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AFKing awesomeness for PvP!



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    sabo630sabo630 Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013
    if they dont have it, add a REPORT PLAYER for AFK and then temp ban accounts for it. Very lame to have AFK people in PvP, that or temp ban them from PvP.
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    imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    zalinto wrote: »
    Boot them out after 10 seconds of chillling in the spawn. Easy fix. SWTOR does it, RIFT does it, any other game does it.

    Then people get farmed the moment they drop off the spawn platform. If they added something like this, my suggestion would be to add multiple, randomly chosen respawn points (or portals so that you can choose to enter the map in a chosen location -- this would actually add a strategic layer).
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    gthsoragthsora Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    capgarnas wrote: »

    Nice ideas but this is what will happen. U dont get glory except if you win. So if your team is losing due to a premade new player then people will votekick them to get a better player.

    People will then create premades so pvp is owned by guildies on ts coordinating so most of the player base will not try or enjoy pvp.

    Right now there are problems with healers missing out on glory due to lack of kills. People getting higher scores for final hits.

    I agree afkers are annoying as hell but you change this and people will find a way to exploit it.

    I said you get minimal glory; you DO get glory but obvious not as much as those who contributed or won as shown in my example.
    And I have a possible suggestion (also took from Tera) for premades. They should make PvP either solo queue or full premades of 5 players. Those premades can only match up with others who premade. Queue time would definitely be longer so I hope this will not be necessary. From what I experienced so far, players do not vote kick based on experience (and if you premade 4 you SHOULD be expecting a pug so no reason to complain). And again, Kills are NOT the only thing contributing Glory, as mentioned above. Healers should no NO problem getting assist too, considering they have any idea what to do. Since I took this system from Tera, if healers there can do it, I do not see why healers here can not (or are you implying that our healers are less skilled or crippled in some way? possibly ;p). On a side note, I am not sure how premades will make others not try (to win for more Glory) or enjoy PvP (can others really stop you from enjoying something you enjoy to do? if that was the case, then you probably do not find PvP enjoyable to start with). Don't do it if you don't enjoy it. Do what you enjoy; dungeons, foundry, skirmishes, etc.

    To conclude, all the possible ways you mentioned that they can exploit is MUCH better than how they can exploit the system now. In Fact some of what you listed like making premades are totally legitimate and is not really a form of exploit. Is playing with friends or guildies really exploiting a game? If you really think so, then I can't really argue.
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    lughlavadalughlavada Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How about the party leader step up and assume some responsibility and kick the AFKer?

    I know it doesn't change the fact that you end up 4v5, but at least you don't let that leecher get his glory.

    I do this literally every time the queue makes me the group leader.

    And of course if the AFKer ends up as the party leader you're flucked. :(
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    breagandaerthbreagandaerth Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Simple solution if someone afks or quits before the match is up boot them.
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    bzzzdbzzzd Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The people who are using wow as an example must not have played much wow, If you AFK in a bg you get booted instantly. All this game needs to do is implement something like that. If you are in the spawn for more then 30 seconds you get booted.. simple.
    bzzzd wrote: »
    afk'ing was and still is common practice in wow. yeah, people don't sit at the spawn anymore or fish in AB, but if they want to grind via losses with the lowest contribution, they will do that.

    if you're stupid about it, yes you will get booted. but people aren't THAT stupid.
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    bellaralodunbellaralodun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    PVP is becoming such a hassle with AFK'ers and people who cannot zone in. Makes me sad, makes me not want to Q... I am still looking for a stable pvp pre-made team.
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    bzzzdbzzzd Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lughlavada wrote: »
    How about the party leader step up and assume some responsibility and kick the AFKer?

    I know it doesn't change the fact that you end up 4v5, but at least you don't let that leecher get his glory.

    I'm sure the other team loves being your meatgrinder.
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    bzzzdbzzzd Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    PVP is becoming such a hassle with AFK'ers and people who cannot zone in. Makes me sad, makes me not want to Q... I am still looking for a stable pvp pre-made team.

    queueing as a whole is fcked in this game. ever tried to get an replacement in an instance? good luck.
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    lughlavadalughlavada Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bzzzd wrote: »
    I'm sure the other team loves being your meatgrinder.

    It happens, but if someone goes AFK, you're already screwed. Not kicking them isn't going to change the situation that you're about to get rolled by the other team.

    Why would you NOT kick the AFKer and prevent them from earning rewards?

    I don't see the logic in your response.
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    zalintozalinto Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lughlavada wrote: »
    It happens, but if someone goes AFK, you're already screwed. Not kicking them isn't going to change the situation that you're about to get rolled by the other team.

    Why would you NOT kick the AFKer and prevent them from earning rewards?

    I don't see the logic in your response.

    Also, almost immediately after someone gets booted another person joins usually. At least in the few times I've seen it happen.
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    xilinearxilinear Member Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lughlavada wrote: »
    How about the party leader step up and assume some responsibility and kick the AFKer?

    I know it doesn't change the fact that you end up 4v5, but at least you don't let that leecher get his glory.

    I do this literally every time the queue makes me the group leader.

    And of course if the AFKer ends up as the party leader you're flucked. :(

    lol i end up booting 4 players and staying afk myself 3 times xD
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    xunxanxunxan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is always going to be AFKers when there is a reward for just showing up.

    I see that the game will kick you for being AFK for what? 15 mins? anywhere.
    Could a shorter AFK kick timer while in PvP fix it?
    That way, even if you get crushed the whole time, at least you were active and can earn some glory...
    It's not perfect for sure, because 4v5 is probably doomed most of the time; but if AFKers are no longer getting rewarded, then they should probably peter out after a little while:
    "What!? I actually have to do something for those ADs!? #$&% that!"

    I pretty much just do one match per day, for the daily; but don't AFK when I do. I get my PvP fix at another game :cool:
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    asmoday12321asmoday12321 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Or you then have things like this, where you just simply do not even get a team to start with...

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