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    jlanderjlander Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    raphlwes wrote: »
    One of the reason's I started playing Neverwinter is the F2P model. I have never and will never pay for a subscription game. Things change too fast in the online gaming world and it's great to be able to jump from one game to another and pay for what you like.

    There is no reason to be a slave to subscription games which you feel you must play all the time because you are paying monthly. No, don't listen to these P2P totalitarians, break the chains of subscription based games and be free!

    Im not sure if your last paragraph is sarcasm or not. lol

    Im just a normal person who lives paycheck to paycheck like most of us but $15/month isnt much. Its sure not enough to equal chains and a freedom speech, are you serious. If someone legit cant afford $15/month without being homeless or whatever, maybe stop playing games in their free time and pick up a second job.
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I would pay $15 a month just to get rid of zen and diamonds completely and use a gold standard on everything.

    lol, me too :p
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    bubba1966bubba1966 Member Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    why would anyone anyone want to pay for such a horribly broken game
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    overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    dirtyhook wrote: »
    500 zen to play with = 500z
    5x Enchanted Keys =625z (at full rate)
    +10% for leveling
    1x Respec Token = 300z
    3x Random Dyes
    Total = 1425z

    1500z = 15$ (with no bonus)
    basically you are asking for 3 dyes and 10% leveling for 75z.
    leveling bonus is pretty useless though as it is so easy to level, and the dyes, I have no idea how much those cost.

    It is easier for a lot of people to contain their spending when it is on a set exact amount every month. You know your spending that $15. automatically, rather than breaking out the cc and going on a $300 binge at the zen store.
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    derpaderpistderpaderpist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bubba1966 wrote: »
    why would anyone anyone want to pay for such a horribly broken game

    Now that's the real question rofl .
    " We live in an age of the cheaply made, disposable, high priced junk. " - theunwarshed
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    lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    wjweller wrote: »
    They should do what many other MMOs have done. Have sub model alongside a f2p option. I can't see the harm in that. I've personally never seen a f2p model surpass a subscription model in quality of content. I think that's a reality publishers are still struggling to accept, but I think the end is near for the f2p philosophy. I think it can exist, but only paired with the subscription model. Why not have both?

    Wildstar MMO is going to use this model:

    "Option 1: Monthly subscription

    Option 2: C.R.E.D.D.

    A monthly subscription is pretty standard fare – you probably know what that’s all about. Subscribe, and every month you pay for another 30 days of game time. Straightforward.

    But some people don’t like subscriptions. Maybe they just want to play for free, maybe they’ve been burned by a subscription game before and dislike the model. OK, we hear you – for you guys we have C.R.E.D.D.

    This is an item that can be purchased online at the WildStar website, and can then be bought and sold with other players in-game. This trading happens via the Commodities Exchange – basically a stock market that lets you trade C.R.E.D.D. to other players for earned in-game gold.

    So for those of you who don't want to pay a subscription fee: you can use your first month of gameplay to earn gold while playing WildStar. When the next month comes around, instead of paying the monthly subscription fee, you can use gold earned in-game to purchase C.R.E.D.D. from other players on the CX. Boom, you cash in a C.R.E.D.D for a month of game time. You can continue this cycle over & over again, enabling you to “play to pay” for WildStar.

    So that sounds good – but what about those players who don’t have as much time as they'd like to play WildStar, but want a little extra in-game gold? Those folks can purchase C.R.E.D.D. online from our store and trade it on the CX for gold: basically trading their extra cash to help another player play for free in return for a pile of gold. We see this as a safe and secure way for players who want to buy gold to have a way of getting some in-game cash without funding gold farming outfits and all the hacking and scamming that can entail."

    Plus the game itself looks kickass and it will be competing with WoW. Check out the game also it looks very promising.
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    postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Monthly stipends are nice but since PWE came in on the act my STO stipend has been missed a couple of months this year so far. And I'm not holding my breath for replies to queries about them.

    With the speed of levelling in NW I don't see a need for any xp bonus as it's already a case of grossly outlevelling and missing content.

    A respec token per month would be a lot to expect but if it was one per 3months subbed I could see it still acting as a suitable carrot.

    But the game has been designed with a f2p model in mind so it's unlikely to see a sub system being brought in and as others have pointed out who would actually be willing to pay into a game that is pretty broken when it comes to people glitching bosses without much fear of comeback amoungst other things.
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    smittyfrankosmittyfranko Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2013
    melodywhr wrote: »
    oh the conspiracy theorists are out in full force.

    i don't think that any company would spend the time and effort it takes (not to mention blood, sweat and tears) to create such an awesome game. and then there is the continued maintenance, patches, development of new material, marketing, support, management... to be anything other than a long term venture would be a complete waste of resources.

    Perhaps you're too blinded by your infatuation to see the obvious money grab nature in which they are running the game. It has been in a downward spiral for quite some time now. Sure you have resurgences of population with new content, but it is never long lasting and combined with the inconsistency of which they've treated their customers, you inevitably have a dwindling disgruntled gaming population. There is no staying power with any of the end game content. The devs see it and have most likely been instructed to continue to squeeze the lemon for all its worth and string the easily distracted infatuated ones along with pig mounts and leprechauns. You can see it yourself if you choose to open your eyes, with the lower and lower amount of PE instances, longer and longer PvP queue times for the overplayed classes.
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    bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It is easier for a lot of people to contain their spending when it is on a set exact amount every month. You know your spending that $15. automatically, rather than breaking out the cc and going on a $300 binge at the zen store.

    You can get a 4-pack of the single color dyes, (except for black), for 100 Zen, so that's no big deal. The 10% XP gain isn't a huge deal either - most of the development is focused on max level, so that extra XP wouldn't make a huge difference. They could just throw in one of those 200 Xp bonus items w/ the pack or something instead...

    Frankly, I think they should offer various item/zen packs, with some having the option of being recurring. It wouldn't be a subscription per se, but could instead be an auto-enrollment type setup.
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