
  • jazzneojazzneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    unhook your router


    plug in your nes and Snes. then your free from exploiters
  • bloodygatitabloodygatita Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2013
    mcleod71 wrote: »
    you are pathetic if you take advantage of something or someone just because you can

    You're insinuating that I am guilty.

    I am not.

    The poster below calls me the child

    I'm not living in a fantasy world where we make believe people act with honor and honesty

    This is the interwebs. The dregs of society operate with in.

    When you make a game with a real money economy, you HAVE to expect that it will attract criminally minded people...IE exploiters.

    PWE and PWI and Crytic should of known this, and safe guarded aganst it.

    It's still their fault
  • artillery4artillery4 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Now you get it.

    If the bank Doesn't put in proper security systems in place, or lock the vault then it is indeed their fault.

    Now you get it. A real open beta is to invite the sploiters into the game to do what they do. Find the flaws and weak points, fix them...then release a finished polished product.

    Or one that is as close to a finished secure polished product as time and cost allow.

    I'm glad to see you agree with me.

    It's indeed PWI and Crytics fault!

    Now I get it! It's not the murderers fault that he chose to stab someone to death. It's the knife makers fault for forging the blade and making it available to purchase. Thanks for the amazing insight into idiocy.
  • mcleod71mcleod71 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    guess that's y they play video games cuz its hard to cheat in real life games lol
  • artillery4artillery4 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You're insinuating that I am guilty.

    I am not.

    The poster below calls me the child

    I'm not living in a fantasy world where we make believe people act with honor and honesty

    This is the interwebs. The dregs of society operate with in.

    When you make a game with a real money economy, you HAVE to expect that it will attract criminally minded people...IE exploiters.

    PWE and PWI and Crytic should of known this, and safe guarded aganst it.

    It's still their fault

    Maybe we are a bit naive and would hope people would take the high road and not exploit.

    The fact of the matter is they did, but they also have to expect some type of reaction / consequences for those actions.

    Those people are also not the majority. They are a small percentage, and if they are banned, they won't be missed.
  • breagandaerthbreagandaerth Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Exploiting the exploit and telling others how to use the exploit is the only...I mean the ONLY reason it's going to get fixed...IF indeed it gets fixed!

    You fanbois don't want to understand.

    People are brought INTO beta to break the game! That's the purpose....especially with a game with some a complicated economy.

    That's why some of us are so deeply offended that PWI and Cryptic had the gull and audacity to use the word "BETA"

    Your naive thinking that exploiting and showing others how to exploit is the only way it was getting fixed.

    It may have been moved up the priority list sooner, but they have a lot on their plates.

    I see where your argument is going. You think this isn't beta despite the fact it says beta. Despite the first open launch. Despite the fact that there is no game stability. For some reason you think because there is a cash shop this isn't a software in beta form. There is no possible way for me to point out how completely idiotic you are but I will take a stab at it.

    Your probably one of those players that sees a cool idea on kickstarter. And you probably feel all good about yourself because you gave them 20 bucks for some kind of future deal. Then six months roll by and you're firing off emails to the developers wondering what the hell they are doing with your 20 bucks.

    Despite there is a cash shop and a game economy this game is in beta. Cash shops need to be tested also. Beta is a term used for the state of the software. It's not a gimmick despite your shortcomings on observations. It is a beta because there are crashes, there are bugs, there is server instability. THAT IS WHY IT IS BETA

    A cash shop does not automatically make a game go out of beta stage. Despite what your limited thinking believes. Once a game has become stable and the majority of bugs have been found it goes out of beta.

    So go on believing the lie. I care not. Just know that I find you disgusting with the attitude that stealing is somehow helping.

    I don't walk down the street looking for old ladies with purses to teach them a lesson. Maybe you do.
  • talung34talung34 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mcleod71 wrote: »
    This makes me so sad that people are so low they don't care who they hurt or what they do as long as they get what they want. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should what has transpired here is nothing short of theft taking money away from the company. and people wonder why the whole worlds going to hell in a hand basket people are willing to do whatever they want because there is no real consequences.

    At least they didn't download a song.. now that is a criminal offence.
  • screamingpalmscreamingpalm Member Posts: 304 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    xahfar wrote: »
    I'm an Anthropolgy major with a minor in Psychology and can attest that this poster is pretty spot on with his premise. There are numerous peer reviewed articles and case studies relating to this trend, which dates back thousands of years among us modern ho-mo sapiens. It really is a mental condition, especially when they justify doing it by the most asinine rationalizations possible.

    Oh cool, what does your expertise say about people who pay to have an advantage over others? AND, do they really think it is fun?
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