With over 8000 Forum views I can only thank you, immensely from the bottom of my heart for your continued support. Be you an author, player or a spectator your support has been paramount to my continued success with these play-throughs. Love you all. Especially the red heads.
Links for references:
Tsumoro's Youtube Channel - (please subscribe if you want regular Neverwinter content)
Zovya's Thread (Dungeon Masters) -
Zovya's Twitch Channel (Stream Wednesday 6PM EST/11PM GMT) -
D&D Game Night Sessions (Stream Thursday 6PM EST/11PM GMT) -
Show your support for gaming and D&D love!
What I do:
In short I play through your quest through a players perspective, interacting with your world and characters. I take on the many roles of many NPC's and try to help you find where things might not work, either spoken or in game. The sessions are recorded and linked in this thread so you can inspect and see where things need to be fixed.
I always TIP, I do not rate harshly. I rate based on enjoyment, I do not get bummed down with errors or bugs unless they break the quest. As such you have nothing to fear about 1 stars or the like from me. I consider it a privilege to play your quests which you have worked on so dutifully and I understand that bugs and fixes will remedy most problems.
I play ALL quests, story driven, puzzle, action, hack and slash and even jumping games (although I suck). Do not be afraid to submit!
Please note I will add your quest to this list to be played, You might not see your quest on the listing straight away DO NOT PANIC! I have not forgot about you, just means I not had time to add it as of yet x No one will have their quest missed!
On Zovya's twitch channel we live stream some of your quests there rather than the YouTube channel. Please see her thread (as listed above) to see the quests for that Wednesday. If it is a campaign we will typically play through the first quest with the rest done via my channel. This way everyone gets a fair amount of exposure.
I will try and talk and read as much as I can in my channel, typically as long as I am engaged in the quest I will read. If I am not, I will just move on through the quest. Sometimes if I really enjoy a quest, I will purposely leave things allowing others to explore those treats without anything spoiled.
With that said! Thank you again and SUBMIT those quests
Heaters Gonna’ Heat [NW-DN9RWCCFA] –
Mage Masher [NW-DNIVVP7FR] –
- The Dirty Dwarf [NW-DUSXF6LXI] – Link
Ch1 Journey to Barovia –
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4
Ch2 Ill Fortunes -
Part 1 |
Part 2
The Cragsteep Crypts [NW-DA5HWK5BE] - Link
The Vaalyr Prophecy [NWS-DTNVIN4MM]
Prologue: Misty Hollows –
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4Casekuk
- Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
- Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
- Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
- Part 4: Lvl 113
- A Short Dig [NW-DA8O2CFF]- Link
- Jump into the Night
Pirate’s Cove [NW-DUCYKYQHA] –
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3
- When Goblins Attack [NW-DB12D7OPN] - Link
DelrachnidThe Fall of Crimson Rain [NWS-DJX2DOCEN]
Revenge of the Fallen -
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3
- Only the Guilty Run
The Blackhand in Blacklake [NW-DTET2QLF4] –
Part 1 |
Part 2Drakedge2
Planescape – The Skeleton Key [NWS-D16VZQOPIC]
CH1: The Prime Material -
CH2: The Book of Souls -
CH3: The Trap for Karameikos -
CH4: An Angel’s Wrath -
Different Seasons [NWS-DEDTB2A4E]
Prologue – The Lady and the Worm –
LinkDzogen Bills Tavern [NW-DT773OSVJ] –
LinkThe 27th Level [NW-DM85LNJ8J] –
LinkSecret Agent 34 [NW-DSSORTMV2] -
Nuck Chorris VS Funkhead [NW-DBCV72CW5] – Link
- [NW-DDT6D6ABS] Under Siege!
- [NW-DGBLCWRFP] Old Magic
- [NW-DCGHLSKBT] Invasion!
- [NW-DBK3YOVJB] Trouble in Conyberry
- [NW-DJNGFHRYY] Tendrils of the Underdark
- A Wayward Child [NW-DIIXJX4ES] - Link
- Rescue in Rainwall, [ID: NW-DRQK3HKVV]
- Chef's Challenge, [ID: NW-DGTKIBVF3]
- The Dreamfall Campaign, [ID: NWS-DEB7Z9IJC (3 Quests)]
- Ogre: For the win!, [ID: NW-DR5O3PD63]
- Meowstroganoff's Arena, [ID: NW-DAVINSVJO]
Conflict Between Sword Enemies
It Started with a Burglary -
Then it Got Friendly -
But it Ended Badly -
Sage Advice [NWS-DUYIKK2V2]
- Book of Secrets – Link
- Ruins of Splendor – Link
Goblin Uprising –
- Ravenloft – The Hunger – Link
The Brethren of Five [NWS-DTBRHHFQL]
Riddles in the Dark -
The Bloodied Letter -
Part 1 |
Part 2
The Trials of Five -
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4
- The Brethren Song
- The Dwarven Tale [NW-DS3RNY82R]
Tomb of Wernar [Nw-DJGYNI7NH] -
The Thamus Blade [NWS-DACTUKWMX]
Resucing Answers –
- Following the Horde – Link
- Memories – Link
The Book of the Dead [NW-DH9ZOZZ74] -
Fate of the Bonnie Kate -
LinkNokturnolProtect the Caravan [NW-DSVCX8CD4] -
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3Gloomlight: Beneath the Veil -
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
part 3 |
part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 PioneerscarfeThe Three Dials - [NW-DMEWA2PW3] -
- Gavin the “Lucky”: Prologue [NW-DEZSTNUT7]
The Crucible Challenge [NW-DR7WBOLM6] -
Part 1 |
Part 2Runis12
Echoes of the Crown Wars
Return from the Void -
Save the Princess! [NW-DBA7YIURL] -
Following the Whispers (NWS-DIUQNZJG4)
- Whispers
Tribulations -
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3Savaikun
- The Wacky World of Neverenter [NW-DOQW2A3VA]
The Rose of Immortality [NW-DK382HU2S]
Part 1 |
Part 2
Part 1: The Dark Creed
Dirty Politics -
Part 1 |
Part 2Silithas97
An Adventure to Die For [Nw-DD9NYO9ZP] -
A Tale of Two Cities [NW-DQS27OINC]
Heeding the Call -
Part 1 |
Part 2
Bored of the Rings -
Draconian Ways -
- When all is Said and Done…
- Devout Orcs [NW-DQPVUECC7]
The All Seeying Eye [NWS-DOGZ6ZLFU]
Tale of a Key-Losing Rat -
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3Tilt42
From the Shadows [NWS-DU2WVZ4G4]
Act 1: A Hidden Blade -
Act 2: The Lanaar Legacy -
The Start to an Adventure [NW-DDHZ6M5F3] –
The Legend of the "Count" [NWS-DUYBRRQO3]
Don't "Count" on it - Ch.1 -
Heroic Adventures [NWS-DNA6IVAK2]
Ch1: The Headless Hero –
Link |
- Undead Arena (Melee Encounters)
In the Streams of the Inferno [NWS-DPNRV24T8]
The Fear that Freeze –
- Demons Never Sleep – Link
Bloody Pit: Unchained [NW-DAR78YMI5] -
- Smelly Mushroom Cave [NW-DNK5QA9FB]
Any Cave Can Lead to Adventure! [NW-DQF4T7QYH] –
A Kidnapping in Blacklake [NW-DNKSQA9FB] -
- Vermin in the Cave [NW-DFLD7L43P]
- Laboratory of Mad Psion [NW-DFLD7L43P]
The Assassin Chronicles
A Fateful Encounter –
AC2: Pirate City –
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3
- THIS is a 1 Star Quest [NW-DSQFVY6NM]
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Fun 15-20 Minute Heavy Combat Quest with a difficulty slider. Hand crafted environments and encounters.
Thread URL:
I'ma big fan!... I lol'ed at the idea of you using Howdy as a greeting
glad your on the forums! now I won't feel so bad slamming your Youtube channel with an immense "wall o' text"
Tip: I think you used the "http:" address from the actual web address input field, which is why your links are off "that address is for your user interface to youtube" instead try using the (Share) video "http: link"
Edit: you know the one you get when your viewing the video normally and there's a tab labeled (Share) it's to the right of "About"
sorry if this comes off as talking down to you, I just never know what people know/ don't so I try to be as clear as possible :]
Goblin Uprising NW-DMQRRFJYT
I'll run yours when server isn't down.
Thanking you
Haha you worry too much! I don't mind the 'wall o spam' in fact, I rather enjoy spam.. the luncheon meat version of course. I honeslt don't think people in the foundry talk 'down' to each other either. Everyone seems very nice and kind. Nice to feel part of an 'online community' again
Ah yes! Drake actually told me your was really good. I watched his video, although I did push a bit forward on it as i didn't want to 'spoil it' too much for myself hehe.
Keen to give it a go, although its looking like tomorrow now as quite late in the UK. **** you exploiters!!!
Just messing with ya...I'm sure you overlooked it....but know you want to!
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Haha you are quite right, that was my bad. Its fairly late in the uk and as the passage of time passes, the squitier (not a word, but i'm using it) my eyes become. You have been added and I am looking forward to it!
Nice sig by the way!
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
Disclaimer: all following comments are that of me "Visigoth" and should be taken as such "no heart feelings"
I love the dialogue >D it's well written. I kinda got lost for a bit, "the guards have drinks just inside the sewer entrance (ok not to far fetched) a rat took his ring, the rats live in the sewers..."being a little slow on this part" once the plot progressed I picked up on the fact the "Girl in love" was a rat, but only after finding the second "Journal" did I realize that The Human Guard was who she was in love with "cute twist" I never picked up on the Mini boss being the "Best Man" it's a great little plug-in but wasn't very apparent.
I love Nibbles description, of how she loves that the Guard sways back and forth when he sees her! Great tie in >.< "yea he's drunk lol"
I'm not a fan of the NPC you used as your "Fair Maiden". I would prefer the "Companion Ghost skin" the default one you used just isn't what I consider very "Fair"
lol "But I do love the fact that when you first meet her, you iterated on what is "Fair" it! But as a Whole I love the "Fair Maiden" shes a great Narrator of the plot "I'm lost for words to describe it, she makes me think of the Weird Sisters in Macbeth, or 'The Norns'. my memory fails me, but it's that type of thing you often see/ experience with plays. a recurring character that's not necessarily part of the immediate story who gives a foretelling of whats to come or what has transpired. I cant remember what that's called but watch Kenneth Branagh's Henry the fifth and you'll see what I'm talking about.
The Dialogue in this quest just made the Thespian/ literary Nerd in me jitter with joy!
one suggestion, don't ever make another video of your own quest "where you explain it" it's one thing to reply to peoples feedback, but doing it from the beginning all the way through esques their experience "well at least it did mine" (you know the story, give us time to figure it out/ make the connections) that's how you get true feedback [imo]
Guard Frinkos a Furry Fetishist! it!!!
with out having to change your "Story Dialogue" you could just make a copy of guard frinko and have the exit door just lead back to the sewer entrance "where you have placed guard frinko copy" and add a small snipit like he's on break and came to check on your progress...that way you side step the bug and end on your custom map, just add the reward chest to the guard "Hangout" room and it should fit the theme.
Overall I give this a 3/ 4 out of 5 star ratting as it is, I loved Your Dialogue "if that wasn't obvious" but your maps are basic "compared to others out there" which is no big deal, it's not the standard to be amazing at all facets :] "Like I'm not very good at writing story's". But I do agree with the idea that making your "extra lore" content a choice will give you better ratings all round, but doing it in a way that it's still apparent and not "Hidden" will be the difficult part on your end.
well I slammed you all with an Epic Wall o' Text...sorry deal with it ;p
Edit: Fixing Spelling Errors >.< I suck
p.s. I'll never complete your quest because I refuse to Kill Nibbles and her family. I'd rather Beat up Frinko!...on the other hand if you were to offer an alternate quest ending I might be swayed XD
That was a very very kind review, I thank you very much hehe. I am a fan of twists or things hidden and how the same scenario can be deemed different depending on the person looking at it. I agree about the Pale Maiden being a bit obscure and 'secret' I will confess my motive specifically (this will make me sound like a jerk lol) was a slam at those whom just look to finish content quickly and not take a moment to enjoy all the extras. I guess you could say that's where she stems from. But, plot wise she will be making an appearance as part of the on-going plot hehe.
Now, I honestly did not want to make a video of my own map... its just after I learned about the bug thing I was humming and arring about what I should do. At the time, I had felt that that I might have to really revamp the dialog to Pale maiden and dear Guard Frinko and I had worked really hard on this my first ever quest so part of me didn't want it to be 'lost' so to speak.
However I have received suggestions on how I can salvage the material which is a relief on my part! So thank you for that hehe! The map choice is not unique, it is the basic asset of a sewer map. In fact, the only one I believe in there. I did want to make a unique map to fit my design a bit more but sadly the foundry lacks altitude abilities, such as ramps and slopes which was kinda gutting. Also part of me didn't want to get bummed down with the map so to speak... as I was still learning and no doubt winding the heck out of Drake with the questions I was asking (haha) I wanted to get a firm understanding of setting objectives and playing with components.
I will say that I am a much more learned man from this experience and I can't wait to make a completely new quest from scratch, of course once I fixed some issues with this map which is turning out not to be the massive pain I thought it was going to be. I can perhaps clear it in a single night and then just patch here and there when things crop up. Thank the Gods!
Oh also about he best man thing, the NPC has it as his 'Group name' so it appears (albeit in smaller text) above his actual name. Didn't want to spell it out, left it as a gentle nod if you noticed it after reading the pages hehe.
I would really like to take a moment to thank you, for firstly reviewing my quest and giving me feedback to make it better. That is mint of you.
So hopefully my next quest I make I shall dazzle you in the map department we shall see! I have it already planned in my mindscape, it just putting it into practice.
But first! Let me get this one sorted out haha!
Thank you again!
Edit: p.s. just to clarify I didn't mean 'Don't make a video of your own content' I just meant if you do, don't walk people through explaining everything ^_^ be subtle about pointing out plot lines/ twist.
Edit 2: you played blood and sand so you saw the Arena he used, just as an example of what I'm talking about when I say "a basic map" look at my 'Arena' its the same map but it's not. 'if your interested, I'm not trying to say I'm awesome, it's just the first example I could think of' you can change a "Default" [Cryptic] map to look extremely different depending on what you do with the Foundry tools. @Zovya's Map for her quest 'A Faithful Encounter' is a great example too, "and others I cant recall at the moment"
I'm glad you said that. My quest is long and it's tough to get plays b/c ppl have the attention span of a fruit fly. I'd like you to review mine too. I'll give yours a shot when servers come up. My quest is in my signature.
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
edit: I just watched your video on A Hidden Blade and it was very enjoyable even though I have played it a dozen times myself
edit2: lol at THE Feios. I watched it just to watch you fall to your death. I sent the author a note about it when he first published it weeks ago... You will quickly learn to avoid 0 minutes / 0 plays
edit 3: I very much enjoyed your quest (on my level 8 rogue) and your sense of humor. Quick note though to change the burlap sacks name to something other than burlap sack 02 :P
Author: @BardicKnowledge
Q1: Prologue - The Lady and the Worm NW-DPQPJSVTH
Tags: #Challenge, #Story, #Solo, #Group
Pale Maiden (the idea I was talking about)
But please, keep those foundry quests coming! I-a-want to play them ha-ha-ha (think the count from sesame street)
Ah yes that is a much better pale maiden. Part of me is kinda holding off a little bit with the hopes that more costumes will get released. I really want a nice bodice or gown for her... I shall see hehe
Your quest is in my review queue now.
Haha dude, I just watched your walkthru. Great review, thanks for the tip...and I agree with your assessment that your Lionheart was probably safe there as he didn't have many brains to begin with.
Only thing I will note that you missed was the floating brain easter egg...
Oh well, maybe next time...:)
Thanks again. I'll make sure to subscribe to your other ones.
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
That is, very good news indeed! I am very much looking forward to continuing the quest series with the hopes that I might succeed where her father failed the mad mad maniac that he was! or is? O.o dun dun DAAAAA
As for my quest, that would be very kind of you. I have some... 'tweaks' I need to implement mainly to do with changing the where the quest completes as Drake informed me that there is a bug where you cant complete (without logging on and off) form the main adventure map (DOH). So, right now I am playing a massive game of getting Guard Frinko to be on the ledge where I told him to stay!
But it appears the server has gone off line! So my frustration is through the roof haha.
Oh I missed an easter egg? That makes me a sad panda
I shall have to play through again soon so I can have a roam around. Your quest was very very fun. I like a quest that tickles me and yours certainly did!
Thanks for the kind words. I'm neck deep trying to finish up my third quest, but after will check yours out mate.
Thanks again.
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
Now that is rested I can finally get on to other stuff!
So tomorrow expect a lot more content in regards to peoples maps being played and I will update the OP once live. These can take a while, I can spend anywhere from 30 mins to near 2 hours depending how much dialog is within the game. I honestly don't mind. I can only thank you for letting me be a part of your worlds
From there its self-rendering which I use Camtasia, then uploading to Youtube which in turn has its own rendering process. So, a video can typically take around 5-6 hours from start to finish. So, I will try and get to your quests as quickly as I can. I am looking forward to it!
Also, want to do more co-op play with Drake as that was a freaking blast. It's always cool to play with others!
Then in the midst of that I have something cool planned for my second quest, which I imagine is going to be a nice 100 hour project lovely jubley!