Im going to have to go check that out If they really did nerf loot and the xp is really low then they broke it and will damage the foundry over all They might as well remove it from the game if people have no incentive to do it.
I think it would be great for people who frequently play Foundry to post some pre/post-nerf specifics so we can see how bad it really is.
Is there some sort of update that I am not accessing through the auto update? I have tried to log in several times today and the launcher says attempting to auto-update. It tries to connect twice and then kicks out. Is there anyone else having this problem? It was just fine yesterday.:(
Hmm, I just tried to login and got a patch to download. I then discover the servers are down. So I go to the forums and find this thread which announces that the servers are coming down for maintenance at 7 AM Pacific time. It is now after 3 PM Pacific time. Have the servers really been down for eight hours?
I am also wondering why the servers are coming down during normal business hours in the U.S.? It would seem to me that Cryptic would understand that they lose less money by taking down the servers during late evening hours rather than during daytime. Is this the influence of the Asian masters at Perfect World being brought to bear? If so, it would make a lot more sense for them to understand that the U.S. is actually in a different time zone and that people playing on U.S. servers are likely to play from U.S. time zones. ;-)
It would make a ton more sense if the maintenance window happened at about 1 AM Pacific time so the devs will have more time to respond when things do not go well before they start cutting into prime-time playing hours. Maybe somebody needs to realize that we are the one that give you money and you are the ones that get paid for doing this. If anybody should be enduring some inconvenience in order to provide customer service, it sure isn't the customers.
No, to my knowledge the servers went down only a two/three hours ago? I wasn't around at 7am PDT so I don't know if it did go down for maint, yes the main website is down as well, which calls this to be a Cryptic server issue, not PWE. Perhaps both? Not really sure on any information since no one has really said anything. But I doubt this is a clever ploy for Chinese game players (especially since PWE is located in America, and it's games are distributed to be played in the U.S. while the Chinese Perfect World has it own seperate server/branches.)
Also, I'm fairly positive it wasn't their intention to bring the servers down at peek gameplay hours, but then again this is still a BETA... just want to point that out.
Oh no, my beta game went down. ;w; halp me evardisfoxx! HELP ME! GIVE ME THE ANSWERS!
I presume to take that literally, and so I shall. Twitter and Facebook are usually good places to go for super-up-to-date info on these kind of things, you butthurt dwellers (and kind candyclouds)
The most recent 2 posts are FB, the rest of the narrative is twitter.
33 minutes ago
Hey Everyone -
The servers are now ONLINE! You can now log in and play Neverwinter once again.
Thank you for being a supporter during the Neverwinter open beta! We're learning a lot of valuable information from this beta and hope to continually smooth things out as we approach the launch of the game.
See you in Protector's Enclave!
48 minutes ago
Hey everyone! Our team is making progress and we hope to have the servers online shortly!
Thanks so much for your patience during the Neverwinter open beta!
As a heads-up to those who follow us on Twitter, our account hit a temporary outgoing message cap so please pardon the short-term silence. It should be active again soon!
Neverwinter @NeverwinterGame 1h @JulienMaille We're working on an updated solution and hope to have an update regarding that soon.
Details Neverwinter @NeverwinterGame 1h @dotfortytwo Ideally soon! This outage was unexpected and we're doing everything we can to prevent it in the future.
Neverwinter @NeverwinterGame 1h @anakinjay There's currently a delay on support tickets due to the high volume we are receiving. Your patience is appreciated! :0
I agree I think they nerfed foundry EXP way too much, I already have 1 level 60 and don't really want to do all the quests again for my second toon. It would be good if they could make it so Foundrys have the old EXP for people with a level 60 already on the account, I like mindless farming on a second toon.
Also I thought you guys said foundry EXP is fine as long as the monsters where not trapped and could attack back, I'm now a sad man
sritthhMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
So you're saying there was NO beta? Closed beta they also accepted RMT (and yes any zen you spent during CBW's was refunded for use in the Open Beta). Many MMO's take RMT during beta, and many of them require you to pre-order the game to even get into the beta, that's an RMT. It's hard to test the RMT stores in the game if they don't take RMT. Saying it's beta also protects the player if there's a bug with a zen purchase. The beta tag isn't marketing, it's development. It's letting players know there are going to be frequent patches and content that's being adjusted frequently and heavily during this time period. If you don't like it then hold off for full release and let the rest of us test, bug report, and help the game get shaped up for it's full release. Too many "gamers" see betas as a headstart to play a game rather than an opportunity to help squash bugs and guide development of the game.
sritthhMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I don't have any chars with an apostrophe but I get the same relogin issue switching characters. This is with both Chrome and IE10 on both Win7 and Win8. I don't have FF installed so can't test that browser.
tommo34Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
Not meaning to sound ungrateful, great patch keep up the updates and comms with the community, but when can we see some class balance tweaks.
Currently I see TR doing 30k+ in one hit on my GWF or my GF buddy. I think this may be the armor pen calculation incorrectly or something but that is just wrong since even stacking health and defense I would have around 25-27k hp with around 30-35% damage reduction.
Does the armor pen on TR really do that much or are their damage numbers just way to high? I understand they need to burst single targets but one shooting a tank and bruiser class? Not asking them to be nerfed into the ground just the amount of damage that goes through armor be adjusted slightly for player vs player.
Also for the amount of CC that CW have the damage seems a tad high as well. Could add CC effectiveness reduction mechanic to avoid chain CC from CW's but then that might make them HAMSTER since they couldn't just hold people in place till they were dead anymore.
Again this is only for pvp but kind of annoying that even as a GWF with some decent defense fighting against a CW or TR I'm dead before I can even pop unstoppable or I just get dropped like a fly outright. 9/10 if a team has a gear CW or TR players are just giving up.
On a side note could use a mechanic put in that when someone leaves or afks they get auto booted and REPLACED!!!!! Currently too many matches lost via 4v5 or 3v5. Even had one where the match started and it was literally 0v5.
I highly agree with the one shotting having to be nerfed.
buuuut right now they are worrying about the game stability and getting it right before they worry about classes. Yes the classes need to be tweaked but theres no point doing it if people cant even play due to ingame crashes. Just be patient and I am sure they will get it sorted soon enough
and hey if it helps cure the frustration for a bit why not make a TR and go one shot some people. I must admit it is pretty fun
draelin1978Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I still can not access my Drae'lin character even though the aposthrophe issue was resolved with the gateway
I agree I think they nerfed foundry EXP way too much, I already have 1 level 60 and don't really want to do all the quests again for my second toon. It would be good if they could make it so Foundrys have the old EXP for people with a level 60 already on the account, I like mindless farming on a second toon.
No, to my knowledge the servers went down only a two/three hours ago? I wasn't around at 7am PDT so I don't know if it did go down for maint, yes the main website is down as well, which calls this to be a Cryptic server issue, not PWE. Perhaps both? Not really sure on any information since no one has really said anything. But I doubt this is a clever ploy for Chinese game players (especially since PWE is located in America, and it's games are distributed to be played in the U.S. while the Chinese Perfect World has it own seperate server/branches.)
Also, I'm fairly positive it wasn't their intention to bring the servers down at peek gameplay hours, but then again this is still a BETA... just want to point that out.
Beta or not, the downtime was pre-announced. If you are going to schedule downtime then it makes sense to schedule it during low volume hours. What I am seeing from you are excuses for poor decision making. It just makes more sense to take down the servers for scheduled downtime during late evening hours. Like I said, that allows the most room for dealing with unforeseen issues without cutting into prime time. It is what pretty much every MMO on the planet does except for this one. You see, those companies have already learned these lessons. Maybe beta should be used to get your team used to a real production schedule as well? Did you see anything in the patch notes that warranted an emergency shutdown and maintenance?
200? More like about $350 by the time you add in that I bought both the $200 and $60 packs and also bought Zen. That doesn't mean that I won't spend more if they have the game up for me to play. Apparently, they didn't want that money.
I thought the idea behind the Foundry was to have new and original content produced by (very talented) players? This is in excess of the game, bringing fresh breath into the campaign, etc.
Why is everyone raving and whinging because now they can't power-level their characters anymore using the loop-hole inadvertently added by the Foundry content? Seriously? Spoilt brats, much?
What Class Are You?
I am also wondering why the servers are coming down during normal business hours in the U.S.? It would seem to me that Cryptic would understand that they lose less money by taking down the servers during late evening hours rather than during daytime. Is this the influence of the Asian masters at Perfect World being brought to bear? If so, it would make a lot more sense for them to understand that the U.S. is actually in a different time zone and that people playing on U.S. servers are likely to play from U.S. time zones. ;-)
It would make a ton more sense if the maintenance window happened at about 1 AM Pacific time so the devs will have more time to respond when things do not go well before they start cutting into prime-time playing hours. Maybe somebody needs to realize that we are the one that give you money and you are the ones that get paid for doing this. If anybody should be enduring some inconvenience in order to provide customer service, it sure isn't the customers.
Also, I'm fairly positive it wasn't their intention to bring the servers down at peek gameplay hours, but then again this is still a BETA... just want to point that out.
So much butthurt on these forums. Go off then, cry babies.
I presume to take that literally, and so I shall. Twitter and Facebook are usually good places to go for super-up-to-date info on these kind of things, you butthurt dwellers (and kind candyclouds)
The most recent 2 posts are FB, the rest of the narrative is twitter.
33 minutes ago
Hey Everyone -
The servers are now ONLINE! You can now log in and play Neverwinter once again.
Thank you for being a supporter during the Neverwinter open beta! We're learning a lot of valuable information from this beta and hope to continually smooth things out as we approach the launch of the game.
See you in Protector's Enclave!
48 minutes ago
Hey everyone! Our team is making progress and we hope to have the servers online shortly!
Thanks so much for your patience during the Neverwinter open beta!
As a heads-up to those who follow us on Twitter, our account hit a temporary outgoing message cap so please pardon the short-term silence. It should be active again soon!
Neverwinter @NeverwinterGame 1h
@JulienMaille We're working on an updated solution and hope to have an update regarding that soon.
Neverwinter @NeverwinterGame 1h
@dotfortytwo Ideally soon! This outage was unexpected and we're doing everything we can to prevent it in the future.
Neverwinter @NeverwinterGame 1h
@anakinjay There's currently a delay on support tickets due to the high volume we are receiving. Your patience is appreciated! :0
Also I thought you guys said foundry EXP is fine as long as the monsters where not trapped and could attack back, I'm now a sad man
I highly agree with the one shotting having to be nerfed.
buuuut right now they are worrying about the game stability and getting it right before they worry about classes. Yes the classes need to be tweaked but theres no point doing it if people cant even play due to ingame crashes. Just be patient and I am sure they will get it sorted soon enough
and hey if it helps cure the frustration for a bit why not make a TR and go one shot some people. I must admit it is pretty fun OF THE ERROR)
Please can somebody HELP ME???!!!waaaaaa T.T
I'm sure my computer is part of it, but I've never crashed anywhere else.
lol little too late there mr 200
Farewell remorse; all good to me is lost.
Evil, be thou my good.
Author: @Fugln
Tag: #Combat, #story, #GROUP
NWS-DA213JHNY - The Shadows of the Sword Coast
NW-DE6UU7ZQA - Chapter One - A Fool's Errand.
Author: @Fugln
Tag: #Story #Solo #Group #Humor.
Beta or not, the downtime was pre-announced. If you are going to schedule downtime then it makes sense to schedule it during low volume hours. What I am seeing from you are excuses for poor decision making. It just makes more sense to take down the servers for scheduled downtime during late evening hours. Like I said, that allows the most room for dealing with unforeseen issues without cutting into prime time. It is what pretty much every MMO on the planet does except for this one. You see, those companies have already learned these lessons. Maybe beta should be used to get your team used to a real production schedule as well? Did you see anything in the patch notes that warranted an emergency shutdown and maintenance?
200? More like about $350 by the time you add in that I bought both the $200 and $60 packs and also bought Zen. That doesn't mean that I won't spend more if they have the game up for me to play. Apparently, they didn't want that money.
Why is everyone raving and whinging because now they can't power-level their characters anymore using the loop-hole inadvertently added by the Foundry content? Seriously? Spoilt brats, much?