I played WOW for 6 years, Rift for 2, and GW2 since day 1. I played competitive PvP,
and was a hardcore raider. Based on my years of experience, I wanted to add some input
on my experience in NW. First of all, I have really enjoyed the game, but wanted to input
some thoughts:
1) The lack of teleport back to the city makes no sense. Worse yet, a scroll cost 4k AD.
2) The lack of gold generation Im fine with. What I am not fine with, is going through 50+
pots in Castle Never. In order to run this on a regular basis, your gold gets completed quickly.
3) I love the PvP and combat. In order to promote more people playing, there should be a
small silver reward for playing, along with a minor amount of AD. This would allow a way
to at least get some income, while at the same enjoying the PvP aspect.
4) The LFG function for dungeons is silly. More times than not, the game starts with no tank and
no cleric.
5) You should be able to pay and reselect race. This has been brought up before.
6) The character graphics, along with most items are lackluster. There should be more effort put
into this. If you look at the greatswords in GW for instance, many were awesome and gave that look
of power.
Just my 2 coppers for now. Love the game so far though!
Why is it, that this game is making me consider getting mists of pandaria? XD I hate WoW and left it for a good reason, but dayum... they're changing my perspective one monumental mess at a time.
Ill take the bait Midnight. Im over 40 and Ive been playing since Bard Tales 1 was
on an Apple IIe. Outside of the mentioned ones above, Ive played every game worth
playing on the PC.
How about you? If you want to nickpick my term, I guess it was worth my 10 seconds
to post my credentials.
I played WOW for 6 years, Rift for 2, and GW2 since day 1. I played competitive PvP,
and was a hardcore raider. Based on my years of experience, I wanted to add some input
on my experience in NW. First of all, I have really enjoyed the game, but wanted to input
some thoughts:
1) The lack of teleport back to the city makes no sense. Worse yet, a scroll cost 4k AD.
2) The lack of gold generation Im fine with. What I am not fine with, is going through 50+
pots in Castle Never. In order to run this on a regular basis, your gold gets completed quickly.
3) I love the PvP and combat. In order to promote more people playing, there should be a
small silver reward for playing, along with a minor amount of AD. This would allow a way
to at least get some income, while at the same enjoying the PvP aspect.
4) The LFG function for dungeons is silly. More times than not, the game starts with no tank and
no cleric.
5) You should be able to pay and reselect race. This has been brought up before.
6) The character graphics, along with most items are lackluster. There should be more effort put
into this. If you look at the greatswords in GW for instance, many were awesome and gave that look
of power.
Just my 2 coppers for now. Love the game so far though!
Title states Veteran MMO PLAYER. OP starts off with WoW as his first MMO *Facepalm more likely slightly used mmo player
FYI do some D8D background knowledge. Gold was always lacked in DD. 50 pots aint much. better than casual nerfing then entire expierence. I enjoy the difficulty. even if i have to get 1 gold to buy a handleful of pots
DnD? Lol, I played that game back in the 80s so no need to research. Im not sure where you claim
that gold was an issue. Unless you are NOT referring to the paper and pencil.
narathkorMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Just a heads up OP here is a veteran Profile:
Maridian 59,
Neverwinter Nights (AOL),
The Realm
Ultima Online
Shattered Galaxy,
Kung Fu Online
Dark Age of Camelot
Lineage 2
Guild Wars
Warhammer Online
Pristine Tale
Guild Wars 2
And theres around 10 others I forgot to mention. Yes I have missed a few games over the years too, but its almost impossible to play them all unless you are a professional video game reviewer.
Neverwinter Nights 1991
Legends of Future Past 1992
Meridian 59 1995
Dark Sun Online: Crimson Sands 1996
DragonRealms 1996
Furcadia 1996
Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds 1996
Realm Online 1996
Terra 1996
Darkeden 1997
Tibia 1997
Ultima Online 1997
Clan Lord 1998
Lineage 1998
Underlight 1998
4th Coming 1999
Asheron's Call 1999
Dark Ages 1999
EverQuest 1999
Helbreath 1999
Aces High 2000
Planetarion 2000
Anarchy Online 2001
Cross Gate Shut down 2001
Dark Age of Camelot 2001
Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative 2001
Legend of Mir 2 2001
Priston Tale 2001
RuneScape 2001
Survival Project 2001
Asheron's Call 2 2002
Earth & Beyond 2002
Final Fantasy XI 2002
Neocron and Neocron 2 2002
Ragnarok Online 2002
Entropia Universe 2003
EVE Online 2003
EverQuest Online Adventures 2003
Lineage II 2003
MapleStory 2003
MU Online 2003
Omerta 2003
Puzzle Pirates 2003
Rubies of Eventide 2003
Seal Online 2003
Shadowbane 2003
Star Wars Galaxies 2003
Tale in the Desert 2003
Trickster Online 2003
With Your Destiny 2003
Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted 2003
City of Heroes 2004
Dofus 2004
EverQuest II 2004
Kal Online 2004
Knight Online 2004
Legend of Mir 3 2004
Mabinogi 2004
Metin 2 2004
Pardus 2004
Ran Online 2004
Ryzom 2004
Shot-Online 2004
Vendetta Online 2004 World of Warcraft 2004
Neverwinter Nights 1991
Legends of Future Past 1992
Meridian 59 1995
Dark Sun Online: Crimson Sands 1996
DragonRealms 1996
Furcadia 1996
Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds 1996
Realm Online 1996
Terra 1996
Darkeden 1997
Tibia 1997
Ultima Online 1997
Clan Lord 1998
Lineage 1998
Underlight 1998
4th Coming 1999
Asheron's Call 1999
Dark Ages 1999
EverQuest 1999
Helbreath 1999
Aces High 2000
Planetarion 2000
Anarchy Online 2001
Cross Gate Shut down 2001
Dark Age of Camelot 2001
Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative 2001
Legend of Mir 2 2001
Priston Tale 2001
RuneScape 2001
Survival Project 2001
Asheron's Call 2 2002
Earth & Beyond 2002
Final Fantasy XI 2002
Neocron and Neocron 2 2002
Ragnarok Online 2002
Entropia Universe 2003
EVE Online 2003
EverQuest Online Adventures 2003
Lineage II 2003
MapleStory 2003
MU Online 2003
Omerta 2003
Puzzle Pirates 2003
Rubies of Eventide 2003
Seal Online 2003
Shadowbane 2003
Star Wars Galaxies 2003
Tale in the Desert 2003
Trickster Online 2003
With Your Destiny 2003
Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted 2003
City of Heroes 2004
Dofus 2004
EverQuest II 2004
Kal Online 2004
Knight Online 2004
Legend of Mir 3 2004
Mabinogi 2004
Metin 2 2004
Pardus 2004
Ran Online 2004
Ryzom 2004
Shot-Online 2004
Vendetta Online 2004 World of Warcraft 2004
Shame most of the old ones are superceded by what is released today and are not a requirement to being a veteran.
I played WOW for 6 years, Rift for 2, and GW2 since day 1. I played competitive PvP,
and was a hardcore raider. Based on my years of experience, I wanted to add some input
on my experience in NW. First of all, I have really enjoyed the game, but wanted to input
some thoughts:
1) The lack of teleport back to the city makes no sense. Worse yet, a scroll cost 4k AD.
2) The lack of gold generation Im fine with. What I am not fine with, is going through 50+
pots in Castle Never. In order to run this on a regular basis, your gold gets completed quickly.
3) I love the PvP and combat. In order to promote more people playing, there should be a
small silver reward for playing, along with a minor amount of AD. This would allow a way
to at least get some income, while at the same enjoying the PvP aspect.
4) The LFG function for dungeons is silly. More times than not, the game starts with no tank and
no cleric.
5) You should be able to pay and reselect race. This has been brought up before.
6) The character graphics, along with most items are lackluster. There should be more effort put
into this. If you look at the greatswords in GW for instance, many were awesome and gave that look
of power.
Just my 2 coppers for now. Love the game so far though!
I wouldn't consider you a veteran.. I have been playing MMO's since Sierras The Realm online.
You get some of the worst bunch when a game is f2p with all of the belittling, snide comments. The OP obviously has a lot of MMO experience and history and instead of discussing his thoughts, some people feel the need to criticize.
Someone define Veteran for me please? Is it the amount of games you have played? Is it the time spent playing 1 game?
Us older folks sure do get a chuckle out of reading these forums full of ego.
thief183Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
A veteran.... started with wow... you are not a veteran .... Ultima online was and will always be the best mmorpg (not going to list all i've played). Other than that I love the game so far too to bad it lacks of a real open world PvP.. I love to quest scouting around for other players thjat may want to kill me....or to kill ofc ^^)
Your credentials do not make you a veteran. Sorry to burst your bubble. I don't even consider myself a veteran. I'm not a huge min/max person and I've played Meridian 59, The Realm [Online], beta tested Ultima Online, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, every expansion of World of Warcraft including some beta in most of them, City of Heroes, Rift, DCUO, FFXI, FFXIV, and many other various I probably forgot to mention... Just play to have fun.
Besides, all your points are blatantly obvious and there are much more detrimental issues to be addressed.
Shame most of the old ones are superceded by what is released today and are not a requirement to being a veteran.
What is the requirement to being a veteran? Oh...there isn't one. Everyone's opinion is just as valued and important as the next. Stop trying to show how many games you've played and keep to the topic.
@the guy who posted an essay of games, you're probably allergic to sunlight now.
Ninjamonkee1. how did you enjoy EQ2, was it any good? I started my gaming career with Everquest. Shortly after beta and I took that game to the extreme raiding 7 hour days With Forsaken Realm guild. Never did try EQ2. I went back to EQ last year. Man o man is it nothing like it used to be.
Well said Unim. I would bet my considerable career that 99% of these posters are kids
who like to troll over actually answer the original content of the OP.
OK kiddies, you win. Im not a veteran. My bad. I thought playing games on PC for over
20 years meant something. Im wrong, you are totally right. You win. Your my hero bro!
Now I can spend more time seeing whats going to happen with this exploit issue.
Ninjamonkee1. how did you enjoy EQ2, was it any good? I started my gaming career with Everquest. Shortly after beta and I took that game to the extreme raiding 7 hour days With Forsaken Realm guild. Never did try EQ2. I went back to EQ last year. Man o man is it nothing like it used to be.
Let's put it this way... I didn't stay playing it too long. I got pretty bored fast. Focused on WoW instead.
Your credentials do not make you a veteran. Sorry to burst your bubble. I don't even consider myself a veteran. I'm not a huge min/max person and I've played Meridian 59, The Realm [Online], beta tested Ultima Online, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, every expansion of World of Warcraft including some beta in most of them, City of Heroes, Rift, DCUO, FFXI, FFXIV, and many other various I probably forgot to mention... Just play to have fun.
Besides, all your points are blatantly obvious and there are much more detrimental issues to be addressed.
Shut up. Done? Thanks. Just kidding. Seriously though, stop being such a...******bag. I know it's easy over the net but control your inner ******bag.
Secondly, it doesn't matter if his points are obvious or not. They are still 100% valid points that are based on his opinion therefore, either discuss or leave the thread. If there are more important matters at hand, then that is your opinion. If you would like to share your opinion, please do.
it's beta
they have to make money... are you a commie?
no wipe = no beta, and a beta is not for making money. Use your brain plz
Define beta plz
It was Sarcasm.
on an Apple IIe. Outside of the mentioned ones above, Ive played every game worth
playing on the PC.
How about you? If you want to nickpick my term, I guess it was worth my 10 seconds
to post my credentials.
Title states Veteran MMO PLAYER. OP starts off with WoW as his first MMO *Facepalm more likely slightly used mmo player
FYI do some D8D background knowledge. Gold was always lacked in DD. 50 pots aint much. better than casual nerfing then entire expierence. I enjoy the difficulty. even if i have to get 1 gold to buy a handleful of pots
that gold was an issue. Unless you are NOT referring to the paper and pencil.
Maridian 59,
Neverwinter Nights (AOL),
The Realm
Ultima Online
Shattered Galaxy,
Kung Fu Online
Dark Age of Camelot
Lineage 2
Guild Wars
Warhammer Online
Pristine Tale
Guild Wars 2
And theres around 10 others I forgot to mention. Yes I have missed a few games over the years too, but its almost impossible to play them all unless you are a professional video game reviewer.
The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
A Name For Yourself NW-DRBWMCFL4
Click Here To Visit The Official Thread
Guys he's trolling.
Wow? lol good one....
Legends of Future Past 1992
Meridian 59 1995
Dark Sun Online: Crimson Sands 1996
DragonRealms 1996
Furcadia 1996
Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds 1996
Realm Online 1996
Terra 1996
Darkeden 1997
Tibia 1997
Ultima Online 1997
Clan Lord 1998
Lineage 1998
Underlight 1998
4th Coming 1999
Asheron's Call 1999
Dark Ages 1999
EverQuest 1999
Helbreath 1999
Aces High 2000
Planetarion 2000
Anarchy Online 2001
Cross Gate Shut down 2001
Dark Age of Camelot 2001
Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative 2001
Legend of Mir 2 2001
Priston Tale 2001
RuneScape 2001
Survival Project 2001
Asheron's Call 2 2002
Earth & Beyond 2002
Final Fantasy XI 2002
Neocron and Neocron 2 2002
Ragnarok Online 2002
Entropia Universe 2003
EVE Online 2003
EverQuest Online Adventures 2003
Lineage II 2003
MapleStory 2003
MU Online 2003
Omerta 2003
Puzzle Pirates 2003
Rubies of Eventide 2003
Seal Online 2003
Shadowbane 2003
Star Wars Galaxies 2003
Tale in the Desert 2003
Trickster Online 2003
With Your Destiny 2003
Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted 2003
City of Heroes 2004
Dofus 2004
EverQuest II 2004
Kal Online 2004
Knight Online 2004
Legend of Mir 3 2004
Mabinogi 2004
Metin 2 2004
Pardus 2004
Ran Online 2004
Ryzom 2004
Shot-Online 2004
Vendetta Online 2004
World of Warcraft 2004
Shame most of the old ones are superceded by what is released today and are not a requirement to being a veteran.
I wouldn't consider you a veteran.. I have been playing MMO's since Sierras The Realm online.
Us older folks sure do get a chuckle out of reading these forums full of ego.
Besides, all your points are blatantly obvious and there are much more detrimental issues to be addressed.
What is the requirement to being a veteran? Oh...there isn't one. Everyone's opinion is just as valued and important as the next. Stop trying to show how many games you've played and keep to the topic.
@the guy who posted an essay of games, you're probably allergic to sunlight now.
who like to troll over actually answer the original content of the OP.
OK kiddies, you win. Im not a veteran. My bad. I thought playing games on PC for over
20 years meant something. Im wrong, you are totally right. You win. Your my hero bro!
Now I can spend more time seeing whats going to happen with this exploit issue.
Let's put it this way... I didn't stay playing it too long. I got pretty bored fast. Focused on WoW instead.
I didnt say i played them all
Shut up. Done? Thanks. Just kidding. Seriously though, stop being such a...******bag. I know it's easy over the net but control your inner ******bag.
Secondly, it doesn't matter if his points are obvious or not. They are still 100% valid points that are based on his opinion therefore, either discuss or leave the thread. If there are more important matters at hand, then that is your opinion. If you would like to share your opinion, please do.