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Come hang out in Pocket D! (Calling all City of Heroes/Villains!)

kwsapphirekwsapphire Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 671 Arc User
edited April 2014 in Off Topic
Hello fellow gamers! I'm looking to "friend" all my fellow displaced super-powered beings, that is, those of us who fled to Neverwinter from Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. I've been sending friends requests when someone mentions that they're a former Hero/Villain, but please feel free to friend me as well!

While I know NW won't be able to fulfill my costume creation needs, I am hoping it can be a warm and welcoming home none the less. (And I can always use Titan's Icon/hacked game launcher to continue playing with City's costume creator, woot!) I am looking forward to all the goodies in NW, and so far it seems to be a pretty entertaining way to spend an evening, or a weekend!

So what do my fellow heroes and villains think? Are you happy so far in this strange, new world?

If you're hungry for nostalgia, check out my City of Toons page. I have music videos, iTrial maps and walkthroughs, an historic calendar (which I will update for the final time tomorrow morning), and more. Enjoy!

Post edited by kwsapphire on


  • ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    We should make a guild: City of Neverwinter Heroes. :D
  • megatenistmegatenist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    We should make a guild: City of Neverwinter Heroes. :D

    I would so join that. I miss CoH and to be brutally honest, CO was no substitute. Even though I kinda joined late in its life (April 2011) I had a blast and was sorry to see it go.

    Expat rogue from Virtue.
    "All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening." - Alexander Woollcott
  • kwsapphirekwsapphire Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I am hoping to get enough of my fellow Repeat Offenders into NW that we can start an RO guild. (Not sure if you had heard of RO, but they were drawing attention long before I joined them. Close to 40 SGs in the end, across 4 servers.) A lot of ROers just aren't into the fantasy genre, of course, but I'm hopeful! I think we have three or four people in the beta this weekend, so it's a start!

    Though, I really like the sound of City of Neverwinter Heroes too! ^_^
  • megatenistmegatenist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kwsapphire wrote: »
    I am hoping to get enough of my fellow Repeat Offenders into NW that we can start an RO guild. (Not sure if you had heard of RO, but they were drawing attention long before I joined them. Close to 40 SGs in the end, across 4 servers.) A lot of ROers just aren't into the fantasy genre, of course, but I'm hopeful! I think we have three or four people in the beta this weekend, so it's a start!

    Though, I really like the sound of City of Neverwinter Heroes too! ^_^

    I think I ran with some of the RO before, as well as people from Dawn Patrol and Justice Girls among others.
    "All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening." - Alexander Woollcott
  • ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I as in the American Legion, as well as a few others. Sadly, I have completely lost track. My best SG was FLAG. We were big in Protector, and tried to make the migration to Virtue, but sadly there were way too many people there already to make an effective showing.
  • megatenistmegatenist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    heh I lost count of how many American Legion costume contests I participated in. I think I even won once lol. Good times.
    And yeah Virtue had about a bazillion SGs you could join.

    *raises a toast to his beloved Dual Blade/Dark/Levi Stalker
    "All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening." - Alexander Woollcott
  • ryger5ryger5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I never hung out in Pocket D, and my circle of RP friends in COH was pretty small on Virtue.

    None the less, I was ChaosRed in the forums (my global was @Ravyna). Characters of mine on Virtue included Doctor North, Demon Wing, Chaos Red and Cobra Fist. Doctor North was my first and greatest character, with probably the best overall character background I ever wrote (see link below).

    I hung around a fairly large super-villain group called "Supreme Society" for a while, they were a fine group of players, but then one of them tried to PK my favorite hero in an incredibly lame "torture" scene, ripped off from Saw. Then two of the main GMs started to squabble, so I bailed. Too bad really, an awesome group.

    I eventually settled on a project called Alpha Squad. There was only about seven at us, but we had a blast. I still game with some from that group, including now with SHADOW and Neverwinter! We RP'd almost exclusively through the content generator, making adventures for each other, weaving stories together.

    Some links to my old COH junk for those who enjoy masochism and critical walls of text:

    Doctor North
    Demon Wing
    Chaos Red
    Cobra Fist

    Here's a sample of our super group's "comic book", we'd come out with new "issues" every week or so, to catalog our RP:

    Don't sweat if you remember none of this. My core activity was way back in 2005-2006 and then a return during late 2008 to 2009. I never played after 2009.

    Here's another alt of mine, designed specifically for Alpha Squad, when we needed a solid tank:

    I'll always love and admire my time on COH. It had a lot of flaws that game, but also some features I wish other games would adapt (being able to set up invite-only PVP instances for example, was AMAZING for RP). That game belongs in the MMO Hallf of Fame with Ultima Online and Everquest I.

    I salute all you Virtue-ites! Even though I always stayed on the fringe of it, Virtue was one of my favorite communities.
    SHADOW - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
    Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
  • megatenistmegatenist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Same here, Ryger. I was mostly a solo player on Virtue, suffering from altitis. But I was close to a few people ingame.

    I started back in April 2011 and was blown away at how much fun it was. Tried out as many different combinations as I could, although I always had a soft spot for my Stalkers (they became even more fun after the Assassin's Strike fix) and Doms (Oh Plant Control)

    Too many characters to mention, but I loved playing my first lvl 50 character (DB/Dark/Levi stalker) Switches Mcgee.

    Yeah, maybe it wasn't perfect and maybe it was too old fashioned in our "modern MMO" world today, but it was the most fun I had playing an MMO. Heck, I've played WoW since beta and I couldn't even begin to tell you why I liked it.

    Signed, RufusFyrfly on the CoH forums

    P.S. I wonder whatever happened to GG?;););):p
    "All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening." - Alexander Woollcott
  • kwsapphirekwsapphire Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I logged into City of Heroes for the first time on May 1st, 2004 - on my roommate's account. He had been in the beta and the head start, so I had watched him playing the game. I thought the character creator was SO COOL (even back at issue 0), so I asked if I could just create characters (and not play them) on his account. So he picked the server at the bottom of the list, Protector, and let me have at it when he wasn't playing.

    Except it didn't stay "and not play the game" ... I soon got sucked in. I bought my own account on 5/12/04, and was in City as often as possible after that. Sometimes that was only a couple hours per week, sometimes lots of hours.. I always took time off work for Double XP weekends and spent the whole weekend in-game. It was the only holiday I recognized or cared about. Eight and a half years of my life, and this game was at the center of it.

    Actually my boyfriend (of 7.5 years) broke up with me 10 days before the sunset. I was recently asked which had upset me more, City's sunset or the relationship ending. I actually think City hit me harder, especially because I kept thinking back to all the weekends that I didn't play city, because I was instead entertaining my boyfriend. (He is not a gamer. He does play some console games, so we played several flavors Dynasty Warriors, Baldur's Gate, and a few other titles, but he's not a gamer. Nor a geek, nor a nerd.) Thankfully he and I are still very good friends, and now I can spend my weekends totally geeking out. I finally saw the 6th and 7th Harry Potter movies, Dark Knight Rises, and several other movies that I'd wanted to see but couldn't, because he is not a geek. At some point I'm going to have a LotR marathon, where I watch all three movies' extended versions in one day. EPIC GEEKDOM.

    Anyway, yeah. When the sunset was announced, there were a few people who were pretty concerned I would do something drastic. I admit I was pretty upset, I couldn't talk about ANYTHING for a week without crying, and then couldn't talk about City without bawling for at least two months. And then the sunset actually happened, and it kind of came back around again. I'm better now, though I still choke up every time I watch just about any CoH video.

    And when I win the lotto/powerball, I am going to start a company that will create the spiritual successor to CoH, and I will laugh at NCsoft all the way to the bank.
  • ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    He broke up with you?

    I tell my daughter that boys are dumb. He's the proof.
  • kwsapphirekwsapphire Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    No, I promise he's not dumb. I was getting very frustrated with my situation, though not consciously. I was getting more and more snippy with him, less patience, and less happy. Not his fault, I should have recognized it myself and asked him, SEVERAL YEARS AGO, not to come over every single weekend. Because, you know, I'd spend all week working (and recently also taking online classes), and then I'd get to my weekend and spend the whole thing entertaining him. Which means the ONLY time I ever got to do what *I* wanted to do, was Friday nights. I should have said "I get two weekends to myself per month" years ago, but I didn't. And I gave up huge portions of my life/geekdom/enjoyment because he didn't like them. (Please don't judge him for that, we all have our likes and dislikes.) But for example, not only would he NEVER even think of being seen in a costume, he also wouldn't be seen with ME in a costume. And by "costume" I pretty much mean "anything that is not normal, every day dress", which means he didn't even like me to wear my Santa hat. Which had a BUCCANEERS logo on it, and he is the one that got me into Bucs football in the first place. But wearing a santa hat is "weird". (Of course, I *like* being the center of attention, but it made him uncomfortable.) We had a lot of the same interests (like Science), but we didn't share a lot of passtimes. And that ended up being one of the bigger issues. I spent 7.5 years sitting on my back patio watching him wander around in my back yard (which is what he wanted to do), instead of being INSIDE (away from the damned mosquitoes!) and playing video games. There are only so many scientific discoveries per month that you can talk about, and when that ran out... he didn't want to discuss CoH. :P

    In the end I don't regret the relationship at all. He was the first Man I'd ever dated (I'd only ever dated boys before, even married one.. that didn't last long..). I also credit him with helping me mature into a Woman. But there are some things that I will just never grow out of, and being a gamer/geek/nerd/dork is one of them. And when it comes down to it I should be with a geek. It was HIS OWN WORDS: "You deserve someone who will go to the ren-fest with you. In costume. And then go play DDR with you."

    Again, we're still very good friends, but now I spend maybe 200 minutes per month on the phone with him (instead of 2000-3000), and he only comes over once every couple of months. (He came over for superbowl, and he's coming over again next weekend.) I get a lot more time to be a geek, and that is working out great for me. I guess what I'm saying is, he recognized that I was unhappy before I did. And even if I'd recognized it, I'm the kind of person who will just tolerate my own unhappiness if I think I'm still making him happy. So his reasons were sound, and he was thinking about/caring about BOTH of us.

    Sometimes it's not what you have in common that matters, it's what you DON'T.
  • ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You know what, that's fair. I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't train-wrecked my first marriage and and with two others enough to strengthen me enough to be a good man to my wife and daughter now. I'll forgive your ex-boyfriend, then. ;)
  • ryger5ryger5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    megatenist wrote: »
    Signed, RufusFyrfly on the CoH forums

    One of my favorite films ever!

    Rufus T. Firefly: Well, that covers a lot of ground. Say, you cover a lot of ground yourself. You better beat it - I hear they're going to tear you down and put up an office building where you're standing. You can leave in a taxi. If you can't get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that's too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff. You know, you haven't stopped talking since I came here? You must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle.
    SHADOW - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
    Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
  • someguywhoplaysgamessomeguywhoplaysgames Member Posts: 1,546 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    On CoH I was @MrPlayskool.

    Yes...that one.

    But no one ever knew me that way in the game, except for Virtue's Rookery, and the WM/EA thing.

    They knew me as Brou.

    I decided ultimately to take that as my global when I went to CO.

    When CoH was preparing to close, I spent some quality time there. Now that the old superhero game that Cryptic once played a part in is gone, I can't help holding CO to a higher standard than the developers sometimes will.
  • kwsapphirekwsapphire Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Cool! Are you the blue wolf with the red gloves? That's such a great costume, I'm mad I didn't think of it! The closest I came was a brown mouse, using a red over-the-shoulder cape, and one of the bandolier chest pieces. She was sort-of my homage to Secret of Nimh.
  • someguywhoplaysgamessomeguywhoplaysgames Member Posts: 1,546 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kwsapphire wrote: »
    Cool! Are you the blue wolf with the red gloves? That's such a great costume, I'm mad I didn't think of it! The closest I came was a brown mouse, using a red over-the-shoulder cape, and one of the bandolier chest pieces. She was sort-of my homage to Secret of Nimh.

    Unsure if there was anyone similar. If you thought you saw me at a Cape Radio show in Pocket D, then it probably was me. (TheCapeRadio still runs shows in CO and TSW btw.)

    Glad you like the costume. It was actually a version 2.0 of him inspired by my time in CO. He only had the neck chain and the long monstrous head before.
  • megatenistmegatenist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryger5 wrote: »
    One of my favorite films ever!

    Glad to meet another Marx Brothers fan! Don't look now, but there's one man too many in this room, and I think it's you.
    "All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening." - Alexander Woollcott
  • klaw10klaw10 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2013
  • kwsapphirekwsapphire Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    2004 Official Halloween Costume Contest Winner, Best Hero: BubbleYumm


    My favorite part of the prize? Permanent golden title of my choosing.

    Yes, I wore this costume to work, and had photos taken of me while there, to prove that I wore it in public. Because that was a stipulation of the contest. And did I mention that was literally my first week on the job? That was such a fun place to work.

    And here's BubbleYumm in her Skyraider costume. :D

    Interestingly, the guy who took the photos of my costume was so impressed that I would go to such lengths for a video game, that he started playing too. He's just as saddened by the loss of our beloved City.
  • ryger5ryger5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    megatenist wrote: »
    Glad to meet another Marx Brothers fan! Don't look now, but there's one man too many in this room, and I think it's you.

    I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception. :)

    I love the screen shots everyone, keep them coming!

    I actually think it was time for COH to retire, I know that's an unpopular opinion on this thread!

    I enjoyed reading that one of you played as early as the spring of 2004. My first login was November of 2004 I think, it was right as the "winter fest" event started to happen and indeed I made Doctor North, knowing that was the key event. As I said before, I think he's the best background I ever wrote and by far the best super hero I ever made.

    He's one of those characters I'll never forget. I got to the point I could RP him with ease, I knew exactly how he'd react to just about anything. To me, that's when RP is magic, when one of your own creations, becomes almost like a good friend. Real writers/authors talk about this all the time, how they get to know their characters that intimately, they feel like a companion!


    SHADOW - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
    Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
  • ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Here's my main, Natural Super Stregth/Willpower Brute, Rick Tacular!
    In a city of spandex-clad superheroes, I stood out. ;-)

    Unless I was wearing spandex.

    Or in my F.L.A.G. (my SG) costume.
  • ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    My wife. Fire Thistle, a Mutant Fire/Fire Blaster. She's totally hot (GET IT??)

    And finally (thank the gods, amirite?), our baby, Fiery Wren, a Mutant Fire/Willpower scrapper.
  • ryger5ryger5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I love the name Fiery Wren! It is interesting to me how COH forced you to come up with creative names, because the obvious ones were so often taken. Fiery Wren, is a really nifty one. Nicely done!
    SHADOW - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
    Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
  • megatenistmegatenist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryger5 wrote: »
    I love the name Fiery Wren! It is interesting to me how COH forced you to come up with creative names, because the obvious ones were so often taken.


    My last character I played was named Kat Fission, a cute little water/mental/elec blaster cyborg. (She was supposed to be a cyber-prinny, for those familiar with the Disgaea video game series, dood)

    Sadly my old pics died on my last PC, which gave up its ghost coincidentally a month after CoH ended :(

    You're probably right, Ryger. It maybe was better to end when it did before it turned into a dying shell of its former self. I wish I could find a game that was just as fun. Hopefully NW will be the one!
    "All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening." - Alexander Woollcott
  • ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well, there's a very good reason why her name is Fiery Wren: my daughter's name is Wren IRL. :)
  • valasquavalasqua Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Wow, so many CoX people here! I played Boole on Freedom, and then (after a hiatus) I played Riveter and Dulcinea on Exalted.

    I'm trying Neverwinter out this weekend, so maybe I'll see you guys in-game!
  • kwsapphirekwsapphire Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I took this morning before Beta opened up to tweak and update a few things on my City of Toons page.
    - I did the final updates to the Historic Calendar, adding the shut down date and i24 notable features.
    - I replaced my "Save CoH" image with "R.I.P. CoH" on the front page. :[
    - I reformatted my data & trends page, and added a male/female statistic to the report. (There was a poll somewhere on the forums about how many male characters are played by females.) Turns out I invested more levels into males than I thought, but not by a lot.
    - I also uploaded the Many Costumes of KWS. I know a lot of people always had way more tailor tokens than they knew what to do with, but I was almost always out, even though I had a lot of costume slots. I spent a looooot of time in Icon.

  • couatl13couatl13 Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    We should make a guild: City of Neverwinter Heroes. :D


    I would totally join that guild!

    As it stands, some of our brethren, myself included, have slipped off to far off Secret World. It is not the same as Paragon, or the Isles, but then, few things are in this day and age.
  • ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    So, seriously, guys, should I make this an official Thing
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