I have this only in text atm but will try to make a video in open beta and sing this song to it with backing music
I. play.. neverwinter.... Like. an. ancient.. and. old. spinster...
I. try... to.. run. a. guild. as.. well.......
I... Roast. kobolds.. and. Goblins.. and.. I....
Feed... Them... To. The... Robins!
AS... In.. winter.. those. poor. birds.. go. through.. hell...
So. sit. forward.. on. your. keyboard..
Place. your. hand.. on. there. too...
Now.. you. play.. how. you. want.. to. play... thats fine...!
so. You. join. a. Guild.. find. action..
you. Hunt. down.. an. evil.. faction...
where...you.. end. up. first. drinking.. all. there.. wine...
The.. sun... rises. the.. next.. days.... Dawning...
And. you. get.. just.. a. few.. seconds.. warning...
Of. an. ancient.. and. mighty.. large.. red.. dragon...
you. know. you. must. Riddle... him.
Or. end. up. getting.. killed... by. him..
But. all. you. feel. is. last. nights.. flagon...
So. you. focus. on. the. smashing.. crashing.. bell...
Then, you, send ,the, big. Red. dragon.. back. to. hell...
And. Save. the. awesome.. princess.. there. as. well...!
You can almost garuntee this wont be a fling.......
Later..You. party.. with. the. king...
Get. down. on. one. knee.. and. Burst. a. thing...!
Then throw up bigtime exactly on top of the king..
pssssssssxh ksssssccccccc tingggggg!..
"There are two things that drive technology forward in a huge leap in this world, one is war and one is business..."-- Timothy Wade 2012
"If you wish to join a guild, that will be running a guild foundry RP campaign then come take a look at [BLOOD]"