So just decided to ask around about peoples opinions and if you have tried switching the stats around etc...
Anyway is Armor Penetration worth to invest in and how about Armor Penetration in PvE/PvP?
And go.
Do or do not, there is no try.
Post edited by jezet on
forsakenlich1Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
power> resto> arpen -> crit as offensive attritbutes for gwf
I'll just say that the PvP gear comes with power, crit, and armor pen for offensive stats. The only things it's lacking imo is recovery. But my personal preference is majorly power and armor pen. When I was leveling life-steal helped quite a bit, and crit is always nice.
recovery is not a "heal" stat...its a encounter reduction CD stat. GWF IMO has too long on all CD' far ive not seen one thats below 15 seconds CD so recovery will help you use them more frequently.
power> resto> arpen -> crit as offensive attritbutes for gwf
crit is not a good stat on GWF/
This is really spec situational. Armor pen is important, but crit is a vital stat for GWF, especially paired with the crit bleed feat in destroyer. I've tried multiple different combination and used my respec tokens at 60 already to run epic dungeons, especially ones with lots of trash mobs grouped up. And I've found that with high crit stats I do much more damage than without it. I'd say that power> crit > resto> arpen is the order of preferred stats. But like i said it's spec situational.
forsakenlich1Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
gwf is not striker. putting crit on him makes him unreliable in pvp and sub-optimal in pve.
With high restoration and speccing into the destroyer tree you can have slam up constantly - back to back - in aoe dungeons, and unstoppable up constantly as well. Having SLAM up constantly as well as unstoppable is far more effective than any other build for GWF at the moment and managing these resources and planning around maximizing their point gain is key to success with this class
for pvp i dont like 'depending' on crit and would rather know my cooldowns, have them low, and be a surefire wreck
Hm, judging by what I read, and the fact that ArPen is capped at 25% (Really? That's kinda sad) I would say The order is:
Power>Recovery=crit. That is, when you go into the Destroyer tree.
Albeit I am blatantly assuming that the bleed-effect stacks.
The reason behind my thoughts is that Power, as per usual, increases damage of very attack, encounter or not. So that's a no-brainer. Recovery, while lowering the cooldown, has to be quite a bit to be noticed. You have to remember that, with ten second cooldowns, 10% "just" make up one second. For 20 seconds, 5% make up one second of course. But then again, you have to ask yourself, how often are you going to use these skills? If you are currently leveling, Cooldowns are only a matter when you fight a boss or are doing a dungeon. So unless you are having issues with a boss, or are at max level, no stat (except for power) should weight more than the other.
I'm already regretting having put points into Defence to power talent, but whatever.
If you get to the levle where all you do is dungeoneering, you have to differentiate-> Is it a single-target boss? Or a multi-target boss?
Do you have to tank adds?
If you have to indeed tank spawning adds (I'm blatantly assuming that's every boss), then you should value recovery above crit, simply for the fact that you are goin to use your AoE cooldowns like a madman.
If you, however, end up fighting a boss without adds (unlikely, but let's go there), then you might actually have to consider crit. As far as i have played (Level 27) there are very few Single-target related skills. (Recovering Strike comes to mind, god that thing is so awesome!) In that case, since you will be spamming your auto-attack like a madman, crit might win out due to the bleed stacking.
I might of course be wrong, because, again, I am not max. level with my GWF yet.
Generalising the weight of Stats is always a difficult thing.
My advice for the OP is the following:
make a set of skills and items you cna use for every instance. Take a good look at teh instance, groups of monsters, boss, layout, obstacles, and then consider making a .txt-file with a list if skills that fit the dungeon better.
I know it sounds weird, but that's what I do as a tank (well, did ... before tanking in WoW, for example, became a cakewalk)
Honestly? Power is overrated by a little bit. Given the feats that people will acquire, you are going to end up acquiring a certain amount of oomph from your defense stat. All builds that aren't using the int17 option will pretty much go this route. Now, I'm not lvl 60, so my end-game preference will be different. (pps: if it weren't for the human feats placed for a specific build type, half-elf 17int build is OP... ^_^)
Weapon Damage by far beats out the power stat. I'll forego an 80+ power upgrade if I can keep 80% of that increase in either armor pen or crit chance, but a 10 damage increase in weapon damage will outperform both alternatives hands down. Given my build, I actually lost 120 power and some armor pen for a shadowfell greatsword that had +86 weapon damage. At level 26, my at- will single target increased damage by a good 18%, my encounters by an easy 25%. My crits went from a top range of 1137 to occasionally hitting in the 1800's. (normally 1600.) PS: doing the dungeon for lvl 24, I can top damage easily enough. Sometimes I'm close to 200k over the next highest.
Slam is still my daily of choice simply because I can perform attacks while it is running. It gets it's guarantee of being on my hotkeys due to the extra bonus of a slow. My secondary is avalanche of steel currently due to the specific situation of being able to jump and move my land position if there are too many mobs between me and that pesky PC cleric that ends up pulling a dozen mobs on him.
End game, I'm going to scale so that I'll hopefully retain 30-33% crit, and then cycle recovery/power in equal measure. Then it's armor pen in last place.
gwf is not striker. putting crit on him makes him unreliable in pvp and sub-optimal in pve.
I thought the same thing, and built my GWF on power, armor pen, and defense. However, after getting frustrated by being out-damaged constantly by rogues, I traded around 1200 power for about 600-700 critical strike, and the benefits were more than obvious. When coupling a base critical strike rating of around 30% with the Weapon Master class feature (3 points) you can reach 40% critical strike chance, at which point you seem to crit more often than not. As far as stats go now, critical strike and power are all I consider, crit being the most important. After that I would recommend defense and maybe deflection. Armor penetration is the last thing I would consider, mainly because in PVP the most difficult classes to face are 1: Wizards and 2: Rogues, neither of which have decent armor. With a crit spec in dungeons, using Weapon Master's Strike (secondary) does immense damage to crowds of mobs, especially while Unstoppable is active. Once the mobs are thinned out I use Sure Strike (primary) and Flourish (with 5 points in Stunning Flourish, Instigator paragon tree) and Indomitable Battle Strike (crits often for 5500 dmg at lvl 52 with VERY average weapon, bought from standard weapon vendor in Protector's Enclave) to eliminate the last remaining 1-2 enemies. I would recommend using Steel Blitz or Destroyer in your other feature slot when facing large groups. I use Steel Blitz, as it will activate when facing only 2 targets (sometimes even 1), whereas Destroyer requires 3 targets. These methods will also allow you to do significantly more damage to player enemies in PVP, and using Flourish and Takedown will allow you to crit enemies for high damage while also stunning them (Flourish with Stunning Flourish) and knocking them prone (Takedown). Using Mighty Leap will allow you to jump to evasive targets and do significant damage on a crit, as well as giving you combat advantage and an additional +5% damage and crit chance if you have the appropriate points in the Vicious Advantage and Allied Opportunity feats. Bottom line, increasing my critical strike to around 1400 has increased my damage DRAMATICALLY and has allowed me to output damage equal to that of rogues, even when using poor equipment, which is almost double my previous damage output.
Armor penetration is the last thing I would consider...
This is flawed thinking mi amigo. ArmPen is extremely important, particularly in PvE, and it is till helpful in PvP. It is absolutely necessary to have ArmPen maxed out to be truly effective in PvE.
I dunno about PvE but PvP I spec my GWF Armor pen > Crit > Power > Recovery
Armor pen + student of the sword.
Most 2peice sets for GWF have 400 crit including the ancient, none have armor pen.
Weapon master currently gives 10% crit.
The base dmg on GWF encounters are already big numbers at base, just getting them to crit for full dmg is enough to kill an opponent.
And oddly enough Lifesteal should not be ignored, it works very well with the temp hp Unstoppable gives.
While I wouldn't mind recovery as a GWF Unstoppable helps a lot with the longer CDs you have to deal with.
Im leveling a GWF now, but I can tell you this: You need armor pen vs wizards too. In max
end game gear, my Wizard has 23.7% damage resist (shadow set and CN weapons).
My point was that critical strike is the most important, and will yield the greatest increase in damage output if you have previously been ignoring it. You will have decent armor penetration simply because it is unavoidable (much of my equipment that gives critical strike or power also gives armor penetration). I have around 1000 armor pen vs 1500 crit, and I have never sought a piece of armor pen equipment. Just try a crit build and see if your damage doesn't spike dramatically, the difference for me was ridiculous. Changing to crit spec was the only thing that prevented me from re-rolling a rogue.
Although I was factoring in some survivability in my first post. If we are aiming for max damage, armor pen WOULD be nice, but I plan on accumulating it only when I can do so without dropping my base crit below 30%.
GAHAHAHAHA, omg. *wipes tears from eyes* you, you are WAY TOO funny.
Crit not important? Right, right. Man my abs hurt now. Good play sir! Good play!
That statement is from almost 2 months ago.
Anyways ArP is most definately the best stat in pvp. Even your rouges and wizards have about 25-30% mitigation, crit is second.
Power sucks, please quit trying to make it sound good, 4k power adds like 175 weapon damage. Seriously my pvp gwf still hits 14-16k flourishes with 2k power.
Please learn the soft-caps on these (around 2kish for everything except power).
You'd probably do better to get everything to 2.2k and then stack power due to diminishing returns on hard stats. This is a bit of a tall order until you're 12k+ but, you probably are. Also, get a lightning weapon enchant (greater) and learn to shift-cancel your swings.
Again, I assume you know this information being a founder playing with end-game stats, but for the newer people this might help.
Edit: I'd rather see a defensive sentinel build with bravery than a full dps build that gets shredded by adds btw, smoother runs (i.e. proper add control) are more fun and effective in the long run for your cws/clerics. Though if you run with a good GF, go full dps . Cheese groups such as double CW for CN still don't really need GWFs, but I like to have them murdering all the adds before they can be knocked off anyway
I play at Russian server and there is a bug with Flourish and Armor Penetration. Flourish doesn`t work with your Armor Penetration. When you hit somewone with flourish, damage is decreased by enemy`s armor and damage penalty doesn`t depend on your Armor Penetration instead of any other your skill.
Are you going to fix it in nearly future, or I should change my Paragon Path from Swordmaster into Iron Vanguard?
I play at Russian server and there is a bug with Flourish and Armor Penetration. Flourish doesn`t work with your Armor Penetration. When you hit somewone with flourish, damage is decreased by enemy`s armor and damage penalty doesn`t depend on your Armor Penetration instead of any other your skill.
Are you going to fix it in nearly future, or I should change my Paragon Path from Swordmaster into Iron Vanguard?
This should be a bug report bud, please follow the appropriate procedures, and also...
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
crit is not a good stat on GWF/
May I ask why recovery? I have a little 27 GWF and I don't yet have any ability besides restoring strike that makes me want to get lots of CDR.
This is really spec situational. Armor pen is important, but crit is a vital stat for GWF, especially paired with the crit bleed feat in destroyer. I've tried multiple different combination and used my respec tokens at 60 already to run epic dungeons, especially ones with lots of trash mobs grouped up. And I've found that with high crit stats I do much more damage than without it. I'd say that power> crit > resto> arpen is the order of preferred stats. But like i said it's spec situational.
With high restoration and speccing into the destroyer tree you can have slam up constantly - back to back - in aoe dungeons, and unstoppable up constantly as well. Having SLAM up constantly as well as unstoppable is far more effective than any other build for GWF at the moment and managing these resources and planning around maximizing their point gain is key to success with this class
for pvp i dont like 'depending' on crit and would rather know my cooldowns, have them low, and be a surefire wreck
Power>Recovery=crit. That is, when you go into the Destroyer tree.
Albeit I am blatantly assuming that the bleed-effect stacks.
The reason behind my thoughts is that Power, as per usual, increases damage of very attack, encounter or not. So that's a no-brainer. Recovery, while lowering the cooldown, has to be quite a bit to be noticed. You have to remember that, with ten second cooldowns, 10% "just" make up one second. For 20 seconds, 5% make up one second of course. But then again, you have to ask yourself, how often are you going to use these skills? If you are currently leveling, Cooldowns are only a matter when you fight a boss or are doing a dungeon. So unless you are having issues with a boss, or are at max level, no stat (except for power) should weight more than the other.
I'm already regretting having put points into Defence to power talent, but whatever.
If you get to the levle where all you do is dungeoneering, you have to differentiate-> Is it a single-target boss? Or a multi-target boss?
Do you have to tank adds?
If you have to indeed tank spawning adds (I'm blatantly assuming that's every boss), then you should value recovery above crit, simply for the fact that you are goin to use your AoE cooldowns like a madman.
If you, however, end up fighting a boss without adds (unlikely, but let's go there), then you might actually have to consider crit. As far as i have played (Level 27) there are very few Single-target related skills. (Recovering Strike comes to mind, god that thing is so awesome!) In that case, since you will be spamming your auto-attack like a madman, crit might win out due to the bleed stacking.
I might of course be wrong, because, again, I am not max. level with my GWF yet.
Generalising the weight of Stats is always a difficult thing.
My advice for the OP is the following:
make a set of skills and items you cna use for every instance. Take a good look at teh instance, groups of monsters, boss, layout, obstacles, and then consider making a .txt-file with a list if skills that fit the dungeon better.
I know it sounds weird, but that's what I do as a tank (well, did ... before tanking in WoW, for example, became a cakewalk)
Weapon Damage by far beats out the power stat. I'll forego an 80+ power upgrade if I can keep 80% of that increase in either armor pen or crit chance, but a 10 damage increase in weapon damage will outperform both alternatives hands down. Given my build, I actually lost 120 power and some armor pen for a shadowfell greatsword that had +86 weapon damage. At level 26, my at- will single target increased damage by a good 18%, my encounters by an easy 25%. My crits went from a top range of 1137 to occasionally hitting in the 1800's. (normally 1600.) PS: doing the dungeon for lvl 24, I can top damage easily enough. Sometimes I'm close to 200k over the next highest.
Slam is still my daily of choice simply because I can perform attacks while it is running. It gets it's guarantee of being on my hotkeys due to the extra bonus of a slow. My secondary is avalanche of steel currently due to the specific situation of being able to jump and move my land position if there are too many mobs between me and that pesky PC cleric that ends up pulling a dozen mobs on him.
End game, I'm going to scale so that I'll hopefully retain 30-33% crit, and then cycle recovery/power in equal measure. Then it's armor pen in last place.
Armor pen + student of the sword.
Most 2peice sets for GWF have 400 crit including the ancient, none have armor pen.
Weapon master currently gives 10% crit.
The base dmg on GWF encounters are already big numbers at base, just getting them to crit for full dmg is enough to kill an opponent.
And oddly enough Lifesteal should not be ignored, it works very well with the temp hp Unstoppable gives.
While I wouldn't mind recovery as a GWF Unstoppable helps a lot with the longer CDs you have to deal with.
end game gear, my Wizard has 23.7% damage resist (shadow set and CN weapons).
GAHAHAHAHA, omg. *wipes tears from eyes* you, you are WAY TOO funny.
Crit not important? Right, right. Man my abs hurt now. Good play sir! Good play!
That statement is from almost 2 months ago.
Anyways ArP is most definately the best stat in pvp. Even your rouges and wizards have about 25-30% mitigation, crit is second.
Power sucks, please quit trying to make it sound good, 4k power adds like 175 weapon damage. Seriously my pvp gwf still hits 14-16k flourishes with 2k power.
if you want to do good DPS you should aim for over 6k power. your surestrikes will hit for 800 damage unbuffed.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Please learn the soft-caps on these (around 2kish for everything except power).
You'd probably do better to get everything to 2.2k and then stack power due to diminishing returns on hard stats. This is a bit of a tall order until you're 12k+ but, you probably are. Also, get a lightning weapon enchant (greater) and learn to shift-cancel your swings.
Again, I assume you know this information being a founder playing with end-game stats, but for the newer people this might help.
Edit: I'd rather see a defensive sentinel build with bravery than a full dps build that gets shredded by adds btw, smoother runs (i.e. proper add control) are more fun and effective in the long run for your cws/clerics. Though if you run with a good GF, go full dps
Armor pen is only capped at 24% because no one has found a monster with more armor then that yet :P
Are you going to fix it in nearly future, or I should change my Paragon Path from Swordmaster into Iron Vanguard?
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