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can we not have a repeat of d3 please?



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    coconukecoconuke Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You don't either.

    Oh please try.

    This is the most interesting part. You assume, that taking money out of the economy actually causes inflation. No, sir, inflation is caused by an increase of supply, not it's decrease. It will cause the price of AD to rise, lowering the cost of every in-game exploitable item due to an increased supply of it. Simply saying: every purple item is going to be worth s..t, because exploiters will be selling thousands of them and will hoard the AD not allowing it to circulate into the economy. On my server you can buy purple gear for 2000AD now and the prices are dropping rapidly.

    No, it won't. It's been proven, that hoarding will not destroy any economic system, which is big enough to make sure absolute cornering is impossible. It will make everyone richer with one, sole exception - ZEN. The prices of ZEN will rise, because exploiters will invest in ZEN buying it out, greatly increasing the demand. So ZEN-wise everyone will become poorer and poorer... except for prople, who buy ZEN for cash. In-game wise everyone will become richer.

    It will cause the PvE content to stagnate and become too easy, because everyone will be able to buy entire lvl 60 PvE sets before they hit level 20.

    With this I agree. Fully.


    Only this guy in this entire thread knows anything about economics. Kaydiechi would have failed EC101 should he ever take it.
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    atlantix1atlantix1 Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2013
    taxicab428 wrote: »
    1) From what I've read, they reimburse your spent zen on rollback, so that softens the blow.

    2) Yes, we should ban the exploiters (or do a full rollback), so they can make another free account, and start the process over again. Sounds good.

    The Best (albeit hardest to bear) solution would be to find a fix for the exploits (so they can't be done in the future) and then roll back. Yes a lot of people would be upset for their progress being wiped, but the number of people who leave because of that will pale in comparison to those who leave because their game economy is destroyed by exploiters

    Edit 1:

    You fail to realize how exploiters' actions destroy the economy and the game. You also fail to realize how that's a bad thing and needs to be fixed with more than just banning people.

    So yes, you do miss the point. And you miss it completely

    Edit 2:

    Are you kidding me? This isn't the time for the full rant, so I'll give you the quick one:

    "<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>" literally (actual literally, not colloquial literally) means "slowed", as in "Your brain function is slowed because you're stupid"

    It has absolutely nothing to do with genetic disorder.

    Those who use it in that sense are ignorant <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> who deserve derision, but not everyone (see: people who actually know what the word means) uses it in that manner


    edit little bit more maybe..
    first of all thx for the lesson in english vocabulary.. The word you described considered insult by many.. maybe in dictionary it might literally mean something non-offensive but in here its considered insult and it can be considered offensive.. i just wished you to stop calling people a certain word...maybe you might not get offended when someone calls you "<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>" but me and many other people might get offended.. and i believe that would be against the forum rules.. please watch your words more carefully when discussing topics on the forum, some guy like you might report you..

    Secondly, as i said before i understand the concerns towards the game economy.. i still think after banning exploiters and fixing certain exploits, in time game economy will fix itself up.. at the moment its a new game with evolving economy.. in time everything will have certain price.. at the moment everybody just price cutting.. after certain time exact value of the items will be more clear..
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    maho4200maho4200 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 526 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    atlantix1 wrote: »
    just because i think differently about a subject doesn't mean i have to be insulted. this is discussion board, everybody has their own opinions.. i told mine and i got flamed..
    Again this isn't about you not wanting roll-back, it's about you not grasping why it is necessary for the sake of the game.
    My opinion has not changed.. in my 15 yrs of online gaming i witnessed many exploits and situations.. most of the time there was no rollback.. rollback only needed when vast majority of players gain unfair advantage over the few..
    I've been gaming even longer than that but neither are relevant, MMO's with this kind of economy hasn't been around for more than a few years.
    Neverwinter Online Open Beta is an ongoing success
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    dramdrumdramdrum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 43
    edited May 2013
    Wtf, such exploits exist and the servers are still UP???

    Why haven't they shut down yet?
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    atlantix1atlantix1 Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2013
    taxicab428 wrote: »
    Welcome to the internet. I'm starting to doubt your "15 yrs of online gaming" anecdotal evidence even more than before

    actually 15yrs of MMO gaming.. 17 years of online gaming.. Started with Q2 than HL : DM ,followed with CS beta 2.2 to 6.1 , in the mean time Ultima online than rest came in time..
    i'm not much of a forum guy.. i learned not to argue with n88bs long time ago..
    sometimes its fun to give it a try.. maybe i can educate couple n88bs.. however, it seems impossible..
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    spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013

    That's a "NICE" bot they have responding to their feed XD
    atlantix1 wrote: »
    actually 15yrs of MMO gaming.. 17 years of online gaming.. Started with Q2 than HL : DM ,followed with CS beta 2.2 to 6.1 , in the mean time Ultima online than rest came in time..
    i'm not much of a forum guy.. i learned not to argue with n88bs long time ago..
    sometimes its fun to give it a try.. maybe i can educate couple n88bs.. however, it seems impossible..

    If you feel you're being "trolled" or unfairly attacked, then use the report function instead of adding fuel to the fire by spouting "n00bs" etc.
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    rakkanothrakkanoth Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    paragon33 wrote: »
    I get that a couple guys don't want this to happen... I completely understand and sympathize.. I sure the hell don't want to start over. But this is impossible to fix without doing such.
    I know they are in release and they have always used OB loosely in PW. But it is labeled beta still... They need to shut down immediately and fix these obvious things. (not just the exploits) refund everyone's Zen and open up in a week (or less).
    This is about the longevity of the game; this is a insta killer of mmos. And a lot of you are clinging more on not wanting to let go of your edge I bet then being concerned with starting over.

    The horse died way *** back there... Its all just dragging in the mud now.
    These guys are not saying a **** thing to us...

    Your suggestion might be the best solution but it's not going to happen, they already stated multiple times a roll back/char wipe ain't happening and never will. Don't get me wrong, I'm on your side but it's futile.
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    adabisiadabisi Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Someone get BIGBY and his interposing hand and ***** slap some exploiters off of the game pls.
    Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
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    maho4200maho4200 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 526 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    atlantix1 wrote: »
    actually 15yrs of MMO gaming.. 17 years of online gaming.. Started with Q2 than HL : DM ,followed with CS beta 2.2 to 6.1 , in the mean time Ultima online than rest came in time..
    i'm not much of a forum guy.. i learned not to argue with n88bs long time ago..
    sometimes its fun to give it a try.. maybe i can educate couple n88bs.. however, it seems impossible..
    Because YOU seem to be the "n88b".
    Neverwinter Online Open Beta is an ongoing success
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    coconukecoconuke Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    atlantix1 wrote: »
    edit little bit more maybe..
    first of all thx for the lesson in english vocabulary.. The word you described considered insult by many.. maybe in dictionary it might literally mean something non-offensive but in here its considered insult and it can be considered offensive.. i just wished you to stop calling people a certain word...maybe you might not get offended when someone calls you "<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>" but me and many other people might get offended.. and i believe that would be against the forum rules.. please watch your words more carefully when discussing topics on the forum, some guy like you might report you..

    Secondly, as i said before i understand the concerns towards the game economy.. i still think after banning exploiters and fixing certain exploits, in time game economy will fix itself up.. at the moment its a new game with evolving economy.. in time everything will have certain price.. at the moment everybody just price cutting.. after certain time exact value of the items will be more clear..

    <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>'s primary definition is delayed as in terms of progress or growth. <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> also has a secondary meaning used for offense, as a general term for abuse.

    Your own negative portrayal of the word, <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, shouldn't negate anyone from using it.

    However, in this case, it seems taxicab428 used "<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>" in an abusive manner, used in a context of insult.
    logged in to say you're completely <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and completely missing the point. Perhaps there's a reason you have no job/school/responsibility in your life.
    If I get forum banned for this post, I'll be ok with that..

    So in this particular case, taxicab should be reported for his abusive language.

    However, don't cringe whenever you hear the word, <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, as it's important to realize it's PRIMARY definition is one of usefulness, not abuse.
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    atlantix1atlantix1 Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2013
    maho4200 wrote: »
    Again this isn't about you not wanting roll-back, it's about you not grasping why it is necessary for the sake of the game.

    I've been gaming even longer than that but neither are relevant, MMO's with this kind of economy hasn't been around for more than a few years.

    who thinks the game deserves to survive anyways?
    its linear game.. no open world, no pve raids, bunch of bugs, fcked up community, greedy publisher, amateur devs, pretty bad dungeon boss designers, list can go on.. it's just a time killer until the better game arrives.. in our case that would be Wildstar or Eso... not to mention Archeage also strong upcoming title..

    in this game 2 clerics astral shield stacks and makes the group virtually indestructable, making the tank useless.
    in this game boss has no auto-attack, only ability attack.. which means rogue tanks much better than actual tank since actual tank has to spec defensive in-order to survie ability damage, in order to block more than 1 hit.. rogue can just keep critting, keep the agro of the boss and dodge the ability attacks.. GG
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    hopeless2hopeless2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 73
    edited May 2013
    There is no way they will NOT ban these guys. They are robbing PWE off their money. They might even get in real life **** for the big exploiters that could be looking at hundred of thousands of dollar profits. (if you don't believe me go do some research on how much AD in Real World Trade)

    I don't think they banned anyone for this yet. I actually regret spending time playing this game thinking that PWE would ban exploiters.

    PEOPLE are Bragging on the forum and how to exploit farm and they don't get banned. This is ****ing ridiculous.
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    datemperdatemper Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    atlantix1 wrote: »
    just because i think differently about a subject doesn't mean i have to be insulted. this is discussion board, everybody has their own opinions.. i told mine and i got flamed..
    My opinion has not changed.. in my 15 yrs of online gaming i witnessed many exploits and situations.. most of the time there was no rollback.. rollback only needed when vast majority of players gain unfair advantage over the few..
    In our case i do not think majority made millions of AD...
    Devs should find and ban the exploiters.. i believe if there are no exploiters left, the game economy will fix itself in-time..

    I also game full time and I respect your opinion and am sorry to hear you got flamed.

    Having said that,my opinion is opposite to yours.

    It will be much less hassle for me to regain what I have lost through a rollback than a casual player.Although in the case of Neverwinter as a full time gamer I can't consider playing this game in any way but as a casual with so much accessible exploitable content.I do however enjoy what Neverwinter offers in the way of a fun experience casually.

    MMO only needs a few thousand in the know exploiters to do their thing and force devs to take action.Action in most cases that will effect every player in the game,such as loot nerfs/diminishing returns,xp nerfs/diminishing returns and in some cases complete removal of content.One such recent game that fell to bits like this was Guild Wars 2.I had settled on playing GW2 full time,but it became obvious very fast that the community as a whole would pay the penalty for the actions of multiboxers,exploiters and botters,so I left.

    Some highly viewed streamers are exploiting this game (among other games) and broadcast these exploits to thousands of players world wide,who in turn download the game and join in the frenzy of exploiting the latest free to play game.

    I for one as a responsible hardcore gamer would have absolutely no protest with a complete rollback and/or the game going back into a closed beta state.
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    coconukecoconuke Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hopeless2 wrote: »
    I don't think they banned anyone for this yet. I actually regret spending time playing this game thinking that PWE would ban exploiters.

    PEOPLE are Bragging on the forum and how to exploit farm and they don't get banned. This is ****ing ridiculous.

    You and many others who got the $200 pack must feel pissed and ripped off. You guys should chargeback for failing to deliver on promised product, or misleading advertising. This same scenario happened for the zombie survival game, The War Z, and so many customers complained on an incomplete and misleading product that Valve pulled the game from the store (first game on Steam ever to be pulled this way).

    Oh.. and Valve offered to refund everyone who purchased on their store. On top of this, several customers themselves launched lawsuits against the publisher.
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    spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Problem with the founders pack is, unlike pre-ordering it doesn't have the same legal obligation from PWE. You're entitled to what you paid for, but not the stable economic platform ingame to enjoy it to it's fullest.

    what was that post about the currencies? "convert widgets, to gidgets to smidgets" or something like that? kinda sticks in my mind.
    Someone will 200 mill AD has the means to manipulate a market, I'm open to being shown how you CAN'T and this games economic design is that good that it can't be, but from what I've seen, no economic system is that fool proof that one person just can't mangle it with an exploit and too much accumilated currency.
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    datemperdatemper Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    atlantix1 wrote: »
    who thinks the game deserves to survive anyways?
    its linear game.. no open world, no pve raids, bunch of bugs, fcked up community, greedy publisher, amateur devs, pretty bad dungeon boss designers, list can go on.. it's just a time killer until the better game arrives.. in our case that would be Wildstar or Eso... not to mention Archeage also strong upcoming title..

    in this game 2 clerics astral shield stacks and makes the group virtually indestructable, making the tank useless.
    in this game boss has no auto-attack, only ability attack.. which means rogue tanks much better than actual tank since actual tank has to spec defensive in-order to survie ability damage, in order to block more than 1 hit.. rogue can just keep critting, keep the agro of the boss and dodge the ability attacks.. GG

    Ok and with what you said here it may be time for you to move on already and wait it out for more of the same with ESO/Wildstar.

    Not trying to be nasty,genuinly feel that your wasting your time in Neverwinter as you've already given up on it.
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    kellthusadkellthusad Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    heeeeeysa wrote: »
    Fastest death of a game ever?

    Same fate as RiderZ...
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    atlantix1atlantix1 Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2013
    datemper wrote: »
    I also game full time and I respect your opinion and am sorry to hear you got flamed.

    Having said that,my opinion is opposite to yours.

    It will be much less hassle for me to regain what I have lost through a rollback than a casual player.Although in the case of Neverwinter as a full time gamer I can't consider playing this game in any way but as a casual with so much accessible exploitable content.I do however enjoy what Neverwinter offers in the way of a fun experience casually.

    MMO only needs a few thousand in the know exploiters to do their thing and force devs to take action.Action in most cases that will effect every player in the game,such as loot nerfs/diminishing returns,xp nerfs/diminishing returns and in some cases complete removal of content.One such recent game that fell to bits like this was Guild Wars 2.I had settled on playing GW2 full time,but it became obvious very fast that the community as a whole would pay the penalty for the actions of multiboxers,exploiters and botters,so I left.

    Some highly viewed streamers are exploiting this game (among other games) and broadcast these exploits to thousands of players world wide,who in turn download the game and join in the frenzy of exploiting the latest free to play game.

    I for one as a responsible hardcore gamer would have absolutely no protest with a complete rollback and/or the game going back into a closed beta state.

    thanx for logical explanation
    your point is decent..
    you are right, i can earn back what i lost in rollback
    i think after reading your post, i do not care if there is rollback.. i can earn back the lost items.. 1 week ago i wasn't even playing this game..
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    hopeless2hopeless2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 73
    edited May 2013
    coconuke wrote: »
    You and many others who got the $200 pack must feel pissed and ripped off. You guys should chargeback for failing to deliver on promised product, or misleading advertising. This same scenario happened for the zombie survival game, The War Z, and so many customers complained on an incomplete and misleading product that Valve pulled the game from the store (first game on Steam ever to be pulled this way).

    Oh.. and Valve offered to refund everyone who purchased on their store. On top of this, several customers themselves launched lawsuits against the publisher.

    I am not fussed about the money. I still enjoyed the game and still think the game is fun. My issue is with how PWE/Cryptic is managing this. As soon as exploits for like are found, action needs to be taken. As we speed here there will be people exploiting this like crazy. I already hate the fact that there is BOE gear, it always ruins games.

    I will just sit back and watch what is done. If I had to request a refund, it would be because I am dissatisfied with how they are managing the game. Refunds will depend on which country you live in. In EU we have customer rights which will allow us to get a refund should we be dissatisfied with a service and the provider will not comply.
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    atlantix1atlantix1 Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2013
    datemper wrote: »
    Ok and with what you said here it may be time for you to move on already and wait it out for more of the same with ESO/Wildstar.

    Not trying to be nasty,genuinly feel that your wasting your time in Neverwinter as you've already given up on it.

    nothing else to play mate..
    besides that i was trying to make a point.. yes it was a harsh one.. but i'm also depressed.. i have been trying to reach Customer Service and Developers about Duelist's flurry bug for days now.. only reply i got is a CSR telling me how to unstuck my character..

    I'm having fun in neverwinter pve and pvp at the moment.. but since the limit in the content, i desire something better.. Until something better arrives, i prefer spending my time playing Neverwinter.. i also never quit mmo before compile a solo pvp video for my collection =)
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    czeslawczadczeslawczad Member Posts: 100
    edited May 2013
    Not saying it's a legitimate oppinion or whatever of the sort, but if there would have to be a full rollback I'd stop playing the game and request a full refund of the money I spent on purchasing ZEN (it's just 10EUR, but principals matter and having 10EUR and not having 10EUR is 20EUR total :)) while keeping the ZEN I purchased as a form of compensation for the time spent in game building a character which got deleted. Just in case I ever want to play any game by PWE in the future.

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    taxicab428taxicab428 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    coconuke wrote: »
    <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>'s primary definition is delayed as in terms of progress or growth. <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> also has a secondary meaning used for offense, as a general term for abuse.

    Your own negative portrayal of the word, <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, shouldn't negate anyone from using it.

    However, in this case, it seems taxicab428 used "<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>" in an abusive manner, used in a context of insult.

    So in this particular case, taxicab should be reported for his abusive language.

    However, don't cringe whenever you hear the word, <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, as it's important to realize it's PRIMARY definition is one of usefulness, not abuse.

    Thank you for putting it more elegantly than my tired mind could.

    As for Atlantix, If you were offended by me insulting you, I encourage you to use the report button. That's why it's there, after all.

    If you were offended by me using the word <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> itself, I'll say to you what I say to everyone else with whom I have this discussion (both on the internet and off): Grow up and learn to context.

    And with that, I'm finally heading to bed. To make this post on topic, I still vote for fixing the exploit and rolling back.
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    wrenaqwrenaq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Having a Brother who has Downs syndrome I also find the "R" word offensive, I had had many fights growing up because of idiots calling him that and making fun out of his condition.
    You coulda have just used the word stupid you know....
    Use it again and I will report you or any other person using such a hateful word.
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    scorpion2112scorpion2112 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 34
    edited May 2013
    Not only has the economy deflated, but so has my interest in playing this game.

    Not wanting to jack this thread, just something else to think about to yourself: When was the last time I got an actual response from leaving a ticket?

    I ask that because I don't think the people running the game care about anything at all, and if the game fails in a month then they made the quick buck. A game that has a short life can actually be quite lucrative.

    Sad to say they charmed my money out of me. If I spend anymore actual money on this game, I will have to have it tattooed on my forehead so I will be reminded to not get suckered again.
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    atlantix1atlantix1 Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2013
    taxicab428 wrote: »
    Thank you for putting it more elegantly than my tired mind could.

    As for Atlantix, If you were offended by me insulting you, I encourage you to use the report button. That's why it's there, after all.

    If you were offended by me using the word <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> itself, I'll say to you what I say to everyone else with whom I have this discussion (both on the internet and off): Grow up and learn to context.

    And with that, I'm finally heading to bed. To make this post on topic, I still vote for fixing the exploit and rolling back.

    i'm not a reporter unless its really offensive insult..
    you carried away with the heat of the discussion.. thats all...

    i wish you good night and sweet dreams..
    i dont mind if there is a rollback after this point.. whatever is gonna happen and i can't forsee the future
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    pwpolicemanpwpoliceman Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Buy GF valiant set and one shot bosses ! Cant do dragon then just get a GF with Valiant set and you win game....FUN!
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    fotzikfotzik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You don't either.

    Oh please try.

    This is the most interesting part. You assume, that taking money out of the economy actually causes inflation. No, sir, inflation is caused by an increase of supply, not it's decrease. It will cause the price of AD to rise, lowering the cost of every in-game exploitable item due to an increased supply of it. Simply saying: every purple item is going to be worth s..t, because exploiters will be selling thousands of them and will hoard the AD not allowing it to circulate into the economy. On my server you can buy purple gear for 2000AD now and the prices are dropping rapidly.

    No, it won't. It's been proven, that hoarding will not destroy any economic system, which is big enough to make sure absolute cornering is impossible. It will make everyone richer with one, sole exception - ZEN. The prices of ZEN will rise, because exploiters will invest in ZEN buying it out, greatly increasing the demand. So ZEN-wise everyone will become poorer and poorer... except for prople, who buy ZEN for cash. In-game wise everyone will become richer.

    It will cause the PvE content to stagnate and become too easy, because everyone will be able to buy entire lvl 60 PvE sets before they hit level 20.

    With this I agree. Fully.


    Except when a small ammount of players are hording all the AD people won't be able to afford stuff like enchanting, companions and mount upgrades.. you forgot that.. So players won't really get richer, sure they can buy purple gear easily but they can't really socket it with anything but rank 5 enchants. If they want to upgrade they'll have to buy wards with real money or farm for a very long time. Players won't be able to get faster mounts unless they buy them from the store or farm for an even longer time. So yeah, everything you said doesn't really work like you think it will because you forgot those cryptic set prices that will never be changed like the player set prices.
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    kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kaydiechi wrote: »
    because of the fact that zen has become less ad per zen, and because of the fact that everything is cheap that means you make LESS ad. and that is why zen is worth LESS ad because you can make LESS ad per equivalent time spend farming..

    Not really.

    Decreasing exchange rate means you get less AD.... if you're buying Zen with $$ and then converting it into AD to spend in-game.
    Decreasing exchange rate means you get MORE zen.... if you're farming your 24k rough diamonds per day and then converting it into Zen to spend in the shop.

    I know this, because the exchange rate in STO falling into the 90-130 range this past year, let me get 8-10k zen just via refining Dilithium.
    That screenshot is giving me no motivation to play.

    Doesn't change my motivation to play. But, then, my highest level character is 39, and I've barely done anything with the auction house. And wasn't planning on "farming" epics to sell there and/or being an AH bigshot wheeler-dealer. (bulk running dungeons has never been that interesting to me. I'm hoping that by the time I'm done leveling several characters, there'll be more lv60 content that isn't just "queue up for a group")

    edit: "but if all the AD is being horded, no one can afford basic services" Honestly, this is a good thing. Maybe it'll get them to take a look at how they designed & balanced the system in the first place. This would have happened regardless, once the Founder "instant" AD was all used up (in AH fees & vendor purchases).... the economy at that point would be reduced to functioning on just the Rough AD refined each day by everyone. (And I know it's not automatically 24k per person - it looks like it takes a heck of a lot more time to max out your refining here than it does in STO.) The various AD prices for things (feat respec, enchant removal, appearance change, <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> on the vendors) seems like it's way too high to sustain on just refining.
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    lyokiralyokira Member Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Buy GF valiant set and one shot bosses ! Cant do dragon then just get a GF with Valiant set and you win game....FUN!

    I'm relatively sure the bug is not just from merely wearing the gear and triggering it's effect, though admittedly I can't personally test it out.
    kiralyn wrote: »
    I'm hoping that by the time I'm done leveling several characters, there'll be more lv60 content that isn't just "queue up for a group")

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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is no way they will NOT ban these guys. They are robbing PWE off their money.

    Sorry to burst your bubble but Cryptic will do nothing about these guys because it doesn't hurt PWE's bottom line short-term. PWE makes money of the fact that you can trade ZEN -> AD and they control the entry of AD into the market. People scrambling to buy stuff of the AH means that the AH cut takes AD out of the market.

    This benefits PWE in two ways - as there is less AD in the market it means that is harder for people to buy in-game items that sell for AD, and it costs relatively more ZEN to buy the AD needed. So actually it is not in PWE's short term interest to stop this. Of course seeing people get fed up with this and leave then it is in Cryptics/PWE's longer term interest to stop this immediately. But I doubt they will look that far ahead......
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