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Fusing chance of shards is beyond stupid

vaaso189vaaso189 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 23 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I got a real eye opener when I decided to fuse those Shard of Bloodletting,Lifedrinker etc into an enchant.
Chocked by my discovery, I began browsing the forums where only a few threads briefly mentioned it.

To those who don't know what the percentage is... it is 1% chance to fuse into an enchant.

The first thing that came to mind is "99% free of nuts" allergy warnings, so they can avoid law suits.
In Neverwinter, I guess that would translate to "Yeah, you can't fuse this unless you are very lucky".
So if I wanted to guarantee this I'd have to pay 1,000 ZEN for the ward!

I would really like to know the thought process of the people who made this decision. Fine, if it was one of the best enchants in game but this is hardly it.
He said my story was cool. And he called me bro.
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    wolfzilvawolfzilva Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 167
    edited May 2013
    vaaso189 wrote: »
    I got a real eye opener when I decided to fuse those Shard of Bloodletting,Lifedrinker etc into an enchant.
    Chocked by my discovery, I began browsing the forums where only a few threads briefly mentioned it.

    To those who don't know what the percentage is... it is 1% chance to fuse into an enchant.

    The first thing that came to mind is "99% free of nuts" allergy warnings, so they can avoid law suits.
    In Neverwinter, I guess that would translate to "Yeah, you can't fuse this unless you are very lucky".
    So if I wanted to guarantee this I'd have to pay 1,000 ZEN for the ward!

    I would really like to know the thought process of the people who made this decision. Fine, if it was one of the best enchants in game but this is hardly it.

    You could pray for 7 days then turn those coins in for a chest which has a chance to give you the ward.
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    nikosquirrelnikosquirrel Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Everything in this game is set up towards persuading you to hand over your wallet.

    Either grind for months and months or shell out the dough and have it now.
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    tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wolfzilva wrote: »
    You could pray for 7 days then turn those coins in for a chest which has a chance to give you the ward.

    Or check the auction house, plenty of them on there. The odds should be a bit better though, as incentive, maybe at rank 7 or so it gets that low.
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    tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Either grind for months and months or shell out the dough and have it now.

    Quit exaggerating, sell one or two decent things on the AH you get from regular play, buy ward there too.
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    zylaxxzylaxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 591 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Everything in this game is set up towards persuading you to hand over your wallet.

    Either grind for months and months or shell out the dough and have it now.

    Or you could buy $15 worth of Zen every month to support the game. DO not pay, expect to have to work twice as hard to aquire things others do via paying for. Still doesn't make it P2W, its P4C (Pay for Convience).
    Character is what a man is in the dark
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    dixa1dixa1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i agree with the op. i thought pwe was a chinese company, not korean.

    reduce the chance to fail considerably. there are so many ad sinks in the game that turning ad into zen may not be feasible in the long term.
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    gothmogigothmogi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 22
    edited May 2013
    15% worth of zen?, a ward and a half?, you need enchants for almost every piece of inventory, so pve and pvp suit, also removing those enchants is like 50k AD on rank 5. I find people who usually defend what it's obvious bad is usually ignorant of the facts.
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    imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    borneol wrote: »
    It takes 16 wards total to max that enchant. Which totals $160. Which translates to roughly 7 million AD. Which requires about 300 days of 24K/day farming. Or you can pray for months and months.

    The cap is for refining Astral Diamonds, not for obtaining them. You can make quite a large amount of them by utilizing the AH. You can also work on an attractive and interesting Foundry Quest and get tips from people. Or you can occasionally support the game by buying a few Zen and either spend them on a ward, or invest them to turn them into more.

    There are always things you might want, but can't have, at least not instantly. It is what gives a game lasting appeal. You can easily conquer all the content in the game without ever fusing anything. If the game had content you can only realistically tackle if you had this stuff, I would agree, but this is far from being the case. In essence, it is complaining about an issue that is not actually having a meaningful practical impact on playing the game.

    All that said, I believe the chance should probably be increased to 10%. I also think the shards will be far more available in a few months.
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    borneolborneol Member Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    imivo wrote: »
    The cap is for refining Astral Diamonds, not for obtaining them. You can make quite a large amount of them by utilizing the AH. You can also work on an attractive and interesting Foundry Quest and get tips from people. Or you can occasionally support the game by buying a few Zen and either spend them on a ward, or invest them to turn them into more.

    There are always things you might want, but can't have, at least not instantly. It is what gives a game lasting appeal. You can easily conquer all the content in the game without ever fusing anything. If the game had content you can only realistically tackle if you had this stuff, I would agree, but this is far from being the case. In essence, it is complaining about an issue that is not actually having a meaningful practical impact on playing the game.

    All that said, I believe the chance should probably be increased to 10%. I also think the shards will be far more available in a few months.

    Yeah it's true that you can earn more than that in a day and the value of AD is likely to go up for a while still. But come on, you are starting at 300 days per enchant. Lets say you work hard and cut that in half and lets assume the value of AD doubles. You are still looking at 75 days, over two months, of hard work to get ONE enchant done. Considering how many you need it is still an absurd suggestion.

    This is simply unreasonable in every way. The dollar amount is ludicrous and the in game alternative is designed for robots. No one will be able to handle that kind of grinding with their sanity intact. And it's not even meant to be grinded. It's designed to get the whales to spend thousands in the game. You may not need it for anything in PvE but you will most certainly feel it in PvP.
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    baburmisbaburmis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zylaxx wrote: »
    Or you could buy $15 worth of Zen every month to support the game. DO not pay, expect to have to work twice as hard to aquire things others do via paying for. Still doesn't make it P2W, its P4C (Pay for Convience).

    you do realize those $15 worth of zen would be enough to buy... 1 (one) blue ward? in just 2 months of 'p2p' gameplay you would be able to afford whooping 3 wards. Sure it would help if wards werent so stupidly priced, or default enchant rate was not 1%, but apparently some people are advocating for 1 enhance = 1 month of p2p game sub?

    Seriously, how can anyone be ok with 1 enhance being $10 ? Regardless of how much you like the game, its just... odd.
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    random1285random1285 Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2013
    I imagine they're like that because they don't want every basement dweller and his anime figurines decked out in over-the-top enchantments in 3 weeks max. I'd rather they didn't put them in the game in the first place. It's such a typically unimaginative way for a F2P company to keep people playing or paying, it's on the same level as those massive glowy enchanted weapons in other games that you have a .00x% to get without paying a hefty sum. Totally obnoxious.
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    direcrowdirecrow Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    God the fanboys really have absolutely zero objectivity don't they?

    Yes you can buy it off the AH for some inflated cost, or pray every every day for a week for the CHANCE at one (really think about who asinine this one is, please.)

    But the fact remains obvious to literally anyone not married to the game. The chance of success is ONE PERCENT. Just to force you to use a cash shop item. That's WRONG, and its not that you fail to understand that. It's that you willfully refuse to care. I like this game a lot too, but ****.

    Cash shops should be there to enhance the experience. Not act as a requirement.

    They could easily make money by simply selling cosmetics and services. Instead we get cheap money grab on top of money grab, and all because PWE is running the shots. there is earning money the respectful way, and then there is gouging. So far, Cryptic has an awesome game, actively being hindered by greedy marketers.
    Mindflayer Shard - @direcrow
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    darkwingz88darkwingz88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Good news is maybe that 1 people in 1000 of 60's will have it :)
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    imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    baburmis wrote: »
    Seriously, how can anyone be ok with 1 enhance being $10 ? Regardless of how much you like the game, its just... odd.

    The same reason why I am okay with the twilight mount costing $250: It is optional. There are no raids where every bit of performance matters and these enchants do not decide whether you beat an encounter. There is no rated PvP. I just don't see them as being essential at this point. If you want the best, even if you do not need it, you either have to pay or put in the time. Just like in other games where you won't have access to the best stuff unless you show a sizeable amount of dedication and make a commitment (in time).

    The game has only been out for less than two weeks, and people are complaining about not easily being able to obtain the very best enchants the game has to offer. I do agree that 1% is too low and that it should be higher, but give it some time. Shards will be more available, the value of ADs will increase (we went from 500:1 to 400:1 in just one week!), and who knows, there may be adjustments.
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    deahamletdeahamlet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 191 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Weren't people complaining that everyone can have stuff easy because of BoE and the game is trash because they cannot be that special 1% butterfly? Well, I guess this is the ultra special ultra uber thing for the grind uber elites to flash to the plebs.
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    h3rflikh3rflik Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2013
    Good news is maybe that 1 people in 1000 of 60's will have it :)

    Your calculations are a failure.
    Take 1000 people, 90% of them will quit since they dont want to play <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> with is P2W. 100 people left where 75% of them will be the paying people. So 75 out of 100 will buy it from cash shop, add to that the 25 of rest with 1% chance and no life, maybe 80 out of 100 will have that.

    So your calculations are off by around 80000%, you were close :P
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    borneolborneol Member Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Some 1% maths because it's just too funny to pass up on.

    1% chance of success, one lost in failure. An average 69 attempts required for the worst enchant, 68 shards destroyed. A total 19,044 attempts on average for the better version. And a whopping 5,256,144 for the best one. It would be more honest to just have it at 0%.
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    baburmisbaburmis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    deahamlet wrote: »
    Weren't people complaining that everyone can have stuff easy because of BoE and the game is trash because they cannot be that special 1% butterfly? Well, I guess this is the ultra special ultra uber thing for the grind uber elites to flash to the plebs.

    its still just as easy, you just gotta pay $10 per try.

    I believe some people got the wrong impression of what OP was trying to say. He wasnt complaining because it was hard to enhance that 1% stuff, but because its NOT doable without $10 cash shop item. They could have made it 30% success rate, and that would actually make it 'harder' to get those uber items. At the same time they could still have blue wards in cash shop, which could raise your enhance chances to lets say 50%-60%.

    But instead pwe decided to make a mandatory $10 per pop cash shop item. Its a no brainer really, they might as well make it 0% and it wouldnt change a thing, you would absolutely need that ward regardless. On a bright side, at least its not something expensive, for just 80$ you could slot 8 items (thats if you dont upgrade them further), which is a steal imo.

    tldr: basically its a neverending circle of upgrades, where every next step costs $10.
    I doubt people would complain that much if it was one time thing, but this what they have come up with reminds me of allods runes system, where only thing thats stopping people from upgrading is its price (further you go, it gets exponentially more expensive).
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    stereoblindxstereoblindx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 246 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    To add to this, the green ones you get from praying as people have pointed out, can fail.

    I used two of the green ward things today and both of them failed.
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    darkwingz88darkwingz88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To add to this, the green ones you get from praying as people have pointed out, can fail.

    I used two of the green ward things today and both of them failed.

    Fail what?
    Preserving the enchantment from breaking up after failure? because thats all its supposed to do - not guarantee it wont break.
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    stereoblindxstereoblindx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 246 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Fail what?
    Preserving the enchantment from breaking up after failure? because thats all its supposed to do - not guarantee it wont break.

    I'm aware. People are making it sound like praying is the holy fix to this blatant cash grab, in which it's not. At all.
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    darkwingz88darkwingz88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    h3rflik wrote: »
    Your calculations are a failure.
    Take 1000 people, 90% of them will quit since they dont want to play <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> with is P2W. 100 people left where 75% of them will be the paying people. So 75 out of 100 will buy it from cash shop, add to that the 25 of rest with 1% chance and no life, maybe 80 out of 100 will have that.

    So your calculations are off by around 80000%, you were close :P

    You forgot about constant stream of new players, and casuals that are now 20 and will hit 60 in next half of an year because they "Take their time and read lore"

    Look guys 1% isnt problem. I wouldnt mind 1% chance on best enchantment in game if preservation wards werent even able to get. Whats my problem is that you need multiplies of this 1%.
    For mulitplie equipment slots.

    Yeah im probably out once any new sub mmo goes out live.
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    calaminthacalamintha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    imivo wrote: »
    The same reason why I am okay with the twilight mount costing $250: It is optional.

    I've played enough Asian MMOs to know how "optional" things like that will be in PvP. Before anyone says something about "NW is a PvE game", since they added PvP it's also a PvP game.
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    imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Look guys 1% isnt problem. I wouldnt mind 1% chance on best enchantment in game if preservation wards werent even able to get.

    You are only not OK with it because someone else can spend $10 on a ward, even though if you don't, nothing would be different for you? This is like quitting WoW because you don't have the time to do hardmode progress raiding and others do, Money and time, both of which are limited resources, are just flipped around here.

    Okay, let me propose a way to look at this (and I think 1% is too low, by the way):

    A week ago, the AD/Zen exchange rate was at 500:1, so you needed 500,000 AD to get $10 in Zen. As of right now, it has dipped below 400:1, so you only need 400,000 AD to get $10 in Zen. If other PWE games with the same system are an indicator, then we will eventually get to 100:1, in which case you only need 100k AD to get $10 in Zen. So, we would be at doing dailies for 4 days to get a ward. (This does not take into account AH sales and Foundry tips, and it does not consider that people who care about these enchants are more likely to get drops that can be sold at the AH).

    We also do not know what future content will be like, that that zone with the G-name. Perhaps wards will drop, perhaps green versions of the enchants will drop. The game is a couple weeks old, and it's an MMO. It's too soon to assume that because something is a certain way right now, it will always be that way.
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    borneolborneol Member Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    imivo wrote: »
    A week ago, the AD/Zen exchange rate was at 500:1, so you needed 500,000 AD to get $10 in Zen. As of right now, it has dipped below 400:1, so you only need 400,000 AD to get $10 in Zen. If other PWE games with the same system are an indicator, then we will eventually get to 100:1, in which case you only need 100k AD to get $10 in Zen. So, we would be at doing dailies for 4 days to get a ward. (This does not take into account AH sales and Foundry tips, and it does not consider that people who care about these enchants are more likely to get drops that can be sold at the AH).

    Ok, lets put this into perspective. 4 days for one ward, 64 days for the best enchant, 512 days to slot 8 items, 1.4 years of solid farming. It is better than the current 5.6 years :rolleyes:

    Good luck.
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    imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    borneol wrote: »
    Ok, lets put this into perspective.

    Putting it into perspective would need to include the millions of ADs you can make by selling drops, which as an elite player (wanting the absolutely best in terms of gear and enchants are usually hardcore players who, as a result, are often skilled) you should have easy access to.

    But it is all hypothetical either way. As mentioned, I don't think 1% is all right, and I think 10% would still be steep and not jeopardize sales (it may even encourage them .. if you only need a few enchants, and already got some, you might be more willing to just buy a ward).
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    borneolborneol Member Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    imivo wrote: »
    Putting it into perspective would need to include the millions of ADs you can make by selling drops, which as an elite player (wanting the absolutely best in terms of gear and enchants are usually hardcore players who, as a result, are often skilled) you should have easy access to.

    But it is all hypothetical either way. As mentioned, I don't think 1% is all right, and I think 10% would still be steep and not jeopardize sales (it may even encourage them .. if you only need a few enchants, and already got some, you might be more willing to just buy a ward).

    The calculation is overly simplified for sure. It will be different speeds for different people. But I can with confidence say that it is not reasonable for anyone. When you are dealing with years with the 24K cap it obviously won't be a realistic grind to go through even if you do earn extra on the side. It is just too far from it.

    10% would make the fist stage doable. Upgrading would still be unreasonable requiring 170 attempts for the second one and nearly 5 thousand for the last. Exponential probabilities are nasty. And it would still cost $1280 to fully max out 8 slots, that is insane.
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    darkwingz88darkwingz88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    I have problem with it because it does affect my pvp gameplay.
    What I meant though - I wouldnt mind 1% IF it was for best item. Right now you have to mulitplie fuse that 1% chance of success wchich without wards means - you have 0 chance to achieve that. In the same time you can buy 100% success rate ward wchich lets be honest - is only way to get best enchantment.

    Anyway im not caring that much on a subject because im treating this game as pretty much casual mmo, and you dont need to have best possible gear to stay competetive. And pricing for various zen items is so steep very few people will be able to afford it all - ingame currency or $.
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    baburmisbaburmis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    imivo wrote: »
    Putting it into perspective would need to include the millions of ADs you can make by selling drops, which as an elite player (wanting the absolutely best in terms of gear and enchants are usually hardcore players who, as a result, are often skilled) you should have easy access to.

    But it is all hypothetical either way. As mentioned, I don't think 1% is all right, and I think 10% would still be steep and not jeopardize sales (it may even encourage them .. if you only need a few enchants, and already got some, you might be more willing to just buy a ward).

    and what makes you think they wont come up with more cash shop items like $10 ward? People use 'its just beta' quite often, but that works for cash shop too. Its pwe, they update their cash shop 5x faster than their games and they are really quick to invent new cash shop items :-)

    And thats what makes things even worse for me. Most games start with 'light' cash shop, which expands upon p2w which no fanboy can defend anymore. But not this one, they started with ridiculous, shameless cash shop from day 1, and i cant wait to see what will future cash shop items (and their prices) look like.

    the future is bright. for pwe at least :P
    Whats my problem is that you need multiplies of this 1%.
    For mulitplie equipment slots.

    ^^ how can anyone argue with this is beyond me. And lets keep in mind that **** item costs $10 a pop. regardless of AD => zen change, it will still be $10 and someone will have to put it into AH for other people to purchase it with ad. Even if AD to zen goes down to 1=1 it wont change the fact it costs $10.
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    stereoblindxstereoblindx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 246 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    baburmis wrote: »
    how can anyone argue with this is beyond me. And lets keep in mind that **** item costs $10 a pop. regardless of AD => zen change, it will still be $10 and someone will have to put it into AH for other people to purchase it with ad. Even if AD to zen goes down to 1=1 it wont change the fact it costs $10.

    This is pretty much how I feel about every argument people put forward in favor of cash shop things and telling others this game isn't p2w. Like come on the evidence is looking at you, licking your face, touching your hair, and charging you for it with a big smile on.
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