Shut up. Done? Thanks. Just kidding. Seriously though, stop being such a...******bag. I know it's easy over the net but control your inner ******bag.
Secondly, it doesn't matter if his points are obvious or not. They are still 100% valid points that are based on his opinion therefore, either discuss or leave the thread. If there are more important matters at hand, then that is your opinion. If you would like to share your opinion, please do.
I just did share my opinion. You told me to shut up. Don't contradict yourself too much. It'll be okay, mom will bring your afternoon hot pocket soon.
There.... there is just so much anger in this thread.... Can't we all just get along? This has all spiraled so far out of control! There are mean words, trying to compare games to each-other in order to see who is the most qualified to be called a "veteran".... You guys are tearing this family apart!!!!
That aside, and back to the original post and topic....
1) I agree completely, wish we could teleport back to the main city at will.... wouldn't even mind a 30-60 min cooldown
2) Not behind you on this one. Burn through the pots, or staple a cleric to your inner thigh.
3) Makes no nevermind to me. Even with an incentive, some people just don't wanna fight.
4) Though i haven't had a problem with the LFG function, or the queuing for skirmishes/dungeons, I can see a potential problem >.>;
5) This point has little impact on the game as a whole... generally when you play a game and create your character, you spend a decent amount of time making that character into a suitable avatar for you... Now if you decide you want a different look and are willing to pay for it, then why not?
6) Eh, I don't agree with ya here. Sure most games have these intricate weapons and flowing scythe-like blades on the end of bedazzled baseball bats... but with a game like this, it is refreshing to see realistic-type weapons and armor at even the highest of levels. It may lack style for some, but it feels right for the game...
Whats a veteran anyways? Someone who has seen a lot of mmo's? Does that make them have a more valid point of view if they have veteran status amongst games? Personally I think we all have opinions and they are are all valid as long as they are thoughtful realistic and address mjaor issues in the game.....
But fos ****z and giggles Eq1, EQ2, SWG, TOR, DAoC,Fallen Earth, DDo,Wizardry Online, Vanguard, Matrix Online, SWTOR, STo, LoTRo, Phanstasy Star Online...that be my resume
Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
A veteran is someone that started playing mmos in its early days. Wow and forward is considered "new" mmo players.
Generally i would value an "oldies" opoinion much higher then a "newbie" and its also one of the furst things i look at when our guild gets applications, having WoW stated as the first mmo played is a minus.
Ever play Tradewars on a BBS? Anyways, the gear drops in dungeons isn't exciting nor AD profit worthy - they fund crafting kits. As for parties starting without GF or Clerics I don't understand - my GF is always insta-partied so that tells me folks didn't roll that many. My healer is lucky to get into a party in 20-60 minutes. My CW, TR, and GWF usually get in faster than my Cleric.
Sadly, I usually run dungeons because they are pretty to look at since the gear isn't anything to get lathered up over.
firewire02Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
I wouldn't consider you a veteran.. I have been playing MMO's since Sierras The Realm online.
I just laughed remembering the Realm's solution to duping and exploits. They made a black baldric that cost an extreme amount of money that nobody could have made by legit means. Gave it a while in game (like around a week? or something) then banned everyone who was wearing one lol.
edit: and then i cried a little. that stupid game created an entire generation of morons who think they're qualified to speak.
do yourself a favor, never call yourself a "veteran MMO player" again. it makes you look REALLY stupid given your miniscule MMO experience.
edit #2 (i must be bored): i played Everquest, Asheron's Call, Dark Age of Camelot, WoW, Rift, Aion, Tera, COUNTLESS f2p's, EVE, 10six, Darkfall, Shadowbane, Age of Conan pre-f2p, i mean hell practically the only MMO in the history of the genre that i didn't play was Ultima Online.
can i be king of the intranets now?
Screw UO and I raise you MajorMud. Also..DAOC pre-TOA expansion was the best MMO to date. In the end though..who really cares if someone has played **** near every MMO that has graced the market or not..the flaws of this game are obvious.
There have been 5 major exploits found within weeks of launch (yes, launch..everyone can blow the OB train out of their ***. A non-character wipe, open cash NOT Open Beta), that have all been reported in closed beta numerous times and ignored...this last one along with the GF one-shot bug (T1 and T2 epics flooding the markets within a 5 day period) has effectively destroyed the in-game economy...and will take a LONG time to even itself back out..if ever. Not to mention..the Zen can be used across all their games can it not? So it just doesn't affect this game.
The Zen store is absurdly over-priced with $30-$40 dollar mounts, $6.00 for a respec, $5.00 for a bag etc for 1 character. I can see charging $5.00 for a character slot..but **** near everything else on the Zen store is way way way overpriced...and let's be honest..Cryptic is well aware of it yet choose to do nothing about it because they are up to their eyeballs in exploits atm and people are actually buying the HAMSTER...and again..this last one effectively making AD worth nothing and Zen prices skyrocket for the people that don't outright by Zen. Luckily..I refused to touch the AH or buy anything with my AD until I seen what was going to happen with the economy etc..and obviously **** glad I did.
4k AD for a portal scroll is dumb..especially when you can run on a mount 1 min to get back to town. Hell...I'll just say all the prices are dumb as hell...20-30k AD for a level 2 rune off a vendor as a cleric I don't really bother with potions..although I blew through quite a few in the last couple days running epic dungeons but up until that point..haven't touched anything and have about 50g sitting around as basically a complete waste of a loot drop ..but I can see the problem with other classes. The gold flows out 10X faster than it flows in...once you hit level cap..not a good balance or system.
All in all...the amount of games or years someone has played an MMO doesn't justify or nullify a single argument. This game is fun as hell...and I'm going to continue to play it..but throwing someones concerns or valid arguments over broken *** **** in the beyond stupid. Fanbois and greed have ruined more MMO's and games in general out of sheer stupidity. The gaming community from what it was 20 years ago to disgusting as a whole.
fashirMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I love that people attack him based on his use of the word veteran because they want to feel like the empowered veterans and keep others out. Veteran doesn't mean playing since the first. In the NBA, Kobe is a veteran. But people were playing basketball for decades before he was even born. Stop arguing semantics when you are misinterpreting words.
Well said Unim. I would bet my considerable career that 99% of these posters are kids
who like to troll over actually answer the original content of the OP.
OK kiddies, you win. Im not a veteran. My bad. I thought playing games on PC for over
20 years meant something. Im wrong, you are totally right. You win. Your my hero bro!
Now I can spend more time seeing whats going to happen with this exploit issue.
lancekimMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 8Arc User
It is Beta. Which means if you play and do NOT try to tell the DEV what your feedbacks are, you are not really doing much for Beta except leeching their bandwidth.
It is Beta. If you do not have constructive response to the feedback given, but instead attack the poster who gives feedback, even if it is a feedback you do not agree with, then either you do not understand what Beta is, or you are a little kid who does not understand how to behave in public forum.
It is Beta. Which means how much things cost compare to how much each person think thing should cost probably falls under feedback. I've re-read the original post and I do not see anywhere OP said to make everything free. Either "commie" comment was attempt at humor or not understanding where that phrase came from.
Anyhoo, enough of me trying to be snotty snark and few of things I will add as feedback.
1) experience -> created control wiz, leveled as 2 duo team from beginning following just story line. After finishing each quest zone/map, I am usually 1 or 2 level below quest level of next zone. I assume it is made up by the foundry/dungeon/crafting exp/invoke and with 3 invoke after lvl 10 and doing 1 or 2 foundry between zones allows me to stay confortable within the quest level as I move on, but it does give impression of just following story questline does not give enough exp to stay on storyline quest.
2) in-game class guide/quest/hub - I think the fact there is no need to buy scroll/spell/skill or what have you is different but not necesasrily good or bad. But the lack of place to go or NPC to talk to that either talk about or explain your class is little bit harsh and not very newbie friendly. Being familiar with D&D helps, and everyone is only few click away from wiki and forum posts on class forum to get lot of information they need, but it seems like unnecessary higher-than-needed entry bar for those who just want to install the game login and start playing without having to do "homework"
3) not enough hand-holding for first few levels - not sure if it is deliberate decision to NOT "dumd-down" the game for lowest common denominator, or if they are still in works, but considering there ARE some "tutorial" quest for things like social armors, companion, mount and devine invoke, more simpler and perhaps common sense ones seem to be missing because of it, such as banks, harvesting tools(kits), the fact that when you move item from your inventory to item slot you are MOVING the item and not LINKING the item as is common in other MMO. Again, perhaps it is to discurage the influx of WOW-****, or perhaps everyone else just "got this" without explanations but it feels lot more "do it yourself"
All in all, the expereince is very positive and I am having lot of fun which is all you can ask for in F2P MMO.
I just did share my opinion. You told me to shut up. Don't contradict yourself too much. It'll be okay, mom will bring your afternoon hot pocket soon.
That aside, and back to the original post and topic....
1) I agree completely, wish we could teleport back to the main city at will.... wouldn't even mind a 30-60 min cooldown
2) Not behind you on this one. Burn through the pots, or staple a cleric to your inner thigh.
3) Makes no nevermind to me. Even with an incentive, some people just don't wanna fight.
4) Though i haven't had a problem with the LFG function, or the queuing for skirmishes/dungeons, I can see a potential problem >.>;
5) This point has little impact on the game as a whole... generally when you play a game and create your character, you spend a decent amount of time making that character into a suitable avatar for you... Now if you decide you want a different look and are willing to pay for it, then why not?
6) Eh, I don't agree with ya here. Sure most games have these intricate weapons and flowing scythe-like blades on the end of bedazzled baseball bats... but with a game like this, it is refreshing to see realistic-type weapons and armor at even the highest of levels. It may lack style for some, but it feels right for the game...
Nicely laid points, OP.
Have a wonderful day.
But fos ****z and giggles Eq1, EQ2, SWG, TOR, DAoC,Fallen Earth, DDo,Wizardry Online, Vanguard, Matrix Online, SWTOR, STo, LoTRo, Phanstasy Star Online...that be my resume
Generally i would value an "oldies" opoinion much higher then a "newbie" and its also one of the furst things i look at when our guild gets applications, having WoW stated as the first mmo played is a minus.
Sadly, I usually run dungeons because they are pretty to look at since the gear isn't anything to get lathered up over.
I just laughed remembering the Realm's solution to duping and exploits. They made a black baldric that cost an extreme amount of money that nobody could have made by legit means. Gave it a while in game (like around a week? or something) then banned everyone who was wearing one lol.
-"veteran MMO player"
-first MMO was WoW.
i lol'd.
edit: and then i cried a little. that stupid game created an entire generation of morons who think they're qualified to speak.
do yourself a favor, never call yourself a "veteran MMO player" again. it makes you look REALLY stupid given your miniscule MMO experience.
edit #2 (i must be bored): i played Everquest, Asheron's Call, Dark Age of Camelot, WoW, Rift, Aion, Tera, COUNTLESS f2p's, EVE, 10six, Darkfall, Shadowbane, Age of Conan pre-f2p, i mean hell practically the only MMO in the history of the genre that i didn't play was Ultima Online.
can i be king of the intranets now?
There have been 5 major exploits found within weeks of launch (yes, launch..everyone can blow the OB train out of their ***. A non-character wipe, open cash NOT Open Beta), that have all been reported in closed beta numerous times and ignored...this last one along with the GF one-shot bug (T1 and T2 epics flooding the markets within a 5 day period) has effectively destroyed the in-game economy...and will take a LONG time to even itself back out..if ever. Not to mention..the Zen can be used across all their games can it not? So it just doesn't affect this game.
The Zen store is absurdly over-priced with $30-$40 dollar mounts, $6.00 for a respec, $5.00 for a bag etc for 1 character. I can see charging $5.00 for a character slot..but **** near everything else on the Zen store is way way way overpriced...and let's be honest..Cryptic is well aware of it yet choose to do nothing about it because they are up to their eyeballs in exploits atm and people are actually buying the HAMSTER...and again..this last one effectively making AD worth nothing and Zen prices skyrocket for the people that don't outright by Zen. Luckily..I refused to touch the AH or buy anything with my AD until I seen what was going to happen with the economy etc..and obviously **** glad I did.
4k AD for a portal scroll is dumb..especially when you can run on a mount 1 min to get back to town. Hell...I'll just say all the prices are dumb as hell...20-30k AD for a level 2 rune off a vendor as a cleric I don't really bother with potions..although I blew through quite a few in the last couple days running epic dungeons but up until that point..haven't touched anything and have about 50g sitting around as basically a complete waste of a loot drop
All in all...the amount of games or years someone has played an MMO doesn't justify or nullify a single argument. This game is fun as hell...and I'm going to continue to play it..but throwing someones concerns or valid arguments over broken *** **** in the beyond stupid. Fanbois and greed have ruined more MMO's and games in general out of sheer stupidity. The gaming community from what it was 20 years ago to disgusting as a whole.
I've played:
- EQ
- EQ2
- GW
- GW2
- Vanguard
Hero of the North
who like to troll over actually answer the original content of the OP.
OK kiddies, you win. Im not a veteran. My bad. I thought playing games on PC for over
20 years meant something. Im wrong, you are totally right. You win. Your my hero bro!
Now I can spend more time seeing whats going to happen with this exploit issue.
It is Beta. Which means if you play and do NOT try to tell the DEV what your feedbacks are, you are not really doing much for Beta except leeching their bandwidth.
It is Beta. If you do not have constructive response to the feedback given, but instead attack the poster who gives feedback, even if it is a feedback you do not agree with, then either you do not understand what Beta is, or you are a little kid who does not understand how to behave in public forum.
It is Beta. Which means how much things cost compare to how much each person think thing should cost probably falls under feedback. I've re-read the original post and I do not see anywhere OP said to make everything free. Either "commie" comment was attempt at humor or not understanding where that phrase came from.
Anyhoo, enough of me trying to be snotty snark and few of things I will add as feedback.
1) experience -> created control wiz, leveled as 2 duo team from beginning following just story line. After finishing each quest zone/map, I am usually 1 or 2 level below quest level of next zone. I assume it is made up by the foundry/dungeon/crafting exp/invoke and with 3 invoke after lvl 10 and doing 1 or 2 foundry between zones allows me to stay confortable within the quest level as I move on, but it does give impression of just following story questline does not give enough exp to stay on storyline quest.
2) in-game class guide/quest/hub - I think the fact there is no need to buy scroll/spell/skill or what have you is different but not necesasrily good or bad. But the lack of place to go or NPC to talk to that either talk about or explain your class is little bit harsh and not very newbie friendly. Being familiar with D&D helps, and everyone is only few click away from wiki and forum posts on class forum to get lot of information they need, but it seems like unnecessary higher-than-needed entry bar for those who just want to install the game login and start playing without having to do "homework"
3) not enough hand-holding for first few levels - not sure if it is deliberate decision to NOT "dumd-down" the game for lowest common denominator, or if they are still in works, but considering there ARE some "tutorial" quest for things like social armors, companion, mount and devine invoke, more simpler and perhaps common sense ones seem to be missing because of it, such as banks, harvesting tools(kits), the fact that when you move item from your inventory to item slot you are MOVING the item and not LINKING the item as is common in other MMO. Again, perhaps it is to discurage the influx of WOW-****, or perhaps everyone else just "got this" without explanations but it feels lot more "do it yourself"
All in all, the expereince is very positive and I am having lot of fun which is all you can ask for in F2P MMO.