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GWF PVP stunlock/burst dps guide w/ active stream for answering your questions

chainer88chainer88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2013 in The Militia Barracks
***Trolled by spell check!!! It changed every single i in my post from lower case to capitol.......***

Video Guide Here:

ThIs guIde Is strIctly for a sIngle target burst dps/stunlock great weapon fIghter
you wIll be able to crIt for 9-14k+ even wIth non daIly abIlItIes
the 3-4 encounter/daIly rotatIon wIll keep your target In 100% stunlock and In order of my rotatIon w/ my gear crIt for 11k > 10k > 14k > 15k at over 40% crIt chance

I have a twItch channel @ www.twItch.tv/chaInerfaIls
come check me out and feel free to ask all the questIons you want
I also do gIveaways of tIer 2 (lvl 60 purple) gear every few hours or so.

lvl str/dex

CrIt>power>armor pen

4 pIece of the berserker set Is the best Imo because of the 2 pIece 400 crIt
but mostly because of the 4 pIece reduces actIve cool downs by 5 seconds when usIng a daIly
what thIs wIll allow you to do It use
flourIshh > takedown > IndomItable battle strIke > crescendo > flourIsh > takedown > IndomItable battle strIke
the WHOLE ENTIRE DURATION of thIs abIlIty rotatIon your opponent wIll be stunlocked
here are the numbers I see when I crIt wIth these abIlItys
flourIshh(11k) > takedown(10k) > IndomItable battle strIke(14k) > crescendo(15k) > flourIshh(11k) > takedown(10k) > IndomItable battle strIke(14k)
agaIn thIs Is at around 40% crIt chance w/ +90% crIt damage


here Is a screen shot of my specs 2w39owj.png

FIrst TIer
3 PoInts DIscIple of Strength
3 PoInts Into Toughness

Second tIer
3 Endless Assault
3 Armor SpecIalIzatIon

ThIrd TIer
5 Into Steely Defense

Fourth TIer
3 Into Weapon Mastery for 3% crIt
2 out 3 Into devastatIng crItIcal whIch gIves 10% Increased crIt hIt damage

Paragon Feats:
10 PoInts Into InstIgator (1st Paragon Feat tree)
5 Into unstoppable recovery for 5% Insta heal when unstoppable
*5 Into StunnIng FlourIsh 5% extra crIt chance and 1 second stun on last hIt wItch Is key to thIs buIld
stunnIng flourIshh allows you to be able to use takedown rIght after w/o havIng to worry about your target evadIng It.
also gIves you enough tIme to get to your target If there was a dIstance created between you and target when flourIshh was used by sprInt Into takedown

15 PoInts Into Destroyer (2nd Paragon Feat tree)
5 Into Great Weapon Focus whIch Increases Damage of At-WIlls by 10%
5 Into Deep Gash (adds dot on crIt)
5 Into Relentless Battle Fury to reduce the cooldown of Takedown by 25%

6 PoInts Into SentInel (2nd Paragon Feat tree)
5 PoInts Into Student of the Sword
1 Into scale agIlIty


Encounters (for PvP):
(all 3 PoInts In)
IndomItable Battle StrIke

At WIlls:
Sure StrIke
Weapon Master's StrIke

Crescendo (maIn daIly)

Weapon Master (because of CrIt Chance Increase)
can also use Bravery Instead of Weapon Master for 15% move speed and deflect.
*Steel Grace Is key for 30% cc duratIon reductIon

RotatIons and Play style:
Start by gettIng In close(5-10 yards) In case the enemy moves whIle you start out wIth FlourIsh.

Regular RotatIon:
FlourIsh > Takedown (ImmedIately after FlourIsh wIle target Is stunned and cant avoId It) > IndomItable Battle StrIke (ImmedIately)
ThIs rotatIon has the abIlIty to completely take down sIngle targets by yourself

For stunlock kIll you have your daIly:
Start wIth the regular rotatIon and follow up wIth a Crescendo. Make sure you have Unstoppable up when you use Crescendo though. Almost guaranteed to take down your enemy of low defense from 100% hp > dead!!

ThIs buIld Is not an offensIve tank. Play style Is rather sImIlar to a rogue where you run In, burst damage for a kIll, run out behInd your back lInes, at thIs poInt eIther waIt for your cool downs to refresh and run back In and go for another kIll or go for a heal pot. A lot of the tIme It Is not worth It to stay In the mIddle of a fIght auto attackIng doIng mInImal damage whIle takIng a ton of damage as an easy target for ranged to safely nuke from a dIstance. the gwfs posItIon the battlefIeld Is maInly mId fIeld protectIng your teams squIshIes/healers from rouges and cws, It Is Important to not overextend and chase your targets Into your enemIes back lInes as you are not a tank and are rather squIshy. If you pressure someone enough to get them to run away from the fIght at 10-20% health sometImes Its better to let them run away and turn around to help the mId fIeld and hoppIng on another prIorIty target. KIlls aren't always everythIng, the Important thIng Is to wIn the game

OH PS!!!!!

When you 1v1 a melee, after you go thru your encounter rotatIon, use sprIt and create dIstance to stall damage.
what thIs wIll do Is allow you to take mInImal damage whIle waItIng for your cds
almost every class Is goIng to out dps you If your spamIng your at wIll and sIttIng stIll alowIng them to dump all the numbers they want on you.

anyways thanks for gIvIng my guIde a read and If thIs helped please check out my twItch channel and throw me a follow.

Post edited by chainer88 on


  • santentsantent Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Looks tasty. How often has this rotation not worked on a 1v1 situation? (as in they out maneuvered you somehow)
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  • xylithanxylithan Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2013
    I saw someone moaning about a GWF stunlocking them to death in one of the other forums. I take it this is a potential build and rotation that may have done it.

    I definitely like it and will keep this in mind for my GWF (he's lvl 41 at the moment) I have had a situation where I managed to pretty much stun someone to near death. I went from thinking "GWF sucks for control" to "OMG He couldn't do a thing!"... good times :)
  • mmoplaya1971mmoplaya1971 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    chainer88 wrote: »
    When you 1v1 a melee, after you go thru your encounter rotatIon, use sprIt and create dIstance to stall damage. what thIs wIll do Is allow you to take mInImal damage whIle waItIng for your cds
    almost every class Is goIng to out dps you If your spamIng your at wIll and sIttIng stIll alowIng them to dump all the numbers they want on you.

    What about VS TR? I tried this but they just throw daggers at me.
  • stormstrafestormstrafe Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is priceless, thanks Chainer!!!
  • chainer88chainer88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    streaming now! come check me out and ask me anything!!!!
  • chainer88chainer88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Very well written informative guide simply done for everyone to just look at it and understand wtf hit them in PvP :D
  • chainer88chainer88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ganjaman1 wrote: »
    Very well written informative guide simply done for everyone to just look at it and understand wtf hit them in PvP :D

    thanks man, i had alot of requests to write this guide so i hope people enjoy it and find the info they are looking for.
  • lejenawasmoczemlejenawasmoczem Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    isnt it better to get "more action points during unstoppable" than max hp? you could basicly spam crescendo 25% faster
  • possum440possum440 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Chainer88, why give away the password to the secret candy room? Grin, we use an exact build with the exception of two passives. One thing i saw in beta and still see is the Guardian grey ball of 99.9% forever block, this, and any GWF build is useless against it, I can take rogues and CW if I am one on one but a guardian spamming his block is an issue that needs to be addressed. even a 2 second window would be nice so we could start a rotation but as it stands Guardians with a block build need not fear us.

    I built my spec with str/dex knowing what it would do, I would bet a lot of folks are scampering around to do the same now. You should never give secrets away.....

    "The truly successful people are the ones nobody knows".
    There is no worse feeling in the world than the moment during an argument you realize you are wrong.
  • theninjortheninjor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Can you please explain how you deal with clerics at all?

    Like Im taking on 2 rouges with no issues at all then a cleric comes in and heals all the damage I did and then I cant do any damage to the rogues or the cleric. Figured you know do the basic MMO PvP strat, take out the healer. NOPE cant even touch his HP, ok ill burst the DPS down... oh wait it takes me 2 - 3 rotations to kill a rogue.

    Even alone when Im about kill someone nope, all my skills are on cooldown and they can just walk away from me while I sprint to attempt to keep up with them get a stun ready nope they just dodge it.

    Honestly even after getting to level 30 I feel like as a GWF I bring nothing to the table. Tankiness? GF does that better then me, damage? TR does that better then me, Stunning/CC? CW do that better then me.
  • redeclipzeredeclipze Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So what's the best dice roll for the stats at creation? 18str/16dex/12con? Or 16/18/12? Human ofcourse with the +2 to str
    BiS DC Seyfried - PvP / CN farm (Dragon Server) 1st Degree Burns

  • chainer88chainer88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    New in depth video guide on youtube is up
    check that out and give the thumbs is you like it = )
    also check out my stream www.twitch.tv/chainerfails i just went live and im gonna be online answering questions for a few hours
  • chainer88chainer88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    possum440 wrote: »
    Chainer88, why give away the password to the secret candy room? Grin, we use an exact build with the exception of two passives. One thing i saw in beta and still see is the Guardian grey ball of 99.9% forever block, this, and any GWF build is useless against it, I can take rogues and CW if I am one on one but a guardian spamming his block is an issue that needs to be addressed. even a 2 second window would be nice so we could start a rotation but as it stands Guardians with a block build need not fear us.

    I built my spec with str/dex knowing what it would do, I would bet a lot of folks are scampering around to do the same now. You should never give secrets away.....

    "The truly successful people are the ones nobody knows".

    just try to get behind the guard w/ flourish and or take down. once your encounters are on cd kite the gf until thier back up and repeat. you should do fine this way.

    im just here to help people understand the game... if everyone knew how to play less would cry nerf. i also am one who likes to see competition and run into competitive 1v1s and or premade vs premade. this is the first game im taking on from the media/game guide side tho and sorry for giving away the secrets but eventually someone will do it anyways.
  • paragon33paragon33 Member Posts: 134 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    lol this just happened to me an hour ago; first time a GWF ever did it to me. Def not used to that happening; I was dead long before I could move. Forgot his name already but he was destroying. He hit like a truck.
  • chainer88chainer88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • gravityx19gravityx19 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 85
    edited May 2013
    Great first video Chainer, not bad quality and informative. Just gotta work on the fluidity of it and you will do great at the media side of games :)
    Griff Hawk - Hybrid GF - Beholder Shard
    Griffeth - GW Fighter - Beholder Shard
    Twitch - WoW and NWO Gameplay - YouTube Channel
    GF/GWF Gameplay Highlights/Dungeon Runs
  • opm49602opm49602 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So why do you take great weapon focus over staying power?
  • theninjortheninjor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Chainer how to make up for the fact that people can just walk away from us after we burn all of our encounters.

    At the moment it seems that if we don't blow them up they can just walk away without any fear in the world. Their teleports/dodges cover more ground then our sprint could ever hope for.
  • redeclipzeredeclipze Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Would a GWF gimp himself if he rolled 18 dex 16 str? Or should I max str?

    Want to focus on crit since stats don't get diminishing returns from ratings.
    BiS DC Seyfried - PvP / CN farm (Dragon Server) 1st Degree Burns

  • xydsxlegendxydsxlegend Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "Early Gamer Get the Levels"
    by Profesor Legend

  • heyyallsheyyalls Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    what ring/neck/belt do you wear? what gems/runes do you have in each equipment?
  • acrosscatacrosscat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Dumb question perhaps, but wouldn't foregoing Toughness 3 for Unstoppable Action 2 and Devastating Critical 2 to Devastating Critical 3 work out better to basically pump out more damage? I'm trying to follow your build here for my starting GWF, pretty fun so far up to L20.
  • ethangaddes1ethangaddes1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Great Guide, Definitely one of the best GWF's in neverwinter, and knows what he is talking about.
  • xydsxlegendxydsxlegend Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I love the PvP steaming!
    "Early Gamer Get the Levels"
    by Profesor Legend

  • xydsxlegendxydsxlegend Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bump This Shat!
    "Early Gamer Get the Levels"
    by Profesor Legend

  • xydsxlegendxydsxlegend Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bump This Shat!
    "Early Gamer Get the Levels"
    by Profesor Legend

  • gravityx19gravityx19 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 85
    edited May 2013
    I cant decide if I want to do this single target burst build or go for more of an AoE Pressure build and leave the single target burst to my TR friend.
    Griff Hawk - Hybrid GF - Beholder Shard
    Griffeth - GW Fighter - Beholder Shard
    Twitch - WoW and NWO Gameplay - YouTube Channel
    GF/GWF Gameplay Highlights/Dungeon Runs
  • chainer88chainer88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • idontcomehereidontcomehere Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    isnt it better to get "more action points during unstoppable" than max hp? you could basicly spam crescendo 25% faster
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