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  • steppenkatsteppenkat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm taking this as an experiment - though that 50 ogre quest was a shameful thing...
    - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
    - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
    - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
    - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)

    Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
  • beamanbrbeamanbr Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    steppenkat wrote: »
    I'm taking this as an experiment - though that 50 ogre quest was a shameful thing...

    I wouldn't say shameful... Surprising maybe. When I saw it in action I figured "Hmm, I guess they don't care, since it made it this far in development... Guess they're planning on lots of end-game content to keep people interested"

    Look who really cares if people did that to get 60 a week early? What they did to "fix" it is 10 times worse. Those who used it, got away with it, the rest of us take a kick in the nuts.
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    steppenkat wrote: »
    I'm taking this as an experiment - though that 50 ogre quest was a shameful thing...

    I think most of us agree maps like that were awful :<
  • stupidconversionstupidconversion Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How about players are deliberately playing the way they want to play, and instead of trying to grammar-school them into some ideal intended model by slapping the entire player base across the knuckles with a ruler, we could, say, *not* do that?

    I think there were some real "exploits" like trapping monsters that needed a fix, but this makes zero sense to me as a solution, especially as dramatic a change as it is.

    Yes, I do want to play story missions in the Foundry - but I'd also like that to do something in-game so I don't need to grind as much in the main game (or can extend playtime after the main story, which I won't want to just do over and over).
  • craftchest72craftchest72 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The nerfs and hold backs are way to much right now. Overall I have to agree with the post and most the replies here. I love my xp and I love my loot. Balance is needed not suffer the masses. I do however have faith in the devs for some odd reason. I think they might actually read the forums and if the do we can hope they do the right thing for the game and community. Beta is beta
  • beamanbrbeamanbr Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The nerfs and hold backs are way to much right now. Overall I have to agree with the post and most the replies here. I love my xp and I love my loot. Balance is needed not suffer the masses. I do however have faith in the devs for some odd reason. I think they might actually read the forums and if the do we can hope they do the right thing for the game and community. Beta is beta

    Is this beta though? Really? Anyone can get in, people are paying real money, and there are no wipes forthcoming. Feels a lot like release to me.
  • fullmetalpopefullmetalpope Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zebular wrote: »
    . . . . . I just ran my first UGC again and still seem to be getting decent XP and loot drops. Actually, I am not noticing any change at all in XP and loot drops in my missions.

    Your kidding right? Or is that what your told to say to the community?

    The Foundry is a joke now.
  • weaponworldweaponworld Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    beamanbr wrote: »
    At this point, I'm sort of assuming they did this as a temporary fix, until they have time to address it more fully. I'm frankly amazed that this hasn't come up in previous betas.

    It doesn't make sense; They panic because people are hitting 60 too fast, and will therefore get bored quicker and stop playing. However this is the first day out of five that I'm no longer excited to play... I have free time right now but don't really want to log in. I'm only 49 but considering not playing any more anyway. Catch 22 for them I guess, but I really don't like the ham-handed "fix"

    This exactly.
    You know what is great about company meetings at a decent firm? It is the fact that they always have great coffee and pastries at the back before you sit down.
    That is how I feel about The Foundry. If the content of the one I am testing feels like a 1970's episode of Land of the Lost, then no worries, at least I am going to get paid for my time to develop my toon. But if I am expected to play test the new author's content that has zero reviews, just for the sheer glory of the nerdiness only... then they can sit on it.

    <Meme removed per RoC>
  • anashimanashim Member Posts: 259 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    (forum crash)
  • anashimanashim Member Posts: 259 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    For the reallife Neverwinter business model, the official content and the independent player Foundry content are equally important. The official content sets the standard - and is go-to content for most game-players anyway. At the same time, the independent material makes possible an endless stream of adventures, thus an endless stream of economic revenue.

    The game designers must strive to make the official content and the independent content as equal as possible.

    Personally, I promise, the independent Foundry quest designers are the ones who will make this game survive for decades, maybe centuries ... albeit I admit it is difficult to find this kind of economic model to work in the shortterm.

    Do what you can to make this model work. Obviously designers would love for their creations to endure forever. Even investors who only care about profit tend to want the names that they invest in succeed in a notable way.
  • uvirith1uvirith1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 124
    edited May 2013
    beamanbr wrote: »
    Me one week ago: "Dude, you gotta check out this MMO. its got a really cool feature where players can design their own dungeons and quests!"
    Friend: "Wow! Ok downloading!"

    Me today: "Uh, well, that was fun, but those home-made quests are like a total waste of time now."
    Friend: "Yeah. next game please!"

    I for myself onyl do foundries cause quite frankly they are the best part of this game, by far. If I cant level with them and dont get rewards for them, there is no reason for me or my friends to play this game any more.
    But I give PW the benefit of the doubt that this nerf is only a temporary solution until they figured something out.
  • kitkatmariekitkatmarie Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Foundry is a really big draw to this game, and I agree that things are not in a good place right now.

    There were some levels where players abused the system, and I totally agree that those maps should be banned. The creators and players who abused them should probably be banned too because lets face it, it was kind of obvious that it was the wrong thing to do.

    But not all of them that were banned were bad!

    The map that had 50 Ogres in an arena that spawned one after another ended up being one of my favorite maps! I really learned to fight and keep myself alive because of it. And yes, it was repetitive at times. But it was intense for me and really not any different than grinding on anything else.

    The grinding map I used was my way to enjoy myself while being able to sort of keep up with my friends who play a lot more than I do (they are all 60 or close to it, and I am 35).

    I really wanted to be able to play the level 60 stuff with my friends when they were first learning the content too and now I feel like I won't be able to.
  • alairanfennecalairanfennec Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I remember watching videos of Neverwinter's Foundry being presented, and how they kept going on and on about how in the end, there was no difference between Foundry content and official content. Guess thats not true now, then?
  • kittykaswickkittykaswick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I feel the same way. I'm level 43 and I'm hoping it was only temporary, so I will log in to check a foundry quest each day and keep checking the forums daily. If it's not changed within a week, or if we don't at least get word that it will be changed, sadly I don't think it ever will be. If this is the case I will definitely be moving on to other games. I've done some story quests and dungeons and some foundry quests to fill in the xp gaps, and I was really looking forward to trying some of the longer ones at level 60. And I don't even want to think about leveling an alt and being forced to do the terrible story line quests again.

    thank you finally someone admits it. The story line is terrible and once you get higher up the mobs dont get tuffer they just add more of them, instead of having 4 to 6 mobs you have 8 to 10 and they are closer to other spawns. Its not about getting bored at 60, there is just no replay ability to this. In most games as you progress the mobs get harder but they dont here so there is no challenge to it at all and the dungeons are meh at the most.

    so we really have 2 options now, to either drudge through the story line again or play broken pvp and unless you are a rogue its pretty worthless and then you throw in the fact that you can be spawn camped in pvp its just a waist.
  • ashgan99ashgan99 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    *sighs* and yet agian this reeks of Champions all over agian...
    Anyone remember the beta where they determined people were leveling too quick so they (can't remember if the lowered exp or upped needed exp... either way) which resulted in levels devoid of quests -_-
  • delekii1delekii1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wolfzilva wrote: »
    I always thought of the foundry as something to do endgame when you don't feel like running dungeons not something to do for leveling. So if it doesn't give xp big deal do your daily then go back to questing to get to level 60.
    Except that there isn't enough content to level 1 character 1 time to 60 without foundry, let alone leveling a second or further character without repeating exactly the same content again.
  • cyresofbsgocyresofbsgo Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    steampunky wrote: »
    It's a great idea, but it's a lot harder to implement. Especially since a character could put two ogres on a map and AFK for 6 hours alt-tabbing back to the game to fiddle with professions, then kill the second Ogre for massive XP.


    easily fixed with a exp cap (posably 2X normal) but anyways, Cryptic staff seems to "think" that if you spend X time you can only get x exp/loot, SO..... I figure in their eyes, logging in, sitting at a tavern doing nothing yet the screen is open and you are at keyboard = you should get the exp and loot for time spent.

    (really the time it takes to do a mission is IRELIVANT!!! the loot/award for doing a mission is an incentive to do the mission, instead of sit at a mod spawn in any zone and spawncamp it,) what do you want Cryptic? players doing mission, or players sitting beside 1 spawnpoint all day?
  • cyresofbsgocyresofbsgo Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ayradyss wrote: »
    Don't think you're envisioning it quite the way I would. The idea is not to put some kind of ever-growing XP pool on any given creature that just keeps on ticking up and up and up as the clock ticks. Your Ogre (and every creature) would have an XP value -- call it 'Full XP' that would be the most you'd ever award for killing that creature. If you take at least X seconds to kill it after whatever your last kill was, you get the 'Full XP' award. If you kill faster, you get some lesser level.

    That means you're still only going to get a fixed reward at max, and someone who AFKs for an hour between kills is only going to waste the better part of an hour (or six). In this way, the devs can set the figures of 'Full XP' and how many seconds it takes to reach it at whatever rate they feel is their 'optimum goal' for advancement speed.

    this is what I was trying to say with first post.
  • cyresofbsgocyresofbsgo Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the current loot awards for doing ANY mission is roughly 1 loot drop off the 2nd toughest mob you encounter during the mission,

    I OFTEN do a storyline mission and at the end look at the loot I got for doing it, and use a piece that fell from a mob, while I sell the award for doing the mission itself. (I would be better off spawncamping something and simply killing it ONE more time, and call that my "spawcamp mission" loot award)

    edit to add: and a self assigned "spawncamp mission" does not require me to run around through 30 mins of needlessly long hallways to get the award. (so as is, you can get better loot/exp, from SKIPPING missions, and just grinding random NPCs, of your level.)
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